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feat(combinatorics/simple_graph/ends): Definition (only) of the ends …
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…of a simple_graph. (#17857)

Co-authored-by: Anand Rao <>

Co-authored-by: Rémi Bottinelli <>
Co-authored-by: ART0 <>
Co-authored-by: Anand Rao <>
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4 people committed Feb 8, 2023
1 parent bd835ef commit db53863
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1375,6 +1375,29 @@ abbreviation comp (f' : G' ↪g G'') (f : G ↪g G') : G ↪g G'' := f.trans f'

end embedding

section induce_hom

variables {G G'} {G'' : simple_graph X} {s : set V} {t : set W} {r : set X}
(φ : G →g G') (φst : set.maps_to φ s t) (ψ : G' →g G'') (ψtr : set.maps_to ψ t r)

/-- The restriction of a morphism of graphs to induced subgraphs. -/
def induce_hom : G.induce s →g G'.induce t :=
{ to_fun := set.maps_to.restrict φ s t φst,
map_rel' := λ _ _, φ.map_rel', }

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_induce_hom : ⇑(induce_hom φ φst) = set.maps_to.restrict φ s t φst :=

@[simp] lemma induce_hom_id (G : simple_graph V) (s) :
induce_hom ( : G →g G) (set.maps_to_id s) = :=
by { ext x, refl }

@[simp] lemma induce_hom_comp :
(induce_hom ψ ψtr).comp (induce_hom φ φst) = induce_hom (ψ.comp φ) (ψtr.comp φst) :=
by { ext x, refl }

end induce_hom

namespace iso
variables {G G'} (f : G ≃g G')

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35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity.lean
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Expand Up @@ -877,6 +877,23 @@ end

end walk_decomp

Given a set `S` and a walk `w` from `u` to `v` such that `u ∈ S` but `v ∉ S`,
there exists a dart in the walk whose start is in `S` but whose end is not.
lemma exists_boundary_dart
{u v : V} (p : G.walk u v) (S : set V) (uS : u ∈ S) (vS : v ∉ S) :
∃ (d : G.dart), d ∈ p.darts ∧ d.fst ∈ S ∧ d.snd ∉ S :=
induction p with _ x y w a p' ih,
{ exact absurd uS vS },
{ by_cases h : y ∈ S,
{ obtain ⟨d, hd, hcd⟩ := ih h vS,
exact ⟨d, or.inr hd, hcd⟩ },
{ exact ⟨⟨(x, y), a⟩, or.inl rfl, uS, h⟩ } }

end walk

/-! ### Type of paths -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1484,6 +1501,24 @@ lemma preconnected.subsingleton_connected_component (h : G.preconnected) :
subsingleton G.connected_component :=
⟨connected_component.ind₂ (λ v w, connected_component.sound (h v w))⟩

/-- The map on connected components induced by a graph homomorphism. -/
def {V : Type*} {G : simple_graph V} {V' : Type*} {G' : simple_graph V'}
(φ : G →g G') (C : G.connected_component) : G'.connected_component :=
C.lift (λ v, G'.connected_component_mk (φ v)) $ λ v w p _,
connected_component.eq.mpr ( φ).reachable

@[simp] lemma connected_component.map_mk
{V : Type*} {G : simple_graph V} {V' : Type*} {G' : simple_graph V'} (φ : G →g G') (v : V) :
(G.connected_component_mk v).map φ = G'.connected_component_mk (φ v) := rfl

@[simp] lemma connected_component.map_id (C : connected_component G) : = C :=
by { refine C.ind _, exact (λ _, rfl) }

@[simp] lemma connected_component.map_comp
{V' : Type*} {G' : simple_graph V'} {V'' : Type*} {G'' : simple_graph V''}
(C : G.connected_component) (φ : G →g G') (ψ : G' →g G'') : ( φ).map ψ = (ψ.comp φ) :=
by { refine C.ind _, exact (λ _, rfl), }

end connected_component

variables {G}
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238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/ends/defs.lean
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Copyright (c) 2022 Anand Rao, Rémi Bottinelli. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anand Rao, Rémi Bottinelli
import category_theory.mittag_leffler
import combinatorics.simple_graph.connectivity
import data.set_like.basic

