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feat(probability/stopping): add properties of the measurable space ge…
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…nerated by a stopping time (#13909)

- add lemmas stating that various sets are measurable with respect to that space
- describe the sigma algebra generated by the minimum of two stopping times
- use the results to generalize `is_stopping_time.measurable_set_eq_const` from nat to first countable linear orders and rename it to `is_stopping_time.measurable_space_eq'` to have a name similar to `is_stopping_time.measurable_set_eq`.
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RemyDegenne committed May 6, 2022
1 parent f033937 commit e4d3d33
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Showing 2 changed files with 177 additions and 44 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/probability/martingale.lean
Expand Up @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ begin
specialize hf (s.piecewise (λ _, i) (λ _, j)) _
(is_stopping_time_piecewise_const hij hs)
(is_stopping_time_const j) (λ x, (ite_le_sup _ _ _).trans (max_eq_right hij).le)
(is_stopping_time_const 𝒢 j) (λ x, (ite_le_sup _ _ _).trans (max_eq_right hij).le)
⟨j, λ x, le_rfl⟩,
rwa [stopped_value_const, stopped_value_piecewise_const,
integral_piecewise (𝒢.le _ _ hs) (hint _).integrable_on (hint _).integrable_on,
Expand Down
219 changes: 176 additions & 43 deletions src/probability/stopping.lean
Expand Up @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ Intuitively, the stopping time `τ` describes some stopping rule such that at ti
def is_stopping_time [preorder ι] (f : filtration ι m) (τ : α → ι) :=
∀ i : ι, measurable_set[f i] $ {x | τ x ≤ i}

lemma is_stopping_time_const [preorder ι] {f : filtration ι m} (i : ι) :
lemma is_stopping_time_const [preorder ι] (f : filtration ι m) (i : ι) :
is_stopping_time f (λ x, i) :=
λ j, by simp only [measurable_set.const]

Expand All @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ section measurable_set
section preorder
variables [preorder ι] {f : filtration ι m} {τ : α → ι}

lemma is_stopping_time.measurable_set_le (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
protected lemma is_stopping_time.measurable_set_le (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
measurable_set[f i] {x | τ x ≤ i} :=
hτ i

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,6 +531,11 @@ begin
exact (hτ i).inter (hπ i),

protected lemma max_const [linear_order ι] {f : filtration ι m} {τ : α → ι}
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
is_stopping_time f (λ x, max (τ x) i) :=
hτ.max (is_stopping_time_const f i)

protected lemma min [linear_order ι] {f : filtration ι m} {τ π : α → ι}
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) :
is_stopping_time f (λ x, min (τ x) (π x)) :=
Expand All @@ -540,6 +545,11 @@ begin
exact (hτ i).union (hπ i),

protected lemma min_const [linear_order ι] {f : filtration ι m} {τ : α → ι}
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
is_stopping_time f (λ x, min (τ x) i) :=
hτ.min (is_stopping_time_const f i)

lemma add_const [add_group ι] [preorder ι] [covariant_class ι ι (function.swap (+)) (≤)]
[covariant_class ι ι (+) (≤)]
{f : filtration ι m} {τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) {i : ι} (hi : 0 ≤ i) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -584,11 +594,10 @@ end

section preorder

variables [preorder ι] {f : filtration ι m}
variables [preorder ι] {f : filtration ι m} {τ π : α → ι}

/-- The associated σ-algebra with a stopping time. -/
protected def measurable_space
{τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) : measurable_space α :=
protected def measurable_space (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) : measurable_space α :=
{ measurable_set' := λ s, ∀ i : ι, measurable_set[f i] (s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i}),
measurable_set_empty :=
λ i, (set.empty_inter {x | τ x ≤ i}).symm ▸ @measurable_set.empty _ (f i),
Expand All @@ -609,14 +618,13 @@ protected def measurable_space
exact measurable_set.Union (hs i),
end }

lemma measurable_set {τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (s : set α) :
protected lemma measurable_set (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (s : set α) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] s ↔
∀ i : ι, measurable_set[f i] (s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i}) :=

