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feat(topology/algebra/uniform_convergence): criterion for a vector su…
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…bspace of `α → E` to be a TVS for the topology of 𝔖-convergence (#14857)

The main theorem is `uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_induced_of_image_bounded`. As explained in the module docstring, one could get rid of requiring `𝔖` to be nonempty and directed, but the easiest way to get that is to wait until we know that replacing `𝔖` by its ***noncovering*** bornology (i.e ***not*** what `bornology` currently refers to in mathlib) doesn't change the topology.

This will allow to prove that strong topologies on the space of continuous linear maps between two TVSs are also TVS topologies
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ADedecker committed Oct 19, 2022
1 parent edfb391 commit f01de4e
Showing 1 changed file with 148 additions and 6 deletions.
154 changes: 148 additions & 6 deletions src/topology/algebra/uniform_convergence.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anatole Dedecker
import topology.uniform_space.uniform_convergence_topology
import topology.algebra.uniform_group
import analysis.locally_convex.bounded
import topology.algebra.filter_basis

# Algebraic facts about the topology of uniform convergence
Expand All @@ -18,29 +19,39 @@ space of continuous linear maps between two topological vector spaces.
* `uniform_convergence.uniform_group` : if `G` is a uniform group, then the uniform structure of
uniform convergence makes `α → G` a uniform group
* `uniform_convergence_on.uniform_group` : if `G` is a uniform group, then the uniform structure of
`𝔖`-convergence, for any `𝔖 : set (set α)`, makes `α → G` a uniform group
`𝔖`-convergence, for any `𝔖 : set (set α)`, makes `α → G` a uniform group.
* `uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_of_image_bounded` : let `E` be a TVS,
`𝔖 : set (set α)` and `H` a submodule of `α → E`. If the image of any `S ∈ 𝔖` by any `u ∈ H` is
bounded (in the sense of `bornology.is_vonN_bounded`), then `H`, equipped with the topology of
`𝔖`-convergence, is a TVS.
* Let `E` be a TVS, `𝔖 : set (set α)` and `H` a submodule of `α → E`. If the image of any `S ∈ 𝔖`
by any `u ∈ H` is bounded (in the sense of `bornology.is_vonN_bounded`), then `H`, equipped with
the topology of `𝔖`-convergence, is a TVS.
* `uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_of_image_bounded` unnecessarily asks for `𝔖` to be
nonempty and directed. This will be easy to solve once we know that replacing `𝔖` by its
***noncovering*** bornology (i.e ***not*** what `bornology` currently refers to in mathlib)
doesn't change the topology.
## References
* [N. Bourbaki, *General Topology, Chapter X*][bourbaki1966]
* [N. Bourbaki, *Topological Vector Spaces*][bourbaki1987]
## Tags
uniform convergence, strong dual

open filter
open_locale topological_space pointwise

section group

variables {α G : Type*} [group G] [uniform_space G] [uniform_group G] {𝔖 : set $ set α}
variables {α G ι : Type*} [group G] [uniform_space G] [uniform_group G] {𝔖 : set $ set α}

local attribute [-instance] Pi.uniform_space
local attribute [-instance] Pi.topological_space

/-- If `G` is a uniform group, then the uniform structure of uniform convergence makes `α → G`
a uniform group as well. -/
Expand All @@ -60,6 +71,26 @@ begin

protected lemma uniform_convergence.has_basis_nhds_one_of_basis {p : ι → Prop}
{b : ι → set G} (h : (𝓝 1 : filter G).has_basis p b) :
(@nhds (α → G) (uniform_convergence.topological_space α G) 1).has_basis p
(λ i, {f : α → G | ∀ x, f x ∈ b i}) :=
have := h.comap (λ p : G × G, p.2 / p.1),
rw ← uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_one at this,
convert uniform_convergence.has_basis_nhds_of_basis α _ 1 this,
ext i f,
simp [uniform_convergence.gen]

protected lemma uniform_convergence.has_basis_nhds_one :
(@nhds (α → G) (uniform_convergence.topological_space α G) 1).has_basis
(λ V : set G, V ∈ (𝓝 1 : filter G))
(λ V, {f : α → G | ∀ x, f x ∈ V}) :=
uniform_convergence.has_basis_nhds_one_of_basis (basis_sets _)

