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minchaowu committed Sep 21, 2017
2 parents 6c321fe + 6b93e93 commit d9865ae
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Showing 57 changed files with 5,409 additions and 964 deletions.
152 changes: 101 additions & 51 deletions algebra/big_operators.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Authors: Johannes Hölzl
Some big operators for lists and finite sets.
import data.list data.list.comb algebra.group_power data.set.finite data.finset
import data.list data.list.comb data.list.perm data.set.finite data.finset algebra.ordered_monoid algebra.group_power

universes u v w
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ fold_to_finset_of_nodup h
@[simp] lemma prod_singleton : ({a}:finset α).prod f = f a :=
eq.trans fold_singleton (by simp)

@[simp] lemma prod_const_one : (λx, (1 : β)) = 1 :=
s.induction_on (by simp) (by simp {contextual:=tt})

@[simp] lemma prod_image [decidable_eq γ] {s : finset γ} {g : γ → α} :
(∀x∈s, ∀y∈s, g x = g y → x = y) → (s.image g).prod f = (λx, f (g x)) :=
Expand All @@ -88,15 +91,58 @@ fold_union_inter
lemma prod_union (h : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) : (s₁ ∪ s₂).prod f = s₁.prod f * s₂.prod f :=
by rw [←prod_union_inter, h]; simp

lemma prod_bind [decidable_eq γ] {s : finset γ} {t : γ → finset α} :
(∀x∈s, ∀y∈s, x ≠ y → t x ∩ t y = ∅) → (s.bind t).prod f = (λx, (t x).prod f) :=
s.induction_on (by simp) $
assume x s hxs ih hd,
have hd' : ∀x∈s, ∀y∈s, x ≠ y → t x ∩ t y = ∅,
from assume _ hx _ hy, hd _ (mem_insert_of_mem hx) _ (mem_insert_of_mem hy),
have t x ∩ finset.bind s t = ∅,
from ext $ assume a,
by simp [mem_bind_iff];
from assume h₁ y hys hy₂,
have ha : a ∈ t x ∩ t y, by simp [*],
have t x ∩ t y = ∅,
from hd _ mem_insert _ (mem_insert_of_mem hys) $ assume h, hxs $ h.symm ▸ hys,
by rwa [this] at ha,
by simp [hxs, prod_union this, ih hd'] {contextual := tt}

lemma prod_product [decidable_eq γ] {s : finset γ} {t : finset α} {f : γ×α → β} :
(s.product t).prod f = ( $ λx, $ λy, f (x, y)) :=
calc (s.product t).prod f = ( $ λx, (t.image $ λy, (x, y)).prod f) :
prod_bind $ assume x hx y hy h, ext $ by simp [mem_image_iff]; cc
... = _ : begin congr, apply funext, intro x, apply prod_image, simp {contextual := tt} end

lemma prod_sigma {σ : α → Type*} [∀a, decidable_eq (σ a)]
{s : finset α} {t : Πa, finset (σ a)} {f : sigma σ → β} :
(s.sigma t).prod f = ( $ λa, (t a).prod $ λs, f ⟨a, s⟩) :=
have ∀a₁ a₂:α, ∀s₁ : finset (σ a₁), ∀s₂ : finset (σ a₂), a₁ ≠ a₂ →
s₁.image ( a₁) ∩ s₂.image ( a₂) = ∅,
from assume b₁ b₂ s₁ s₂ h, ext $ assume ⟨b₃, c₃⟩,
by simp [mem_image_iff, sigma.mk_eq_mk_iff, heq_iff_eq] {contextual := tt}; cc,
calc (s.bind (λa, (t a).image (λs, a s))).prod f = (λa, ((t a).image (λs, a s)).prod f) :
prod_bind $ assume a₁ ha a₂ ha₂ h, this a₁ a₂ (t a₁) (t a₂) h
... = ( $ λa, (t a).prod $ λs, f ⟨a, s⟩) :
by simp [prod_image, sigma.mk_eq_mk_iff, heq_iff_eq]

lemma prod_mul_distrib : (λx, f x * g x) = f * g :=
eq.trans (by simp; refl) fold_op_distrib

lemma prod_comm [decidable_eq γ] {s : finset γ} {t : finset α} {f : γ → α → β} :
( $ λx, $ f x) = ( $ λy, $ λx, f x y) :=
s.induction_on (by simp) (by simp [prod_mul_distrib] {contextual := tt})

lemma prod_hom [comm_monoid γ] (g : β → γ)
(h₁ : g 1 = 1) (h₂ : ∀x y, g (x * y) = g x * g y) : (λx, g (f x)) = g ( f) :=
eq.trans (by rw [h₁]; refl) (fold_hom h₂)

