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chore(topology/algebra/ordered): fix assumptions in some lemmas (#3629)
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* Some `nhds_within_I??_eq_nhds_within_I??` lemmas assumed strict
  inequalities when this was not needed.
* Remove TFAEs that only stated equality of three `nhds_within`s.
  Prove equality of `nhds_within`s instead.
* Genralize `I??_mem_nhds_within_I??` to `order_closed_topology`.
  • Loading branch information
urkud committed Jul 30, 2020
1 parent 29d5f11 commit e7075b8
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 158 deletions.
264 changes: 106 additions & 158 deletions src/topology/algebra/ordered.lean
Expand Up @@ -336,69 +336,74 @@ the left and to the right, either open or closed, i.e., members of `nhds_within
right-neighborhoods of a point are equal, and we'll prove later other useful characterizations which
require the stronger hypothesis `order_topology α` -/

-- NB: If you extend the list, append to the end please to avoid breaking the API
/-- The following statements are equivalent:
#### Right neighborhoods, point excluded

0. `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `(a, +∞)`
1. `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `(a, b]`
2. `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `(a, b)` -/
lemma tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ioi' {a b : α} (hab : a < b) (s : set α) :
tfae [s ∈ nhds_within a (Ioi a), -- 0 : `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `(a, +∞)`
s ∈ nhds_within a (Ioc a b), -- 1 : `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `(a, b]`
s ∈ nhds_within a (Ioo a b)] := -- 2 : `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `(a, b)`
tfae_have : 12, from λ h, nhds_within_mono _ Ioc_subset_Ioi_self h,
tfae_have : 23, from λ h, nhds_within_mono _ Ioo_subset_Ioc_self h,
tfae_have : 31,
{ rw [mem_nhds_within, mem_nhds_within],
rintros ⟨ u, huopen, hau, hu ⟩,
use u ∩ Iio b,
use is_open_inter huopen is_open_Iio,
use ⟨ hau, hab ⟩,
exact λ x ⟨ ⟨ hxu, hxb ⟩, hxa ⟩, hu ⟨ hxu, ⟨ hxa, hxb ⟩ ⟩ },
lemma Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Ioo a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ioi b) :=
mem_nhds_within.2 ⟨Iio c, is_open_Iio, H.2,
by rw [inter_comm, Ioi_inter_Iio]; exact Ioo_subset_Ioo_left H.1

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Ioc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ioi b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi H) Ioo_subset_Ioc_self

lemma Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Ico a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ioi b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi H) Ioo_subset_Ico_self

lemma Icc_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Icc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ioi b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi H) Ioo_subset_Icc_self

@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Ioc_eq_nhds_within_Ioi {a b : α} (h : a < b) :
nhds_within a (Ioc a b) = nhds_within a (Ioi a) :=
filter.ext $ λ s, (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ioi' h s).out 1 0
le_antisymm (nhds_within_mono _ Ioc_subset_Ioi_self) $
nhds_within_le_of_mem $ Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Ioi $ left_mem_Ico.2 h

@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Ioo_eq_nhds_within_Ioi {a b : α} (hu : a < b) :
@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Ioo_eq_nhds_within_Ioi {a b : α} (h : a < b) :
nhds_within a (Ioo a b) = nhds_within a (Ioi a) :=
filter.ext $ λ s, (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ioi' hu s).out 2 0
le_antisymm (nhds_within_mono _ Ioo_subset_Ioi_self) $
nhds_within_le_of_mem $ Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi $ left_mem_Ico.2 h

@[simp] lemma continuous_within_at_Ioc_iff_Ioi [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
lemma continuous_within_at_Ioc_iff_Ioi [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
continuous_within_at f (Ioc a b) a ↔ continuous_within_at f (Ioi a) a :=
by simp only [continuous_within_at, nhds_within_Ioc_eq_nhds_within_Ioi h]

@[simp] lemma continuous_within_at_Ioo_iff_Ioi [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
lemma continuous_within_at_Ioo_iff_Ioi [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
continuous_within_at f (Ioo a b) a ↔ continuous_within_at f (Ioi a) a :=
by simp only [continuous_within_at, nhds_within_Ioo_eq_nhds_within_Ioi h]

/-- The following statements are equivalent:
#### Left neighborhoods, point excluded

