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split(order/chain): Split off order.zorn (#13060)
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Split `order.zorn` into two files, one about chains, the other one about Zorn's lemma.
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YaelDillies committed Mar 31, 2022
1 parent 13e08bf commit de50389
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Showing 2 changed files with 225 additions and 234 deletions.
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions src/order/chain.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl
import data.set.pairwise

# Chains
This file defines chains for an arbitrary relation and proves Hausdorff's Maximality Principle.
## Main declarations
* `is_chain s`: A chain `s` is a set of comparable elements.
* `max_chain_spec`: Hausdorff's Maximality Principle.
## Notes
Originally ported from Isabelle/HOL. The
[original file]( was written by Jacques D.
Fleuriot, Tobias Nipkow, Christian Sternagel.

open classical set

variables {α β : Type*} (r : α → α → Prop)

local infix ` ≺ `:50 := r

section chain
variables (r)

/-- A chain is a set `s` satisfying `x ≺ y ∨ x = y ∨ y ≺ x` for all `x y ∈ s`. -/
def is_chain (s : set α) : Prop := s.pairwise (λ x y, x ≺ y ∨ y ≺ x)

/-- `super_chain s t` means that `t` is a chain that strictly includes `s`. -/
def super_chain (s t : set α) : Prop := is_chain r t ∧ s ⊂ t

/-- A chain `s` is a maximal chain if there does not exists a chain strictly including `s`. -/
def is_max_chain (s : set α) : Prop := is_chain r s ∧ ∀ ⦃t⦄, is_chain r t → s ⊆ t → s = t

variables {r} {c c₁ c₂ c₃ s t : set α} {a b x y : α}

lemma is_chain_empty : is_chain r ∅ := set.pairwise_empty _

lemma set.subsingleton.is_chain (hs : s.subsingleton) : is_chain r s := hs.pairwise _

lemma is_chain.mono : s ⊆ t → is_chain r t → is_chain r s := set.pairwise.mono

/-- This can be used to turn `is_chain (≥)` into `is_chain (≤)` and vice-versa. -/
lemma is_chain.symm (h : is_chain r s) : is_chain (flip r) s := h.mono' $ λ _ _, or.symm

lemma is_chain_of_trichotomous [is_trichotomous α r] (s : set α) : is_chain r s :=
λ a _ b _ hab, (trichotomous_of r a b).imp_right $ λ h, h.resolve_left hab

lemma is_chain.insert (hs : is_chain r s) (ha : ∀ b ∈ s, a ≠ b → a ≺ b ∨ b ≺ a) :
is_chain r (insert a s) :=
hs.insert_of_symmetric (λ _ _, or.symm) ha

lemma is_chain_univ_iff : is_chain r (univ : set α) ↔ is_trichotomous α r :=
refine ⟨λ h, ⟨λ a b , _⟩, λ h, @is_chain_of_trichotomous _ _ h univ⟩,
rw [or.left_comm, or_iff_not_imp_left],
exact h trivial trivial,

lemma is_chain.image (r : α → α → Prop) (s : β → β → Prop) (f : α → β)
(h : ∀ x y, r x y → s (f x) (f y)) {c : set α} (hrc : is_chain r c) :
is_chain s (f '' c) :=
λ x ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂⟩ y ⟨b, hb₁, hb₂⟩, ha₂ ▸ hb₂ ▸ λ hxy,
(hrc ha₁ hb₁ $ ne_of_apply_ne f hxy).imp (h _ _) (h _ _)

section total
variables [is_refl α r]

lemma (h : is_chain r s) (hx : x ∈ s) (hy : y ∈ s) : x ≺ y ∨ y ≺ x :=
(eq_or_ne x y).elim (λ e, or.inl $ e ▸ refl _) (h hx hy)

lemma is_chain.directed_on (H : is_chain r s) : directed_on r s :=
λ x hx y hy, ( hx hy).elim (λ h, ⟨y, hy, h, refl _⟩) $ λ h, ⟨x, hx, refl _, h⟩

