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chore(order/filter/basic): implicit arg in eventually_of_forall (#3277
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Make `l : filter α` argument of `eventually_of_forall` implicit
because everywhere in `mathlib` it was used as `eventually_of_forall _`.
  • Loading branch information
urkud committed Jul 3, 2020
1 parent 56ed551 commit e236160
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Showing 12 changed files with 42 additions and 42 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/calculus/deriv.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ theorem has_strict_deriv_at_inv (hx : x ≠ 0) : has_strict_deriv_at has_inv.inv
suffices : is_o (λ p : 𝕜 × 𝕜, (p.1 - p.2) * ((x * x)⁻¹ - (p.1 * p.2)⁻¹))
(λ (p : 𝕜 × 𝕜), (p.1 - p.2) * 1) (𝓝 (x, x)),
{ refine this.congr' _ (eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, mul_one _),
{ refine this.congr' _ (eventually_of_forall $ λ _, mul_one _),
refine eventually.mono (mem_nhds_sets (is_open_prod is_open_ne is_open_ne) ⟨hx, hx⟩) _,
rintro ⟨y, z⟩ ⟨hy, hz⟩,
simp only [mem_set_of_eq] at hy hz, -- hy : y ≠ 0, hz : z ≠ 0
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/analysis/calculus/fderiv.lean
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Expand Up @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ theorem filter.eventually_eq.has_strict_fderiv_at_iff
(h : f₀ =ᶠ[𝓝 x] f₁) (h' : ∀ y, f₀' y = f₁' y) :
has_strict_fderiv_at f₀ f₀' x ↔ has_strict_fderiv_at f₁ f₁' x :=
refine is_o_congr ((h.prod_mk_nhds h).mono _) (eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, rfl),
refine is_o_congr ((h.prod_mk_nhds h).mono _) (eventually_of_forall $ λ _, rfl),
rintros p ⟨hp₁, hp₂⟩,
simp only [*]
Expand All @@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ theorem has_strict_fderiv_at.congr_of_eventually_eq (h : has_strict_fderiv_at f
theorem filter.eventually_eq.has_fderiv_at_filter_iff
(h₀ : f₀ =ᶠ[L] f₁) (hx : f₀ x = f₁ x) (h₁ : ∀ x, f₀' x = f₁' x) :
has_fderiv_at_filter f₀ f₀' x L ↔ has_fderiv_at_filter f₁ f₁' x L :=
is_o_congr (h₀.mono $ λ y hy, by simp only [hy, h₁, hx]) (eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, rfl)
is_o_congr (h₀.mono $ λ y hy, by simp only [hy, h₁, hx]) (eventually_of_forall $ λ _, rfl)

lemma has_fderiv_at_filter.congr_of_eventually_eq (h : has_fderiv_at_filter f f' x L)
(hL : f₁ =ᶠ[L] f) (hx : f₁ x = f x) : has_fderiv_at_filter f₁ f' x L :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2225,11 +2225,11 @@ begin
simp },
refine this.trans_is_o _, clear this,
refine ((hf.comp_tendsto hg).symm.congr' (hfg.mono _)
(eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, rfl)).trans_is_O _,
(eventually_of_forall $ λ _, rfl)).trans_is_O _,
{ rintros p ⟨hp1, hp2⟩,
simp [hp1, hp2] },
{ refine (hf.is_O_sub_rev.comp_tendsto hg).congr'
(eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, rfl) (hfg.mono _),
(eventually_of_forall $ λ _, rfl) (hfg.mono _),
rintros p ⟨hp1, hp2⟩,
simp only [(∘), hp1, hp2] }
Expand All @@ -2249,11 +2249,11 @@ begin
simp },
refine this.trans_is_o _, clear this,
refine ((hf.comp_tendsto hg).symm.congr' (hfg.mono _)
(eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, rfl)).trans_is_O _,
(eventually_of_forall $ λ _, rfl)).trans_is_O _,
{ rintros p hp,
simp [hp, hfg.self_of_nhds] },
{ refine (hf.is_O_sub_rev.comp_tendsto hg).congr'
(eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, rfl) (hfg.mono _),
(eventually_of_forall $ λ _, rfl) (hfg.mono _),
rintros p hp,
simp only [(∘), hp, hfg.self_of_nhds] }
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/normed_space/bounded_linear_maps.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ variable {f : E × F → G}
protected lemma is_bounded_bilinear_map.is_O (h : is_bounded_bilinear_map 𝕜 f) :
asymptotics.is_O f (λ p : E × F, ∥p.1∥ * ∥p.2∥) ⊤ :=
let ⟨C, Cpos, hC⟩ := h.bound in asymptotics.is_O.of_bound _ $
filter.eventually_of_forall $ λ ⟨x, y⟩, by simpa [mul_assoc] using hC x y
filter.eventually_of_forall $ λ ⟨x, y⟩, by simpa [mul_assoc] using hC x y