0. `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(-∞, b)`
1. `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `[a, b)`
2. `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(a, b)` -/
lemma tfae_mem_nhds_within_Iio' {a b : α} (h : a < b) (s : set α) :
tfae [s ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b), -- 0 : `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(-∞, b)`
s ∈ nhds_within b (Ico a b), -- 1 : `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `[a, b)`
s ∈ nhds_within b (Ioo a b)] := -- 2 : `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(a, b)`
have := @tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ioi' (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ h s,
-- If we call `convert` here, it generates wrong equations, so we need to simplify first
simp only [exists_prop] at this ⊢,
rw [dual_Ioi, dual_Ioc, dual_Ioo] at this,
convert this
lemma Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iio {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Ioo a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
by simpa only [dual_Ioo] using @Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ _ ⟨H.2, H.1

lemma Ico_mem_nhds_within_Iio {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Ico a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iio H) Ioo_subset_Ico_self

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Iio {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Ioc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iio H) Ioo_subset_Ioc_self

lemma Icc_mem_nhds_within_Iio {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Icc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iio H) Ioo_subset_Icc_self

@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Ico_eq_nhds_within_Iio {a b : α} (h : a < b) :
nhds_within b (Ico a b) = nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
filter.ext $ λ s, (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Iio' h s).out 1 0
by simpa only [dual_Ioc] using @nhds_within_Ioc_eq_nhds_within_Ioi (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ h

@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Ioo_eq_nhds_within_Iio {a b : α} (h : a < b) :
nhds_within b (Ioo a b) = nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
filter.ext $ λ s, (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Iio' h s).out 2 0
by simpa only [dual_Ioo] using @nhds_within_Ioo_eq_nhds_within_Ioi (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ h

@[simp] lemma continuous_within_at_Ico_iff_Iio [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
continuous_within_at f (Ico a b) b ↔ continuous_within_at f (Iio b) b :=
Expand All @@ -408,74 +413,82 @@ by simp only [continuous_within_at, nhds_within_Ico_eq_nhds_within_Iio h]
continuous_within_at f (Ioo a b) b ↔ continuous_within_at f (Iio b) b :=
by simp only [continuous_within_at, nhds_within_Ioo_eq_nhds_within_Iio h]

/-- The following statements are equivalent:
#### Right neighborhoods, point included

0. `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `[a, +∞)`
1. `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `[a, b]`
2. `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `[a, b)` -/
lemma tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ici' {a b : α} (hab : a < b) (s : set α) :
tfae [s ∈ nhds_within a (Ici a), -- 0 : `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `[a, +∞)`
s ∈ nhds_within a (Icc a b), -- 1 : `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `[a, b]`
s ∈ nhds_within a (Ico a b)] := -- 2 : `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `[a, b)`
tfae_have : 12, from λ h, nhds_within_mono _ Icc_subset_Ici_self h,
tfae_have : 23, from λ h, nhds_within_mono _ Ico_subset_Icc_self h,
tfae_have : 31,
{ rw [mem_nhds_within, mem_nhds_within],
rintros ⟨ u, huopen, hau, hu ⟩,
use u ∩ Iio b,
use is_open_inter huopen is_open_Iio,
use ⟨ hau, hab ⟩,
exact λ x ⟨ ⟨ hxu, hxb ⟩, hxa ⟩, hu ⟨ hxu, ⟨ hxa, hxb ⟩ ⟩ },
lemma Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ioo a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ici b) :=
mem_nhds_within_of_mem_nhds $ mem_nhds_sets is_open_Ioo H

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ioc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ici b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ici H) Ioo_subset_Ioc_self

lemma Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Ico a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ici b) :=
mem_nhds_within.2 ⟨Iio c, is_open_Iio, H.2,
by simp only [inter_comm, Ici_inter_Iio, Ico_subset_Ico_left H.1]⟩

lemma Icc_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Icc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ici b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ici H) Ico_subset_Icc_self

@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Icc_eq_nhds_within_Ici {a b : α} (h : a < b) :
nhds_within a (Icc a b) = nhds_within a (Ici a) :=
filter.ext $ λ s, (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ici' h s).out 1 0
le_antisymm (nhds_within_mono _ Icc_subset_Ici_self) $
nhds_within_le_of_mem $ Icc_mem_nhds_within_Ici $ left_mem_Ico.2 h

@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Ico_eq_nhds_within_Ici {a b : α} (hu : a < b) :
@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Ico_eq_nhds_within_Ici {a b : α} (h : a < b) :
nhds_within a (Ico a b) = nhds_within a (Ici a) :=
filter.ext $ λ s, (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ici' hu s).out 2 0
le_antisymm (nhds_within_mono _ (λ x, and.left)) $
nhds_within_le_of_mem $ Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ici $ left_mem_Ico.2 h

@[simp] lemma continuous_within_at_Icc_iff_Ici [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
lemma continuous_within_at_Icc_iff_Ici [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
continuous_within_at f (Icc a b) a ↔ continuous_within_at f (Ici a) a :=
by simp only [continuous_within_at, nhds_within_Icc_eq_nhds_within_Ici h]

