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feat(algebraic_geometry): Explicit description of the colimit of pres…
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…heafed spaces. (#10466)

Co-authored-by: erd1 <>
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erdOne and erdOne committed Dec 3, 2021
1 parent b7ed03f commit df93166
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 0 deletions.
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/presheafed_space/has_colimits.lean
Expand Up @@ -292,6 +292,89 @@ instance forget_preserves_colimits : preserves_colimits (PresheafedSpace.forget
{ intro j, dsimp, simp, }
end } }

Given a diagram of `PresheafedSpace C`s, its colimit is computed by pushing the sheaves onto
the colimit of the underlying spaces, and taking componentwise limit.
This is the componentwise diagram for an open set `U` of the colimit of the underlying spaces.
def componentwise_diagram (F : J ⥤ PresheafedSpace C)
(U : opens (limits.colimit F).carrier) : Jᵒᵖ ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ j, (F.obj (unop j)).presheaf.obj (op (( (colimit.ι F (unop j)).base).obj U)),
map := λ j k f, ( f.unop) _ ≫ (F.obj (unop k))
(eq_to_hom (by { rw [← colimit.w F f.unop, comp_base], refl })),
map_comp' := λ i j k f g,
cases U,
simp_rw [map_comp_c_app, category.assoc],
congr' 1,
rw [Top.presheaf.pushforward.comp_inv_app, Top.presheaf.pushforward_eq_hom_app,
category_theory.nat_trans.naturality_assoc, Top.presheaf.pushforward_map_app],
congr' 1,
rw [category.id_comp, ← (F.obj (unop k)).presheaf.map_comp],
erw ← (F.obj (unop k)).presheaf.map_comp,
end }

The components of the colimit of a diagram of `PresheafedSpace C` is obtained
via taking componentwise limits.
def colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit (F : J ⥤ PresheafedSpace C)
(U : opens (limits.colimit F).carrier) :
(limits.colimit F).presheaf.obj (op U) ≅ limit (componentwise_diagram F U) :=
refine ((sheaf_iso_of_iso (colimit.iso_colimit_cocone
⟨_, colimit_cocone_is_colimit F⟩).symm).app (op U)).trans _,
refine (limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation _ _).trans (limits.lim.map_iso _),
fapply nat_iso.of_components,
{ intro X,
refine ((F.obj (unop X)).presheaf.map_iso (eq_to_iso _)),
dsimp only [functor.op, unop_op,],
congr' 2,
rw set.preimage_preimage,
simp_rw ← comp_app,
congr' 2,
exact ι_preserves_colimits_iso_inv (forget C) F (unop X) },
{ intros X Y f,
change (( f.unop) _ ≫ _ ≫ _) ≫ (F.obj (unop Y)) _ = _ ≫ _,
rw Top.presheaf.pushforward.comp_inv_app,
erw category.id_comp,
rw category.assoc,
erw [← (F.obj (unop Y)).presheaf.map_comp, ( f.unop).c.naturality_assoc,
← (F.obj (unop Y)).presheaf.map_comp],
congr }

lemma colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit_inv_ι_app (F : J ⥤ PresheafedSpace C)
(U : opens (limits.colimit F).carrier) (j : J) :
(colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit F U).inv ≫ (colimit.ι F j) (op U) =
limit.π _ (op j) :=
delta colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit,
rw [iso.trans_inv, iso.trans_inv, iso.app_inv, sheaf_iso_of_iso_inv, pushforward_to_of_iso_app,
congr_app (iso.symm_inv _)],
simp_rw category.assoc,
rw [← functor.map_comp_assoc, nat_trans.naturality],
erw ← comp_c_app_assoc,
rw congr_app (colimit.iso_colimit_cocone_ι_hom _ _),
simp_rw category.assoc,
erw [limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_inv_π_app_assoc, lim_map_π_assoc],
convert category.comp_id _,
erw ← (F.obj j).presheaf.map_id,
iterate 2 { erw ← (F.obj j).presheaf.map_comp },

lemma colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit_hom_π (F : J ⥤ PresheafedSpace C)
(U : opens (limits.colimit F).carrier) (j : J) :
(colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit F U).hom ≫ limit.π _ (op j) =
(colimit.ι F j) (op U) :=
by rw [← iso.eq_inv_comp, colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit_inv_ι_app]

end PresheafedSpace

end algebraic_geometry

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