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feat(tactic): add various tactics about local definitions
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fpvandoorn committed Feb 4, 2020
1 parent c5febb5 commit e7df2cb
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Showing 4 changed files with 148 additions and 9 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/data/option/defs.lean
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ Extra definitions on option.
namespace option
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*}

/-- An elimination principle for `option`. It is a nondependent version of `option.rec_on`. -/
protected def elim {α β} : option α → β → (α → β) → β
| (some x) y f := f x
| none y f := y

instance has_mem : has_mem α (option α) := ⟨λ a b, b = some a⟩

@[simp] theorem mem_def {a : α} {b : option α} : a ∈ b ↔ b = some a :=
Expand Down
65 changes: 56 additions & 9 deletions src/tactic/core.lean
Expand Up @@ -217,15 +217,6 @@ a meaningful expression. -/
meta def mk_local (n : name) : expr :=
expr.local_const n n binder_info.default (expr.const n [])

/-- `local_def_value e` returns the value of the expression `e`, assuming that `e` has been defined
locally using a `let` expression. Otherwise it fails. -/
meta def local_def_value (e : expr) : tactic expr :=
do (v,_) ← solve_aux `(true) (do
(expr.elet n t v _) ← (revert e >> target)
| fail format!"{e} is not a local definition",
return v),
return v

/-- `pis loc_consts f` is used to create a pi expression whose body is `f`.
`loc_consts` should be a list of local constants. The function will abstract these local
constants from `f` and bind them with pi binders.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,6 +344,62 @@ do to_remove ← hs.mfilter $ λ h, do {
to_remove.mmap' (λ h, try (clear h)),
return (¬ to_remove.empty ∨ goal_simplified)

/-- `revert_after e` reverts all local constants after local constant `e`. -/
meta def revert_after (e : expr) : tactic ℕ := do
l ← local_context,
[pos] ← return $ l.indexes_of e | pp e >>= λ s, fail format!"No such local constant {s}",
let l := l.drop pos.succ, -- all local hypotheses after `e`
revert_lst l

/-- `generalize' e n` is similar as `generalize` but also succeeds when `e` does not occur in the
goal, in which case it just calls `assert`. It already introduces the generalized variable. -/
meta def generalize' (e : expr) (n : name) : tactic expr :=
(generalize e n >> intro1) <|> note n none e

/- Various tactics related to local definitions (local constants of the form `x : α := t`).
We call `t` the body or value of `x`. -/

/-- `local_def_value e` returns the value of the expression `e`, assuming that `e` has been defined
locally using a `let` expression. Otherwise it fails. -/
meta def local_def_value (e : expr) : tactic expr :=
do (v,_) ← solve_aux `(true) (do
(expr.elet n t v _) ← (revert e >> target)
| fail format!"{e} is not a local definition",
return v),
return v

/-- `revert_deps e` reverts all the hypotheses that depend on one of the local
constants `e`, including the local definitions that have `e` in their definition.
This fixes a bug in `revert_kdeps` that does not revert local definitions for which `e` only
appears in the definition. -/
/- We cannot implement it as `revert e >> intro1`, because after that `e` would not be in the
local context anymore. -/
meta def revert_deps (e : expr) : tactic ℕ := do
n ← revert_kdeps e,
l ← local_context,
[pos] ← return $ l.indexes_of e,
let l := l.drop pos.succ, -- local hypotheses after `e`
ls ← l.mfilter $ λ e', try_core (local_def_value e') >>= λ o, return $ o.elim ff $ λ e'',
e''.has_local_constant e,
n' ← revert_lst ls,
return $ n + n'

/-- `is_local_def e` succeeds when `e` is a local definition (a local constant of the form
`e : α := t`) and otherwise fails. -/
meta def is_local_def (e : expr) : tactic unit :=
retrieve $ do revert e, expr.elet _ _ _ _ ← target, skip

/-- `clearbody e` clears the body of the local definition `e`, changing it into a regular hypothesis.
A hypothesis `e : α := t` is changed to `e : α`. -/
meta def clearbody (e : expr) : tactic unit := do
n ← revert_after e,
is_local_def e <|>
pp e >>= λ s, fail format!"Cannot clear the body of {s}. It is not a local definition.",
let nm := e.local_pp_name,
(generalize' e nm >> clear e) <|>
fail format!"Cannot clear the body of {nm}. The resulting goal is not type correct.",
intron n