lemma measurable_space_mono
{τ π : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) (hle : τ ≤ π) :
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) (hle : τ ≤ π) :
hτ.measurable_space ≤ hπ.measurable_space :=
intros s hs i,
Expand All @@ -628,7 +636,7 @@ begin
exact le_trans (hle _) hle' },

lemma measurable_space_le [encodable ι] {τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) :
lemma measurable_space_le [encodable ι] (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) :
hτ.measurable_space ≤ m :=
intros s hs,
Expand All @@ -641,49 +649,172 @@ begin
exact hx } }

section nat
@[simp] lemma measurable_space_const (f : filtration ι m) (i : ι) :
(is_stopping_time_const f i).measurable_space = f i :=
ext1 s,
change measurable_set[(is_stopping_time_const f i).measurable_space] s ↔ measurable_set[f i] s,
rw is_stopping_time.measurable_set,
split; intro h,
{ specialize h i,
simpa only [le_refl, set.set_of_true, set.inter_univ] using h, },
{ intro j,
by_cases hij : i ≤ j,
{ simp only [hij, set.set_of_true, set.inter_univ],
exact f.mono hij _ h, },
{ simp only [hij, set.set_of_false, set.inter_empty, measurable_set.empty], }, },

lemma measurable_set_eq_const {f : filtration ℕ m}
{τ : α → ℕ} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ℕ) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] {x | τ x = i} :=
lemma measurable_set_inter_eq_iff (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (s : set α) (i : ι) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] (s ∩ {x | τ x = i})
measurable_set[f i] (s ∩ {x | τ x = i}) :=
rw hτ.measurable_set,
intro j,
by_cases i ≤ j,
{ rw (_ : {x | τ x = i} ∩ {x | τ x ≤ j} = {x | τ x = i}),
{ exact hτ.measurable_set_eq_le h },
{ ext,
simp only [set.mem_inter_eq, and_iff_left_iff_imp, set.mem_set_of_eq],
rintro rfl,
assumption } },
{ rw (_ : {x | τ x = i} ∩ {x | τ x ≤ j} = ∅),
{ exact @measurable_set.empty _ (f j) },
{ ext,
simp only [set.mem_empty_eq, set.mem_inter_eq, not_and, not_le, set.mem_set_of_eq, iff_false],
rintro rfl,
rwa not_le at h } }
have : ∀ j, ({x : α | τ x = i} ∩ {x : α | τ x ≤ j}) = {x : α | τ x = i} ∩ {x | i ≤ j},
{ intro j,
ext1 x,
simp only [set.mem_inter_eq, set.mem_set_of_eq, and.congr_right_iff],
intro hxi,
rw hxi, },
split; intro h,
{ specialize h i,
simpa only [set.inter_assoc, this, le_refl, set.set_of_true, set.inter_univ] using h, },
{ intro j,
rw [set.inter_assoc, this],
by_cases hij : i ≤ j,
{ simp only [hij, set.set_of_true, set.inter_univ],
exact f.mono hij _ h, },
{ simp [hij], }, },

end nat
lemma measurable_space_le_of_le_const (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) {i : ι} (hτ_le : ∀ x, τ x ≤ i) :
hτ.measurable_space ≤ f i :=
(measurable_space_mono hτ _ hτ_le).trans (is_stopping_time.measurable_space_const _ _).le

lemma le_measurable_space_of_const_le (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) {i : ι} (hτ_le : ∀ x, i ≤ τ x) :
f i ≤ hτ.measurable_space :=
(is_stopping_time.measurable_space_const _ _).symm.le.trans (measurable_space_mono _ hτ hτ_le)

end preorder

section linear_order

variable [linear_order ι]
variables [linear_order ι] {f : filtration ι m} {τ π : α → ι}

protected lemma measurable_set_le' (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] {x | τ x ≤ i} :=
intro j,
have : {x : α | τ x ≤ i} ∩ {x : α | τ x ≤ j} = {x : α | τ x ≤ min i j},
{ ext1 x, simp only [set.mem_inter_eq, set.mem_set_of_eq, le_min_iff], },
rw this,
exact f.mono (min_le_right i j) _ (hτ _),

