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feat(data/set/intervals/monotone): extend a monotone function on a se…
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…t to a globally monotone function (#16682)
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sgouezel committed Sep 29, 2022
1 parent 4260428 commit d755c08
Showing 1 changed file with 145 additions and 10 deletions.
155 changes: 145 additions & 10 deletions src/data/set/intervals/monotone.lean
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# Monotonicity on intervals
In this file we prove that a function is (strictly) monotone (or antitone) on a linear order `α`
provided that it is (strictly) monotone on `(-∞, a]` and on `[a, +∞)`. We also provide an order
isomorphism `order_iso_Ioo_neg_one_one` between the open interval `(-1, 1)` in a linear ordered
field and the whole field.
provided that it is (strictly) monotone on `(-∞, a]` and on `[a, +∞)`. This is a special case
of a more general statement where one deduces monotonicity on a union from monotonicity on each
We deduce in `monotone_on.exists_monotone_extension` that a function which is monotone on a set
with a smallest and a largest element admits a monotone extension to the whole space.
We also provide an order isomorphism `order_iso_Ioo_neg_one_one` between the open
interval `(-1, 1)` in a linear ordered field and the whole field.

open set
Expand All @@ -22,34 +28,163 @@ section

variables {α β : Type*} [linear_order α] [preorder β] {a : α} {f : α → β}

/-- If `f` is strictly monotone both on `s` and `t`, with `s` to the left of `t` and the center
point belonging to both `s` and `t`, then `f` is strictly monotone on `s ∪ t` -/
protected lemma strict_mono_on.union {s t : set α} {c : α} (h₁ : strict_mono_on f s)
(h₂ : strict_mono_on f t) (hs : is_greatest s c) (ht : is_least t c) :
strict_mono_on f (s ∪ t) :=
have A : ∀ x, x ∈ s ∪ t → x ≤ c → x ∈ s,
{ assume x hx hxc,
cases hx, { exact hx },
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hxc with rfl|h'x, { exact hs.1 },
exact (lt_irrefl _ (h'x.trans_le (ht.2 hx))).elim },
have B : ∀ x, x ∈ s ∪ t → c ≤ x → x ∈ t,
{ assume x hx hxc,
cases hx, swap, { exact hx },
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hxc with rfl|h'x, { exact ht.1 },
exact (lt_irrefl _ (h'x.trans_le (hs.2 hx))).elim },
assume x hx y hy hxy,
rcases lt_or_le x c with hxc|hcx,
{ have xs : x ∈ s, from A _ hx hxc.le,
rcases lt_or_le y c with hyc|hcy,
{ exact h₁ xs (A _ hy hyc.le) hxy },
{ exact (h₁ xs hs.1 hxc).trans_le (h₂.monotone_on ht.1 (B _ hy hcy) hcy) } },
{ have xt : x ∈ t, from B _ hx hcx,
have yt : y ∈ t, from B _ hy (hcx.trans hxy.le),
exact h₂ xt yt hxy }

/-- If `f` is strictly monotone both on `(-∞, a]` and `[a, ∞)`, then it is strictly monotone on the
whole line. -/
protected lemma strict_mono_on.Iic_union_Ici (h₁ : strict_mono_on f (Iic a))
(h₂ : strict_mono_on f (Ici a)) : strict_mono f :=
intros x y hxy,
cases lt_or_le a x with hax hxa; [skip, cases le_or_lt y a with hya hay],
exacts [h₂ hax.le (hax.trans hxy).le hxy, h₁ hxa hya hxy,
(h₁.monotone_on hxa le_rfl hxa).trans_lt (h₂ le_rfl hay.le hay)]
rw [← strict_mono_on_univ, ← @Iic_union_Ici _ _ a],
exact strict_mono_on.union h₁ h₂ is_greatest_Iic is_least_Ici,

/-- If `f` is strictly antitone both on `s` and `t`, with `s` to the left of `t` and the center
point belonging to both `s` and `t`, then `f` is strictly antitone on `s ∪ t` -/
protected lemma strict_anti_on.union {s t : set α} {c : α} (h₁ : strict_anti_on f s)
(h₂ : strict_anti_on f t) (hs : is_greatest s c) (ht : is_least t c) :
strict_anti_on f (s ∪ t) :=
(h₁.dual_right.union h₂.dual_right hs ht).dual_right

/-- If `f` is strictly antitone both on `(-∞, a]` and `[a, ∞)`, then it is strictly antitone on the
whole line. -/
protected lemma strict_anti_on.Iic_union_Ici (h₁ : strict_anti_on f (Iic a))
(h₂ : strict_anti_on f (Ici a)) : strict_anti f :=
(h₁.dual_right.Iic_union_Ici h₂.dual_right).dual_right

/-- If `f` is monotone both on `s` and `t`, with `s` to the left of `t` and the center
point belonging to both `s` and `t`, then `f` is monotone on `s ∪ t` -/
protected lemma monotone_on.union_right {s t : set α} {c : α} (h₁ : monotone_on f s)
(h₂ : monotone_on f t) (hs : is_greatest s c) (ht : is_least t c) :
monotone_on f (s ∪ t) :=
have A : ∀ x, x ∈ s ∪ t → x ≤ c → x ∈ s,
{ assume x hx hxc,
cases hx, { exact hx },
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hxc with rfl|h'x, { exact hs.1 },
exact (lt_irrefl _ (h'x.trans_le (ht.2 hx))).elim },
have B : ∀ x, x ∈ s ∪ t → c ≤ x → x ∈ t,
{ assume x hx hxc,
cases hx, swap, { exact hx },
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hxc with rfl|h'x, { exact ht.1 },
exact (lt_irrefl _ (h'x.trans_le (hs.2 hx))).elim },
assume x hx y hy hxy,
rcases lt_or_le x c with hxc|hcx,
{ have xs : x ∈ s, from A _ hx hxc.le,
rcases lt_or_le y c with hyc|hcy,
{ exact h₁ xs (A _ hy hyc.le) hxy },
{ exact (h₁ xs hs.1 hxc.le).trans (h₂ ht.1 (B _ hy hcy) hcy) } },
{ have xt : x ∈ t, from B _ hx hcx,
have yt : y ∈ t, from B _ hy (hcx.trans hxy),
exact h₂ xt yt hxy }

