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feat(data/equiv/functor): bifunctor.map_equiv (#2241)
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* feat(data/equiv/functor): bifunctor.map_equiv

* add documentation, and make the function an explicit argument

* Update src/data/equiv/functor.lean

Co-authored-by: Bryan Gin-ge Chen <>
Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Mar 26, 2020
1 parent ab33237 commit ea10e17
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Showing 2 changed files with 60 additions and 6 deletions.
64 changes: 59 additions & 5 deletions src/data/equiv/functor.lean
@@ -1,20 +1,74 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Simon Hudon
Authors: Johan Commelin, Simon Hudon, Scott Morrison

import data.equiv.basic
import category.bifunctor

universes u v
# Functor and bifunctors can be applied to `equiv`s.
variables {α β : Type u} {f : Type u → Type v} [functor f] [is_lawful_functor f]
open functor equiv function is_lawful_functor
We define
def functor.map_equiv (f : Type u → Type v) [functor f] [is_lawful_functor f] :
α ≃ β → f α ≃ f β
def bifunctor.map_equiv (F : Type u → Type v → Type w) [bifunctor F] [is_lawful_bifunctor F] :
α ≃ β → α' ≃ β' → F α α' ≃ F β β'

universes u v w

variables {α β : Type u}
open equiv

namespace functor

def functor.map_equiv (h : α ≃ β) : f α ≃ f β :=
variables (f : Type u → Type v) [functor f] [is_lawful_functor f]

/-- Apply a functor to an `equiv`. -/
def map_equiv (h : α ≃ β) : f α ≃ f β :=
{ to_fun := map h,
inv_fun := map h.symm,
left_inv := λ x,
by { rw map_map, convert is_lawful_functor.id_map x, ext a, apply symm_apply_apply },
right_inv := λ x,
by { rw map_map, convert is_lawful_functor.id_map x, ext a, apply apply_symm_apply } }

lemma map_equiv_apply (h : α ≃ β) (x : f α) :
(map_equiv f h : f α ≃ f β) x = map h x := rfl

lemma map_equiv_symm_apply (h : α ≃ β) (y : f β) :
(map_equiv f h : f α ≃ f β).symm y = map h.symm y := rfl

end functor

namespace bifunctor

variables {α' β' : Type v} (F : Type u → Type v → Type w) [bifunctor F] [is_lawful_bifunctor F]

/-- Apply a bifunctor to a pair of `equiv`s. -/
def map_equiv (h : α ≃ β) (h' : α' ≃ β') : F α α' ≃ F β β' :=
{ to_fun := bimap h h',
inv_fun := bimap h.symm h'.symm,
left_inv := λ x,
by { rw bimap_bimap, convert is_lawful_bifunctor.id_bimap x; { ext a, apply symm_apply_apply } },
right_inv := λ x,
by { rw bimap_bimap, convert is_lawful_bifunctor.id_bimap x; { ext a, apply apply_symm_apply } } }

lemma map_equiv_apply (h : α ≃ β) (h' : α' ≃ β') (x : F α α') :
(map_equiv F h h' : F α α' ≃ F β β') x = bimap h h' x := rfl

lemma map_equiv_symm_apply (h : α ≃ β) (h' : α' ≃ β') (y : F β β') :
(map_equiv F h h' : F α α' ≃ F β β').symm y = bimap h.symm h'.symm y := rfl

end bifunctor
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/free_comm_ring.lean
Expand Up @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ end
def subsingleton_equiv_free_comm_ring [subsingleton α] :
free_ring α ≃+* free_comm_ring α :=
@ring_equiv.of' (free_ring α) (free_comm_ring α) _ _
(@functor.map_equiv _ _ free_abelian_group _ _ $ multiset.subsingleton_equiv α) $
(functor.map_equiv free_abelian_group (multiset.subsingleton_equiv α)) $
delta functor.map_equiv,
rw congr_arg is_ring_hom _,
Expand Down

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