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docs(data/sum/basic): Expand module docstring and cleanup (#11158)
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This moves `data.sum` to `data.sum.basic`, provides a proper docstring for it, cleans it up.

There are no new declarations, just some file rearrangement, variable grouping, unindentation, and a `protected` attribute for `sum.lex.inl`/`sum.lex.inr` to avoid them clashing with `sum.inl`/`sum.inr`.
  • Loading branch information
YaelDillies committed Dec 31, 2021
1 parent e1a8b88 commit dc1525f
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Showing 6 changed files with 131 additions and 115 deletions.
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/control/bifunctor.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Simon Hudon
import data.sum
import logic.function.basic
import control.functor
import tactic.core
import data.sum.basic

# Functors with two arguments
Expand Down
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions src/data/equiv/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,16 +4,15 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Mario Carneiro
import data.option.basic
import data.sum
import logic.unique
import logic.function.basic
import data.quot
import tactic.simps
import logic.function.conjugate
import tactic.norm_cast
import data.quot
import data.sigma.basic
import data.sum.basic
import data.subtype
import logic.function.conjugate
import logic.unique
import tactic.norm_cast
import tactic.simps

# Equivalence between types
Expand Down
221 changes: 121 additions & 100 deletions src/data/sum.lean → src/data/sum/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,41 +4,46 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro, Yury G. Kudryashov
import logic.function.basic
import tactic.protected

# More theorems about the sum type
# Disjoint union of types
universes u v w x
variables {α : Type u} {α' : Type w} {β : Type v} {β' : Type x}
open sum
This file proves basic results about the sum type `α ⊕ β`.
/-- Check if a sum is `inl` and if so, retrieve its contents. -/
@[simp] def sum.get_left {α β} : α ⊕ β → option α
| (inl a) := some a
| (inr _) := none
`α ⊕ β` is the type made of a copy of `α` and a copy of `β`. It is also called *disjoint union*.
/-- Check if a sum is `inr` and if so, retrieve its contents. -/
@[simp] def sum.get_right {α β} : α ⊕ β → option β
| (inr b) := some b
| (inl _) := none
## Main declarations
/-- Check if a sum is `inl`. -/
@[simp] def sum.is_left {α β} : α ⊕ β → bool
| (inl _) := tt
| (inr _) := ff
* `sum.get_left`: Retrieves the left content of `x : α ⊕ β` or returns `none` if it's coming from
the right.
* `sum.get_right`: Retrieves the right content of `x : α ⊕ β` or returns `none` if it's coming from
the left.
* `sum.is_left`: Returns whether `x : α ⊕ β` comes from the left component or not.
* `sum.is_right`: Returns whether `x : α ⊕ β` comes from the right component or not.
* ``: Maps `α ⊕ β` to `γ ⊕ δ` component-wise.
* `sum.elim`: Nondependent eliminator/induction principle for `α ⊕ β`.
* `sum.swap`: Maps `α ⊕ β` to `β ⊕ α` by swapping components.
* `sum.lex`: Lexicographic order on `α ⊕ β` induced by a relation on `α` and a relation on `β`.
/-- Check if a sum is `inr`. -/
@[simp] def sum.is_right {α β} : α ⊕ β → bool
| (inl _) := ff
| (inr _) := tt
## Notes
The definition of `sum` takes values in `Type*`. This effectively forbids `Prop`- valued sum types.
To this effect, we have `psum`, which takes value in `Sort*` and carries a more complicated
universe signature in consequence. The `Prop` version is `or`.

universes u v w x
variables {α : Type u} {α' : Type w} {β : Type v} {β' : Type x} {γ δ : Type*}

namespace sum

attribute [derive decidable_eq] sum

@[simp] theorem sum.forall {p : α ⊕ β → Prop} : (∀ x, p x) ↔ (∀ a, p (inl a)) ∧ (∀ b, p (inr b)) :=
@[simp] lemma «forall» {p : α ⊕ β → Prop} : (∀ x, p x) ↔ (∀ a, p (inl a)) ∧ ∀ b, p (inr b) :=
⟨λ h, ⟨λ a, h _, λ b, h _⟩, λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, sum.rec h₁ h₂⟩

