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feat(data/buffer/parser/numeral): numeral parser defs (#5462)
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Co-authored-by: Yakov Pechersky <>
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pechersky and pechersky committed Jan 19, 2021
1 parent 8b47563 commit da6e3c3
Showing 1 changed file with 112 additions and 0 deletions.
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions src/data/buffer/parser/numeral.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Yakov Pechersky. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yakov Pechersky
import data.fintype.card

# Numeral parsers
This file expands on the existing `nat : parser ℕ` to provide parsers into any type `α` that
can be represented by a numeral, which relies on `α` having a 0, 1, and addition operation.
There are also convenience parsers that ensure that the numeral parsed in is not larger than
the cardinality of the type `α` , if it is known that `fintype α`. Additionally, there are
convenience parsers that parse in starting from "1", which can be useful for positive ordinals;
or parser from a given character or character range.
## Main definitions
* 'numeral` : The parser which uses `nat.cast` to map the result of `parser.nat` to the desired `α`
* `numeral.of_fintype` : The parser which `guard`s to make sure the parsed numeral is within the
cardinality of the target `fintype` type `α`.
## Implementation details
When the `numeral` or related parsers are invoked, the desired type is provided explicitly. In many
cases, it can be inferred, so one can write, for example
def get_fin : string → fin 5 :=
sum.elim (λ _, 0) id ∘ parser.run_string (parser.numeral.of_fintype _)
In the definitions of the parsers (except for `numeral`), there is an explicit `nat.bin_cast`
instead an explicit or implicit `nat.cast`

open parser parse_result

namespace parser

variables (α : Type) [has_zero α] [has_one α] [has_add α]

Parse a string of digits as a numeral while casting it to target type `α`.
def numeral : parser α :=
nat.bin_cast <$> nat

Parse a string of digits as a numeral while casting it to target type `α`,
which has a `[fintype α]` constraint. The parser ensures that the numeral parsed in
is within the cardinality of the type `α`.
def numeral.of_fintype [fintype α] : parser α :=
c ← nat,
decorate_error (sformat!"<numeral less than {to_string (fintype.card α)}>")
(guard (c < fintype.card α)),
pure $ nat.bin_cast c

Parse a string of digits as a numeral while casting it to target type `α`. The parsing starts
at "1", so `"1"` is parsed in as `nat.cast 0`. Providing `"0"` to the parser causes a failure.
def numeral.from_one : parser α :=
c ← nat,
decorate_error ("<positive numeral>")
(guard (0 < c)),
pure $ nat.bin_cast (c - 1)

Parse a string of digits as a numeral while casting it to target type `α`,
which has a `[fintype α]` constraint. The parser ensures that the numeral parsed in
is within the cardinality of the type `α`. The parsing starts
at "1", so `"1"` is parsed in as `nat.cast 0`. Providing `"0"` to the parser causes a failure.
def numeral.from_one.of_fintype [fintype α] : parser α :=
c ← nat,
decorate_error (sformat!"<positive numeral less than or equal to {to_string (fintype.card α)}>")
(guard (0 < c ∧ c ≤ fintype.card α)),
pure $ nat.bin_cast (c - 1)

Parse a character as a numeral while casting it to target type `α`,
The parser ensures that the character parsed in is within the bounds set by `fromc` and `toc`,
and subtracts the value of `fromc` from the parsed in character.
def numeral.char (fromc toc : char) : parser α :=
c ← decorate_error
(sformat!"<char between '{fromc.to_string}' to '{toc.to_string}' inclusively>")
(sat (λ c, fromc ≤ c ∧ c ≤ toc)),
pure $ nat.bin_cast (c.to_nat - fromc.to_nat)

Parse a character as a numeral while casting it to target type `α`,
which has a `[fintype α]` constraint.
The parser ensures that the character parsed in is greater or equal to `fromc` and
and subtracts the value of `fromc` from the parsed in character. There is also a check
that the resulting value is within the cardinality of the type `α`.
def numeral.char.of_fintype [fintype α] (fromc : char) : parser α :=
c ← decorate_error
(sformat!"<char from '{fromc.to_string}' to '{
(char.of_nat (fromc.to_nat + fintype.card α - 1)).to_string}' inclusively>")
(sat (λ c, fromc ≤ c ∧ c.to_nat - fintype.card α < fromc.to_nat)),
pure $ nat.bin_cast (c.to_nat - fromc.to_nat)

end parser

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