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feat(model_theory/bundled, satisfiability): Bundled models (#12945)
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Defines `Theory.Model`, a type of nonempty bundled models of a particular theory.
Refactors satisfiability in terms of bundled models.
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awainverse committed Mar 31, 2022
1 parent 2861d4e commit f1ae620
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Showing 5 changed files with 113 additions and 93 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/model_theory/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -167,6 +167,9 @@ variables (N : Type*) [L.Structure M] [L.Structure N]

open Structure

/-- Used for defining `first_order.language.Theory.Model.inhabited`. -/
def trivial_unit_structure : L.Structure unit := ⟨default, default⟩

/-! ### Maps -/

/-- A homomorphism between first-order structures is a function that commutes with the
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52 changes: 51 additions & 1 deletion src/model_theory/bundled.lean
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Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import category_theory.concrete_category.bundled
This file bundles types together with their first-order structure.
## Main Definitions
* `first_order.language.Theory.Model` is the type of nonempty models of a particular theory.
* `first_order.language.equiv_setoid` is the isomorphism equivalence relation on bundled structures.
* Define bundled models of a given theory.
* Define category structures on bundled structures and models.
Expand All @@ -37,5 +37,55 @@ instance equiv_setoid : setoid (category_theory.bundled L.Structure) :=
iseqv := ⟨λ M, ⟨equiv.refl L M⟩, λ M N, equiv.symm,
λ M N P, nonempty.map2 (λ MN NP, NP.comp MN)⟩ }

variable (T : L.Theory)

namespace Theory

/-- The type of nonempty models of a first-order theory. -/
structure Model :=
(carrier : Type w)
[struc : L.Structure carrier]
[is_model : T.model carrier]
[nonempty' : nonempty carrier]

attribute [instance] Model.struc Model.is_model Model.nonempty'

namespace Model

instance : has_coe_to_sort T.Model (Type w) := ⟨Model.carrier⟩

/-- The object in the category of R-algebras associated to a type equipped with the appropriate
typeclasses. -/
def of (M : Type w) [L.Structure M] [M ⊨ T] [nonempty M] :
T.Model := ⟨M⟩

lemma coe_of (M : Type w) [L.Structure M] [M ⊨ T] [nonempty M] : (of T M : Type w) = M := rfl

instance (M : T.Model) : nonempty M := infer_instance

section inhabited

local attribute [instance] trivial_unit_structure

instance : inhabited (Model (∅ : L.Theory)) :=
⟨Model.of _ unit⟩

end inhabited

end Model

variables {T}

/-- Bundles `M ⊨ T` as a `T.Model`. -/
def model.bundled {M : Type w} [LM : L.Structure M] [ne : nonempty M] (h : M ⊨ T) :
T.Model :=
@Model.of L T M LM h ne

lemma coe_of {M : Type w} [L.Structure M] [nonempty M] (h : M ⊨ T) :
(h.bundled : Type w) = M := rfl

end Theory
end language
end first_order
143 changes: 51 additions & 92 deletions src/model_theory/satisfiability.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Aaron Anderson
import model_theory.ultraproducts
import model_theory.bundled

# First-Order Satisfiability
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,41 +41,21 @@ namespace Theory
variable (T)

/-- A theory is satisfiable if a structure models it. -/
def is_satisfiable : Prop :=
∃ (M : Type (max u v)) [nonempty M] [str : L.Structure M], @Theory.model L M str T
def is_satisfiable : Prop := nonempty (Model.{u v (max u v)} T)

/-- A theory is finitely satisfiable if all of its finite subtheories are satisfiable. -/
def is_finitely_satisfiable : Prop :=
∀ (T0 : finset L.sentence), (T0 : L.Theory) ⊆ T → (T0 : L.Theory).is_satisfiable

variables {T} {T' : L.Theory}

/-- Given that a theory is satisfiable, selects a model using choice. -/
def is_satisfiable.some_model (h : T.is_satisfiable) : Type* := classical.some h

instance is_satisfiable.nonempty_some_model (h : T.is_satisfiable) :
nonempty (h.some_model) :=
classical.some (classical.some_spec h)

noncomputable instance is_satisfiable.inhabited_some_model (h : T.is_satisfiable) :
inhabited (h.some_model) := classical.inhabited_of_nonempty'

noncomputable instance is_satisfiable.some_model_structure (h : T.is_satisfiable) :
L.Structure (h.some_model) :=
classical.some (classical.some_spec (classical.some_spec h))

instance is_satisfiable.some_model_models (h : T.is_satisfiable) :
h.some_model ⊨ T :=
classical.some_spec (classical.some_spec (classical.some_spec h))

lemma model.is_satisfiable (M : Type (max u v)) [n : nonempty M]
[S : L.Structure M] (h : T.model M) : T.is_satisfiable :=
M, n, S, h
[S : L.Structure M] [M ⊨ T] : T.is_satisfiable :=
Model.of T M