/-- Let `𝔖 : set (set α)`. If `G` is a uniform group, then the uniform structure of
`𝔖`-convergence makes `α → G` a uniform group as well. -/
@[to_additive "Let `𝔖 : set (set α)`. If `G` is a uniform additive group, then the uniform
Expand All @@ -78,4 +109,115 @@ begin

protected lemma uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_nhds_one_of_basis (𝔖 : set $ set α)
(h𝔖₁ : 𝔖.nonempty) (h𝔖₂ : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) {p : ι → Prop}
{b : ι → set G} (h : (𝓝 1 : filter G).has_basis p b) :
(@nhds (α → G) (uniform_convergence_on.topological_space α G 𝔖) 1).has_basis
(λ Si : set α × ι, Si.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ p Si.2)
(λ Si, {f : α → G | ∀ x ∈ Si.1, f x ∈ b Si.2}) :=
have := h.comap (λ p : G × G, p.1 / p.2),
rw ← uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_one_swapped at this,
convert uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_nhds_of_basis α _ 𝔖 1 h𝔖₁ h𝔖₂ this,
ext i f,
simp [uniform_convergence_on.gen]

protected lemma uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_nhds_one (𝔖 : set $ set α)
(h𝔖₁ : 𝔖.nonempty) (h𝔖₂ : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) :
(@nhds (α → G) (uniform_convergence_on.topological_space α G 𝔖) 1).has_basis
(λ SV : set α × set G, SV.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ SV.2 ∈ (𝓝 1 : filter G))
(λ SV, {f : α → G | ∀ x ∈ SV.1, f x ∈ SV.2}) :=
uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_nhds_one_of_basis 𝔖 h𝔖₁ h𝔖₂ (basis_sets _)

end group

section module

variables (𝕜 α E H : Type*) {hom : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [add_comm_group H] [module 𝕜 H]
[add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E] [linear_map_class hom 𝕜 H (α → E)] [topological_space H]
[uniform_space E] [uniform_add_group E] [has_continuous_smul 𝕜 E] {𝔖 : set $ set α}

local attribute [-instance] Pi.uniform_space
local attribute [-instance] Pi.topological_space