protected lemma is_chain.directed {f : β → α} {c : set β} (h : is_chain (f ⁻¹'o r) c) :
directed r (λ x : {a : β // a ∈ c}, f x) :=
λ ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩, by_cases
(λ hab : a = b, by simp only [hab, exists_prop, and_self, subtype.exists];
exact ⟨b, hb, refl _⟩) $
λ hab, (h ha hb hab).elim (λ h, ⟨⟨b, hb⟩, h, refl _⟩) $ λ h, ⟨⟨a, ha⟩, refl _, h⟩

end total

lemma is_max_chain.is_chain (h : is_max_chain r s) : is_chain r s := h.1
lemma is_max_chain.not_super_chain (h : is_max_chain r s) : ¬super_chain r s t :=
λ ht, $ h.2 ht.1 ht.2.1

open_locale classical

/-- Given a set `s`, if there exists a chain `t` strictly including `s`, then `succ_chain s`
is one of these chains. Otherwise it is `s`. -/
def succ_chain (r : α → α → Prop) (s : set α) : set α :=
if h : ∃ t, is_chain r s ∧ super_chain r s t then some h else s

lemma succ_chain_spec (h : ∃ t, is_chain r s ∧ super_chain r s t) :
super_chain r s (succ_chain r s) :=
let ⟨t, hc'⟩ := h in
have is_chain r s ∧ super_chain r s (some h),
from @some_spec _ (λ t, is_chain r s ∧ super_chain r s t) _,
by simp [succ_chain, dif_pos, h, this.right]

lemma is_chain.succ (hs : is_chain r s) : is_chain r (succ_chain r s) :=
if h : ∃ t, is_chain r s ∧ super_chain r s t then (succ_chain_spec h).1
else by { simp [succ_chain, dif_neg, h], exact hs }

lemma is_chain.super_chain_succ_chain (hs₁ : is_chain r s) (hs₂ : ¬ is_max_chain r s) :
super_chain r s (succ_chain r s) :=
simp [is_max_chain, not_and_distrib, not_forall_not] at hs₂,
obtain ⟨t, ht, hst⟩ := hs₂.neg_resolve_left hs₁,
exact succ_chain_spec ⟨t, hs₁, ht, ssubset_iff_subset_ne.2 hst⟩,

lemma subset_succ_chain : s ⊆ succ_chain r s :=
if h : ∃ t, is_chain r s ∧ super_chain r s t then (succ_chain_spec h).2.1
else by simp [succ_chain, dif_neg, h, subset.rfl]

/-- Predicate for whether a set is reachable from `∅` using `succ_chain` and `⋃₀`. -/
inductive chain_closure (r : α → α → Prop) : set α → Prop
| succ : ∀ {s}, chain_closure s → chain_closure (succ_chain r s)
| union : ∀ {s}, (∀ a ∈ s, chain_closure a) → chain_closure (⋃₀ s)

/-- An explicit maximal chain. `max_chain` is taken to be the union of all sets in `chain_closure`.
def max_chain (r : α → α → Prop) := ⋃₀ set_of (chain_closure r)

lemma chain_closure_empty : chain_closure r ∅ :=
have chain_closure r (⋃₀ ∅),
from chain_closure.union $ λ a h, h.rec _,
by simpa using this

lemma chain_closure_max_chain : chain_closure r (max_chain r) := chain_closure.union $ λ s, id

private lemma chain_closure_succ_total_aux (hc₁ : chain_closure r c₁) (hc₂ : chain_closure r c₂)
(h : ∀ ⦃c₃⦄, chain_closure r c₃ → c₃ ⊆ c₂ → c₂ = c₃ ∨ succ_chain r c₃ ⊆ c₂) :
succ_chain r c₂ ⊆ c₁ ∨ c₁ ⊆ c₂ :=
induction hc₁,
case succ : c₃ hc₃ ih
{ cases ih with ih ih,
{ exact or.inl (ih.trans subset_succ_chain) },
{ exact (h hc₃ ih).imp_left (λ h, h ▸ subset.rfl) } },
case union : s hs ih
{ refine (or_iff_not_imp_left.2 $ λ hn, sUnion_subset $ λ a ha, _),
exact (ih a ha).resolve_left (λ h, hn $ h.trans $ subset_sUnion_of_mem ha) }