/-- A variant of `simplify_bottom_up`. Given a tactic `post` for rewriting subexpressions,
`simp_bottom_up post e` tries to rewrite `e` starting at the leaf nodes. Returns the resulting
expression and a proof of equality. -/
Expand Down
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/interactive.lean
Expand Up @@ -812,5 +812,44 @@ do (cxt,_) ← solve_aux `(true) $
trace fmt,
trace!"begin\n \nend"

/-- `revert_deps n₁ n₂ ...` reverts all the hypotheses that depend on one of `n₁, n₂, ...`
It does not revert `n₁, n₂, ...` themselves (unless they depend on another `nᵢ`). -/
meta def revert_deps (ns : parse ident*) : tactic unit :=
propagate_tags $ ns.reverse.mmap' $ λ n, get_local n >>= tactic.revert_deps

/-- `revert_after n` reverts all the hypotheses after `n`. -/
meta def revert_after (n : parse ident) : tactic unit :=
propagate_tags $ get_local n >>= tactic.revert_after >> skip

/-- `clearbody n₁ n₂ ...` clears the bodies of the local definitions `n₁, n₂ ...`, changing them
into regular hypotheses. A hypothesis `n : α := t` is changed to `n : α`. -/
meta def clearbody (ns : parse ident*) : tactic unit :=
propagate_tags $ ns.reverse.mmap' $ λ n, get_local n >>= tactic.clearbody

`generalize' : e = x` replaces all occurrences of `e` in the target with a new hypothesis `x` of the same type.
`generalize' h : e = x` in addition registers the hypothesis `h : e = x`.
`generalize'` is similar to `generalize`. The difference is that `generalize'` also succeeds when `e`
does not occur in the goal. It is similar to `set`, but the resulting hypothesis `x` is not a local definition.
meta def generalize' (h : parse ident?) (_ : parse $ tk ":") (p : parse generalize_arg_p) : tactic unit :=
propagate_tags $
do let (p, x) := p,
e ← i_to_expr p,
some h ← pure h | tactic.generalize' e x >> skip,
tgt ← target,
-- if generalizing fails, fall back to not replacing anything
tgt' ← do {
⟨tgt', _⟩ ← solve_aux tgt (tactic.generalize' e x >> target),
to_expr ``(Π x, %%e = x → %%(tgt'.binding_body.lift_vars 0 1))
} <|> to_expr ``(Π x, %%e = x → %%tgt),
t ← assert h tgt',
exact ``(%%t %%e rfl),
intro x,
intro h

end interactive
end tactic
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions test/tactics.lean
Expand Up @@ -500,3 +500,51 @@ section simp_rw
(∀ s, f '' s ⊆ t) = ∀ s : set α, ∀ x ∈ s, x ∈ f ⁻¹' t :=
by simp_rw [set.image_subset_iff, set.subset_def]
end simp_rw

section local_definitions
/- Some tactics about local definitions.
Testing revert_deps, revert_after, generalize', clearbody. -/
open tactic
example {A : ℕ → Type} {n : ℕ} : let k := n + 3, l := k + n, f : A k → A k := id in
∀(x : A k) (y : A (n + k)) (z : A n) (h : k = n + n), unit :=
intros, guard_target unit,
revert_deps k, tactic.intron 5, guard_target unit,
revert_after n, tactic.intron 7, guard_target unit,
do { e ← get_local `k, tactic.revert_deps e, l ← local_context, guard $ e ∈ l, intros },

example {A : ℕ → Type} {n : ℕ} : let k := n + 3, l := k + n, f : A k → A (n+3) := id in
∀(x : A k) (y : A (n + k)) (z : A n) (h : k = n + n), unit :=
success_if_fail_with_msg {generalize : n + k = x}
"generalize tactic failed, failed to find expression in the target",
generalize' : n + k = x,
generalize' h : n + k = y,

example {A : ℕ → Type} {n : ℕ} : let k := n + 3, l := k + n, f : A k → A (n+3) := id in
∀(x : A k) (y : A (n + k)) (z : A n) (h : k = n + n), unit :=
tactic.to_expr ```(n + n) >>= λ e, tactic.generalize' e `xxx,
success_if_fail_with_msg {clearbody n}
"Cannot clear the body of n. It is not a local definition.",
success_if_fail_with_msg {clearbody k}
"Cannot clear the body of k. The resulting goal is not type correct.",
clearbody k f,

example {A : ℕ → Type} {n : ℕ} : let k := n + 3, l := k + n, f : A k → A k := id in
∀(x : A k) (y : A (n + k)) (z : A n) (h : k = n + n), unit :=
clearbody k f,

end local_definitions

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