lemma is_bounded_bilinear_map.is_O_comp {α : Type*} (H : is_bounded_bilinear_map 𝕜 f)
{g : α → E} {h : α → F} {l : filter α} :
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/normed_space/multilinear.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ begin
apply add_le_add_right,
simpa [dist_eq_norm] using b_bound n 0 0 (zero_le _) (zero_le _)
end },
exact le_of_tendsto at_top_ne_bot (hF v).norm (eventually_of_forall _ A) },
exact le_of_tendsto at_top_ne_bot (hF v).norm (eventually_of_forall A) },
-- Thus `F` is continuous, and we propose that as the limit point of our original Cauchy sequence.
let Fcont := Fmult.mk_continuous _ Fnorm,
use Fcont,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/normed_space/operator_norm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ begin
apply add_le_add_right,
simpa [dist_eq_norm] using b_bound n 0 0 (zero_le _) (zero_le _)
end },
exact le_of_tendsto at_top_ne_bot (hG v).norm (eventually_of_forall _ A) },
exact le_of_tendsto at_top_ne_bot (hG v).norm (eventually_of_forall A) },
-- Thus `G` is continuous, and we propose that as the limit point of our original Cauchy sequence.
let Gcont := Glin.mk_continuous _ Gnorm,
use Gcont,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/measure_theory/measure_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ lemma measure_zero_iff_ae_nmem {s : set α} : μ s = 0 ↔ ∀ₘ a ∂ μ, a
by simp only [ae_iff, not_not, set_of_mem_eq]

lemma ae_of_all {p : α → Prop} (μ : measure α) : (∀a, p a) → ∀ₘ a ∂ μ, p a :=
eventually_of_forall _

instance : countable_Inter_filter μ.ae :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/order/filter/at_top_bot.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ assume h₁, (tendsto_at_top _ _).2 $ λ b, mp_sets ((tendsto_at_top _ _).1 h₁

lemma tendsto_at_top_mono [preorder β] {l : filter α} {f g : α → β} (h : ∀ n, f n ≤ g n) :
tendsto f l at_top → tendsto g l at_top :=
tendsto_at_top_mono' l $ eventually_of_forall _ h
tendsto_at_top_mono' l $ eventually_of_forall h

### Sequences
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22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/order/filter/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ inter_mem_sets
lemma eventually_true (f : filter α) : ∀ᶠ x in f, true := univ_mem_sets

lemma eventually_of_forall {p : α → Prop} (f : filter α) (hp : ∀ x, p x) :
lemma eventually_of_forall {p : α → Prop} {f : filter α} (hp : ∀ x, p x) :
∀ᶠ x in f, p x :=
univ_mem_sets' hp

Expand All @@ -852,13 +852,13 @@ empty_in_sets_eq_bot
(∀ᶠ x in f, p) ↔ p :=
classical.by_cases (λ h : p, by simp [h]) (λ h, by simp [h, hf])

lemma eventually.exists_mem {p : α → Prop} {f : filter α} (hp : ∀ᶠ x in f, p x) :
∃ v ∈ f, ∀ y ∈ v, p y :=
⟨{x | p x}, hp, λ y hy, hy⟩

lemma eventually_iff_exists_mem {p : α → Prop} {f : filter α} :
(∀ᶠ x in f, p x) ↔ ∃ v ∈ f, ∀ y ∈ v, p y :=
⟨λ hp, hp.exists_mem, λ ⟨v, vf, hv⟩, eventually_of_mem vf hv⟩

lemma eventually.exists_mem {p : α → Prop} {f : filter α} (hp : ∀ᶠ x in f, p x) :
∃ v ∈ f, ∀ y ∈ v, p y :=
eventually_iff_exists_mem.1 hp

lemma {p q : α → Prop} {f : filter α} (hp : ∀ᶠ x in f, p x)
(hq : ∀ᶠ x in f, p x → q x) :
Expand All @@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ mp_sets hp hq
lemma eventually.mono {p q : α → Prop} {f : filter α} (hp : ∀ᶠ x in f, p x)
(hq : ∀ x, p x → q x) :
∀ᶠ x in f, q x := (f.eventually_of_forall hq) (eventually_of_forall hq)

