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feat(linear_algebra/affine_space/independent): spans of two affine co…
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Add some lemmas about spans of two points expressed as affine combinations.
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jsm28 committed Dec 12, 2022
1 parent bd59f82 commit ee00ca5
Showing 1 changed file with 102 additions and 0 deletions.
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/independent.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Joseph Myers
import data.finset.sort
import data.fin.vec_notation
import data.sign
import linear_algebra.affine_space.combination
import linear_algebra.affine_space.affine_equiv
import linear_algebra.basis
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,6 +472,55 @@ lemma affine_independent_iff {ι} {p : ι → V} :
∀ (s : finset ι) (w : ι → k), s.sum w = 0 → ∑ e in s, w e • p e = 0 → ∀ (e ∈ s), w e = 0 :=
forall₃_congr (λ s w hw, by simp [s.weighted_vsub_eq_linear_combination hw])

/-- Given an affinely independent family of points, a weighted subtraction lies in the
`vector_span` of two points given as affine combinations if and only if it is a weighted
subtraction with weights a multiple of the difference between the weights of the two points. -/
lemma weighted_vsub_mem_vector_span_pair {p : ι → P} (h : affine_independent k p)
{w w₁ w₂ : ι → k} {s : finset ι} (hw : ∑ i in s, w i = 0) (hw₁ : ∑ i in s, w₁ i = 1)
(hw₂ : ∑ i in s, w₂ i = 1) :
s.weighted_vsub p w ∈
vector_span k ({s.affine_combination p w₁, s.affine_combination p w₂} : set P) ↔
∃ r : k, ∀ i ∈ s, w i = r * (w₁ i - w₂ i) :=
rw mem_vector_span_pair,
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, _⟩,
{ rcases h with ⟨r, hr⟩,
refine ⟨r, λ i hi, _⟩,
rw [s.affine_combination_vsub, ←s.weighted_vsub_const_smul, ←sub_eq_zero, ←map_sub] at hr,
have hw' : ∑ j in s, (r • (w₁ - w₂) - w) j = 0,
{ simp_rw [pi.sub_apply, pi.smul_apply, pi.sub_apply, smul_sub, finset.sum_sub_distrib,
←finset.smul_sum, hw, hw₁, hw₂, sub_self] },
have hr' := h s _ hw' hr i hi,
rw [eq_comm, ←sub_eq_zero, ←smul_eq_mul],
exact hr' },
{ rcases h with ⟨r, hr⟩,
refine ⟨r, _⟩,
let w' := λ i, r * (w₁ i - w₂ i),
change ∀ i ∈ s, w i = w' i at hr,
rw [s.weighted_vsub_congr hr (λ _ _, rfl), s.affine_combination_vsub,
congr }

/-- Given an affinely independent family of points, an affine combination lies in the
span of two points given as affine combinations if and only if it is an affine combination
with weights those of one point plus a multiple of the difference between the weights of the
two points. -/
lemma affine_combination_mem_affine_span_pair {p : ι → P} (h : affine_independent k p)
{w w₁ w₂ : ι → k} {s : finset ι} (hw : ∑ i in s, w i = 1) (hw₁ : ∑ i in s, w₁ i = 1)
(hw₂ : ∑ i in s, w₂ i = 1) :
s.affine_combination p w ∈
line[k, s.affine_combination p w₁, s.affine_combination p w₂] ↔
∃ r : k, ∀ i ∈ s, w i = r * (w₂ i - w₁ i) + w₁ i :=
rw [←vsub_vadd (s.affine_combination p w) (s.affine_combination p w₁),
affine_subspace.vadd_mem_iff_mem_direction _ (left_mem_affine_span_pair _ _ _),
direction_affine_span, s.affine_combination_vsub, set.pair_comm,
weighted_vsub_mem_vector_span_pair h _ hw₂ hw₁],
{ simp only [pi.sub_apply, sub_eq_iff_eq_add] },
{ simp_rw [pi.sub_apply, finset.sum_sub_distrib, hw, hw₁, sub_self] }

end affine_independent

section division_ring
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,6 +703,58 @@ end

end division_ring

section ordered

variables {k : Type*} {V : Type*} {P : Type*} [linear_ordered_ring k] [add_comm_group V]
variables [module k V] [affine_space V P] {ι : Type*}
include V

local attribute [instance] linear_ordered_ring.decidable_lt

/-- Given an affinely independent family of points, suppose that an affine combination lies in
the span of two points given as affine combinations, and suppose that, for two indices, the
coefficients in the first point in the span are zero and those in the second point in the span
have the same sign. Then the coefficients in the combination lying in the span have the same
sign. -/
lemma sign_eq_of_affine_combination_mem_affine_span_pair {p : ι → P} (h : affine_independent k p)
{w w₁ w₂ : ι → k} {s : finset ι} (hw : ∑ i in s, w i = 1) (hw₁ : ∑ i in s, w₁ i = 1)
(hw₂ : ∑ i in s, w₂ i = 1)
(hs : s.affine_combination p w ∈ line[k, s.affine_combination p w₁, s.affine_combination p w₂])
{i j : ι} (hi : i ∈ s) (hj : j ∈ s) (hi0 : w₁ i = 0) (hj0 : w₁ j = 0)
(hij : sign (w₂ i) = sign (w₂ j)) : sign (w i) = sign (w j) :=
rw affine_combination_mem_affine_span_pair h hw hw₁ hw₂ at hs,
rcases hs with ⟨r, hr⟩,
dsimp only at hr,
rw [hr i hi, hr j hj, hi0, hj0, add_zero, add_zero, sub_zero, sub_zero, sign_mul, sign_mul, hij]

/-- Given an affinely independent family of points, suppose that an affine combination lies in
the span of one point of that family and a combination of another two points of that family given
by `line_map` with coefficient between 0 and 1. Then the coefficients of those two points in the
combination lying in the span have the same sign. -/
lemma sign_eq_of_affine_combination_mem_affine_span_single_line_map {p : ι → P}
(h : affine_independent k p) {w : ι → k} {s : finset ι} (hw : ∑ i in s, w i = 1)
{i₁ i₂ i₃ : ι} (h₁ : i₁ ∈ s) (h₂ : i₂ ∈ s) (h₃ : i₃ ∈ s) (h₁₂ : i₁ ≠ i₂) (h₁₃ : i₁ ≠ i₃)
(h₂₃ : i₂ ≠ i₃) {c : k} (hc0 : 0 < c) (hc1 : c < 1)
(hs : s.affine_combination p w ∈ line[k, p i₁, affine_map.line_map (p i₂) (p i₃) c]) :
sign (w i₂) = sign (w i₃) :=
rw [←s.affine_combination_affine_combination_single_weights k p h₁,
←s.affine_combination_affine_combination_line_map_weights p h₂ h₃ c] at hs,
refine sign_eq_of_affine_combination_mem_affine_span_pair h hw
(s.sum_affine_combination_single_weights k h₁)
(s.sum_affine_combination_line_map_weights h₂ h₃ c) hs h₂ h₃
(finset.affine_combination_single_weights_apply_of_ne k h₁₂.symm)
(finset.affine_combination_single_weights_apply_of_ne k h₁₃.symm) _,
rw [finset.affine_combination_line_map_weights_apply_left h₂₃,
finset.affine_combination_line_map_weights_apply_right h₂₃],
simp [hc0, sub_pos.2 hc1]

end ordered

namespace affine

variables (k : Type*) {V : Type*} (P : Type*) [ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
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