# Ends
This file contains a definition of the ends of a simple graph, as sections of the inverse system
assigning, to each finite set of vertices, the connected components of its complement.

universes u
variables {V : Type u} (G : simple_graph V) (K L L' M : set V)

namespace simple_graph

/-- The components outside a given set of vertices `K` -/
@[reducible] def component_compl := (G.induce Kᶜ).connected_component

variables {G} {K L M}

/-- The connected component of `v` in `G.induce Kᶜ`. -/
@[reducible] def component_compl_mk (G : simple_graph V) {v : V} (vK : v ∉ K) :
G.component_compl K :=
connected_component_mk (G.induce Kᶜ) ⟨v, vK⟩

/-- The set of vertices of `G` making up the connected component `C` -/
def component_compl.supp (C : G.component_compl K) : set V :=
{v : V | ∃ h : v ∉ K, G.component_compl_mk h = C}

@[ext] lemma component_compl.supp_injective :
function.injective (component_compl.supp : G.component_compl K → set V) :=
refine connected_component.ind₂ _,
rintros ⟨v, hv⟩ ⟨w, hw⟩ h,
simp only [set.ext_iff, connected_component.eq, set.mem_set_of_eq, component_compl.supp] at h ⊢,
exact ((h v).mp ⟨hv, reachable.refl _⟩).some_spec,

lemma component_compl.supp_inj {C D : G.component_compl K} : C.supp = D.supp ↔ C = D :=

instance : set_like (G.component_compl K) V :=
{ coe := component_compl.supp,
coe_injective' := λ C D, (component_compl.supp_inj).mp, }

@[simp] lemma component_compl.mem_supp_iff {v : V} {C : component_compl G K} :
v ∈ C ↔ ∃ (vK : v ∉ K), G.component_compl_mk vK = C := iff.rfl

lemma component_compl_mk_mem (G : simple_graph V) {v : V} (vK : v ∉ K) :
v ∈ G.component_compl_mk vK := ⟨vK, rfl⟩

lemma component_compl_mk_eq_of_adj (G : simple_graph V) {v w : V} (vK : v ∉ K) (wK : w ∉ K)
(a : G.adj v w) : G.component_compl_mk vK = G.component_compl_mk wK :=
by { rw [connected_component.eq], apply adj.reachable, exact a }

namespace component_compl

A `component_compl` specialization of `quot.lift`, where soundness has to be proved only
for adjacent vertices.
protected def lift {β : Sort*} (f : ∀ ⦃v⦄ (hv : v ∉ K), β)
(h : ∀ ⦃v w⦄ (hv : v ∉ K) (hw : w ∉ K) (a : G.adj v w), f hv = f hw) : G.component_compl K → β :=
connected_component.lift (λ vv, f vv.prop) $ (λ v w p, by
{ induction p with _ u v w a q ih,
{ rintro _, refl, },
{ rintro h', exact (h u.prop v.prop a).trans (ih h'.of_cons), } })

protected lemma ind {β : G.component_compl K → Prop}
(f : ∀ ⦃v⦄ (hv : v ∉ K), β (G.component_compl_mk hv)) : ∀ (C : G.component_compl K), β C := by
{ apply connected_component.ind, exact λ ⟨v, vnK⟩, f vnK, }

/-- The induced graph on the vertices `C`. -/
protected def coe_graph (C : component_compl G K) : simple_graph C := G.induce (C : set V)

lemma coe_inj {C D : G.component_compl K} : (C : set V) = (D : set V) ↔ C = D := set_like.coe_set_eq

