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feat(algebraic_topology): introduce the simplex category (#6173)
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* introduce `simplex_category`, with objects `nat` and morphisms `n ⟶ m` order-preserving maps from `fin (n+1)` to `fin (m+1)`.
* prove the simplicial identities
* show the category is equivalent to `NonemptyFinLinOrd`

This is the start of simplicial sets, moving and completing some of the material from @jcommelin's `sset` branch. Dold-Kan is the obvious objective; apparently we're going to need it for `lean-liquid` at some point.

The proofs of the simplicial identities are bad and slow. They involve extravagant use of nonterminal simp (`simp?` doesn't seem to give good answers) and lots of `linarith` bashing. Help welcome, especially if you love playing with inequalities in `nat` involving lots of `-1`s.

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
Co-authored-by: Yakov Pechersky <>
Co-authored-by: Floris van Doorn <>
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4 people committed Feb 26, 2021
1 parent 2f1de3f commit dd5363b
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289 changes: 289 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/simplex_category.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Scott Morrison

import order.category.NonemptyFinLinOrd
import category_theory.skeletal
import data.finset.sort
import tactic.linarith

/-! # The simplex category
We construct a skeletal model of the simplex category, with objects `ℕ` and the
morphism `n ⟶ m` being the monotone maps from `fin (n+1)` to `fin (m+1)`.
We show that this category is equivalent to `NonemptyFinLinOrd`.

universe variables u

open category_theory

/-- The simplex category:
* objects are natural numbers `n : ℕ`
* morphisms from `n` to `m` are monotone functions `fin (n+1) → fin (m+1)`
@[derive inhabited]
def simplex_category := ℕ

namespace simplex_category

instance : small_category simplex_category :=
{ hom := λ n m, preorder_hom (fin (n+1)) (fin (m+1)),
id := λ m,,
comp := λ _ _ _ f g, preorder_hom.comp g f, }

@[simp] lemma id_apply {n : simplex_category} (i : fin (n+1)) :
(𝟙 n : fin (n+1) → fin (n+1)) i = i := rfl
@[simp] lemma comp_apply {l m n : simplex_category} (f : l ⟶ m) (g : m ⟶ n) (i : fin (l+1)) :
(f ≫ g) i = g (f i) := rfl

/-- Interpet a natural number as an object of the simplex category. -/
@[reducible] def mk (n : ℕ) : simplex_category := n
local notation `[`n`]` := mk n

section generators
## Generating maps for the simplex category
TODO: prove that the simplex category is equivalent to
one given by the following generators and relations.

/-- The `i`-th face map from `[n]` to `[n+1]` -/
def δ {n} (i : fin (n+2)) : [n] ⟶ [n+1] :=
(fin.succ_above i).to_preorder_hom

/-- The `i`-th degeneracy map from `[n+1]` to `[n]` -/
def σ {n} (i : fin (n+1)) : [n+1] ⟶ [n] :=
{ to_fun := fin.pred_above i,
monotone' := fin.pred_above_right_monotone i }

/-- The generic case of the first simplicial identity -/
lemma δ_comp_δ {n} {i j : fin (n+2)} (H : i ≤ j) :
δ i ≫ δ j.succ = δ j ≫ δ i.cast_succ :=
ext k,
dsimp [δ, fin.succ_above],
rcases i with ⟨i, _⟩,
rcases j with ⟨j, _⟩,
rcases k with ⟨k, _⟩,
split_ifs; { simp at *; linarith },

/-- The special case of the first simplicial identity -/
lemma δ_comp_δ_self {n} {i : fin (n+2)} : δ i ≫ δ i.cast_succ = δ i ≫ δ i.succ :=
ext j,
dsimp [δ, fin.succ_above],
rcases i with ⟨i, _⟩,
rcases j with ⟨j, _⟩,
split_ifs; { simp at *; linarith },

/-- The second simplicial identity -/
lemma δ_comp_σ_of_le {n} {i : fin (n+2)} {j : fin (n+1)} (H : i ≤ j.cast_succ) :
δ i.cast_succ ≫ σ j.succ = σ j ≫ δ i :=
ext k,
suffices : ite (j.succ.cast_succ < ite (k < i) k.cast_succ k.succ)
(ite (k < i) (k:ℕ) (k + 1) - 1) (ite (k < i) k (k + 1)) =
ite ((if h : (j:ℕ) < k
then k.pred (by { rintro rfl, exact nat.not_lt_zero _ h })
else k.cast_lt (by { cases j, cases k, linarith })).cast_succ < i)
(ite (j.cast_succ < k) (k - 1) k) (ite (j.cast_succ < k) (k - 1) k + 1),
{ dsimp [δ, σ, fin.succ_above, fin.pred_above], simpa with push_cast },
rcases i with ⟨i, _⟩,
rcases j with ⟨j, _⟩,
rcases k with ⟨k, _⟩,
simp only [subtype.mk_le_mk, fin.cast_succ_mk] at H,
dsimp, simp only [if_congr, subtype.mk_lt_mk, dif_ctx_congr],
-- Most of the goals can now be handled by `linarith`,
-- but we have to deal with two of them by hand.
swap 8,
{ exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (lt_of_le_of_lt (zero_le _) ‹_›)).symm, },
swap 7,
{ have : k ≤ i := nat.le_of_pred_lt ‹_›, linarith, },
-- Hope for the best from `linarith`:
all_goals { try { refl <|> simp at * }; linarith, },