@[simp] lemma prod_const_one : (λx, (1 : β)) = 1 :=
s.induction_on (by simp) (by simp {contextual:=tt})
lemma prod_subset (h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) (hf : ∀x∈s₂, x ∉ s₁ → f x = 1) : s₁.prod f = s₂.prod f :=
have (s₂ \ s₁).prod f = (s₂ \ s₁).prod (λx, 1),
from prod_congr begin simp [hf] {contextual := tt} end,
calc s₁.prod f = (s₂ \ s₁).prod f * s₁.prod f : by simp [this]
... = ((s₂ \ s₁) ∪ s₁).prod f : by rw [prod_union]; exact sdiff_inter_self
... = s₂.prod f : by rw [sdiff_union_of_subset h]

end comm_monoid

Expand All @@ -115,9 +161,7 @@ end finset
run_cmd transport_multiplicative_to_additive [
/- map operations -/
(`has_mul.mul, `has_add.add), (`, `, (`has_inv.inv, `has_neg.neg),
(`has_mul, `has_add), (`has_one, `has_zero), (`has_inv, `has_neg),
/- map constructors -/
(`, `, (`has_one, `, (`has_inv, `,
(`has_one, `has_zero), (`has_mul, `has_add), (`has_inv, `has_neg),
/- map structures -/
(`semigroup, `add_semigroup),
(`monoid, `add_monoid),
Expand All @@ -144,16 +188,6 @@ run_cmd transport_multiplicative_to_additive [
(`comm_group.to_comm_monoid, `add_comm_group.to_add_comm_monoid),
(`left_cancel_semigroup.to_semigroup, `add_left_cancel_semigroup.to_add_semigroup),
(`right_cancel_semigroup.to_semigroup, `add_right_cancel_semigroup.to_add_semigroup),
/- map projections -/
(`semigroup.mul_assoc, `add_semigroup.add_assoc),
(`comm_semigroup.mul_comm, `add_comm_semigroup.add_comm),
(`left_cancel_semigroup.mul_left_cancel, `add_left_cancel_semigroup.add_left_cancel),
(`right_cancel_semigroup.mul_right_cancel, `add_right_cancel_semigroup.add_right_cancel),
(`monoid.one_mul, `add_monoid.zero_add),
(`monoid.mul_one, `add_monoid.add_zero),
(`group.mul_left_inv, `add_group.add_left_neg),
(`group.mul, `add_group.add),
(`group.mul_assoc, `add_group.add_assoc),
/- map lemmas -/
(`mul_assoc, `add_assoc),
(`mul_comm, `add_comm),
Expand All @@ -164,45 +198,16 @@ run_cmd transport_multiplicative_to_additive [
(`mul_left_inv, `add_left_neg),
(`mul_left_cancel, `add_left_cancel),
(`mul_right_cancel, `add_right_cancel),
(`mul_left_cancel_iff, `add_left_cancel_iff),
(`mul_right_cancel_iff, `add_right_cancel_iff),
(`inv_mul_cancel_left, `neg_add_cancel_left),
(`inv_mul_cancel_right, `neg_add_cancel_right),
(`eq_inv_mul_of_mul_eq, `eq_neg_add_of_add_eq),
(`inv_eq_of_mul_eq_one, `neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero),
(`inv_inv, `neg_neg),
(`mul_right_inv, `add_right_neg),
(`mul_inv_cancel_left, `add_neg_cancel_left),
(`mul_inv_cancel_right, `add_neg_cancel_right),
(`mul_inv_rev, `neg_add_rev),
(`mul_inv, `neg_add),
(`inv_inj, `neg_inj),
(`group.mul_left_cancel, `add_group.add_left_cancel),
(`group.mul_right_cancel, `add_group.add_right_cancel),
(`group.to_left_cancel_semigroup, `add_group.to_left_cancel_add_semigroup),
(`group.to_right_cancel_semigroup, `add_group.to_right_cancel_add_semigroup),
(`eq_inv_of_eq_inv, `eq_neg_of_eq_neg),
(`eq_inv_of_mul_eq_one, `eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero),
(`eq_mul_inv_of_mul_eq, `eq_add_neg_of_add_eq),
(`inv_mul_eq_of_eq_mul, `neg_add_eq_of_eq_add),
(`mul_inv_eq_of_eq_mul, `add_neg_eq_of_eq_add),
(`eq_mul_of_mul_inv_eq, `eq_add_of_add_neg_eq),
(`eq_mul_of_inv_mul_eq, `eq_add_of_neg_add_eq),
(`mul_eq_of_eq_inv_mul, `add_eq_of_eq_neg_add),
(`mul_eq_of_eq_mul_inv, `add_eq_of_eq_add_neg),
(`one_inv, `neg_zero),
(`left_inverse_inv, `left_inverse_neg),
(`inv_eq_inv_iff_eq, `neg_eq_neg_iff_eq),
(`inv_eq_one_iff_eq_one, `neg_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero),
(`eq_one_of_inv_eq_one, `eq_zero_of_neg_eq_zero),
(`eq_inv_iff_eq_inv, `eq_neg_iff_eq_neg),
(`eq_of_mul_inv_eq_one, `eq_of_add_neg_eq_zero),
(`mul_eq_iff_eq_inv_mul, `add_eq_iff_eq_neg_add),
(`mul_eq_iff_eq_mul_inv, `add_eq_iff_eq_add_neg),
-- (`mul_eq_one_of_mul_eq_one, `add_eq_zero_of_add_eq_zero) not needed for commutative groups
-- (`muleq_one_iff_mul_eq_one, `add_eq_zero_iff_add_eq_zero)