/-- Let `E` be a TVS, `𝔖 : set (set α)` and `H` a submodule of `α → E`. If the image of any `S ∈ 𝔖`
by any `u ∈ H` is bounded (in the sense of `bornology.is_vonN_bounded`), then `H`, equipped with
the topology of `𝔖`-convergence, is a TVS.
For convenience, we don't literally ask for `H : submodule (α → E)`. Instead, we prove the result
for any vector space `H` equipped with a linear inducing to `α → E`, which is often easier to use.
We also state the `submodule` version as
`uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_submodule_of_image_bounded`. -/
lemma uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_induced_of_image_bounded
(h𝔖₁ : 𝔖.nonempty) (h𝔖₂ : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖)
(φ : hom) (hφ : @inducing _ _ _ (uniform_convergence_on.topological_space α E 𝔖) φ)
(h : ∀ u : H, ∀ s ∈ 𝔖, bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜 ((φ u : α → E) '' s)) :
has_continuous_smul 𝕜 H :=
letI : uniform_space (α → E) := uniform_convergence_on.uniform_space α E 𝔖,
haveI : uniform_add_group (α → E) := uniform_convergence_on.uniform_add_group,
haveI : topological_add_group H,
{ rw hφ.induced,
exact topological_add_group_induced φ },
have : (𝓝 0 : filter H).has_basis _ _,
{ rw [hφ.induced, nhds_induced, map_zero],
exact ((uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_nhds_zero 𝔖 h𝔖₁ h𝔖₂).comap φ) },
refine has_continuous_smul.of_basis_zero this _ _ _,
{ rintros ⟨S, V⟩ ⟨hS, hV⟩,
have : tendsto (λ kx : (𝕜 × E), kx.1 • kx.2) (𝓝 (0, 0)) (𝓝 $ (0 : 𝕜) • 0) :=
continuous_smul.tendsto (0 : 𝕜 × E),
rw [zero_smul, nhds_prod_eq] at this,
have := this hV,
rw [mem_map, mem_prod_iff] at this,
rcases this with ⟨U, hU, W, hW, hUW⟩,
refine ⟨U, hU, ⟨S, W⟩, ⟨hS, hW⟩, _⟩,
rw set.smul_subset_iff,
intros a ha u hu x hx,
rw smul_hom_class.map_smul,
exact hUW (⟨ha, hu x hx⟩ : (a, φ u x) ∈ U ×ˢ W) },
{ rintros a ⟨S, V⟩ ⟨hS, hV⟩,
have : tendsto (λ x : E, a • x) (𝓝 0) (𝓝 $ a • 0) := tendsto_id.const_smul a,
rw [smul_zero] at this,
refine ⟨⟨S, ((•) a) ⁻¹' V⟩, ⟨hS, this hV⟩, λ f hf x hx, _⟩,
rw [smul_hom_class.map_smul],
exact hf x hx },
{ rintros u ⟨S, V⟩ ⟨hS, hV⟩,
rcases h u S hS hV with ⟨r, hrpos, hr⟩,
rw metric.eventually_nhds_iff_ball,
refine ⟨r⁻¹, inv_pos.mpr hrpos, λ a ha x hx, _⟩,
by_cases ha0 : a = 0,
{ rw ha0,
simp [mem_of_mem_nhds hV] },
{ rw mem_ball_zero_iff at ha,
rw [smul_hom_class.map_smul, pi.smul_apply],
have : φ u x ∈ a⁻¹ • V,
{ have ha0 : 0<∥a∥ := norm_pos_iff.mpr ha0,
refine (hr a⁻¹ _) (set.mem_image_of_mem (φ u) hx),
rw [norm_inv, le_inv hrpos ha0],
exact ha.le },
rwa set.mem_inv_smul_set_iff₀ ha0 at this } }

/-- Let `E` be a TVS, `𝔖 : set (set α)` and `H` a submodule of `α → E`. If the image of any `S ∈ 𝔖`
by any `u ∈ H` is bounded (in the sense of `bornology.is_vonN_bounded`), then `H`, equipped with
the topology of `𝔖`-convergence, is a TVS.
If you have a hard time using this lemma, try the one above instead. -/
lemma uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_submodule_of_image_bounded
(h𝔖₁ : 𝔖.nonempty) (h𝔖₂ : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) (H : submodule 𝕜 (α → E))
(h : ∀ u ∈ H, ∀ s ∈ 𝔖, bornology.is_vonN_bounded 𝕜 (u '' s)) :
@has_continuous_smul 𝕜 H _ _
((uniform_convergence_on.topological_space α E 𝔖).induced (coe : H → α → E)) :=
letI : uniform_space (α → E) := uniform_convergence_on.uniform_space α E 𝔖,
haveI : uniform_add_group (α → E) := uniform_convergence_on.uniform_add_group,
haveI : topological_add_group H := topological_add_group_induced
( H : H →ₗ[𝕜] α → E),
exact uniform_convergence_on.has_continuous_smul_induced_of_image_bounded 𝕜 α E H h𝔖₁ h𝔖₂
( H : H →ₗ[𝕜] α → E) inducing_coe (λ ⟨u, hu⟩, h u hu)

end module

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