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feat(ring_theory/dedekind_domain): gcd_monoid (ideal A) in Dedekind…
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In fact, we show that all lawful GCD/LCM operations on ideals coincide with the supremum/infimum.
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Vierkantor committed Nov 1, 2022
1 parent bdfa72b commit ee18af1
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 0 deletions.
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/dedekind_domain/ideal.lean
Expand Up @@ -757,6 +757,66 @@ begin
(lt_top_iff_ne_top.mpr hJ) },

section gcd

namespace ideal

/-! ### GCD and LCM of ideals in a Dedekind domain
We show that the gcd of two ideals in a Dedekind domain is just their supremum,
and the lcm is their infimum, and use this to instantiate `normalized_gcd_monoid (ideal A)`.

@[simp] lemma sup_mul_inf (I J : ideal A) : (I ⊔ J) * (I ⊓ J) = I * J :=
letI := classical.dec_eq (ideal A),
letI := classical.dec_eq (associates (ideal A)),
letI := unique_factorization_monoid.to_normalized_gcd_monoid (ideal A),
have hgcd : gcd I J = I ⊔ J,
{ rw [gcd_eq_normalize _ _, normalize_eq],
{ rw [dvd_iff_le, sup_le_iff, ← dvd_iff_le, ← dvd_iff_le],
exact ⟨gcd_dvd_left _ _, gcd_dvd_right _ _⟩ },
{ rw [dvd_gcd_iff, dvd_iff_le, dvd_iff_le],
simp } },
have hlcm : lcm I J = I ⊓ J,
{ rw [lcm_eq_normalize _ _, normalize_eq],
{ rw [lcm_dvd_iff, dvd_iff_le, dvd_iff_le],
simp },
{ rw [dvd_iff_le, le_inf_iff, ← dvd_iff_le, ← dvd_iff_le],
exact ⟨dvd_lcm_left _ _, dvd_lcm_right _ _⟩ } },
rw [← hgcd, ← hlcm, (gcd_mul_lcm _ _)],

/-- Ideals in a Dedekind domain have gcd and lcm operators that (trivially) are compatible with
the normalization operator. -/
instance : normalized_gcd_monoid (ideal A) :=
{ gcd := (⊔),
gcd_dvd_left := λ _ _, by simpa only [dvd_iff_le] using le_sup_left,
gcd_dvd_right := λ _ _, by simpa only [dvd_iff_le] using le_sup_right,
dvd_gcd := λ _ _ _, by simpa only [dvd_iff_le] using sup_le,
lcm := (⊓),
lcm_zero_left := λ _, by simp only [zero_eq_bot, bot_inf_eq],
lcm_zero_right := λ _, by simp only [zero_eq_bot, inf_bot_eq],
gcd_mul_lcm := λ _ _, by rw [associated_iff_eq, sup_mul_inf],
normalize_gcd := λ _ _, normalize_eq _,
normalize_lcm := λ _ _, normalize_eq _,
.. ideal.normalization_monoid }

-- In fact, any lawful gcd and lcm would equal sup and inf respectively.
@[simp] lemma gcd_eq_sup (I J : ideal A) : gcd I J = I ⊔ J := rfl

lemma lcm_eq_inf (I J : ideal A) : lcm I J = I ⊓ J := rfl

lemma inf_eq_mul_of_coprime {I J : ideal A} (coprime : I ⊔ J = ⊤) :
I ⊓ J = I * J :=
by rw [← (gcd_mul_lcm I J), lcm_eq_inf I J, gcd_eq_sup, coprime, top_mul]

end ideal

end gcd

end is_dedekind_domain

section is_dedekind_domain
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