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feat(category_theory/limits/construction): Construct finite limits fr…
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…om terminal objects and pullbacks (#14948)

Also provides the dual version, and also in terms of `preserves_limit`.

Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <>
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erdOne and erdOne committed Jul 27, 2022
1 parent 42eb7f2 commit f11e306
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Showing 4 changed files with 304 additions and 68 deletions.
160 changes: 97 additions & 63 deletions src/category_theory/limits/constructions/binary_products.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Authors: Bhavik Mehta, Andrew Yang
import category_theory.limits.shapes.terminal
import category_theory.limits.shapes.pullbacks
import category_theory.limits.shapes.binary_products
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.pullbacks
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.terminal

# Constructing binary product from pullbacks and terminal object.
Expand All @@ -16,34 +18,44 @@ has pullbacks and a terminal object, then it has binary products.
We also provide the dual.

universes v u
universes v v' u u'

open category_theory category_theory.category category_theory.limits

variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]
variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C] {D : Type u'} [category.{v'} D] (F : C ⥤ D)

/-- If a span is the pullback span over the terminal object, then it is a binary product. -/
def is_binary_product_of_is_terminal_is_pullback (F : discrete walking_pair ⥤ C) (c : cone F)
{X : C} (hX : is_terminal X)
(f : F.obj ⟨walking_pair.left⟩ ⟶ X) (g : F.obj ⟨walking_pair.right⟩ ⟶ X)
(hc : is_limit ( (c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩) (c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩ : _)
$ hX.hom_ext (_ ≫ f) (_ ≫ g))) : is_limit c :=
{ lift := λ s, hc.lift
( (s.π.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩) (s.π.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩)
(hX.hom_ext _ _)),
fac' := λ s j, discrete.cases_on j
(λ j, walking_pair.cases_on j (hc.fac _ walking_cospan.left) (hc.fac _ walking_cospan.right)),
uniq' := λ s m J,
let c' :=
(m ≫ c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩) (m ≫ c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩ : _)
(hX.hom_ext (_ ≫ f) (_ ≫ g)),
rw [←J, ←J],
apply hc.hom_ext,
rintro (_|(_|_)); simp only [pullback_cone.mk_π_app_one, pullback_cone.mk_π_app],
exacts [(category.assoc _ _ _).symm.trans (hc.fac_assoc c' walking_cospan.left f).symm,
(hc.fac c' walking_cospan.left).symm, (hc.fac c' walking_cospan.right).symm]
end }

/-- The pullback over the terminal object is the product -/
def is_product_of_is_terminal_is_pullback {W X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (h : W ⟶ X)
(k : W ⟶ Y) (H₁ : is_terminal Z)
(H₂ : is_limit ( _ _ (show h ≫ f = k ≫ g, from H₁.hom_ext _ _))) :
is_limit ( h k) :=
{ lift := λ c, H₂.lift (
(c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩) (c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩) (H₁.hom_ext _ _)),
fac' := λ c j,
cases j,
convert H₂.fac ( (c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩)
(c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩) (H₁.hom_ext _ _)) (some j) using 1,
rcases j; refl,
uniq' := λ c m hm,
apply pullback_cone.is_limit.hom_ext H₂,
{ exact (hm ⟨walking_pair.left⟩).trans (H₂.fac ( (c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩)
(c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩) (H₁.hom_ext _ _)) walking_cospan.left).symm },
{ exact (hm ⟨walking_pair.right⟩).trans (H₂.fac ( (c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩)
(c.π.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩) (H₁.hom_ext _ _)) walking_cospan.right).symm },
end }
apply is_binary_product_of_is_terminal_is_pullback _ _ H₁,
exact H₂

/-- The product is the pullback over the terminal object. -/
def is_pullback_of_is_terminal_is_product {W X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (h : W ⟶ X)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,19 +83,8 @@ noncomputable def limit_cone_of_terminal_and_pullbacks [has_terminal C] [has_pul
(terminal.from (F.obj ⟨walking_pair.right⟩)),
π := discrete.nat_trans (λ x, discrete.cases_on x
(λ x, walking_pair.cases_on x pullback.fst pullback.snd)) },
is_limit :=
{ lift := λ c, pullback.lift ((c.π).app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩)
((c.π).app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩)
(subsingleton.elim _ _),
fac' := λ s c, discrete.cases_on c
(λ c, walking_pair.cases_on c (limit.lift_π _ _) (limit.lift_π _ _)),
uniq' := λ s m J,
rw [←J, ←J],
rw limit.lift_π;
end } }
is_limit := is_binary_product_of_is_terminal_is_pullback
F _ terminal_is_terminal _ _ (pullback_is_pullback _ _) }

variable (C)

Expand All @@ -94,37 +95,63 @@ lemma has_binary_products_of_terminal_and_pullbacks
has_binary_products C :=
{ has_limit := λ F, (limit_cone_of_terminal_and_pullbacks F) }

variable {C}

/-- A functor that preserves terminal objects and pullbacks preserves binary products. -/
def preserves_binary_products_of_preserves_terminal_and_pullbacks
[has_terminal C] [has_pullbacks C]
[preserves_limits_of_shape (discrete.{0} pempty) F]
[preserves_limits_of_shape walking_cospan F] :
preserves_limits_of_shape (discrete walking_pair) F :=
⟨λ K, preserves_limit_of_preserves_limit_cone (limit_cone_of_terminal_and_pullbacks K).2
apply is_binary_product_of_is_terminal_is_pullback _ _
(is_limit_of_has_terminal_of_preserves_limit F),
apply is_limit_of_has_pullback_of_preserves_limit,