/- new lemmas -/
(`, `list.sum),
(`, `list.sum.equations._eqn_1),
(`list.prod_nil, `list.sum_nil),
Expand All @@ -215,19 +220,23 @@ run_cmd transport_multiplicative_to_additive [
(`, `finset.sum._proof_2),
(`, `finset.sum),
(`, `finset.sum.equations._eqn_1),
(`finset.prod_to_finset_of_nodup, `finset.sum_to_finset_of_nodup),
(`finset.prod_empty, `finset.sum_empty),
(`finset.prod_insert, `finset.sum_insert),
(`finset.prod_singleton, `finset.sum_singleton),
(`finset.prod_union_inter, `finset.sum_union_inter),
(`finset.prod_union, `finset.sum_union),
(`finset.prod_to_finset_of_nodup, `finset.sum_to_finset_of_nodup),
(`finset.prod_image, `finset.sum_image),
(`finset.prod_bind, `finset.sum_bind),
(`finset.prod_product, `finset.sum_product),
(`finset.prod_congr, `finset.sum_congr),
(`finset.prod_hom, `finset.sum_hom),
(`finset.prod_const_one, `finset.sum_const_zero),
(`finset.prod_mul_distrib, `finset.sum_add_distrib),
(`finset.prod_inv_distrib, `finset.sum_neg_distrib)
(`finset.prod_inv_distrib, `finset.sum_neg_distrib),
(`finset.prod_const_one, `finset.sum_const_zero),
(`finset.prod_comm, `finset.sum_comm),
(`finset.prod_sigma, `finset.sum_sigma),
(`finset.prod_subset, `finset.sum_subset)]

namespace finset
variables [decidable_eq α] {s s₁ s₂ : finset α} {f g : α → β} {b : β} {a : α}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,4 +290,45 @@ end

end integral_domain

section ordered_comm_monoid
variables [ordered_comm_monoid β] [∀a b : β, decidable (a ≤ b)]

lemma sum_le_sum' : (∀x∈s, f x ≤ g x) → s.sum f ≤ s.sum g :=
s.induction_on (by simp; refl) $ assume a s ha ih h,
have f a + s.sum f ≤ g a + s.sum g,
from add_le_add' (h _ mem_insert) (ih $ assume x hx, h _ $ mem_insert_of_mem hx),
by simp [*]

lemma zero_le_sum' (h : ∀x∈s, 0 ≤ f x) : 0 ≤ s.sum f := le_trans (by simp) (sum_le_sum' h)
lemma sum_le_zero' (h : ∀x∈s, f x ≤ 0) : s.sum f ≤ 0 := le_trans (sum_le_sum' h) (by simp)