protected lemma measurable_set_gt' (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] {x | i < τ x} :=
have : {x : α | i < τ x} = {x : α | τ x ≤ i}ᶜ, by { ext1 x, simp, },
rw this,
exact (hτ.measurable_set_le' i).compl,

protected lemma measurable_set_eq' [topological_space ι] [order_topology ι]
[first_countable_topology ι]
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] {x | τ x = i} :=
rw [← set.univ_inter {x | τ x = i}, measurable_set_inter_eq_iff, set.univ_inter],
exact hτ.measurable_set_eq i,

lemma measurable [topological_space ι] [measurable_space ι]
protected lemma measurable_set_ge' [topological_space ι] [order_topology ι]
[first_countable_topology ι]
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] {x | i ≤ τ x} :=
have : {x | i ≤ τ x} = {x | τ x = i} ∪ {x | i < τ x},
{ ext1 x,
simp only [le_iff_lt_or_eq, set.mem_set_of_eq, set.mem_union_eq],
rw [@eq_comm _ i, or_comm], },
rw this,
exact (hτ.measurable_set_eq' i).union (hτ.measurable_set_gt' i),

protected lemma measurable_set_lt' [topological_space ι] [order_topology ι]
[first_countable_topology ι]
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] {x | τ x < i} :=
have : {x | τ x < i} = {x | τ x ≤ i} \ {x | τ x = i},
{ ext1 x,
simp only [lt_iff_le_and_ne, set.mem_set_of_eq, set.mem_diff], },
rw this,
exact (hτ.measurable_set_le' i).diff (hτ.measurable_set_eq' i),

protected lemma measurable [topological_space ι] [measurable_space ι]
[borel_space ι] [order_topology ι] [second_countable_topology ι]
{f : filtration ι m} {τ : α → ι} (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) :
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) :
measurable[hτ.measurable_space] τ :=
@measurable_of_Iic ι α _ _ _ hτ.measurable_space _ _ _ _ (λ i, hτ.measurable_set_le' i)

protected lemma measurable_of_le [topological_space ι] [measurable_space ι]
[borel_space ι] [order_topology ι] [second_countable_topology ι]
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) {i : ι} (hτ_le : ∀ x, τ x ≤ i) :
measurable[f i] τ :=
hτ.measurable.mono (measurable_space_le_of_le_const _ hτ_le) le_rfl

lemma measurable_space_min (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) :
(hτ.min hπ).measurable_space = hτ.measurable_space ⊓ hπ.measurable_space :=
refine @measurable_of_Iic ι α _ _ _ hτ.measurable_space _ _ _ _ _,
simp_rw [hτ.measurable_set, set.preimage, set.mem_Iic],
intros i j,
rw (_ : {x | τ x ≤ i} ∩ {x | τ x ≤ j} = {x | τ x ≤ min i j}),
{ exact f.mono (min_le_right i j) _ (hτ (min i j)) },
{ ext,
simp only [set.mem_inter_eq, iff_self, le_min_iff, set.mem_set_of_eq] }
refine le_antisymm _ _,
{ exact le_inf (is_stopping_time.measurable_space_mono _ hτ (λ _, min_le_left _ _))
(is_stopping_time.measurable_space_mono _ hπ (λ _, min_le_right _ _)), },
{ intro s,
change measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] s ∧ measurable_set[hπ.measurable_space] s
→ measurable_set[(hτ.min hπ).measurable_space] s,
simp_rw is_stopping_time.measurable_set,
have : ∀ i, {x | min (τ x) (π x) ≤ i} = {x | τ x ≤ i} ∪ {x | π x ≤ i},
{ intro i, ext1 x, simp, },
simp_rw [this, set.inter_union_distrib_left],
exact λ h i, (h.left i).union (h.right i), },

