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feat(measure_theory/measure/haar_quotient): Pushforward of Haar measu…
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…re is Haar (#11593)

For `G` a topological group with discrete subgroup `Γ`, the pushforward to the coset space `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of a both left- and right-invariant measure on `G` to a fundamental domain `𝓕` is a `G`-invariant measure on `G ⧸ Γ`. When `Γ` is normal (and under other certain suitable conditions), we show that this measure is the Haar measure on the quotient group `G ⧸ Γ`.

Co-authored-by: Heather Macbeth <>

Co-authored-by: Heather Macbeth <>
Co-authored-by: Eric <>
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3 people committed Feb 11, 2022
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38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/subgroup/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -2661,6 +2661,44 @@ end subgroup

end actions

/-! ### Mul-opposite subgroups -/

section mul_opposite

namespace subgroup

/-- A subgroup `H` of `G` determines a subgroup `H.opposite` of the opposite group `Gᵐᵒᵖ`. -/
@[to_additive "An additive subgroup `H` of `G` determines an additive subgroup `H.opposite` of the
opposite additive group `Gᵃᵒᵖ`."]
def opposite (H : subgroup G) : subgroup Gᵐᵒᵖ :=
{ carrier := mul_opposite.unop ⁻¹' (H : set G),
one_mem' := H.one_mem,
mul_mem' := λ a b ha hb, H.mul_mem hb ha,
inv_mem' := λ a, H.inv_mem }

/-- Bijection between a subgroup `H` and its opposite. -/
@[to_additive "Bijection between an additive subgroup `H` and its opposite.", simps]
def opposite_equiv (H : subgroup G) : H ≃ H.opposite :=
mul_opposite.op_equiv.subtype_equiv $ λ _, iff.rfl

@[to_additive] instance (H : subgroup G) [encodable H] : encodable H.opposite :=
encodable.of_equiv H H.opposite_equiv.symm

@[to_additive] lemma smul_opposite_mul {H : subgroup G} (x g : G) (h : H.opposite) :
h • (g * x) = g * (h • x) :=
cases h,
simp [(•), mul_assoc],

@[to_additive] lemma smul_opposite_image_mul_preimage {H : subgroup G} (g : G) (h : H.opposite)
(s : set G) : (λ y, h • y) '' (has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' s) = has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' ((λ y, h • y) '' s) :=
by { ext x, cases h, simp [(•), mul_assoc] }

end subgroup

end mul_opposite

/-! ### Saturated subgroups -/

section saturated
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23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions src/measure_theory/group/arithmetic.lean
Expand Up @@ -577,29 +577,36 @@ end mul_action
section opposite
open mul_opposite

instance {α : Type*} [h : measurable_space α] : measurable_space αᵐᵒᵖ := op h

lemma measurable_op {α : Type*} [measurable_space α] : measurable (op : α → αᵐᵒᵖ) := λ s, id
lemma measurable_mul_op {α : Type*} [measurable_space α] : measurable (op : α → αᵐᵒᵖ) := λ s, id

lemma measurable_unop {α : Type*} [measurable_space α] : measurable (unop : αᵐᵒᵖ → α) := λ s, id
lemma measurable_mul_unop {α : Type*} [measurable_space α] : measurable (unop : αᵐᵒᵖ → α) := λ s, id

instance {M : Type*} [has_mul M] [measurable_space M] [has_measurable_mul M] :
has_measurable_mul Mᵐᵒᵖ :=
⟨λ c, measurable_op.comp (measurable_unop.mul_const _),
λ c, measurable_op.comp (measurable_unop.const_mul _)⟩
⟨λ c, measurable_mul_op.comp (measurable_mul_unop.mul_const _),
λ c, measurable_mul_op.comp (measurable_mul_unop.const_mul _)⟩

instance {M : Type*} [has_mul M] [measurable_space M] [has_measurable_mul₂ M] :
has_measurable_mul₂ Mᵐᵒᵖ :=
measurable_op.comp ((measurable_unop.comp measurable_snd).mul
(measurable_unop.comp measurable_fst))⟩
measurable_mul_op.comp ((measurable_mul_unop.comp measurable_snd).mul
(measurable_mul_unop.comp measurable_fst))⟩