lemma sum_le_sum_of_subset_of_nonneg
(h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) (hf : ∀x∈s₂, x ∉ s₁ → 0 ≤ f x) : s₁.sum f ≤ s₂.sum f :=
calc s₁.sum f ≤ (s₂ \ s₁).sum f + s₁.sum f :
le_add_of_nonneg_left' $ zero_le_sum' $ by simp [hf] {contextual := tt}
... = (s₂ \ s₁ ∪ s₁).sum f : (sum_union sdiff_inter_self).symm
... = s₂.sum f : by rw [sdiff_union_of_subset h]

lemma sum_eq_zero_iff_of_nonneg : (∀x∈s, 0 ≤ f x) → (s.sum f = 0 ↔ ∀x∈s, f x = 0) :=
s.induction_on (by simp) $
by simp [or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib, zero_le_sum' ,
add_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero_and_eq_zero_of_nonneg_of_nonneg'] {contextual := tt}

end ordered_comm_monoid

section canonically_ordered_monoid
variables [canonically_ordered_monoid β] [∀a b:β, decidable (a ≤ b)]

lemma sum_le_sum_of_subset (h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) : s₁.sum f ≤ s₂.sum f :=
sum_le_sum_of_subset_of_nonneg h $ assume x h₁ h₂, zero_le

lemma sum_le_sum_of_ne_zero (h : ∀x∈s₁, f x ≠ 0 → x ∈ s₂) : s₁.sum f ≤ s₂.sum f :=
calc s₁.sum f = (s₁.filter (λx, f x = 0)).sum f + (s₁.filter (λx, f x ≠ 0)).sum f :
by rw [←sum_union filter_inter_filter_neg_eq, filter_union_filter_neg_eq]
... ≤ s₂.sum f : add_le_of_nonpos_of_le'
(sum_le_zero' $ by simp {contextual:=tt})
(sum_le_sum_of_subset $ by simp [subset_iff, *] {contextual:=tt})

end canonically_ordered_monoid

end finset
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions algebra/functions.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro

universe u
variables {α : Type u}

variables [decidable_linear_order α] {a b c : α}

lemma le_min_iff : c ≤ min a b ↔ c ≤ a ∧ c ≤ b :=
⟨λ h, ⟨le_trans h (min_le_left a b), le_trans h (min_le_right a b)⟩,
λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, le_min h₁ h₂⟩

lemma max_le_iff : max a b ≤ c ↔ a ≤ c ∧ b ≤ c :=
⟨λ h, ⟨le_trans (le_max_left a b) h, le_trans (le_max_right a b) h⟩,
λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, max_le h₁ h₂⟩

lemma max_lt_iff : max a b < c ↔ (a < c ∧ b < c) :=
⟨assume h, ⟨lt_of_le_of_lt (le_max_left _ _) h, lt_of_le_of_lt (le_max_right _ _) h⟩,
assume ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, max_lt h₁ h₂⟩

lemma lt_min_iff : a < min b c ↔ (a < b ∧ a < c) :=
⟨assume h, ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le h (min_le_left _ _), lt_of_lt_of_le h (min_le_right _ _)⟩,
assume ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, lt_min h₁ h₂⟩


section decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group
variables [decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group α] {a b : α}

theorem abs_le : abs a ≤ b ↔ (- b ≤ a ∧ a ≤ b) :=
⟨assume h, ⟨neg_le_of_neg_le $ le_trans (neg_le_abs_self _) h, le_trans (le_abs_self _) h⟩,
assume ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, abs_le_of_le_of_neg_le h₂ $ neg_le_of_neg_le h₁⟩

lemma abs_lt : abs a < b ↔ (- b < a ∧ a < b) :=
⟨assume h, ⟨neg_lt_of_neg_lt $ lt_of_le_of_lt (neg_le_abs_self _) h, lt_of_le_of_lt (le_abs_self _) h⟩,
assume ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, abs_lt_of_lt_of_neg_lt h₂ $ neg_lt_of_neg_lt h₁⟩

@[simp] lemma abs_eq_zero : abs a = 0 ↔ a = 0 :=
⟨eq_zero_of_abs_eq_zero, λ e, e.symm ▸ abs_zero⟩

end decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group

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