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chore(data/pi/lex): turn pi.lex.linear_order into an instance (#14389)
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* Use `[is_well_order ι (<)]` instead of `(wf : well_founded ((<) : ι → ι → Prop))`. This way `pi.lex.linear_order` can be an instance.
* Add `pi.lex.order_bot`/`pi.lex.order_top`/`pi.lex.bounded_order`.
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urkud committed Jun 4, 2022
1 parent 9749297 commit d136cd5
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 29 deletions.
76 changes: 47 additions & 29 deletions src/data/pi/lex.lean
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,23 @@ notation `Πₗ` binders `, ` r:(scoped p, lex (Π i, p i)) := r
@[simp] lemma to_lex_apply (x : Π i, β i) (i : ι) : to_lex x i = x i := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_lex_apply (x : lex (Π i, β i)) (i : ι) : of_lex x i = x i := rfl

lemma is_trichotomous_lex [∀ i, is_trichotomous (β i) s] (wf : well_founded r) :
is_trichotomous (Π i, β i) (pi.lex r @s) :=
{ trichotomous := λ a b,
cases eq_or_ne a b with hab hab,
{ exact or.inr (or.inl hab) },
{ rw function.ne_iff at hab,
let i := wf.min _ hab,
have hri : ∀ j, r j i → a j = b j,
{ intro j, rw ← not_imp_not,
exact λ h', wf.not_lt_min _ _ h' },
have hne : a i ≠ b i, from wf.min_mem _ hab,
cases trichotomous_of s (a i) (b i) with hi hi,
exacts [or.inl ⟨i, hri, hi⟩,
or.inr $ or.inr $ ⟨i, λ j hj, (hri j hj).symm, hi.resolve_left hne⟩] },
end }

instance [has_lt ι] [Π a, has_lt (β a)] : has_lt (lex (Π i, β i)) := ⟨pi.lex (<) (λ _, (<))⟩

instance lex.is_strict_order [linear_order ι] [∀ a, partial_order (β a)] :
Expand All @@ -63,36 +80,37 @@ instance lex.is_strict_order [linear_order ι] [∀ a, partial_order (β a)] :
instance [linear_order ι] [Π a, partial_order (β a)] : partial_order (lex (Π i, β i)) :=
partial_order_of_SO (<)

protected lemma lex.is_strict_total_order' [linear_order ι]
(wf : well_founded ((<) : ι → ι → Prop)) [∀ a, linear_order (β a)] :
is_strict_total_order' (lex (Π i, β i)) (<) :=
{ trichotomous := λ a b,
by_cases h : ∃ i, a i ≠ b i,
{ let i := wf.min _ h,
have hlt_i : ∀ j < i, a j = b j,
{ intro j, rw ← not_imp_not,
exact λ h', wf.not_lt_min _ _ h' },
have : a i ≠ b i, from wf.min_mem _ h,
exact this.lt_or_lt.imp (λ h, ⟨i, hlt_i, h⟩)
(λ h, or.inr ⟨i, λ j hj, (hlt_i j hj).symm, h⟩) },
{ push_neg at h, exact or.inr (or.inl (funext h)) }
end }

/-- `Πₗ i, α i` is a linear order if the original order is well-founded.
This cannot be an instance, since it depends on the well-foundedness of `<`. -/
protected noncomputable def lex.linear_order [linear_order ι]
(wf : well_founded ((<) : ι → ι → Prop)) [∀ a, linear_order (β a)] :
/-- `Πₗ i, α i` is a linear order if the original order is well-founded. -/
noncomputable instance [linear_order ι] [is_well_order ι (<)] [∀ a, linear_order (β a)] :
linear_order (lex (Π i, β i)) :=
@linear_order_of_STO' (Πₗ i, β i) (<) (pi.lex.is_strict_total_order' wf) (classical.dec_rel _)

lemma lex.le_of_forall_le [linear_order ι]
(wf : well_founded ((<) : ι → ι → Prop)) [Π a, linear_order (β a)] {a b : lex (Π i, β i)}
(h : ∀ i, a i ≤ b i) : a ≤ b :=
letI : linear_order (Πₗ i, β i) := lex.linear_order wf,
exact le_of_not_lt (λ ⟨i, hi⟩, (h i).not_lt hi.2)
@linear_order_of_STO' (Πₗ i, β i) (<)
{ to_is_trichotomous := is_trichotomous_lex _ _ } (classical.dec_rel _)

lemma lex.le_of_forall_le [linear_order ι] [is_well_order ι (<)] [Π a, linear_order (β a)]
{a b : lex (Π i, β i)} (h : ∀ i, a i ≤ b i) : a ≤ b :=
le_of_not_lt (λ ⟨i, hi⟩, (h i).not_lt hi.2)

lemma lex.le_of_of_lex_le [linear_order ι] [is_well_order ι (<)] [Π a, linear_order (β a)]
{a b : lex (Π i, β i)} (h : of_lex a ≤ of_lex b) : a ≤ b :=
lex.le_of_forall_le h

lemma to_lex_monotone [linear_order ι] [is_well_order ι (<)] [Π a, linear_order (β a)] :
monotone (@to_lex (Π i, β i)) :=
λ _ _, lex.le_of_forall_le

instance [linear_order ι] [is_well_order ι (<)] [Π a, linear_order (β a)]
[Π a, order_bot (β a)] : order_bot (lex (Π a, β a)) :=
{ bot := to_lex ⊥,
bot_le := λ f, lex.le_of_of_lex_le bot_le }

instance [linear_order ι] [is_well_order ι (<)] [Π a, linear_order (β a)]
[Π a, order_top (β a)] : order_top (lex (Π a, β a)) :=
{ top := to_lex ⊤,
le_top := λ f, lex.le_of_of_lex_le le_top }

instance [linear_order ι] [is_well_order ι (<)] [Π a, linear_order (β a)]
[Π a, bounded_order (β a)] : bounded_order (lex (Π a, β a)) :=
{ .. pi.lex.order_bot, .. pi.lex.order_top }

--we might want the analog of `pi.ordered_cancel_comm_monoid` as well in the future
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