instance has_measurable_smul_opposite_of_mul {M : Type*} [has_mul M] [measurable_space M]
[has_measurable_mul M] : has_measurable_smul Mᵐᵒᵖ M :=
⟨λ c, measurable_mul_const (unop c), λ x, measurable_unop.const_mul x⟩
⟨λ c, measurable_mul_const (unop c), λ x, measurable_mul_unop.const_mul x⟩

instance has_measurable_smul₂_opposite_of_mul {M : Type*} [has_mul M] [measurable_space M]
[has_measurable_mul₂ M] : has_measurable_smul₂ Mᵐᵒᵖ M :=
⟨measurable_snd.mul (measurable_unop.comp measurable_fst)⟩
⟨measurable_snd.mul (measurable_mul_unop.comp measurable_fst)⟩

end opposite

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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/group/fundamental_domain.lean
Expand Up @@ -152,6 +152,19 @@ calc ∫⁻ x in s, f x ∂μ = ∑' g : G, ∫⁻ x in s ∩ g • t, f x ∂μ
... = ∫⁻ x in t, f x ∂μ :
(hs.set_lintegral_eq_tsum _ _).symm

@[to_additive] lemma measure_set_eq (hs : is_fundamental_domain G s μ)
(ht : is_fundamental_domain G t μ) {A : set α} (hA₀ : measurable_set A)
(hA : ∀ (g : G), (λ x, g • x) ⁻¹' A = A) :
μ (A ∩ s) = μ (A ∩ t) :=
have : ∫⁻ x in s, A.indicator 1 x ∂μ = ∫⁻ x in t, A.indicator 1 x ∂μ,
{ refine hs.set_lintegral_eq ht (set.indicator A (λ _, 1)) _,
intros g x,
convert (set.indicator_comp_right (λ x : α, g • x)).symm,
rw hA g },
simpa [measure.restrict_apply hA₀, lintegral_indicator _ hA₀] using this

/-- If `s` and `t` are two fundamental domains of the same action, then their measures are equal. -/
@[to_additive] protected lemma measure_eq (hs : is_fundamental_domain G s μ)
(ht : is_fundamental_domain G t μ) : μ s = μ t :=
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183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/measure/haar_quotient.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Alex Kontorovich and Heather Macbeth. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Alex Kontorovich, Heather Macbeth

import measure_theory.measure.haar
import topology.compact_open

# Haar quotient measure
In this file, we consider properties of fundamental domains and measures for the action of a
subgroup of a group `G` on `G` itself.
## Main results
* `measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.smul_invariant_measure_map `: given a subgroup `Γ` of a
topological group `G`, the pushforward to the coset space `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of a both
left- and right-invariant measure on `G` to a fundamental domain `𝓕` is a `G`-invariant measure
on `G ⧸ Γ`.
* `measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.is_mul_left_invariant_map `: given a normal subgroup `Γ` of
a topological group `G`, the pushforward to the quotient group `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of
a both left- and right-invariant measure on `G` to a fundamental domain `𝓕` is a left-invariant
measure on `G ⧸ Γ`.
Note that a group `G` with Haar measure that is both left and right invariant is called

open set measure_theory topological_space measure_theory.measure

variables {G : Type*} [group G] [measurable_space G] [topological_space G]
[topological_group G] [borel_space G]
{μ : measure G}
{Γ : subgroup G}

/-- Given a subgroup `Γ` of `G` and a right invariant measure `μ` on `G`, the measure is also
invariant under the action of `Γ` on `G` by **right** multiplication. -/
@[to_additive "Given a subgroup `Γ` of an additive group `G` and a right invariant measure `μ` on
`G`, the measure is also invariant under the action of `Γ` on `G` by **right** addition."]
lemma subgroup.smul_invariant_measure [μ.is_mul_right_invariant] :
smul_invariant_measure Γ.opposite G μ :=
{ measure_preimage_smul :=
rintros ⟨c, hc⟩ s hs,
dsimp [(•)],
refine measure_preimage_mul_right μ (mul_opposite.unop c) s,