@[simp] lemma continuous_within_at_Ico_iff_Ici [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
lemma continuous_within_at_Ico_iff_Ici [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
continuous_within_at f (Ico a b) a ↔ continuous_within_at f (Ici a) a :=
by simp only [continuous_within_at, nhds_within_Ico_eq_nhds_within_Ici h]

/-- The following statements are equivalent:
#### Left neighborhoods, point included

0. `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(-∞, b]`
1. `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `[a, b]`
2. `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(a, b]` -/
lemma tfae_mem_nhds_within_Iic' {a b : α} (h : a < b) (s : set α) :
tfae [s ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b), -- 0 : `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(-∞, b]`
s ∈ nhds_within b (Icc a b), -- 1 : `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `[a, b]`
s ∈ nhds_within b (Ioc a b)] := -- 2 : `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(a, b]`
have := @tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ici' (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ h s,
-- If we call `convert` here, it generates wrong equations, so we need to simplify first
simp only [exists_prop] at this ⊢,
rw [dual_Ici, dual_Icc, dual_Ico] at this,
convert this
lemma Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iic {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ioo a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
mem_nhds_within_of_mem_nhds $ mem_nhds_sets is_open_Ioo H

lemma Ico_mem_nhds_within_Iic {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ico a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iic H) Ioo_subset_Ico_self

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Iic {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Ioc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
by simpa only [dual_Ico] using @Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ici (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ _ ⟨H.2, H.1

lemma Icc_mem_nhds_within_Iic {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Icc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Iic H) Ioc_subset_Icc_self

@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Icc_eq_nhds_within_Iic {a b : α} (h : a < b) :
nhds_within b (Icc a b) = nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
filter.ext $ λ s, (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Iic' h s).out 1 0 (by norm_num) (by norm_num)
by simpa only [dual_Icc] using @nhds_within_Icc_eq_nhds_within_Ici (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ h

@[simp] lemma nhds_within_Ioc_eq_nhds_within_Iic {a b : α} (h : a < b) :
nhds_within b (Ioc a b) = nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
filter.ext $ λ s, (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Iic' h s).out 2 0 (by norm_num) (by norm_num)
by simpa only [dual_Ico] using @nhds_within_Ico_eq_nhds_within_Ici (order_dual α) _ _ _ _ _ h

@[simp] lemma continuous_within_at_Icc_iff_Iic [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
lemma continuous_within_at_Icc_iff_Iic [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
continuous_within_at f (Icc a b) b ↔ continuous_within_at f (Iic b) b :=
by simp only [continuous_within_at, nhds_within_Icc_eq_nhds_within_Iic h]

@[simp] lemma continuous_within_at_Ioc_iff_Iic [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
lemma continuous_within_at_Ioc_iff_Iic [topological_space β] {a b : α} {f : α → β} (h : a < b) :
continuous_within_at f (Ioc a b) b ↔ continuous_within_at f (Iic b) b :=
by simp only [continuous_within_at, nhds_within_Ioc_eq_nhds_within_Iic h]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -918,20 +931,19 @@ lemma tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b : α} (hab : a < b) (s : set α) :
∃ u ∈ Ioc a b, Ioo a u ⊆ s, -- 3 : `s` includes `(a, u)` for some `u ∈ (a, b]`
∃ u ∈ Ioi a, Ioo a u ⊆ s] := -- 4 : `s` includes `(a, u)` for some `u > a`
tfae_have : 12, from (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ioi' hab s).out 0 1,
tfae_have : 23, from (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ioi' hab s).out 1 2,
tfae_have : 12, by rw [nhds_within_Ioc_eq_nhds_within_Ioi hab],
tfae_have : 13, by rw [nhds_within_Ioo_eq_nhds_within_Ioi hab],
tfae_have : 45, from λ ⟨u, umem, hu⟩, ⟨u, umem.1, hu⟩,
tfae_have : 51,
{ rintros ⟨u, hau, hu⟩,
exact mem_nhds_within.2 ⟨Iio u, is_open_Iio, hau, by rwa [inter_comm, Ioi_inter_Iio]⟩ },
exact mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi ⟨le_refl a, hau⟩) hu },
tfae_have : 14,
{ assume h,
rcases mem_nhds_within_iff_exists_mem_nhds_inter.1 h with ⟨v, va, hv⟩,
rcases exists_Ico_subset_of_mem_nhds' va hab with ⟨u, au, hu⟩,
refine ⟨u, au, λx hx, _⟩,
refine hv ⟨hu ⟨le_of_lt hx.1, hx.2⟩, _⟩,
exact hx.1 },
have := tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ioi' hab s,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -965,22 +977,6 @@ begin
exact ⟨u, au, subset.trans Ioo_subset_Ioc_self as⟩ }

lemma Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Ioo a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ioi b) :=
(mem_nhds_within_Ioi_iff_exists_Ioo_subset' H.2).2 ⟨c, H.2, Ioo_subset_Ioo_left H.1

