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feat(topology/metric_space/gluing): Gluing metric spaces (#695)
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sgouezel authored and rwbarton committed Feb 12, 2019
1 parent 8243300 commit d1ef181
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Showing 2 changed files with 356 additions and 93 deletions.
93 changes: 0 additions & 93 deletions src/topology/metric_space/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -716,99 +716,6 @@ lemma prod.dist_eq [metric_space β] {x y : α × β} :

end prod

section sum
variables [metric_space β] [inhabited α] [inhabited β]
open sum (inl inr)

/--Distance on a disjoint union. There are many (noncanonical) ways to put a distance compatible with each factor.
If the two spaces are bounded, one can say for instance that each point in the first is at distance
`diam α + diam β + 1` of each point in the second.
Instead, we choose a construction that works for unbounded spaces, but requires basepoints.
We embed isometrically each factor, set the basepoints at distance 1,
arbitrarily, and say that the distance from `a` to `b` is the sum of the distances of `a` and `b` to
their respective basepoints, plus the distance 1 between the basepoints.
Since there is an arbitrary choice in this construction, it is not an instance by default-/
private def sum.dist : α ⊕ β → α ⊕ β → ℝ
| (inl a) (inl a') := dist a a'
| (inr b) (inr b') := dist b b'
| (inl a) (inr b) := dist a (default α) + 1 + dist (default β) b
| (inr b) (inl a) := dist b (default β) + 1 + dist (default α) a

private lemma sum.dist_comm (x y : α ⊕ β) : sum.dist x y = sum.dist y x :=
by cases x; cases y; simp only [sum.dist, dist_comm, add_comm, add_left_comm]

lemma sum.one_dist_le {x : α} {y : β} : 1 ≤ sum.dist (inl x) (inr y) :=
le_trans (le_add_of_nonneg_right dist_nonneg) $
add_le_add_right (le_add_of_nonneg_left dist_nonneg) _

lemma sum.one_dist_le' {x : α} {y : β} : 1 ≤ sum.dist (inr y) (inl x) :=
by rw sum.dist_comm; exact sum.one_dist_le

private lemma sum.dist_triangle : ∀ x y z : α ⊕ β, sum.dist x z ≤ sum.dist x y + sum.dist y z
| (inl x) (inl y) (inl z) := dist_triangle _ _ _
| (inl x) (inl y) (inr z) := by unfold sum.dist; rw [← add_assoc, ← add_assoc];
exact add_le_add_right (add_le_add_right (dist_triangle _ _ _) _) _
| (inl x) (inr y) (inl z) := by unfold sum.dist; rw [add_assoc _ (1:ℝ), add_assoc];
refine le_trans (dist_triangle _ _ _) (add_le_add_left _ _);
refine le_trans (le_add_of_nonneg_left (add_nonneg zero_le_one dist_nonneg)) (add_le_add_left _ _);
exact le_add_of_nonneg_left (add_nonneg dist_nonneg zero_le_one)
| (inr x) (inl y) (inl z) := by unfold sum.dist; rw [add_assoc _ _ (dist y z)];
exact add_le_add_left (dist_triangle _ _ _) _
| (inr x) (inr y) (inl z) := by unfold sum.dist; rw [← add_assoc, ← add_assoc];
exact add_le_add_right (add_le_add_right (dist_triangle _ _ _) _) _
| (inr x) (inl y) (inr z) := by unfold sum.dist; rw [add_assoc _ (1:ℝ), add_assoc];
refine le_trans (dist_triangle _ _ _) (add_le_add_left _ _);
refine le_trans (le_add_of_nonneg_left (add_nonneg zero_le_one dist_nonneg)) (add_le_add_left _ _);
exact le_add_of_nonneg_left (add_nonneg dist_nonneg zero_le_one)
| (inl x) (inr y) (inr z) := by unfold sum.dist; rw [add_assoc _ _ (dist y z)];
exact add_le_add_left (dist_triangle _ _ _) _
| (inr x) (inr y) (inr z) := dist_triangle _ _ _

private lemma sum.eq_of_dist_eq_zero : ∀ x y : α ⊕ β, sum.dist x y = 0 → x = y
| (inl x) (inl y) h := by simp only [sum.dist] at h ⊢; exact eq_of_dist_eq_zero h
| (inl x) (inr y) h :=
(ne_of_gt (lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one sum.one_dist_le) h).elim
| (inr x) (inl y) h :=
(ne_of_gt (lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one sum.one_dist_le') h).elim
| (inr x) (inr y) h := by simp only [sum.dist] at h ⊢; exact eq_of_dist_eq_zero h

private lemma sum.mem_uniformity (s : set ((α ⊕ β) × (α ⊕ β))) :
s ∈ (@uniformity (α ⊕ β) _).sets ↔ ∃ ε > 0, ∀ a b, sum.dist a b < ε → (a, b) ∈ s :=
{ rintro ⟨hsα, hsβ⟩,
rcases mem_uniformity_dist.1 hsα with ⟨εα, εα0, hα⟩,
rcases mem_uniformity_dist.1 hsβ with ⟨εβ, εβ0, hβ⟩,
refine ⟨min (min εα εβ) 1, lt_min (lt_min εα0 εβ0) zero_lt_one, _⟩,
rintro (a|a) (b|b) h,
{ exact hα (lt_of_lt_of_le h (le_trans (min_le_left _ _) (min_le_left _ _))) },
{ cases not_le_of_lt (lt_of_lt_of_le h (min_le_right _ _)) sum.one_dist_le },
{ cases not_le_of_lt (lt_of_lt_of_le h (min_le_right _ _)) sum.one_dist_le' },
{ exact hβ (lt_of_lt_of_le h (le_trans (min_le_left _ _) (min_le_right _ _))) } },
{ rintro ⟨ε, ε0, H⟩,
split; rw [filter.mem_map, mem_uniformity_dist];
exact ⟨ε, ε0, λ x y h, H _ _ (by exact h)⟩ }

/-- The distance on the disjoint union indeed defines a metric space. All the distance properties follow from our
choice of the distance. The harder work is to show that the uniform structure defined by the distance coincides
with the disjoint union uniform structure. -/
def metric_space_sum : metric_space (α ⊕ β) :=
{ dist := sum.dist,
dist_self := λx, by cases x; simp only [sum.dist, dist_self],
dist_comm := sum.dist_comm,
dist_triangle := sum.dist_triangle,
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := sum.eq_of_dist_eq_zero,
to_uniform_space := sum.uniform_space,
uniformity_dist := uniformity_dist_of_mem_uniformity _ _ sum.mem_uniformity }

local attribute [instance] metric_space_sum

lemma sum.dist_eq {x y : α ⊕ β} :
dist x y = sum.dist x y := rfl

end sum

theorem uniform_continuous_dist' : uniform_continuous (λp:α×α, dist p.1 p.2) :=
metric.uniform_continuous_iff.2 (λ ε ε0, ⟨ε/2, half_pos ε0,
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