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feat(analysis/convex): add correspondence between convex cones and or…
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…dered semimodules (#3931)

This shows that a convex cone defines an ordered semimodule and vice-versa.

Co-authored-by: Frédéric Dupuis <>
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dupuisf and dupuisf committed Aug 29, 2020
1 parent 53275f4 commit ea177c2
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Showing 2 changed files with 157 additions and 10 deletions.
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/algebra/module/ordered.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ In this file we define
* `ordered_semimodule R M` : an ordered additive commutative monoid `M` is an `ordered_semimodule`
over an `ordered_semiring` `R` if the scalar product respects the order relation on the
monoid and on the ring.
monoid and on the ring. There is a correspondence between this structure and convex cones,
which is proven in `analysis/convex/cone.lean`.
## Implementation notes
Expand All @@ -23,11 +24,6 @@ In this file we define
* To get ordered modules and ordered vector spaces, it suffices to the replace the
`order_add_comm_monoid` and the `ordered_semiring` as desired.
* Connect this with convex cones: show that a convex cone defines an order on the vector space
and vice-versa.
## References
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159 changes: 155 additions & 4 deletions src/analysis/convex/cone.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Yury Kudryashov All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov
Authors: Yury Kudryashov, Frédéric Dupuis
import linear_algebra.linear_pmap
import analysis.convex.basic
Expand All @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ In a vector space `E` over `ℝ`, we define a convex cone as a subset `s` such t
a `complete_lattice`, and define their images (``) and preimages
(`convex_cone.comap`) under linear maps.
We define pointed, blunt, flat and salient cones, and prove the correspondence between
convex cones and ordered semimodules.
We also define `convex.to_cone` to be the minimal cone that includes a given convex set.
## Main statements
Expand All @@ -38,10 +41,11 @@ We prove two extension theorems:
While `convex` is a predicate on sets, `convex_cone` is a bundled convex cone.
## References
* Define predicates `blunt`, `pointed`, `flat`, `sailent`, see
* Define the dual cone.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,6 +189,153 @@ ext' $ preimage_comp.symm
@[simp] lemma mem_comap {f : E →ₗ[ℝ] F} {S : convex_cone F} {x : E} :
x ∈ S.comap f ↔ f x ∈ S := iff.rfl

Constructs an ordered semimodule given an `ordered_add_comm_group`, a cone, and a proof that
the order relation is the one defined by the cone.
def to_ordered_semimodule {M : Type*} [ordered_add_comm_group M] [semimodule ℝ M]
(S : convex_cone M) (h : ∀ x y : M, x ≤ y ↔ y - x ∈ S) : ordered_semimodule ℝ M :=
{ smul_lt_smul_of_pos :=
intros x y z xy hz,
refine lt_of_le_of_ne _ _,
{ rw [h (z • x) (z • y), ←smul_sub z y x],
exact smul_mem S hz ((h x y).mp (le_of_lt xy)) },
{ intro H,
have H' := congr_arg (λ r, (1/z) • r) H,
refine (ne_of_lt xy) _,
field_simp [smul_smul, div_self ((ne_of_lt hz).symm)] at H',
exact H' },
lt_of_smul_lt_smul_of_nonneg :=
intros x y z hxy hz,
refine lt_of_le_of_ne _ _,
{ rw [h x y],
have hz' : 0 < z,
{ refine lt_of_le_of_ne hz _,
rintro rfl,
rw [zero_smul, zero_smul] at hxy,
exact lt_irrefl 0 hxy },
have hz'' : 0 < 1/z := div_pos (by linarith) hz',
have hxy' := (h (z • x) (z • y)).mp (le_of_lt hxy),
rw [←smul_sub z y x] at hxy',
have hxy'' := smul_mem S hz'' hxy',
field_simp [smul_smul, div_self ((ne_of_lt hz').symm)] at hxy'',
exact hxy'' },
{ rintro rfl,
exact lt_irrefl (z • x) hxy }

/-! ### Convex cones with extra properties -/

/-- A convex cone is pointed if it includes 0. -/
def pointed (S : convex_cone E) : Prop := (0 : E) ∈ S

/-- A convex cone is blunt if it doesn't include 0. -/
def blunt (S : convex_cone E) : Prop := (0 : E) ∉ S