/-- Measurability of the action of the topological group `G` on the left-coset space `G/Γ`. -/
@[to_additive "Measurability of the action of the additive topological group `G` on the left-coset
space `G/Γ`."]
instance quotient_group.has_measurable_smul [measurable_space (G ⧸ Γ)] [borel_space (G ⧸ Γ)] :
has_measurable_smul G (G ⧸ Γ) :=
{ measurable_const_smul := λ g, (continuous_const_smul g).measurable,
measurable_smul_const := λ x, (quotient_group.continuous_smul₁ x).measurable }

variables {𝓕 : set G} (h𝓕 : is_fundamental_domain Γ.opposite 𝓕 μ)
include h𝓕

/-- If `𝓕` is a fundamental domain for the action by right multiplication of a subgroup `Γ` of a
topological group `G`, then its left-translate by an element of `g` is also a fundamental
domain. -/
@[to_additive "If `𝓕` is a fundamental domain for the action by right addition of a subgroup `Γ`
of an additive topological group `G`, then its left-translate by an element of `g` is also a
fundamental domain."]
lemma measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.smul (g : G) [μ.is_mul_left_invariant] :
is_fundamental_domain ↥Γ.opposite (has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' 𝓕) μ :=
{ measurable_set := measurable_set_preimage (measurable_const_mul g) (h𝓕.measurable_set),
ae_covers := begin
let s := {x : G | ¬∃ (γ : ↥(Γ.opposite)), γ • x ∈ 𝓕},
have μs_eq_zero : μ s = 0 := h𝓕.2,
change μ {x : G | ¬∃ (γ : ↥(Γ.opposite)), g * γ • x ∈ 𝓕} = 0,
have : {x : G | ¬∃ (γ : ↥(Γ.opposite)), g * γ • x ∈ 𝓕} = has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' s,
{ ext,
simp [s, subgroup.smul_opposite_mul], },
rw [this, measure_preimage_mul μ g s, μs_eq_zero],
ae_disjoint := begin
intros γ γ_ne_one,
have μs_eq_zero : μ (((λ x, γ • x) '' 𝓕) ∩ 𝓕) = 0 := h𝓕.3 γ γ_ne_one,
change μ (((λ x, γ • x) '' (has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' 𝓕)) ∩ (has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' 𝓕)) = 0,
rw [subgroup.smul_opposite_image_mul_preimage, ← preimage_inter, measure_preimage_mul μ g _,
end }

variables [encodable Γ] [measurable_space (G ⧸ Γ)] [borel_space (G ⧸ Γ)]

/-- The pushforward to the coset space `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of a both left- and right-
invariant measure on `G` to a fundamental domain `𝓕` is a `G`-invariant measure on `G ⧸ Γ`. -/
@[to_additive "The pushforward to the coset space `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of a both left- and
right-invariant measure on an additive topological group `G` to a fundamental domain `𝓕` is a
`G`-invariant measure on `G ⧸ Γ`."]
lemma measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.smul_invariant_measure_map
[μ.is_mul_left_invariant] [μ.is_mul_right_invariant] :
smul_invariant_measure G (G ⧸ Γ) ( (μ.restrict 𝓕)) :=
{ measure_preimage_smul :=
let π : G → G ⧸ Γ :=,
have meas_π : measurable π :=
have 𝓕meas : measurable_set 𝓕 := h𝓕.measurable_set,
intros g A hA,
have meas_πA : measurable_set (π ⁻¹' A) := measurable_set_preimage meas_π hA,
rw [measure.map_apply meas_π hA,
measure.map_apply meas_π (measurable_set_preimage (measurable_const_smul g) hA),
measure.restrict_apply' 𝓕meas, measure.restrict_apply' 𝓕meas],
set π_preA := π ⁻¹' A,
have : ( ⁻¹' ((λ (x : G ⧸ Γ), g • x) ⁻¹' A)) = has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' π_preA,
{ ext1, simp },
rw this,
have : μ (has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' π_preA ∩ 𝓕) = μ (π_preA ∩ has_mul.mul (g⁻¹) ⁻¹' 𝓕),
{ transitivity μ (has_mul.mul g ⁻¹' (π_preA ∩ has_mul.mul g⁻¹ ⁻¹' 𝓕)),
{ rw preimage_inter,
rw [← preimage_comp, comp_mul_left, mul_left_inv],
simp, },
rw measure_preimage_mul, },
rw this,
have h𝓕_translate_fundom : is_fundamental_domain Γ.opposite (has_mul.mul g⁻¹ ⁻¹' 𝓕) μ :=
h𝓕.smul (g⁻¹),
haveI : smul_invariant_measure ↥(Γ.opposite) G μ := subgroup.smul_invariant_measure,
rw h𝓕.measure_set_eq h𝓕_translate_fundom meas_πA,
rintros ⟨γ, γ_in_Γ⟩,
have : π (x * (mul_opposite.unop γ)) = π (x) := by simpa [quotient_group.eq'] using γ_in_Γ,
simp [(•), this],
end }