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Ioc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ioi b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi H) Ioo_subset_Ioc_self

lemma Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Ico a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ioi b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi H) Ioo_subset_Ico_self

lemma Icc_mem_nhds_within_Ioi {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ico a c) :
Icc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ioi b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ioi H) Ioo_subset_Icc_self

/-- The following statements are equivalent:
0. `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(-∞, b)`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1027,22 +1023,6 @@ begin
simp only [dual_Ioc], refl

lemma Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iio {a b c : α} (h : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Ioo a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
(mem_nhds_within_Iio_iff_exists_Ioo_subset' h.1).2 ⟨a, h.1, Ioo_subset_Ioo_right h.2

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Iio {a b c : α} (h : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Ioc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iio h) Ioo_subset_Ioc_self

lemma Ico_mem_nhds_within_Iio {a b c : α} (h : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Ico a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iio h) Ioo_subset_Ico_self

lemma Icc_mem_nhds_within_Iio {a b c : α} (h : b ∈ Ioc a c) :
Icc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iio b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iio h) Ioo_subset_Icc_self

/-- The following statements are equivalent:
0. `s` is a neighborhood of `a` within `[a, +∞)`
Expand All @@ -1057,12 +1037,12 @@ lemma tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b : α} (hab : a < b) (s : set α) :
∃ u ∈ Ioc a b, Ico a u ⊆ s, -- 3 : `s` includes `[a, u)` for some `u ∈ (a, b]`
∃ u ∈ Ioi a, Ico a u ⊆ s] := -- 4 : `s` includes `[a, u)` for some `u > a`
tfae_have : 12, from (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ici' hab s).out 0 1,
tfae_have : 23, from (tfae_mem_nhds_within_Ici' hab s).out 1 2,
tfae_have : 12, by rw [nhds_within_Icc_eq_nhds_within_Ici hab],
tfae_have : 13, by rw [nhds_within_Ico_eq_nhds_within_Ici hab],
tfae_have : 45, from λ ⟨u, umem, hu⟩, ⟨u, umem.1, hu⟩,
tfae_have : 51,
{ rintros ⟨u, hau, hu⟩,
exact mem_nhds_within.2 ⟨Iio u, is_open_Iio, hau, by rwa [inter_comm, Ici_inter_Iio]⟩ },
exact mem_sets_of_superset (Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ici ⟨le_refl a, hau⟩) hu },
tfae_have : 14,
{ assume h,
rcases mem_nhds_within_iff_exists_mem_nhds_inter.1 h with ⟨v, va, hv⟩,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1103,22 +1083,6 @@ begin
exact ⟨u, au, subset.trans Ico_subset_Icc_self as⟩ }

lemma Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ioo a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ici b) :=
(mem_nhds_within_Ici_iff_exists_Ico_subset' H.2).2 ⟨c, H.2, Ico_subset_Ioo_left H.1

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ioc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ici b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ici H) Ioo_subset_Ioc_self

lemma Ico_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ico a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ici b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ici H) Ioo_subset_Ico_self

lemma Icc_mem_nhds_within_Ici {a b c : α} (H : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Icc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Ici b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Ici H) Ioo_subset_Icc_self

/-- The following statements are equivalent:
0. `s` is a neighborhood of `b` within `(-∞, b]`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1166,22 +1130,6 @@ begin

lemma Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iic {a b c : α} (h : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ioo a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
(mem_nhds_within_Iic_iff_exists_Ioc_subset' h.1).2 ⟨a, h.1, Ioc_subset_Ioo_right h.2

lemma Ioc_mem_nhds_within_Iic {a b c : α} (h : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ioc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iic h) Ioo_subset_Ioc_self

lemma Ico_mem_nhds_within_Iic {a b c : α} (h : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Ico a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iic h) Ioo_subset_Ico_self

lemma Icc_mem_nhds_within_Iic {a b c : α} (h : b ∈ Ioo a c) :
Icc a c ∈ nhds_within b (Iic b) :=
mem_sets_of_superset (Ioo_mem_nhds_within_Iic h) Ioo_subset_Icc_self

/-- A set is a neighborhood of `a` within `[a, +∞)` if and only if it contains an interval `[a, u]`
with `a < u`. -/
lemma mem_nhds_within_Ici_iff_exists_Icc_subset [no_top_order α] [densely_ordered α]
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