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fix(data/nat/interval): do not dedup when implementing finset.Icc e…
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This means that `finset.Iic n` no longer has quadratic complexity.

`#eval (finset.Iic 200000).card` is now almost instant rather than taking a very long time.
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eric-wieser committed Sep 8, 2022
1 parent 370dabe commit d75314b
Showing 1 changed file with 16 additions and 24 deletions.
40 changes: 16 additions & 24 deletions src/data/nat/interval.lean
Expand Up @@ -20,34 +20,34 @@ and subsequently be moved upstream to `data.finset.locally_finite`.
open finset nat

instance : locally_finite_order ℕ :=
{ finset_Icc := λ a b, (list.range' a (b + 1 - a)).to_finset,
finset_Ico := λ a b, (list.range' a (b - a)).to_finset,
finset_Ioc := λ a b, (list.range' (a + 1) (b - a)).to_finset,
finset_Ioo := λ a b, (list.range' (a + 1) (b - a - 1)).to_finset,
{ finset_Icc := λ a b, list.range' a (b + 1 - a), list.nodup_range' _ _⟩,
finset_Ico := λ a b, list.range' a (b - a), list.nodup_range' _ _⟩,
finset_Ioc := λ a b, list.range' (a + 1) (b - a), list.nodup_range' _ _⟩,
finset_Ioo := λ a b, list.range' (a + 1) (b - a - 1), list.nodup_range' _ _⟩,
finset_mem_Icc := λ a b x, begin
rw [list.mem_to_finset, list.mem_range'],
rw [finset.mem_mk, multiset.mem_coe, list.mem_range'],
cases le_or_lt a b,
{ rw [add_tsub_cancel_of_le (nat.lt_succ_of_le h).le, nat.lt_succ_iff] },
{ rw [tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.2 (succ_le_of_lt h), add_zero],
exact iff_of_false (λ hx, hx.2.not_le hx.1) (λ hx, h.not_le (hx.1.trans hx.2)) }
finset_mem_Ico := λ a b x, begin
rw [list.mem_to_finset, list.mem_range'],
rw [finset.mem_mk, multiset.mem_coe, list.mem_range'],
cases le_or_lt a b,
{ rw [add_tsub_cancel_of_le h] },
{ rw [tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.2 h.le, add_zero],
exact iff_of_false (λ hx, hx.2.not_le hx.1) (λ hx, h.not_le (hx.1.trans hx.2.le)) }
finset_mem_Ioc := λ a b x, begin
rw [list.mem_to_finset, list.mem_range'],
rw [finset.mem_mk, multiset.mem_coe, list.mem_range'],
cases le_or_lt a b,
{ rw [←succ_sub_succ, add_tsub_cancel_of_le (succ_le_succ h), nat.lt_succ_iff,
nat.succ_le_iff] },
{ rw [tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.2 h.le, add_zero],
exact iff_of_false (λ hx, hx.2.not_le hx.1) (λ hx, h.not_le (hx.1.le.trans hx.2)) }
finset_mem_Ioo := λ a b x, begin
rw [list.mem_to_finset, list.mem_range', ← tsub_add_eq_tsub_tsub],
rw [finset.mem_mk, multiset.mem_coe, list.mem_range', ← tsub_add_eq_tsub_tsub],
cases le_or_lt (a + 1) b,
{ rw [add_tsub_cancel_of_le h, nat.succ_le_iff] },
{ rw [tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.2 h.le, add_zero],
Expand All @@ -58,29 +58,21 @@ variables (a b c : ℕ)

namespace nat

lemma Icc_eq_range' : Icc a b = (list.range' a (b + 1 - a)).to_finset := rfl
lemma Ico_eq_range' : Ico a b = (list.range' a (b - a)).to_finset := rfl
lemma Ioc_eq_range' : Ioc a b = (list.range' (a + 1) (b - a)).to_finset := rfl
lemma Ioo_eq_range' : Ioo a b = (list.range' (a + 1) (b - a - 1)).to_finset := rfl
lemma Icc_eq_range' : Icc a b = list.range' a (b + 1 - a), list.nodup_range' _ _⟩ := rfl
lemma Ico_eq_range' : Ico a b = list.range' a (b - a), list.nodup_range' _ _⟩ := rfl
lemma Ioc_eq_range' : Ioc a b = list.range' (a + 1) (b - a), list.nodup_range' _ _⟩ := rfl
lemma Ioo_eq_range' : Ioo a b = list.range' (a + 1) (b - a - 1), list.nodup_range' _ _⟩ := rfl

lemma Iio_eq_range : Iio = range := by { ext b x, rw [mem_Iio, mem_range] }

@[simp] lemma Ico_zero_eq_range : Ico 0 = range := by rw [←bot_eq_zero, ←Iio_eq_Ico, Iio_eq_range]

lemma _root_.finset.range_eq_Ico : range = Ico 0 := Ico_zero_eq_range.symm

@[simp] lemma card_Icc : (Icc a b).card = b + 1 - a :=
by rw [Icc_eq_range', list.card_to_finset, (list.nodup_range' _ _).dedup, list.length_range']

@[simp] lemma card_Ico : (Ico a b).card = b - a :=
by rw [Ico_eq_range', list.card_to_finset, (list.nodup_range' _ _).dedup, list.length_range']

@[simp] lemma card_Ioc : (Ioc a b).card = b - a :=
by rw [Ioc_eq_range', list.card_to_finset, (list.nodup_range' _ _).dedup, list.length_range']

@[simp] lemma card_Ioo : (Ioo a b).card = b - a - 1 :=
by rw [Ioo_eq_range', list.card_to_finset, (list.nodup_range' _ _).dedup, list.length_range']

@[simp] lemma card_Icc : (Icc a b).card = b + 1 - a := list.length_range' _ _
@[simp] lemma card_Ico : (Ico a b).card = b - a := list.length_range' _ _
@[simp] lemma card_Ioc : (Ioc a b).card = b - a := list.length_range' _ _
@[simp] lemma card_Ioo : (Ioo a b).card = b - a - 1 := list.length_range' _ _
@[simp] lemma card_Iic : (Iic b).card = b + 1 :=
by rw [Iic_eq_Icc, card_Icc, bot_eq_zero, tsub_zero]

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