/-- The first part of the third simplicial identity -/
lemma δ_comp_σ_self {n} {i : fin (n+1)} :
δ i.cast_succ ≫ σ i = 𝟙 [n] :=
ext j,
suffices : ite (fin.cast_succ i < ite (j < i) (fin.cast_succ j) j.succ)
(ite (j < i) (j:ℕ) (j + 1) - 1) (ite (j < i) j (j + 1)) = j,
{ dsimp [δ, σ, fin.succ_above, fin.pred_above], simpa with push_cast },
rcases i with ⟨i, _⟩,
rcases j with ⟨j, _⟩,
dsimp, simp only [if_congr, subtype.mk_lt_mk],
split_ifs; { simp at *; linarith, },

/-- The second part of the third simplicial identity -/
lemma δ_comp_σ_succ {n} {i : fin (n+1)} :
δ i.succ ≫ σ i = 𝟙 [n] :=
ext j,
rcases i with ⟨i, _⟩,
rcases j with ⟨j, _⟩,
dsimp [δ, σ, fin.succ_above, fin.pred_above],
simp with push_cast,
split_ifs; { simp at *; linarith, },

/-- The fourth simplicial identity -/
lemma δ_comp_σ_of_gt {n} {i : fin (n+2)} {j : fin (n+1)} (H : j.cast_succ < i) :
δ i.succ ≫ σ j.cast_succ = σ j ≫ δ i :=
ext k,
dsimp [δ, σ, fin.succ_above, fin.pred_above],
rcases i with ⟨i, _⟩,
rcases j with ⟨j, _⟩,
rcases k with ⟨k, _⟩,
simp only [subtype.mk_lt_mk, fin.cast_succ_mk] at H,
suffices : ite (_ < ite (k < i + 1) _ _) _ _ =
ite _ (ite (j < k) (k - 1) k) (ite (j < k) (k - 1) k + 1),
{ simpa [apply_dite fin.cast_succ] with push_cast, },
-- Most of the goals can now be handled by `linarith`,
-- but we have to deal with three of them by hand.
swap 2,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_lt_mk] at h_1,
simp only [not_lt] at h_2,
simp only [self_eq_add_right, one_ne_zero],
exact lt_irrefl (k - 1) (lt_of_lt_of_le
(nat.pred_lt (ne_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_lt (zero_le _) h_1)).symm)
(le_trans (nat.le_of_lt_succ h) h_2)) },
swap 4,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_lt_mk] at h_1,
simp only [not_lt] at h,
simp only [nat.add_succ_sub_one, add_zero],
exact lt_irrefl _ (lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.le_pred_of_lt (nat.lt_of_succ_le h)) h_3), },
swap 4,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_lt_mk] at h_1,
simp only [not_lt] at h_3,
simp only [nat.add_succ_sub_one, add_zero],
exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (lt_of_le_of_lt (zero_le _) h_2)).symm, },
-- Hope for the best from `linarith`:
all_goals { simp at h_1 h_2 ⊢; linarith, },

local attribute [simp] fin.pred_mk

/-- The fifth simplicial identity -/
lemma σ_comp_σ {n} {i j : fin (n+1)} (H : i ≤ j) :
σ i.cast_succ ≫ σ j = σ j.succ ≫ σ i :=
ext k,
dsimp [σ, fin.pred_above],
rcases i with ⟨i, _⟩,
rcases j with ⟨j, _⟩,
rcases k with ⟨k, _⟩,
simp only [subtype.mk_le_mk] at H,
-- At this point `simp with push_cast` makes good progress, but neither `simp?` nor `squeeze_simp`
-- return usable sets of lemmas.
-- To avoid using a non-terminal simp, we make a `suffices` statement indicating the shape
-- of the goal we're looking for, and then use `simpa with push_cast`.
-- I'm not sure this is actually much more robust that a non-terminal simp.
suffices : ite (_ < dite (i < k) _ _) _ _ =
ite (_ < dite (j + 1 < k) _ _) _ _,
{ simpa with push_cast, },
-- `split_ifs` created 12 goals.
-- Most of them are dealt with `by simp at *; linarith`,
-- but we pull out two harder ones to do by hand.
swap 3,
{ simp only [not_lt] at h_2,
exact false.elim
(lt_irrefl (k - 1)
(lt_of_lt_of_le (nat.pred_lt (id (ne_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_lt (zero_le i) h)).symm))
(le_trans h_2 (nat.succ_le_of_lt h_1)))) },
swap 3,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_lt_mk, not_lt] at h_1,
exact false.elim
(lt_irrefl j (lt_of_lt_of_le (nat.pred_lt_pred (nat.succ_ne_zero j) h_2) h_1)) },
-- Deal with the rest automatically.
all_goals { simp at *; linarith, },

