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feat(group_theory/nilpotent): add lemmas about G / center G (#11592)
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in particular its nilpotency class and an induction principle based on
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nomeata committed Jan 31, 2022
1 parent 06bb5b6 commit d6440a8
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89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/nilpotent.lean
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ subgroup `G` of `G`, and `⊥` denotes the trivial subgroup `{1}`.
* If `G` is nilpotent, then so are its subgroups, images, quotients and preimages.
Corresponding lemmas about the `nilpotency_class` are provided.
* The `nilpotency_class` of `G ⧸ center G` is given explicitly, and an induction principle
is derived from that.
* `is_nilpotent.to_is_solvable`: If `G` is nilpotent, it is solvable.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,6 +576,93 @@ instance nilpotent_quotient_of_nilpotent (H : subgroup G) [H.normal] [h : is_nil
lemma nilpotency_class_quotient_le (H : subgroup G) [H.normal] [h : is_nilpotent G] :
group.nilpotency_class (G ⧸ H) ≤ group.nilpotency_class G := nilpotency_class_le_of_surjective _ _

-- This technical lemma helps with rewriting the subgroup, which occurs in indices
private lemma comap_center_subst {H₁ H₂ : subgroup G} [normal H₁] [normal H₂] (h : H₁ = H₂) :
comap (mk' H₁) (center (G ⧸ H₁)) = comap (mk' H₂) (center (G ⧸ H₂)) :=
by unfreezingI { subst h }

lemma comap_upper_central_series_quotient_center (n : ℕ) :
comap (mk' (center G)) (upper_central_series (G ⧸ center G) n) = upper_central_series G n.succ :=
induction n with n ih,
{ simp, },
{ let Hn := upper_central_series (G ⧸ center G) n,
calc comap (mk' (center G)) (upper_central_series_step Hn)
= comap (mk' (center G)) (comap (mk' Hn) (center ((G ⧸ center G) ⧸ Hn))) :
by rw upper_central_series_step_eq_comap_center
... = comap (mk' (comap (mk' (center G)) Hn)) (center (G ⧸ (comap (mk' (center G)) Hn))) :
... = comap (mk' (upper_central_series G n.succ)) (center (G ⧸ upper_central_series G n.succ)) :
comap_center_subst ih
... = upper_central_series_step (upper_central_series G n.succ) :
symm (upper_central_series_step_eq_comap_center _), }

lemma nilpotency_class_zero_iff_subsingleton [is_nilpotent G] :
group.nilpotency_class G = 0 ↔ subsingleton G :=
by simp [group.nilpotency_class, nat.find_eq_zero, subsingleton_iff_bot_eq_top]

section classical

open_locale classical

/-- Quotienting the `center G` reduces the nilpotency class by 1 -/
lemma nilpotency_class_quotient_center [hH : is_nilpotent G] :
group.nilpotency_class (G ⧸ center G) = group.nilpotency_class G - 1 :=
generalize hn : group.nilpotency_class G = n,
rcases n with rfl | n,
{ simp [nilpotency_class_zero_iff_subsingleton] at *,
haveI := hn,
apply_instance, },
{ suffices : group.nilpotency_class (G ⧸ center G) = n, by simpa,
apply le_antisymm,
{ apply,
apply (@comap_injective G _ _ _ (mk' (center G)) (surjective_quot_mk _)),
rw [ comap_upper_central_series_quotient_center, comap_top, ← hn],
exact upper_central_series_nilpotency_class, },
{ apply le_of_add_le_add_right,
calc n + 1 = n.succ : rfl
... = group.nilpotency_class G : symm hn
... ≤ group.nilpotency_class (G ⧸ center G) + 1
: nilpotency_class_le_of_ker_le_center _ (le_of_eq (ker_mk _)) _, } }

/-- Quotienting the `center G` reduces the nilpotency class by 1 -/
lemma nilpotency_class_eq_quotient_center_plus_one [hH : is_nilpotent G] [nontrivial G] :
group.nilpotency_class G = group.nilpotency_class (G ⧸ center G) + 1 :=
rw nilpotency_class_quotient_center,
rcases h : group.nilpotency_class G,
{ exfalso,
rw nilpotency_class_zero_iff_subsingleton at h, resetI,
apply (false_of_nontrivial_of_subsingleton G), },
{ simp }

end classical

/-- A custom induction principle for nilpotent groups. The base case is a trivial group
(`subsingleton G`), and in the induction step, one can assume the hypothesis for
the group quotiented by its center. -/
lemma nilpotent_center_quotient_ind
{P : Π G [group G], by exactI ∀ [is_nilpotent G], Prop}
(G : Type*) [group G] [is_nilpotent G]
(hbase : ∀ G [group G] [subsingleton G], by exactI P G)
(hstep : ∀ G [group G], by exactI ∀ [is_nilpotent G], by exactI ∀ (ih : P (G ⧸ center G)), P G) :
P G :=
obtain ⟨n, h⟩ : ∃ n, group.nilpotency_class G = n := ⟨ _, rfl⟩,
unfreezingI { induction n with n ih generalizing G },
{ haveI := h,
exact hbase _, },
{ have hn : group.nilpotency_class (G ⧸ center G) = n :=
by simp [nilpotency_class_quotient_center, h],
exact hstep _ (ih _ hn), },

lemma derived_le_lower_central (n : ℕ) : derived_series G n ≤ lower_central_series G n :=
by { induction n with i ih, { simp }, { apply general_commutator_mono ih, simp } }

Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/quotient_group.lean
Expand Up @@ -405,4 +405,18 @@ top_unique $ λ x _,

end trivial

@[to_additive quotient_add_grup.comap_comap_center]
lemma comap_comap_center {H₁ : subgroup G} [H₁.normal] {H₂ : subgroup (G ⧸ H₁)} [H₂.normal] :
((( ((G ⧸ H₁) ⧸ H₂))).comap (mk' H₂)).comap (mk' H₁) =
( (G ⧸ H₂.comap (mk' H₁))).comap (mk' (H₂.comap (mk' H₁))) :=
ext x,
simp only [mk'_apply, subgroup.mem_comap, subgroup.mem_center_iff, forall_coe],
apply forall_congr,
change ∀ (y : G), (↑↑(y * x) = ↑↑(x * y) ↔ ↑(y * x) = ↑(x * y)),
intro y,
repeat { rw [eq_iff_div_mem] },

end quotient_group

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