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feat(algebraic_topology): extra degeneracy of augmented simplicial ob…
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This PR introduces the notion of extra degeneracy of augmented simplicial objects. In homotopy theory, this is a condition that is used to show that the connected components of simplicial sets are contractible. This notion is formalized for augmented simplicial objects in any category and it is shown that the standard `n`-simplex has an extra degeneracy.

Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Oct 2, 2022
1 parent f063221 commit d79c367
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Showing 3 changed files with 217 additions and 1 deletion.
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/extra_degeneracy.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou

import algebraic_topology.simplicial_set
import tactic.fin_cases

# Augmented simplicial objects with an extra degeneracy
In simplicial homotopy theory, in order to prove that the connected components
of a simplicial set `X` are contractible, it suffices to construct an extra
degeneracy as it is defined in *Simplicial Homotopy Theory* by Goerss-Jardine p. 190.
It consists of a series of maps `π₀ X → X _[0]` and `X _[n] → X _[n+1]` which
behave formally like an extra degeneracy `σ (-1)`. It can be thought as a datum
associated to the augmented simplicial set `X → π₀ X`.
In this file, we adapt this definition to the case of augmented
simplicial objects in any category.
## Main definitions
- the structure `extra_degeneracy X` for any `X : simplicial_object.augmented C`
- ``: extra degeneracies are preserved by the application of any
functor `C ⥤ D`
- `sSet.augmented.standard_simplex.extra_degeneracy`: the standard `n`-simplex has
an extra degeneracy
TODO @joelriou:
1) when the category `C` is preadditive and has a zero object, and
`X : simplicial_object.augmented C` has an extra degeneracy, then the augmentation
on the alternating face map complex of `X` is a homotopy equivalence of chain
2) extra degeneracy for the Čech nerve of a split epi. In particular the
universal cover EG of the classifying space of a group G has an extra
## References
* [Paul G. Goerss, John F. Jardine, *Simplical Homotopy Theory*][goerss-jardine-2009]

open category_theory category_theory.category
open category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented
open opposite
open_locale simplicial

universes u

namespace simplicial_object

namespace augmented

variables {C : Type*} [category C]

/-- The datum of an extra degeneracy is a technical condition on
augmented simplicial objects. The morphisms `s'` and `s n` of the
structure formally behave like extra degeneracies `σ (-1)`. -/
structure extra_degeneracy (X : simplicial_object.augmented C) :=
(s' : point.obj X ⟶ (drop.obj X) _[0])
(s : Π (n : ℕ), (drop.obj X) _[n] ⟶ (drop.obj X) _[n+1])
(s'_comp_ε' : s' ≫ (op [0]) = 𝟙 _)
(s₀_comp_δ₁' : s 0 ≫ (drop.obj X).δ 1 = (op [0]) ≫ s')
(s_comp_δ₀' : Π (n : ℕ), s n ≫ (drop.obj X).δ 0 = 𝟙 _)
(s_comp_δ' : Π (n : ℕ) (i : fin (n+2)), s (n+1) ≫ (drop.obj X).δ i.succ =
(drop.obj X).δ i ≫ s n)
(s_comp_σ' : Π (n : ℕ) (i : fin (n+1)), s n ≫ (drop.obj X).σ i.succ =
(drop.obj X).σ i ≫ s (n+1))

namespace extra_degeneracy

restate_axiom s'_comp_ε'
restate_axiom s₀_comp_δ₁'
restate_axiom s_comp_δ₀'
restate_axiom s_comp_δ'
restate_axiom s_comp_σ'
attribute [reassoc] s'_comp_ε s₀_comp_δ₁ s_comp_δ₀ s_comp_δ s_comp_σ
attribute [simp] s'_comp_ε s_comp_δ₀

/-- If `ed` is an extra degeneracy for `X : simplicial_object.augmented C` and
`F : C ⥤ D` is a functor, then ` F` is an extra degeneracy for the
augmented simplical object in `D` obtained by applying `F` to `X`. -/
def map {D : Type*} [category D]
{X : simplicial_object.augmented C} (ed : extra_degeneracy X) (F : C ⥤ D) :
extra_degeneracy (((whiskering _ _).obj F).obj X) :=
{ s' := ed.s',
s := λ n, (ed.s n),
s'_comp_ε' := by { dsimp, erw [comp_id, ← F.map_comp, ed.s'_comp_ε, F.map_id], },
s₀_comp_δ₁' := by { dsimp, erw [comp_id, ← F.map_comp, ← F.map_comp, ed.s₀_comp_δ₁], },
s_comp_δ₀' := λ n, by { dsimp, erw [← F.map_comp, ed.s_comp_δ₀, F.map_id], },
s_comp_δ' := λ n i, by { dsimp, erw [← F.map_comp, ← F.map_comp, ed.s_comp_δ], refl, },
s_comp_σ' := λ n i, by { dsimp, erw [← F.map_comp, ← F.map_comp, ed.s_comp_σ], refl, }, }

end extra_degeneracy

end augmented

end simplicial_object

namespace sSet

namespace augmented

namespace standard_simplex

/-- When `[has_zero X]`, the shift of a map `f : fin n → X`
is a map `fin (n+1) → X` which sends `0` to `0` and `i.succ` to `f i`. -/
def shift_fun {n : ℕ} {X : Type*} [has_zero X] (f : fin n → X) (i : fin (n+1)) : X :=
dite (i = 0) (λ h, 0) (λ h, f (i.pred h))

lemma shift_fun_0 {n : ℕ} {X : Type*} [has_zero X] (f : fin n → X) : shift_fun f 0 = 0 := rfl

lemma shift_fun_succ {n : ℕ} {X : Type*} [has_zero X] (f : fin n → X)
(i : fin n) : shift_fun f i.succ = f i :=
dsimp [shift_fun],
{ exfalso,
simpa only [fin.ext_iff, fin.coe_succ] using h, },
{ simp only [fin.pred_succ], },