/-- Assuming `Γ` is a normal subgroup of a topological group `G`, the pushforward to the quotient
group `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of a both left- and right-invariant measure on `G` to a
fundamental domain `𝓕` is a left-invariant measure on `G ⧸ Γ`. -/
@[to_additive "Assuming `Γ` is a normal subgroup of an additive topological group `G`, the
pushforward to the quotient group `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of a both left- and right-invariant
measure on `G` to a fundamental domain `𝓕` is a left-invariant measure on `G ⧸ Γ`."]
lemma measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.is_mul_left_invariant_map [subgroup.normal Γ]
[μ.is_mul_left_invariant] [μ.is_mul_right_invariant] :
( (' Γ) (μ.restrict 𝓕)).is_mul_left_invariant :=
{ map_mul_left_eq_self := begin
intros x,
apply measure.ext,
intros A hA,
obtain ⟨x₁, _⟩ := @quotient.exists_rep _ (quotient_group.left_rel Γ) x,
haveI := h𝓕.smul_invariant_measure_map,
convert measure_preimage_smul x₁ (( (μ.restrict 𝓕)) A using 1,
rw [← h, measure.map_apply],
{ refl, },
{ exact measurable_const_mul _, },
{ exact hA, },
end }

variables [t2_space (G ⧸ Γ)] [second_countable_topology (G ⧸ Γ)] (K : positive_compacts (G ⧸ Γ))

/-- Given a normal subgroup `Γ` of a topological group `G` with Haar measure `μ`, which is also
right-invariant, and a finite volume fundamental domain `𝓕`, the pushforward to the quotient
group `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of `μ` to `𝓕` is a multiple of Haar measure on `G ⧸ Γ`. -/
@[to_additive "Given a normal subgroup `Γ` of an additive topological group `G` with Haar measure
`μ`, which is also right-invariant, and a finite volume fundamental domain `𝓕`, the pushforward
to the quotient group `G ⧸ Γ` of the restriction of `μ` to `𝓕` is a multiple of Haar measure on
`G ⧸ Γ`."]
lemma measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.map_restrict_quotient [subgroup.normal Γ]
[measure_theory.measure.is_haar_measure μ] [μ.is_mul_right_invariant]
(h𝓕_finite : μ 𝓕 < ⊤) : (' Γ) (μ.restrict 𝓕)
= (μ (𝓕 ∩ (' Γ) ⁻¹' K.val)) • (measure_theory.measure.haar_measure K) :=
let π : G →* G ⧸ Γ :=' Γ,
have meas_π : measurable π := continuous_quotient_mk.measurable,
have 𝓕meas : measurable_set 𝓕 := h𝓕.measurable_set,
haveI : is_finite_measure (μ.restrict 𝓕) :=
by { rw [measure.restrict_apply' 𝓕meas, univ_inter], exact h𝓕_finite }⟩,
-- the measure is left-invariant, so by the uniqueness of Haar measure it's enough to show that
-- it has the stated size on the reference compact set `K`.
haveI : ( (' Γ) (μ.restrict 𝓕)).is_mul_left_invariant :=
rw [measure.haar_measure_unique ( (' Γ) (μ.restrict 𝓕)) K,
measure.map_apply meas_π, measure.restrict_apply' 𝓕meas, inter_comm],
exact K.prop.1.measurable_set,

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