/-- A convex cone is flat if it contains some nonzero vector `x` and its opposite `-x`. -/
def flat (S : convex_cone E) : Prop := ∃ x ∈ S, x ≠ (0 : E) ∧ -x ∈ S

/-- A convex cone is salient if it doesn't include `x` and `-x` for any nonzero `x`. -/
def salient (S : convex_cone E) : Prop := ∀ x ∈ S, x ≠ (0 : E) → -x ∉ S

lemma pointed_iff_not_blunt (S : convex_cone E) : pointed S ↔ ¬blunt S :=
⟨λ h₁ h₂, h₂ h₁, λ h, h⟩

lemma salient_iff_not_flat (S : convex_cone E) : salient S ↔ ¬flat S :=
{ rintros h₁ ⟨x, xs, H₁, H₂⟩,
exact h₁ x xs H₁ H₂ },
{ intro h,
unfold flat at h,
push_neg at h,
exact h }

/-- A blunt cone (one not containing 0) is always salient. -/
lemma salient_of_blunt (S : convex_cone E) : blunt S → salient S :=
intro h₁,
rw [salient_iff_not_flat],
intro h₂,
obtain ⟨x, xs, H₁, H₂⟩ := h₂,
have hkey : (0 : E) ∈ S := by rw [(show 0 = x + (-x), by simp)]; exact add_mem S xs H₂,
exact h₁ hkey,

/-- A pointed convex cone defines a preorder. -/
def to_preorder (S : convex_cone E) (h₁ : pointed S) : preorder E :=
{ le := λ x y, y - x ∈ S,
le_refl := λ x, by change x - x ∈ S; rw [sub_self x]; exact h₁,
le_trans := λ x y z xy zy, by simp [(show z - x = z - y + (y - x), by abel), add_mem S zy xy] }

/-- A pointed and salient cone defines a partial order. -/
def to_partial_order (S : convex_cone E) (h₁ : pointed S) (h₂ : salient S) : partial_order E :=
{ le_antisymm :=
intros a b ab ba,
by_contradiction h,
have h' : b - a ≠ 0 := λ h'', h (eq_of_sub_eq_zero h'').symm,
have H := h₂ (b-a) ab h',
rw [neg_sub b a] at H,
exact H ba,
..to_preorder S h₁ }

/-- A pointed and salient cone defines an `ordered_add_comm_group`. -/
def to_ordered_add_comm_group (S : convex_cone E) (h₁ : pointed S) (h₂ : salient S) :
ordered_add_comm_group E :=
{ add_le_add_left :=
intros a b hab c,
change c + b - (c + a) ∈ S,
rw [add_sub_add_left_eq_sub],
exact hab,
..to_partial_order S h₁ h₂, add_comm_group E, by apply_instance }

/-! ### Positive cone of an ordered semimodule -/
section positive_cone

variables (M : Type*) [ordered_add_comm_group M] [ordered_semimodule ℝ M]

The positive cone is the convex cone formed by the set of nonnegative elements in an ordered
def positive_cone : convex_cone M :=
{ carrier := {x | 0 ≤ x},
smul_mem' :=
intros c hc x hx,
have := smul_le_smul_of_nonneg (show 0 ≤ x, by exact hx) (le_of_lt hc),
have h' : c • (0 : M) = 0,
{ simp only [smul_zero] },
rwa [h'] at this
add_mem' := λ x hx y hy, add_nonneg (show 0 ≤ x, by exact hx) (show 0 ≤ y, by exact hy) }

/-- The positive cone of an ordered semimodule is always salient. -/
lemma salient_of_positive_cone : salient (positive_cone M) :=
intros x xs hx hx',
have := calc
0 < x : lt_of_le_of_ne xs hx.symm
... ≤ x + (-x) : (le_add_iff_nonneg_right x).mpr hx'
... = 0 : by rw [tactic.ring.add_neg_eq_sub x x]; exact sub_self x,
exact lt_irrefl 0 this,

/-- The positive cone of an ordered semimodule is always pointed. -/
lemma pointed_of_positive_cone : pointed (positive_cone M) := le_refl 0

end positive_cone

end convex_cone

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