/-- If `f` is monotone both on `(-∞, a]` and `[a, ∞)`, then it is monotone on the whole line. -/
protected lemma monotone_on.Iic_union_Ici (h₁ : monotone_on f (Iic a))
(h₂ : monotone_on f (Ici a)) : monotone f :=
intros x y hxy,
cases le_total x a with hxa hax; [cases le_total y a with hya hay, skip],
exacts [h₁ hxa hya hxy, (h₁ hxa le_rfl hxa).trans (h₂ le_rfl hay hay), h₂ hax (hax.trans hxy) hxy]
rw [← monotone_on_univ, ← @Iic_union_Ici _ _ a],
exact monotone_on.union_right h₁ h₂ is_greatest_Iic is_least_Ici

/-- If `f` is antitone both on `s` and `t`, with `s` to the left of `t` and the center
point belonging to both `s` and `t`, then `f` is antitone on `s ∪ t` -/
protected lemma antitone_on.union_right {s t : set α} {c : α} (h₁ : antitone_on f s)
(h₂ : antitone_on f t) (hs : is_greatest s c) (ht : is_least t c) :
antitone_on f (s ∪ t) :=
(h₁.dual_right.union_right h₂.dual_right hs ht).dual_right

/-- If `f` is antitone both on `(-∞, a]` and `[a, ∞)`, then it is antitone on the whole line. -/
protected lemma antitone_on.Iic_union_Ici (h₁ : antitone_on f (Iic a))
(h₂ : antitone_on f (Ici a)) : antitone f :=
(h₁.dual_right.Iic_union_Ici h₂.dual_right).dual_right

/-- If a function is monotone on a set `s`, then it admits a monotone extension to the whole space
provided `s` has a least element `a` and a greatest element `b`. -/
lemma monotone_on.exists_monotone_extension {β : Type*} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β]
{f : α → β} {s : set α} (h : monotone_on f s) {a b : α}
(ha : is_least s a) (hb : is_greatest s b) :
∃ g : α → β, monotone g ∧ eq_on f g s :=
/- The extension is defined by `f x = f a` for `x ≤ a`, and `f x` is the supremum of the values
of `f` to the left of `x` for `x ≥ a`. -/
have aleb : a ≤ b := hb.2 ha.1,
have H : ∀ x ∈ s, f x = Sup (f '' (Icc a x ∩ s)),
{ assume x xs,
have xmem : x ∈ Icc a x ∩ s := ⟨⟨ha.2 xs, le_rfl⟩, xs⟩,
have H : ∀ z, z ∈ f '' (Icc a x ∩ s) → z ≤ f x,
{ rintros _ ⟨z, ⟨⟨az, zx⟩, zs⟩, rfl⟩,
exact h zs xs zx },
apply le_antisymm,
{ exact le_cSup ⟨f x, H⟩ (mem_image_of_mem _ xmem) },
{ exact cSup_le (nonempty_image_iff.2 ⟨x, xmem⟩) H } },
let g := λ x, if x ≤ a then f a else Sup (f '' (Icc a x ∩ s)),
have hfg : eq_on f g s,
{ assume x xs,
dsimp only [g],
by_cases hxa : x ≤ a,
{ have : x = a, from le_antisymm hxa (ha.2 xs),
simp only [if_true, this, le_refl] },
rw [if_neg hxa],
exact H x xs },
have M1 : monotone_on g (Iic a),
{ rintros x (hx : x ≤ a) y (hy : y ≤ a) hxy,
dsimp only [g],
simp only [hx, hy, if_true] },
have g_eq : ∀ x ∈ Ici a, g x = Sup (f '' (Icc a x ∩ s)),
{ rintros x ax,
dsimp only [g],
by_cases hxa : x ≤ a,
{ have : x = a := le_antisymm hxa ax,
simp_rw [hxa, if_true, H a ha.1, this] },
simp only [hxa, if_false], },
have M2 : monotone_on g (Ici a),
{ rintros x ax y ay hxy,
rw [g_eq x ax, g_eq y ay],
apply cSup_le_cSup,
{ refine ⟨f b, _⟩,
rintros _ ⟨z, ⟨⟨az, zy⟩, zs⟩, rfl⟩,
exact h zs hb.1 (hb.2 zs) },
{ exact ⟨f a, mem_image_of_mem _ ⟨⟨le_rfl, ax⟩, ha.1⟩⟩ },
{ apply image_subset,
apply inter_subset_inter_left,
exact Icc_subset_Icc le_rfl hxy } },
exact ⟨g, M1.Iic_union_Ici M2, hfg⟩,

/-- If a function is antitone on a set `s`, then it admits an antitone extension to the whole space
provided `s` has a least element `a` and a greatest element `b`. -/
lemma antitone_on.exists_antitone_extension {β : Type*} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β]
{f : α → β} {s : set α} (h : antitone_on f s) {a b : α}
(ha : is_least s a) (hb : is_greatest s b) :
∃ g : α → β, antitone g ∧ eq_on f g s :=
h.dual_right.exists_monotone_extension ha hb


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