private lemma chain_closure_succ_total (hc₁ : chain_closure r c₁) (hc₂ : chain_closure r c₂)
(h : c₁ ⊆ c₂) :
c₂ = c₁ ∨ succ_chain r c₁ ⊆ c₂ :=
induction hc₂ generalizing c₁ hc₁ h,
case succ : c₂ hc₂ ih
{ refine (chain_closure_succ_total_aux hc₁ hc₂ $ λ c₁, ih).imp h.antisymm' (λ h₁, _),
obtain rfl | h₂ := ih hc₁ h₁,
{ exact subset.rfl },
{ exact h₂.trans subset_succ_chain } },
case union : s hs ih
{ apply or.imp_left h.antisymm',
apply classical.by_contradiction,
simp [not_or_distrib, sUnion_subset_iff, not_forall],
intros c₃ hc₃ h₁ h₂,
obtain h | h := chain_closure_succ_total_aux hc₁ (hs c₃ hc₃) (λ c₄, ih _ hc₃),
{ exact h₁ (subset_succ_chain.trans h) },
obtain h' | h' := ih c₃ hc₃ hc₁ h,
{ exact h₁ h'.subset },
{ exact h₂ (h'.trans $ subset_sUnion_of_mem hc₃) } }

lemma (hc₁ : chain_closure r c₁) (hc₂ : chain_closure r c₂) :
c₁ ⊆ c₂ ∨ c₂ ⊆ c₁ :=
(chain_closure_succ_total_aux hc₂ hc₁ $ λ c₃ hc₃, chain_closure_succ_total hc₃ hc₁).imp_left

lemma chain_closure.succ_fixpoint (hc₁ : chain_closure r c₁) (hc₂ : chain_closure r c₂)
(hc : succ_chain r c₂ = c₂) :
c₁ ⊆ c₂ :=
induction hc₁,
case succ : s₁ hc₁ h
{ exact (chain_closure_succ_total hc₁ hc₂ h).elim (λ h, h ▸ hc.subset) id },
case union : s hs ih
{ exact sUnion_subset ih }

lemma chain_closure.succ_fixpoint_iff (hc : chain_closure r c) :
succ_chain r c = c ↔ c = max_chain r :=
⟨λ h, (subset_sUnion_of_mem hc).antisymm $ chain_closure_max_chain.succ_fixpoint hc h,
λ h, subset_succ_chain.antisymm' $ (subset_sUnion_of_mem hc.succ).trans h.symm.subset⟩

lemma chain_closure.is_chain (hc : chain_closure r c) : is_chain r c :=
induction hc,
case succ : c hc h
{ exact h.succ },
case union : s hs h
{ change ∀ c ∈ s, is_chain r c at h,
exact λ c₁ ⟨t₁, ht₁, (hc₁ : c₁ ∈ t₁)⟩ c₂ ⟨t₂, ht₂, (hc₂ : c₂ ∈ t₂)⟩ hneq,
((hs _ ht₁).total $ hs _ ht₂).elim
(λ ht, h t₂ ht₂ (ht hc₁) hc₂ hneq)
(λ ht, h t₁ ht₁ hc₁ (ht hc₂) hneq) }

/-- **Hausdorff's maximality principle**
There exists a maximal totally ordered set of `α`.
Note that we do not require `α` to be partially ordered by `r`. -/
lemma max_chain_spec : is_max_chain r (max_chain r) :=
classical.by_contradiction $ λ h,
let ⟨h₁, H⟩ := chain_closure_max_chain.is_chain.super_chain_succ_chain h in (chain_closure_max_chain.succ_fixpoint_iff.mpr rfl).symm

end chain

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