lemma is_satisfiable.mono (h : T'.is_satisfiable) (hs : T ⊆ T') :
T.is_satisfiable :=
⟨h.some_model, h.nonempty_some_model, h.some_model_structure,
h.some_model_models.mono hs⟩
⟨(Theory.model.mono (Model.is_model h.some) hs).bundled⟩

lemma is_satisfiable.is_finitely_satisfiable (h : T.is_satisfiable) :
T.is_finitely_satisfiable :=
Expand All @@ -88,44 +69,38 @@ theorem is_satisfiable_iff_is_finitely_satisfiable {T : L.Theory} :
set M : Π (T0 : finset T), Type (max u v) :=
λ T0, (h ( (function.embedding.subtype (λ x, x ∈ T)))
T0.map_subtype_subset).some_model with hM,
letI : Π (T0 : finset T), L.Structure (M T0) := λ T0, is_satisfiable.some_model_structure _,
haveI : (filter.at_top : filter (finset T)).ne_bot := filter.at_top_ne_bot,
refine ⟨(↑(ultrafilter.of filter.at_top) : filter _).product M, infer_instance,
ultraproduct.Structure, ⟨_⟩⟩,
intros φ hφ,
rw ultraproduct.sentence_realize,
refine filter.eventually.filter_mono (ultrafilter.of_le _) (filter.eventually_at_top.2 ⟨{⟨φ, hφ⟩},
λ s h', Theory.realize_sentence_of_mem ( (function.embedding.subtype (λ x, x ∈ T))) _⟩),
simp only [finset.coe_map, function.embedding.coe_subtype, set.mem_image, finset.mem_coe,
subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk, exists_and_distrib_right, exists_eq_right],
exact ⟨hφ, h' (finset.mem_singleton_self _)⟩,
T0.map_subtype_subset).some with hM,
let M' := filter.product ↑(ultrafilter.of (filter.at_top : filter (finset T))) M,
haveI h' : M' ⊨ T,
{ refine ⟨λ φ hφ, _⟩,
rw ultraproduct.sentence_realize,
refine filter.eventually.filter_mono (ultrafilter.of_le _)
(filter.eventually_at_top.2 ⟨{⟨φ, hφ⟩},
λ s h', Theory.realize_sentence_of_mem ( (function.embedding.subtype (λ x, x ∈ T))) _⟩),
simp only [finset.coe_map, function.embedding.coe_subtype, set.mem_image, finset.mem_coe,
subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk, exists_and_distrib_right, exists_eq_right],
exact ⟨hφ, h' (finset.mem_singleton_self _)⟩ },
exact ⟨Model.of T M'⟩,

variable (T)

/-- A theory models a (bounded) formula when any of its nonempty models realizes that formula on all
def models_bounded_formula (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) : Prop :=
∀ (M : Type (max u v)) [nonempty M] [str : L.Structure M] (v : α → M) (xs : fin n → M),
@Theory.model L M str T → @bounded_formula.realize L M str α n φ v xs
∀ (M : Model.{u v (max u v)} T) (v : α → M) (xs : fin n → M), φ.realize v xs

infix ` ⊨ `:51 := models_bounded_formula -- input using \|= or \vDash, but not using \models

variable {T}

lemma models_formula_iff {φ : L.formula α} :
T ⊨ φ ↔ ∀ (M : Type (max u v)) [nonempty M] [str : L.Structure M] (v : α → M),
@Theory.model L M str T → @formula.realize L M str α φ v :=
forall_congr (λ M, forall_congr (λ ne, forall_congr (λ str, forall_congr (λ v, unique.forall_iff))))
T ⊨ φ ↔ ∀ (M : Model.{u v (max u v)} T) (v : α → M), φ.realize v :=
forall_congr (λ M, forall_congr (λ v, unique.forall_iff))

lemma models_sentence_iff {φ : L.sentence} :
T ⊨ φ ↔ ∀ (M : Type (max u v)) [nonempty M] [str : L.Structure M],
@Theory.model L M str T → @sentence.realize L M str φ :=
rw [models_formula_iff],
exact forall_congr (λ M, forall_congr (λ ne, forall_congr (λ str, unique.forall_iff)))
T ⊨ φ ↔ ∀ (M : Model.{u v (max u v)} T), M ⊨ φ :=
models_formula_iff.trans (forall_congr (λ M, unique.forall_iff))

/-- Two (bounded) formulas are semantically equivalent over a theory `T` when they have the same
interpretation in every model of `T`. (This is also known as logical equivalence, which also has a
Expand All @@ -135,53 +110,40 @@ T ⊨ φ.iff ψ