@[simp] theorem sum.exists {p : α ⊕ β → Prop} : (∃ x, p x) ↔ (∃ a, p (inl a)) ∨ ∃ b, p (inr b) :=
@[simp] lemma «exists» {p : α ⊕ β → Prop} : (∃ x, p x) ↔ (∃ a, p (inl a)) ∨ ∃ b, p (inr b) :=
⟨λ h, match h with
| ⟨inl a, h⟩ := or.inl ⟨a, h⟩
| ⟨inr b, h⟩ := or.inr ⟨b, h⟩
Expand All @@ -47,18 +52,37 @@ end, λ h, match h with
| or.inr ⟨b, h⟩ := ⟨inr b, h⟩

namespace sum
lemma inl_injective : function.injective (inl : α → α ⊕ β) := λ x y, inl.inj
lemma inr_injective : function.injective (inr : β → α ⊕ β) := λ x y, inr.inj

section get

/-- Check if a sum is `inl` and if so, retrieve its contents. -/
@[simp] def get_left : α ⊕ β → option α
| (inl a) := some a
| (inr _) := none

lemma inl_injective : function.injective (sum.inl : α → α ⊕ β) :=
λ x y, sum.inl.inj
/-- Check if a sum is `inr` and if so, retrieve its contents. -/
@[simp] def get_right : α ⊕ β → option β
| (inr b) := some b
| (inl _) := none

/-- Check if a sum is `inl`. -/
@[simp] def is_left : α ⊕ β → bool
| (inl _) := tt
| (inr _) := ff

/-- Check if a sum is `inr`. -/
@[simp] def is_right : α ⊕ β → bool
| (inl _) := ff
| (inr _) := tt

lemma inr_injective : function.injective (sum.inr : β → α ⊕ β) :=
λ x y, sum.inr.inj
end get

/-- Map `α ⊕ β` to `α' ⊕ β'` sending `α` to `α'` and `β` to `β'`. -/
protected def map (f : α → α') (g : β → β') : α ⊕ β → α' ⊕ β'
| (sum.inl x) := sum.inl (f x)
| (sum.inr x) := sum.inr (g x)
| (inl x) := inl (f x)
| (inr x) := inr (g x)

@[simp] lemma map_inl (f : α → α') (g : β → β') (x : α) : (inl x).map f g = inl (f x) := rfl
@[simp] lemma map_inr (f : α → α') (g : β → β') (x : β) : (inr x).map f g = inr (g x) := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,127 +138,124 @@ funext $ λ x, sum.cases_on x (λ _, rfl) (λ _, rfl)

open function (update update_eq_iff update_comp_eq_of_injective update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne)

@[simp] lemma update_elim_inl {α β γ} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α → γ} {g : β → γ} {i : α} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_elim_inl [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α → γ} {g : β → γ}
{i : α} {x : γ} :
update (sum.elim f g) (inl i) x = sum.elim (update f i x) g :=
update_eq_iff.2by simp, by simp { contextual := tt }⟩

@[simp] lemma update_elim_inr {α β γ} [decidable_eq β] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α → γ} {g : β → γ} {i : β} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_elim_inr [decidable_eq β] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α → γ} {g : β → γ}
{i : β} {x : γ} :
update (sum.elim f g) (inr i) x = sum.elim f (update g i x) :=
update_eq_iff.2by simp, by simp { contextual := tt }⟩

@[simp] lemma update_inl_comp_inl {α β γ} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : α} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_inl_comp_inl [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : α}
{x : γ} :
update f (inl i) x ∘ inl = update (f ∘ inl) i x :=
update_comp_eq_of_injective _ inl_injective _ _

@[simp] lemma update_inl_apply_inl {α β γ} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i j : α} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_inl_apply_inl [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α ⊕ β → γ}
{i j : α} {x : γ} :
update f (inl i) x (inl j) = update (f ∘ inl) i x j :=
by rw ← update_inl_comp_inl

@[simp] lemma update_inl_comp_inr {α β γ} [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : α} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_inl_comp_inr [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : α} {x : γ} :
update f (inl i) x ∘ inr = f ∘ inr :=
update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne _ _ $ λ _, inr_ne_inl