/-- The shift of a morphism `f : [n] → Δ` in `simplex_category` corresponds to
the monotone map which sends `0` to `0` and `i.succ` to `f.to_order_hom i`. -/
def shift {n : ℕ} {Δ : simplex_category} (f : [n] ⟶ Δ) : [n+1] ⟶ Δ :=
{ to_fun := shift_fun f.to_order_hom,
monotone' := λ i₁ i₂ hi, begin
by_cases h₁ : i₁ = 0,
{ subst h₁,
simp only [shift_fun_0, fin.zero_le], },
{ have h₂ : i₂ ≠ 0 := by { intro h₂, subst h₂, exact h₁ (le_antisymm hi (fin.zero_le _)), },
cases fin.eq_succ_of_ne_zero h₁ with j₁ hj₁,
cases fin.eq_succ_of_ne_zero h₂ with j₂ hj₂,
substs hj₁ hj₂,
simpa only [shift_fun_succ] using f.to_order_hom.monotone ( hi), },
end, }

/-- The obvious extra degeneracy on the standard simplex. -/
def extra_degeneracy (Δ : simplex_category) :
simplicial_object.augmented.extra_degeneracy (standard_simplex.obj Δ) :=
{ s' := λ x, (order_hom.const _ 0),
s := λ n f, shift f,
s'_comp_ε' := by { ext1 j, fin_cases j, },
s₀_comp_δ₁' := by { ext x j, fin_cases j, refl, },
s_comp_δ₀' := λ n, begin
ext φ i : 4,
dsimp [simplicial_object.δ, simplex_category.δ, sSet.standard_simplex],
simp only [shift_fun_succ],
s_comp_δ' := λ n i, begin
ext φ j : 4,
dsimp [simplicial_object.δ, simplex_category.δ, sSet.standard_simplex],
by_cases j = 0,
{ subst h,
simp only [fin.succ_succ_above_zero, shift_fun_0], },
{ cases fin.eq_succ_of_ne_zero h with k hk,
subst hk,
simp only [fin.succ_succ_above_succ, shift_fun_succ], },
s_comp_σ' := λ n i, begin
ext φ j : 4,
dsimp [simplicial_object.σ, simplex_category.σ, sSet.standard_simplex],
by_cases j = 0,
{ subst h,
simpa only [shift_fun_0] using shift_fun_0 φ.to_order_hom, },
{ cases fin.eq_succ_of_ne_zero h with k hk,
subst hk,
simp only [fin.succ_pred_above_succ, shift_fun_succ], },
end, }

instance nonempty_extra_degeneracy_standard_simplex (Δ : simplex_category) :
nonempty (simplicial_object.augmented.extra_degeneracy (standard_simplex.obj Δ)) :=
⟨standard_simplex.extra_degeneracy Δ⟩

end standard_simplex

end augmented

end sSet
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/simplicial_object.lean
Expand Up @@ -204,6 +204,14 @@ def to_arrow : augmented C ⥤ arrow C :=
end } }

/-- The compatibility of a morphism with the augmentation, on 0-simplices -/
lemma w₀ {X Y : augmented C} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
( f).app (op ( 0)) ≫ (op ( 0)) = (op ( 0)) ≫ f :=
by convert congr_app f.w (op ( 0))

variable (C)

/-- Functor composition induces a functor on augmented simplicial objects. -/
Expand Down
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion src/algebraic_topology/simplicial_set.lean
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a morphism `Δ[n] ⟶ ∂Δ[n]`.

universes v u

open category_theory
open category_theory category_theory.limits

open_locale simplicial

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,26 @@ def sk (n : ℕ) : sSet ⥤ sSet.truncated n := n

instance {n} : inhabited (sSet.truncated n) := ⟨(sk n).obj $ Δ[0]⟩

/-- The category of augmented simplicial sets, as a particular case of
augmented simplicial objects. -/
abbreviation augmented := simplicial_object.augmented (Type u)

namespace augmented

/-- The functor which sends `[n]` to the simplicial set `Δ[n]` equipped by
the obvious augmentation towards the terminal object of the category of sets. -/
noncomputable def standard_simplex : simplex_category ⥤ sSet.augmented :=
{ obj := λ Δ,
{ left := sSet.standard_simplex.obj Δ,
right := terminal _,
hom := { app := λ Δ', terminal.from _, }, },
map := λ Δ₁ Δ₂ θ,
{ left := θ,
right := terminal.from _, }, }

end augmented

end sSet

/-- The functor associating the singular simplicial set to a topological space. -/
Expand Down

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