@[simp] protected lemma nonempty (C : G.component_compl K) : (C : set V).nonempty :=
C.ind (λ v vnK, ⟨v, vnK, rfl⟩)

protected lemma exists_eq_mk (C : G.component_compl K) :
∃ v (h : v ∉ K), G.component_compl_mk h = C :=

protected lemma disjoint_right (C : G.component_compl K) : disjoint K C :=
rw set.disjoint_iff,
exact λ v ⟨vK, vC⟩, vC.some vK,

lemma not_mem_of_mem {C : G.component_compl K} {c : V} (cC : c ∈ C) : c ∉ K :=
λ cK, C.disjoint_right ⟨cK, cC⟩

protected lemma pairwise_disjoint :
pairwise $ λ C D : G.component_compl K, disjoint (C : set V) (D : set V) :=
rintro C D ne,
rw set.disjoint_iff,
exact λ u ⟨uC, uD⟩, ne (uC.some_spec.symm.trans uD.some_spec),

Any vertex adjacent to a vertex of `C` and not lying in `K` must lie in `C`.
lemma mem_of_adj : ∀ {C : G.component_compl K} (c d : V), c ∈ C → d ∉ K → G.adj c d → d ∈ C :=
λ C c d ⟨cnK, h⟩ dnK cd,
⟨ dnK, by { rw [←h, connected_component.eq], exact adj.reachable cd.symm, } ⟩

Assuming `G` is preconnected and `K` not empty, given any connected component `C` outside of `K`,
there exists a vertex `k ∈ K` adjacent to a vertex `v ∈ C`.
lemma exists_adj_boundary_pair (Gc : G.preconnected) (hK : K.nonempty) :
∀ (C : G.component_compl K), ∃ (ck : V × V), ck.1 ∈ C ∧ ck.2 ∈ K ∧ G.adj ck.1 ck.2 :=
refine component_compl.ind (λ v vnK, _),
let C : G.component_compl K := G.component_compl_mk vnK,
let dis := C.disjoint_right,
by_contra' h,
suffices : set.univ = (C : set V),
{ exact dis ⟨hK.some_spec, this ▸ (set.mem_univ hK.some)⟩, },
rw set.eq_univ_iff_forall,
rintro u,
by_contradiction unC,
obtain ⟨p⟩ := Gc v u,
obtain ⟨⟨⟨x, y⟩, xy⟩, d, xC, ynC⟩ :=
p.exists_boundary_dart (C : set V) (G.component_compl_mk_mem vnK) unC,
exact ynC (mem_of_adj x y xC (λ (yK : y ∈ K), h ⟨x, y⟩ xC yK xy) xy),

If `K ⊆ L`, the components outside of `L` are all contained in a single component outside of `K`.
@[reducible] def hom (h : K ⊆ L) (C : G.component_compl L) : G.component_compl K := $ induce_hom $ set.compl_subset_compl.2 h

lemma subset_hom (C : G.component_compl L) (h : K ⊆ L) : (C : set V) ⊆ (C.hom h : set V) := by
{ rintro c ⟨cL, rfl⟩, exact ⟨λ h', cL (h h'), rfl⟩ }

lemma _root_.simple_graph.component_compl_mk_mem_hom (G : simple_graph V) {v : V} (vK : v ∉ K)
(h : L ⊆ K) : v ∈ (G.component_compl_mk vK).hom h :=
subset_hom (G.component_compl_mk vK) h (G.component_compl_mk_mem vK)

lemma hom_eq_iff_le (C : G.component_compl L) (h : K ⊆ L) (D : G.component_compl K) :
C.hom h = D ↔ (C : set V) ⊆ (D : set V) :=
⟨ λ h', h' ▸ (C.subset_hom h), C.ind (λ v vnL vD, (vD ⟨vnL, rfl⟩).some_spec) ⟩

lemma hom_eq_iff_not_disjoint (C : G.component_compl L) (h : K ⊆ L) (D : G.component_compl K) :
C.hom h = D ↔ ¬ disjoint (C : set V) (D : set V) :=
rw set.not_disjoint_iff,
{ rintro rfl,
apply C.ind (λ x xnL, _),
exact ⟨x, ⟨xnL, rfl⟩, ⟨(λ xK, xnL (h xK)), rfl⟩⟩, },
{ apply C.ind (λ x xnL, _),
rintro ⟨x, ⟨_, e₁⟩, _, rfl⟩,
rw ←e₁, refl, },

lemma hom_refl (C : G.component_compl L) : C.hom (subset_refl L) = C :=
by { change _ = C, erw [induce_hom_id G Lᶜ, connected_component.map_id], }