@[simp] lemma update_inl_apply_inr {α β γ} [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : α} {j : β} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_inl_apply_inr [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : α} {j : β} {x : γ} :
update f (inl i) x (inr j) = f (inr j) :=
function.update_noteq inr_ne_inl _ _

@[simp] lemma update_inr_comp_inl {α β γ} [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : β} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_inr_comp_inl [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : β} {x : γ} :
update f (inr i) x ∘ inl = f ∘ inl :=
update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne _ _ $ λ _, inl_ne_inr

@[simp] lemma update_inr_apply_inl {α β γ} [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : α} {j : β} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_inr_apply_inl [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : α} {j : β} {x : γ} :
update f (inr j) x (inl i) = f (inl i) :=
function.update_noteq inl_ne_inr _ _

@[simp] lemma update_inr_comp_inr {α β γ} [decidable_eq β] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : β} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_inr_comp_inr [decidable_eq β] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i : β}
{x : γ} :
update f (inr i) x ∘ inr = update (f ∘ inr) i x :=
update_comp_eq_of_injective _ inr_injective _ _

@[simp] lemma update_inr_apply_inr {α β γ} [decidable_eq β] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)]
{f : α ⊕ β → γ} {i j : β} {x : γ} :
@[simp] lemma update_inr_apply_inr [decidable_eq β] [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] {f : α ⊕ β → γ}
{i j : β} {x : γ} :
update f (inr i) x (inr j) = update (f ∘ inr) i x j :=
by rw ← update_inr_comp_inr

variables (ra : α → α → Prop) (rb : β → β → Prop)

/-- Lexicographic order for sum. Sort all the `inl a` before the `inr b`,
otherwise use the respective order on `α` or `β`. -/
inductive lex : α ⊕ β → α ⊕ β → Prop
| inl {a₁ a₂} (h : ra a₁ a₂) : lex (inl a₁) (inl a₂)
| inr {b₁ b₂} (h : rb b₁ b₂) : lex (inr b₁) (inr b₂)
| sep (a b) : lex (inl a) (inr b)
/-- Swap the factors of a sum type -/
@[simp] def swap : α ⊕ β → β ⊕ α
| (inl a) := inr a
| (inr b) := inl b

variables {ra rb}
@[simp] lemma swap_swap (x : α ⊕ β) : swap (swap x) = x := by cases x; refl
@[simp] lemma swap_swap_eq : swap ∘ swap = @id (α ⊕ β) := funext $ swap_swap
@[simp] lemma swap_left_inverse : function.left_inverse (@swap α β) swap := swap_swap
@[simp] lemma swap_right_inverse : function.right_inverse (@swap α β) swap := swap_swap

@[simp] theorem lex_inl_inl {a₁ a₂} : lex ra rb (inl a₁) (inl a₂) ↔ ra a₁ a₂ :=
⟨λ h, by cases h; assumption, lex.inl⟩
section lex

@[simp] theorem lex_inr_inr {b₁ b₂} : lex ra rb (inr b₁) (inr b₂) ↔ rb b₁ b₂ :=
⟨λ h, by cases h; assumption, lex.inr⟩
/-- Lexicographic order for sum. Sort all the `inl a` before the `inr b`, otherwise use the
respective order on `α` or `β`. -/
inductive lex (r : α → α → Prop) (s : β → β → Prop) : α ⊕ β → α ⊕ β → Prop
| inl {a₁ a₂} (h : r a₁ a₂) : lex (inl a₁) (inl a₂)
| inr {b₁ b₂} (h : s b₁ b₂) : lex (inr b₁) (inr b₂)
| sep (a b) : lex (inl a) (inr b)