/-- In a category with a terminal object and pullbacks,
a product of objects `X` and `Y` is isomorphic to a pullback. -/
def prod_iso_pullback [has_terminal C] [has_pullbacks C] (X Y : C) [has_binary_product X Y] :
X ⨯ Y ≅ pullback (terminal.from X) (terminal.from Y) :=
limit.iso_limit_cone (limit_cone_of_terminal_and_pullbacks _)

variable {C}
/-- If a cospan is the pushout cospan under the initial object, then it is a binary coproduct. -/
def is_binary_coproduct_of_is_initial_is_pushout (F : discrete walking_pair ⥤ C) (c : cocone F)
{X : C} (hX : is_initial X)
(f : X ⟶ F.obj ⟨walking_pair.left⟩) (g : X ⟶ F.obj ⟨walking_pair.right⟩)
(hc : is_colimit ( (c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩)
(c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩ : _) $ hX.hom_ext (f ≫ _) (g ≫ _))) : is_colimit c :=
{ desc := λ s, hc.desc
( (s.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩) (s.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩)
(hX.hom_ext _ _)),
fac' := λ s j, discrete.cases_on j
(λ j, walking_pair.cases_on j (hc.fac _ walking_span.left) (hc.fac _ walking_span.right)),
uniq' := λ s m J,
let c' :=
(c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩ ≫ m) (c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩ ≫ m)
(hX.hom_ext (f ≫ _) (g ≫ _)),
rw [←J, ←J],
apply hc.hom_ext,
rintro (_|(_|_));
simp only [pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app_zero, pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app, category.assoc],
congr' 1,
exacts [(hc.fac c' walking_span.left).symm,
(hc.fac c' walking_span.left).symm, (hc.fac c' walking_span.right).symm]
end }

/-- The pushout under the initial object is the coproduct -/
def is_coproduct_of_is_initial_is_pushout {W X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (h : W ⟶ X)
(k : W ⟶ Y) (H₁ : is_initial W)
(H₂ : is_colimit ( _ _ (show h ≫ f = k ≫ g, from H₁.hom_ext _ _))) :
is_colimit ( f g) :=
{ desc := λ c, H₂.desc (
(c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩) (c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩) (H₁.hom_ext _ _)),
fac' := λ c j,
cases j,
convert H₂.fac ( (c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩) (c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩)
(H₁.hom_ext _ _)) (some j) using 1,
cases j; refl
uniq' := λ c m hm,
apply pushout_cocone.is_colimit.hom_ext H₂,
{ exact (hm ⟨walking_pair.left⟩).trans (H₂.fac ( (c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩)
(c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩) (H₁.hom_ext _ _)) walking_cospan.left).symm },
{ exact (hm ⟨walking_pair.right⟩).trans (H₂.fac ( (c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩)
(c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩) (H₁.hom_ext _ _)) walking_cospan.right).symm },
end }
apply is_binary_coproduct_of_is_initial_is_pushout _ _ H₁,
exact H₂

/-- The coproduct is the pushout under the initial object. -/
def is_pushout_of_is_initial_is_coproduct {W X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (h : W ⟶ X)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,19 +179,9 @@ noncomputable def colimit_cocone_of_initial_and_pushouts [has_initial C] [has_pu
( (F.obj ⟨walking_pair.right⟩)),
ι := discrete.nat_trans (λ x, discrete.cases_on x
(λ x, walking_pair.cases_on x pushout.inl pushout.inr)) },
is_colimit :=
{ desc := λ c, pushout.desc (c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.left⟩)
(c.ι.app ⟨walking_pair.right⟩)
(subsingleton.elim _ _),
fac' := λ s c, discrete.cases_on c
(λ c, walking_pair.cases_on c (colimit.ι_desc _ _) (colimit.ι_desc _ _)),
uniq' := λ s m J,
rw [←J, ←J],
rw colimit.ι_desc;
end } }
is_colimit := is_binary_coproduct_of_is_initial_is_pushout
F _ initial_is_initial _ _ (pushout_is_pushout _ _) }

variable (C)

Expand All @@ -175,6 +192,23 @@ lemma has_binary_coproducts_of_initial_and_pushouts
has_binary_coproducts C :=
{ has_colimit := λ F, (colimit_cocone_of_initial_and_pushouts F) }

variable {C}

/-- A functor that preserves initial objects and pushouts preserves binary coproducts. -/
def preserves_binary_coproducts_of_preserves_initial_and_pushouts
[has_initial C] [has_pushouts C]
[preserves_colimits_of_shape (discrete.{0} pempty) F]
[preserves_colimits_of_shape walking_span F] :
preserves_colimits_of_shape (discrete walking_pair) F :=
⟨λ K, preserves_colimit_of_preserves_colimit_cocone (colimit_cocone_of_initial_and_pushouts K).2
apply is_binary_coproduct_of_is_initial_is_pushout _ _
(is_colimit_of_has_initial_of_preserves_colimit F),
apply is_colimit_of_has_pushout_of_preserves_colimit,

/-- In a category with an initial object and pushouts,
a coproduct of objects `X` and `Y` is isomorphic to a pushout. -/
Expand Down

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