@[simp] lemma eventually_and {p q : α → Prop} {f : filter α} :
(∀ᶠ x in f, p x ∧ q x) ↔ (∀ᶠ x in f, p x) ∧ (∀ᶠ x in f, q x) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ end

lemma frequently_of_forall {f : filter α} (hf : f ≠ ⊥) {p : α → Prop} (h : ∀ x, p x) :
∃ᶠ x in f, p x :=
eventually.frequently hf (f.eventually_of_forall h)
eventually.frequently hf (eventually_of_forall h)

lemma {p q : α → Prop} {f : filter α} (h : ∃ᶠ x in f, p x)
(hpq : ∀ᶠ x in f, p x → q x) :
Expand All @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ mt (λ hq, $ hpq.mono $ λ x, mt) h
lemma frequently.mono {p q : α → Prop} {f : filter α} (h : ∃ᶠ x in f, p x)
(hpq : ∀ x, p x → q x) :
∃ᶠ x in f, q x := (f.eventually_of_forall hpq) (eventually_of_forall hpq)

lemma frequently.and_eventually {p q : α → Prop} {f : filter α}
(hp : ∃ᶠ x in f, p x) (hq : ∀ᶠ x in f, q x) :
Expand All @@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ end
lemma frequently.exists {p : α → Prop} {f : filter α} (hp : ∃ᶠ x in f, p x) : ∃ x, p x :=
by_contradiction H,
replace H : ∀ᶠ x in f, ¬ p x, from f.eventually_of_forall (not_exists.1 H),
replace H : ∀ᶠ x in f, ¬ p x, from eventually_of_forall (not_exists.1 H),
exact hp H

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ eventually_iff_exists_mem

@[refl] lemma eventually_eq.refl (l : filter α) (f : α → β) :
f =ᶠ[l] f :=
eventually_of_forall l $ λ x, rfl
eventually_of_forall $ λ x, rfl

@[symm] lemma eventually_eq.symm {f g : α → β} {l : filter α} (H : f =ᶠ[l] g) :
g =ᶠ[l] f :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/order/filter/filter_product.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ protected def field [field β] (U : is_ultrafilter φ) : field β* :=
/-- If `φ` is an ultrafilter then the ultraproduct is a linear order.
This cannot be an instance, since it depends on `φ` being an ultrafilter. -/
protected def linear_order [linear_order β] (U : is_ultrafilter φ) : linear_order β* :=
{ le_total := λ f g, induction_on₂ f g $ λ f g, U.eventually_or.1 $ eventually_of_forall _ $
{ le_total := λ f g, induction_on₂ f g $ λ f g, U.eventually_or.1 $ eventually_of_forall $
λ x, le_total _ _,
.. germ.partial_order }

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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/order/filter/germ.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ iff.rfl

lemma lift_pred_const {p : β → Prop} {x : β} (hx : p x) :
lift_pred p (↑x : germ l β) :=
eventually_of_forall _ $ λ y, hx
eventually_of_forall $ λ y, hx

@[simp] lemma lift_pred_const_iff (hl : l ≠ ⊥) {p : β → Prop} {x : β} :
lift_pred p (↑x : germ l β) ↔ p x :=
Expand All @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ iff.rfl

lemma lift_rel_const {r : β → γ → Prop} {x : β} {y : γ} (h : r x y) :
lift_rel r (↑x : germ l β) ↑y :=
eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, h
eventually_of_forall $ λ _, h