lemma hom_trans (C : G.component_compl L) (h : K ⊆ L) (h' : M ⊆ K) :
C.hom (h'.trans h) = (C.hom h).hom h' :=
by { change _ = ( _).map _, erw [connected_component.map_comp, induce_hom_comp], refl, }

lemma hom_mk {v : V} (vnL : v ∉ L) (h : K ⊆ L) :
(G.component_compl_mk vnL).hom h = (G.component_compl_mk (set.not_mem_subset h vnL)) := rfl

lemma hom_infinite (C : G.component_compl L) (h : K ⊆ L) (Cinf : (C : set V).infinite) :
(C.hom h : set V).infinite := set.infinite.mono (C.subset_hom h) Cinf

lemma infinite_iff_in_all_ranges {K : finset V} (C : G.component_compl K) :
C.supp.infinite ↔ ∀ L (h : K ⊆ L), ∃ D : G.component_compl L, D.hom h = C :=
{ rintro Cinf L h,
obtain ⟨v, ⟨vK, rfl⟩, vL⟩ := set.infinite.nonempty (set.infinite.diff Cinf L.finite_to_set),
exact ⟨component_compl_mk _ vL, rfl⟩ },
{ rintro h Cfin,
obtain ⟨D, e⟩ := h (K ∪ Cfin.to_finset) (finset.subset_union_left K Cfin.to_finset),
obtain ⟨v, vD⟩ := D.nonempty,
let Ddis := D.disjoint_right,
simp_rw [finset.coe_union, set.finite.coe_to_finset, set.disjoint_union_left,
set.disjoint_iff] at Ddis,
exact Ddis.right ⟨(component_compl.hom_eq_iff_le _ _ _).mp e vD, vD⟩, },

end component_compl

section ends

variables (G)

open category_theory

The functor assigning, to a finite set in `V`, the set of connected components in its complement.
@[simps] def component_compl_functor : (finset V)ᵒᵖ ⥤ Type u :=
{ obj := λ K, G.component_compl K.unop,
map := λ _ _ f, component_compl.hom (le_of_op_hom f),
map_id' := λ K, funext $ λ C, C.hom_refl,
map_comp' := λ K L M h h', funext $ λ C, C.hom_trans (le_of_op_hom h) (le_of_op_hom h') }

/-- The end of a graph, defined as the sections of the functor `component_compl_functor` . -/
def «end» := (component_compl_functor G).sections

lemma end_hom_mk_of_mk {s} (sec : s ∈ G.end) {K L : (finset V)ᵒᵖ} (h : L ⟶ K)
{v : V} (vnL : v ∉ L.unop) (hs : s L = G.component_compl_mk vnL) :
s K = G.component_compl_mk (set.not_mem_subset (le_of_op_hom h) vnL) :=
rw [←(sec h), hs],
apply component_compl.hom_mk,

lemma infinite_iff_in_eventual_range {K : (finset V)ᵒᵖ} (C : G.component_compl_functor.obj K) :
C.supp.infinite ↔ C ∈ G.component_compl_functor.eventual_range K :=
simp only [C.infinite_iff_in_all_ranges, category_theory.functor.eventual_range,
set.mem_Inter, set.mem_range, component_compl_functor_map],
exact ⟨λ h Lop KL, h Lop.unop (le_of_op_hom KL), λ h L KL, h (opposite.op L) (op_hom_of_le KL)⟩,

end ends

end simple_graph
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/ends/properties.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Anand Rao, Rémi Bottinelli. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anand Rao, Rémi Bottinelli
import combinatorics.simple_graph.ends.defs
# Properties of the ends of graphs
This file is meant to contain results about the ends of (locally finite connected) graphs.

variables {V : Type} (G : simple_graph V)

namespace simple_graph

instance [finite V] : is_empty G.end :=
rintro ⟨s, _⟩,
casesI nonempty_fintype V,
obtain ⟨v, h⟩ := (s $ opposite.op finset.univ).nonempty,
exact (s _).disjoint_right
by simp only [opposite.unop_op, finset.coe_univ], h⟩,

end simple_graph

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