@[simp] theorem lex_inr_inl {b a} : ¬ lex ra rb (inr b) (inl a) :=
λ h, by cases h
attribute [protected] sum.lex.inl sum.lex.inr
attribute [simp] lex.sep

attribute [simp] lex.sep
variables {r r₁ r₂ : α → α → Prop} {s s₁ s₂ : β → β → Prop} {a a₁ a₂ : α} {b b₁ b₂ : β}
{x y : α ⊕ β}

theorem lex_acc_inl {a} (aca : acc ra a) : acc (lex ra rb) (inl a) :=
induction aca with a H IH,
constructor, intros y h,
cases h with a' _ h',
exact IH _ h'
@[simp] lemma lex_inl_inl : lex r s (inl a₁) (inl a₂) ↔ r a₁ a₂ :=
⟨λ h, by { cases h, assumption }, lex.inl⟩

theorem lex_acc_inr (aca : ∀ a, acc (lex ra rb) (inl a)) {b} (acb : acc rb b) :
acc (lex ra rb) (inr b) :=
induction acb with b H IH,
constructor, intros y h,
cases h with _ _ _ b' _ h' a,
{ exact IH _ h' },
{ exact aca _ }
@[simp] lemma lex_inr_inr : lex r s (inr b₁) (inr b₂) ↔ s b₁ b₂ :=
⟨λ h, by { cases h, assumption }, lex.inr⟩

theorem lex_wf (ha : well_founded ra) (hb : well_founded rb) : well_founded (lex ra rb) :=
have aca : ∀ a, acc (lex ra rb) (inl a), from λ a, lex_acc_inl (ha.apply a),
⟨λ x, sum.rec_on x aca (λ b, lex_acc_inr aca (hb.apply b))⟩
@[simp] lemma lex_inr_inl : ¬ lex r s (inr b) (inl a) .

lemma lex.mono (hr : ∀ a b, r₁ a b → r₂ a b) (hs : ∀ a b, s₁ a b → s₂ a b) (h : lex r₁ s₁ x y) :
lex r₂ s₂ x y :=
by { cases h, exacts [lex.inl (hr _ _ ‹_›), lex.inr (hs _ _ ‹_›), lex.sep _ _] }

/-- Swap the factors of a sum type -/
@[simp] def swap : α ⊕ β → β ⊕ α
| (inl a) := inr a
| (inr b) := inl b
lemma lex.mono_left (hr : ∀ a b, r₁ a b → r₂ a b) (h : lex r₁ s x y) : lex r₂ s x y :=
h.mono hr $ λ _ _, id

@[simp] lemma swap_swap (x : α ⊕ β) : swap (swap x) = x :=
by cases x; refl
lemma lex.mono_right (hs : ∀ a b, s₁ a b → s₂ a b) (h : lex r s₁ x y) : lex r s₂ x y :=
h.mono (λ _ _, id) hs

@[simp] lemma swap_swap_eq : swap ∘ swap = @id (α ⊕ β) :=
funext $ swap_swap
lemma lex_acc_inl {a} (aca : acc r a) : acc (lex r s) (inl a) :=
induction aca with a H IH,
constructor, intros y h,
cases h with a' _ h',
exact IH _ h'

@[simp] lemma swap_left_inverse : function.left_inverse (@swap α β) swap :=
lemma lex_acc_inr (aca : ∀ a, acc (lex r s) (inl a)) {b} (acb : acc s b) : acc (lex r s) (inr b) :=
induction acb with b H IH,
constructor, intros y h,
cases h with _ _ _ b' _ h' a,
{ exact IH _ h' },
{ exact aca _ }

@[simp] lemma swap_right_inverse : function.right_inverse (@swap α β) swap :=
lemma lex_wf (ha : well_founded r) (hb : well_founded s) : well_founded (lex r s) :=
have aca : ∀ a, acc (lex r s) (inl a), from λ a, lex_acc_inl (ha.apply a),
⟨λ x, sum.rec_on x aca (λ b, lex_acc_inr aca (hb.apply b))⟩

end lex
end sum

namespace function

open sum

lemma injective.sum_elim {γ} {f : α → γ} {g : β → γ}
lemma injective.sum_elim {f : α → γ} {g : β → γ}
(hf : injective f) (hg : injective g) (hfg : ∀ a b, f a ≠ g b) :
injective (sum.elim f g)
| (inl x) (inl y) h := congr_arg inl $ hf h
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/order/rel_classes.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2020 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Mario Carneiro, Yury G. Kudryashov
import data.sum
import data.sum.basic
import order.basic

Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/tactic/fresh_names.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2020 Jannis Limperg. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jannis Limperg

import data.sum
import meta.rb_map
import data.sum.basic
import tactic.dependencies

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/simps.lean
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import data.sum
import data.sum.basic
import tactic.simps

universes v u w
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