lemma measurable_set_min_iff (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) (s : set α) :
measurable_set[(hτ.min hπ).measurable_space] s
↔ measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] s ∧ measurable_set[hπ.measurable_space] s :=
by { rw measurable_space_min, refl, }

lemma measurable_set_inter_le [topological_space ι] [second_countable_topology ι] [order_topology ι]
[measurable_space ι] [borel_space ι]
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hπ : is_stopping_time f π) (s : set α)
(hs : measurable_set[hτ.measurable_space] s) :
measurable_set[(hτ.min hπ).measurable_space] (s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ π x}) :=
simp_rw is_stopping_time.measurable_set at ⊢ hs,
intro i,
have : (s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ π x} ∩ {x | min (τ x) (π x) ≤ i})
= (s ∩ {x | τ x ≤ i}) ∩ {x | min (τ x) (π x) ≤ i} ∩ {x | min (τ x) i ≤ min (min (τ x) (π x)) i},
{ ext1 x,
simp only [min_le_iff, set.mem_inter_eq, set.mem_set_of_eq, le_min_iff, le_refl, true_and,
and_true, true_or, or_true],
by_cases hτi : τ x ≤ i,
{ simp only [hτi, true_or, and_true, and.congr_right_iff],
intro hx,
split; intro h,
{ exact or.inl h, },
{ cases h,
{ exact h, },
{ exact hτi.trans h, }, }, },
simp only [hτi, false_or, and_false, false_and, iff_false, not_and, not_le, and_imp],
refine λ hx hτ_le_π, lt_of_lt_of_le _ hτ_le_π,
rw ← not_le,
exact hτi, },
rw this,
refine ((hs i).inter ((hτ.min hπ) i)).inter _,
apply measurable_set_le,
{ exact (hτ.min_const i).measurable_of_le (λ _, min_le_right _ _), },
{ exact ((hτ.min hπ).min_const i).measurable_of_le (λ _, min_le_right _ _), },

end linear_order
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -772,7 +903,7 @@ lemma prog_measurable.adapted_stopped_process
adapted f (stopped_process u τ) :=
(h.stopped_process hτ).adapted

lemma prog_measurable.measurable_stopped_process
lemma prog_measurable.strongly_measurable_stopped_process
(hu : prog_measurable f u) (hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (i : ι) :
strongly_measurable (stopped_process u τ i) :=
(hu.adapted_stopped_process hτ i).mono (f.le _)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -846,10 +977,11 @@ lemma adapted.stopped_process_of_nat [topological_space β] [has_continuous_add
adapted f (stopped_process u τ) :=
(hu.prog_measurable_of_nat.stopped_process hτ).adapted

lemma adapted.measurable_stopped_process_of_nat [topological_space β] [has_continuous_add β]
lemma adapted.strongly_measurable_stopped_process_of_nat [topological_space β]
[has_continuous_add β]
(hτ : is_stopping_time f τ) (hu : adapted f u) (n : ℕ) :
strongly_measurable (stopped_process u τ n) :=
hu.prog_measurable_of_nat.measurable_stopped_process hτ n
hu.prog_measurable_of_nat.strongly_measurable_stopped_process hτ n

lemma stopped_value_eq {N : ℕ} (hbdd : ∀ x, τ x ≤ N) :
stopped_value u τ =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -961,7 +1093,8 @@ end

lemma is_stopping_time_piecewise_const (hij : i ≤ j) (hs : measurable_set[𝒢 i] s) :
is_stopping_time 𝒢 (s.piecewise (λ _, i) (λ _, j)) :=
(is_stopping_time_const i).piecewise_of_le (is_stopping_time_const j) (λ x, le_rfl) (λ _, hij) hs
(is_stopping_time_const 𝒢 i).piecewise_of_le (is_stopping_time_const 𝒢 j)
(λ x, le_rfl) (λ _, hij) hs

lemma stopped_value_piecewise_const {ι' : Type*} {i j : ι'} {f : ι' → α → ℝ} :
stopped_value f (s.piecewise (λ _, i) (λ _, j)) = s.piecewise (f i) (f j) :=
Expand Down

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