@[simp] lemma lift_rel_const_iff (hl : l ≠ ⊥) {r : β → γ → Prop} {x : β} {y : γ} :
lift_rel r (↑x : germ l β) ↑y ↔ r x y :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ instance [has_bot β] : has_bot (germ l β) := ⟨↑(⊥:β)⟩
instance [order_bot β] : order_bot (germ l β) :=
{ bot := ⊥,
le := (≤),
bot_le := λ f, induction_on f $ λ f, eventually_of_forall _ $ λ x, bot_le,
bot_le := λ f, induction_on f $ λ f, eventually_of_forall $ λ x, bot_le,
.. germ.partial_order }

instance [has_top β] : has_top (germ l β) := ⟨↑(⊤:β)⟩
Expand All @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ instance [has_top β] : has_top (germ l β) := ⟨↑(⊤:β)⟩
instance [order_top β] : order_top (germ l β) :=
{ top := ⊤,
le := (≤),
le_top := λ f, induction_on f $ λ f, eventually_of_forall _ $ λ x, le_top,
le_top := λ f, induction_on f $ λ f, eventually_of_forall $ λ x, le_top,
.. germ.partial_order }

instance [has_sup β] : has_sup (germ l β) := ⟨map₂ (⊔)⟩
Expand All @@ -470,19 +470,19 @@ instance [has_inf β] : has_inf (germ l β) := ⟨map₂ (⊓)⟩
instance [semilattice_sup β] : semilattice_sup (germ l β) :=
{ sup := (⊔),
le_sup_left := λ f g, induction_on₂ f g $ λ f g,
eventually_of_forall _ $ λ x, le_sup_left,
eventually_of_forall $ λ x, le_sup_left,
le_sup_right := λ f g, induction_on₂ f g $ λ f g,
eventually_of_forall _ $ λ x, le_sup_right,
eventually_of_forall $ λ x, le_sup_right,
sup_le := λ f₁ f₂ g, induction_on₃ f₁ f₂ g $ λ f₁ f₂ g h₁ h₂,
h₂.mp $ h₁.mono $ λ x, sup_le,
.. germ.partial_order }

instance [semilattice_inf β] : semilattice_inf (germ l β) :=
{ inf := (⊓),
inf_le_left := λ f g, induction_on₂ f g $ λ f g,
eventually_of_forall _ $ λ x, inf_le_left,
eventually_of_forall $ λ x, inf_le_left,
inf_le_right := λ f g, induction_on₂ f g $ λ f g,
eventually_of_forall _ $ λ x, inf_le_right,
eventually_of_forall $ λ x, inf_le_right,
le_inf := λ f₁ f₂ g, induction_on₃ f₁ f₂ g $ λ f₁ f₂ g h₁ h₂,
h₂.mp $ h₁.mono $ λ x, le_inf,
.. germ.partial_order }
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/order/liminf_limsup.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ iff.intro
/-- A bounded function `u` is in particular eventually bounded. -/
lemma is_bounded_under_of {f : filter β} {u : β → α} :
(∃b, ∀x, r (u x) b) → f.is_bounded_under r u
| ⟨b, hb⟩ := ⟨b, show ∀ᶠ x in f, r (u x) b, from eventually_of_forall _ hb⟩
| ⟨b, hb⟩ := ⟨b, show ∀ᶠ x in f, r (u x) b, from eventually_of_forall hb⟩

lemma is_bounded_bot : is_bounded r ⊥ ↔ nonempty α :=
by simp [is_bounded, exists_true_iff_nonempty]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ lemma is_cobounded_ge_of_top [order_top α] {f : filter α} : f.is_cobounded (
⟨⊤, assume a h, le_top⟩

lemma is_bounded_le_of_top [order_top α] {f : filter α} : f.is_bounded (≤) :=
⟨⊤, eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, le_top⟩
⟨⊤, eventually_of_forall $ λ _, le_top⟩