end generators

section skeleton

/-- The functor that exhibits `simplex_category` as skeleton
of `NonemptyFinLinOrd` -/
def skeletal_functor : simplex_category ⥤ NonemptyFinLinOrd.{u} :=
{ obj := λ n, NonemptyFinLinOrd.of $ ulift (fin (n+1)),
map := λ m n f, ⟨λ i, ⟨f i.down⟩, λ ⟨i⟩ ⟨j⟩ h, show f i ≤ f j, from f.monotone h⟩, }

lemma skeletal : skeletal simplex_category :=
λ X Y ⟨I⟩,
suffices : fintype.card (fin (X+1)) = fintype.card (fin (Y+1)),
{ simpa, },
{ apply fintype.card_congr,
refine equiv.ulift.symm.trans (((skeletal_functor ⋙ forget _).map_iso I).to_equiv.trans _),
apply equiv.ulift }

namespace skeletal_functor

instance : full skeletal_functor.{u} :=
{ preimage := λ m n f, ⟨λ i, (f ⟨i⟩).down, λ i j h, f.monotone h⟩,
witness' := by { intros m n f, dsimp at *, ext1 ⟨i⟩, ext1, refl } }

instance : faithful skeletal_functor.{u} :=
{ map_injective' := λ m n f g h,
ext1 i, apply ulift.up.inj,
show f ⟨i⟩ = g ⟨i⟩,
rw h,
end }

instance : ess_surj skeletal_functor.{u} :=
{ mem_ess_image := λ X, ⟨(fintype.card X - 1 : ℕ), ⟨begin
have aux : fintype.card X = fintype.card X - 1 + 1,
{ exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos $ fintype.card_pos_iff.mpr ⟨⊥⟩).symm, },
let f := mono_equiv_of_fin X aux,
have hf := (finset.univ.order_emb_of_fin aux).strict_mono,
{ hom := ⟨λ i, f i.down, _⟩,
inv := ⟨λ i, ⟨f.symm i⟩, _⟩,
hom_inv_id' := _,
inv_hom_id' := _ },
{ rintro ⟨i⟩ ⟨j⟩ h, show f i ≤ f j, exact hf.monotone h, },
{ intros i j h, show f.symm i ≤ f.symm j, rw ← hf.le_iff_le,
show f (f.symm i) ≤ f (f.symm j), simpa only [order_iso.apply_symm_apply], },
{ ext1 ⟨i⟩, ext1, exact f.symm_apply_apply i },
{ ext1 i, exact f.apply_symm_apply i },

noncomputable instance is_equivalence : is_equivalence skeletal_functor.{u} :=
equivalence.equivalence_of_fully_faithfully_ess_surj skeletal_functor

end skeletal_functor

/-- The equivalence that exhibits `simplex_category` as skeleton
of `NonemptyFinLinOrd` -/
noncomputable def skeletal_equivalence : simplex_category ≌ NonemptyFinLinOrd.{u} :=
functor.as_equivalence skeletal_functor.{u}

end skeleton

`simplex_category` is a skeleton of `NonemptyFinLinOrd`.
def is_skeleton_of : is_skeleton_of NonemptyFinLinOrd.{u} simplex_category skeletal_functor.{u} :=
{ skel := skeletal,
eqv := skeletal_functor.is_equivalence }

end simplex_category
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/data/fin.lean
Expand Up @@ -726,6 +726,12 @@ by { cases i, refl }
fin.pred ⟨i + 1, add_lt_add_right h 1⟩ (ne_of_vne (ne_of_gt (mk_succ_pos i h))) = ⟨i, h⟩ :=
by simp only [ext_iff, coe_pred, coe_mk, nat.add_sub_cancel]

-- This is not a simp lemma by default, because `pred_mk_succ` is nicer when it applies.
lemma pred_mk {n : ℕ} (i : ℕ) (h : i < n + 1) (w) :
fin.pred ⟨i, h⟩ w =
⟨i - 1, by rwa nat.sub_lt_right_iff_lt_add (nat.pos_of_ne_zero (fin.vne_of_ne w))⟩ :=

@[simp] lemma pred_le_pred_iff {n : ℕ} {a b : fin n.succ} {ha : a ≠ 0} {hb : b ≠ 0} :
a.pred ha ≤ b.pred hb ↔ a ≤ b :=
by rw [←succ_le_succ_iff, succ_pred, succ_pred]
Expand Down

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