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feat(analysis/convex/strict_convex_between): betweenness and strictly…
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… convex spaces (#17528)

Add some lemmas about betweenness in affine spaces for strictly convex spaces.  Geometrically these are facts like "a point strictly between two points on or inside a sphere lies inside that sphere" (but since they don't depend on anything more than strict convexity, they're proved in that context rather than just a Euclidean context; appropriate Euclidean results will be deduced from these).
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jsm28 committed Dec 7, 2022
1 parent 4f785b6 commit e173069
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 0 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/convex/strict_convex_between.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Joseph Myers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joseph Myers
import analysis.convex.between
import analysis.convex.strict_convex_space

# Betweenness in affine spaces for strictly convex spaces
This file proves results about betweenness for points in an affine space for a strictly convex

variables {V P : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group V] [normed_space ℝ V] [pseudo_metric_space P]
variables [normed_add_torsor V P] [strict_convex_space ℝ V]

include V

lemma sbtw.dist_lt_max_dist (p : P) {p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} (h : sbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃) :
dist p₂ p < max (dist p₁ p) (dist p₃ p) :=
have hp₁p₃ : p₁ -ᵥ p ≠ p₃ -ᵥ p, { by simpa using h.left_ne_right },
rw [sbtw, ←wbtw_vsub_const_iff p, wbtw, affine_segment_eq_segment,
←insert_endpoints_open_segment, set.mem_insert_iff, set.mem_insert_iff] at h,
rcases h with ⟨h | h | h, hp₂p₁, hp₂p₃⟩,
{ rw vsub_left_cancel_iff at h, exact false.elim (hp₂p₁ h) },
{ rw vsub_left_cancel_iff at h, exact false.elim (hp₂p₃ h) },
{ rw [open_segment_eq_image, set.mem_image] at h,
rcases h with ⟨r, ⟨hr0, hr1⟩, hr⟩,
simp_rw [@dist_eq_norm_vsub V, ←hr],
exact norm_combo_lt_of_ne (le_max_left _ _) (le_max_right _ _) hp₁p₃ (sub_pos.2 hr1) hr0
(by abel) }

lemma wbtw.dist_le_max_dist (p : P) {p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} (h : wbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃) :
dist p₂ p ≤ max (dist p₁ p) (dist p₃ p) :=
by_cases hp₁ : p₂ = p₁, { simp [hp₁] },
by_cases hp₃ : p₂ = p₃, { simp [hp₃] },
have hs : sbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃ := ⟨h, hp₁, hp₃⟩,
exact (hs.dist_lt_max_dist _).le

/-- Given three collinear points, two (not equal) with distance `r` from `p` and one with
distance at most `r` from `p`, the third point is weakly between the other two points. -/
lemma collinear.wbtw_of_dist_eq_of_dist_le {p p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} {r : ℝ}
(h : collinear ℝ ({p₁, p₂, p₃} : set P)) (hp₁ : dist p₁ p = r) (hp₂ : dist p₂ p ≤ r)
(hp₃ : dist p₃ p = r) (hp₁p₃ : p₁ ≠ p₃) : wbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃ :=
rcases h.wbtw_or_wbtw_or_wbtw with hw | hw | hw,
{ exact hw },
{ by_cases hp₃p₂ : p₃ = p₂, { simp [hp₃p₂] },
have hs : sbtw ℝ p₂ p₃ p₁ := ⟨hw, hp₃p₂, hp₁p₃.symm⟩,
have hs' := hs.dist_lt_max_dist p,
rw [hp₁, hp₃, lt_max_iff, lt_self_iff_false, or_false] at hs',
exact false.elim (hp₂.not_lt hs') },
{ by_cases hp₁p₂ : p₁ = p₂, { simp [hp₁p₂] },
have hs : sbtw ℝ p₃ p₁ p₂ := ⟨hw, hp₁p₃, hp₁p₂⟩,
have hs' := hs.dist_lt_max_dist p,
rw [hp₁, hp₃, lt_max_iff, lt_self_iff_false, false_or] at hs',
exact false.elim (hp₂.not_lt hs') }

/-- Given three collinear points, two (not equal) with distance `r` from `p` and one with
distance less than `r` from `p`, the third point is strictly between the other two points. -/
lemma collinear.sbtw_of_dist_eq_of_dist_lt {p p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} {r : ℝ}
(h : collinear ℝ ({p₁, p₂, p₃} : set P)) (hp₁ : dist p₁ p = r) (hp₂ : dist p₂ p < r)
(hp₃ : dist p₃ p = r) (hp₁p₃ : p₁ ≠ p₃) : sbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃ :=
refine ⟨h.wbtw_of_dist_eq_of_dist_le hp₁ hp₂.le hp₃ hp₁p₃, _, _⟩,
{ rintro rfl, exact hp₂.ne hp₁ },
{ rintro rfl, exact hp₂.ne hp₃ }

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