@[nolint ge_or_gt] -- see Note [nolint_ge]
lemma is_bounded_ge_of_bot [order_bot α] {f : filter α} : f.is_bounded (≥) :=
⟨⊥, eventually_of_forall _ $ λ _, bot_le⟩
⟨⊥, eventually_of_forall $ λ _, bot_le⟩

lemma is_bounded_under_sup [semilattice_sup α] {f : filter β} {u v : β → α} :
f.is_bounded_under (≤) u → f.is_bounded_under (≤) v → f.is_bounded_under (≤) (λa, u a ⊔ v a)
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/topology/algebra/ordered.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,23 +145,23 @@ show (a₁, a₂) ∈ {p:α×α | p.1 ≤ p.2},
lemma le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto' {f g : β → α} {b : filter β} {a₁ a₂ : α} (hb : b ≠ ⊥)
(hf : tendsto f b (𝓝 a₁)) (hg : tendsto g b (𝓝 a₂)) (h : ∀ x, f x ≤ g x) :
a₁ ≤ a₂ :=
le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto hb hf hg (eventually_of_forall _ h)
le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto hb hf hg (eventually_of_forall h)

lemma le_of_tendsto {f : β → α} {a b : α} {x : filter β}
(nt : x ≠ ⊥) (lim : tendsto f x (𝓝 a)) (h : ∀ᶠ c in x, f c ≤ b) : a ≤ b :=
le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto nt lim tendsto_const_nhds h

lemma le_of_tendsto' {f : β → α} {a b : α} {x : filter β}
(nt : x ≠ ⊥) (lim : tendsto f x (𝓝 a)) (h : ∀ c, f c ≤ b) : a ≤ b :=
le_of_tendsto nt lim (eventually_of_forall _ h)
le_of_tendsto nt lim (eventually_of_forall h)

lemma ge_of_tendsto {f : β → α} {a b : α} {x : filter β}
(nt : x ≠ ⊥) (lim : tendsto f x (𝓝 a)) (h : ∀ᶠ c in x, b ≤ f c) : b ≤ a :=
le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto nt tendsto_const_nhds lim h

lemma ge_of_tendsto' {f : β → α} {a b : α} {x : filter β}
(nt : x ≠ ⊥) (lim : tendsto f x (𝓝 a)) (h : ∀ c, b ≤ f c) : b ≤ a :=
ge_of_tendsto nt lim (eventually_of_forall _ h)
ge_of_tendsto nt lim (eventually_of_forall h)

lemma closure_le_eq [topological_space β] {f g : β → α} (hf : continuous f) (hg : continuous g) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ lemma tendsto_of_tendsto_of_tendsto_of_le_of_le {f g h : β → α} {b : filter
(hg : tendsto g b (𝓝 a)) (hh : tendsto h b (𝓝 a)) (hgf : g ≤ f) (hfh : f ≤ h) :
tendsto f b (𝓝 a) :=
tendsto_of_tendsto_of_tendsto_of_le_of_le' hg hh
(eventually_of_forall _ hgf) (eventually_of_forall _ hfh)
(eventually_of_forall hgf) (eventually_of_forall hfh)

lemma nhds_order_unbounded {a : α} (hu : ∃u, a < u) (hl : ∃l, l < a) :
𝓝 a = (⨅l (h₂ : l < a) u (h₂ : a < u), 𝓟 (Ioo l u)) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ variables [semilattice_sup α] [topological_space α] [order_topology α]

lemma is_bounded_le_nhds (a : α) : (𝓝 a).is_bounded (≤) :=
match forall_le_or_exists_lt_sup a with
| or.inl h := ⟨a, eventually_of_forall _ h⟩
| or.inl h := ⟨a, eventually_of_forall h⟩
| or.inr ⟨b, hb⟩ := ⟨b, ge_mem_nhds hb⟩

Expand All @@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ variables [semilattice_inf α] [topological_space α] [order_topology α]
@[nolint ge_or_gt] -- see Note [nolint_ge]
lemma is_bounded_ge_nhds (a : α) : (𝓝 a).is_bounded (≥) :=
match forall_le_or_exists_lt_inf a with
| or.inl h := ⟨a, eventually_of_forall _ h⟩
| or.inl h := ⟨a, eventually_of_forall h⟩
| or.inr ⟨b, hb⟩ := ⟨b, le_mem_nhds hb⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1930,7 +1930,7 @@ begin
cases exists_lt_of_lt_csupr h with N hN,
apply eventually.mono (mem_at_top N),
exact λ i hi, lt_of_lt_of_le hN (h_mono hi) },
{ exact λ a h, eventually_of_forall _ (λ n, lt_of_le_of_lt (le_csupr hbdd n) h) } },
{ exact λ a h, eventually_of_forall (λ n, lt_of_le_of_lt (le_csupr hbdd n) h) } },
{ exact tendsto_of_not_nonempty hi }

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