@[refl] lemma semantically_equivalent.refl (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) :
T.semantically_equivalent φ φ :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by rw bounded_formula.realize_iff
λ M v xs, by rw bounded_formula.realize_iff

instance : is_refl (L.bounded_formula α n) T.semantically_equivalent :=

@[symm] lemma semantically_equivalent.symm {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) :
T.semantically_equivalent ψ φ :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, begin
haveI := ne,
λ M v xs, begin
rw [bounded_formula.realize_iff, iff.comm, ← bounded_formula.realize_iff],
exact h M v xs hM,
exact h M v xs,

@[trans] lemma semantically_equivalent.trans {φ ψ θ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(h1 : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) (h2 : T.semantically_equivalent ψ θ) :
T.semantically_equivalent φ θ :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, begin
haveI := ne,
have h1' := h1 M v xs hM,
have h2' := h2 M v xs hM,
λ M v xs, begin
have h1' := h1 M v xs,
have h2' := h2 M v xs,
rw [bounded_formula.realize_iff] at *,
exact ⟨h2'.1 ∘ h1'.1, h1'.2 ∘ h2'.2⟩,

lemma semantically_equivalent.realize_bd_iff {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
{M : Type (max u v)} [ne : nonempty M] [str : L.Structure M] (hM : T.model M)
{M : Type (max u v)} [ne : nonempty M] [str : L.Structure M] [hM : T.model M]
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) {v : α → M} {xs : (fin n → M)} :
φ.realize v xs ↔ ψ.realize v xs :=
bounded_formula.realize_iff.1 (h M v xs hM)

lemma semantically_equivalent.some_model_realize_bd_iff {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hsat : T.is_satisfiable) (h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ)
{v : α → (hsat.some_model)} {xs : (fin n → (hsat.some_model))} :
φ.realize v xs ↔ ψ.realize v xs :=
h.realize_bd_iff hsat.some_model_models
bounded_formula.realize_iff.1 (h (Model.of T M) v xs)

lemma semantically_equivalent.realize_iff {φ ψ : L.formula α}
{M : Type (max u v)} [ne : nonempty M] [str : L.Structure M] (hM : T.model M)
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) {v : α → M} :
φ.realize v ↔ ψ.realize v :=
h.realize_bd_iff hM

lemma semantically_equivalent.some_model_realize_iff {φ ψ : L.formula α}
(hsat : T.is_satisfiable) (h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) {v : α → (hsat.some_model)} :
φ.realize v ↔ ψ.realize v :=
h.realize_iff hsat.some_model_models

/-- Semantic equivalence forms an equivalence relation on formulas. -/
def semantically_equivalent_setoid (T : L.Theory) : setoid (L.bounded_formula α n) :=
Expand All @@ -191,34 +153,34 @@ def semantically_equivalent_setoid (T : L.Theory) : setoid (L.bounded_formula α
protected lemma semantically_equivalent.all {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) : T.semantically_equivalent φ.all ψ.all :=
rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula],
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp [h.realize_bd_iff hM],
simp_rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula, bounded_formula.realize_iff,
exact λ M v xs, forall_congr (λ a, h.realize_bd_iff),

protected lemma semantically_equivalent.ex {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) : T.semantically_equivalent φ.ex ψ.ex :=
rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula],
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp [h.realize_bd_iff hM],
simp_rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula, bounded_formula.realize_iff,
exact λ M v xs, exists_congr (λ a, h.realize_bd_iff),

protected lemma semantically_equivalent.not {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) : T.semantically_equivalent φ.not ψ.not :=
rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula],
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp [h.realize_bd_iff hM],
simp_rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula, bounded_formula.realize_iff,
exact λ M v xs, not_congr h.realize_bd_iff,

protected lemma semantically_equivalent.imp {φ ψ φ' ψ' : L.bounded_formula α n}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) (h' : T.semantically_equivalent φ' ψ') :
T.semantically_equivalent (φ.imp φ') (ψ.imp ψ') :=
rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula],
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp [h.realize_bd_iff hM, h'.realize_bd_iff hM],
simp_rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula, bounded_formula.realize_iff,
exact λ M v xs, imp_congr h.realize_bd_iff h'.realize_bd_iff,

end Theory
Expand All @@ -228,31 +190,31 @@ variables (φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n)

lemma semantically_equivalent_not_not :
T.semantically_equivalent φ φ.not.not :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp
λ M v xs, by simp

lemma imp_semantically_equivalent_not_sup :
T.semantically_equivalent (φ.imp ψ) (φ.not ⊔ ψ) :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp [imp_iff_not_or]
λ M v xs, by simp [imp_iff_not_or]

lemma sup_semantically_equivalent_not_inf_not :
T.semantically_equivalent (φ ⊔ ψ) (φ.not ⊓ ψ.not).not :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp [imp_iff_not_or]
λ M v xs, by simp [imp_iff_not_or]

lemma inf_semantically_equivalent_not_sup_not :
T.semantically_equivalent (φ ⊓ ψ) (φ.not ⊔ ψ.not).not :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp [and_iff_not_or_not]
λ M v xs, by simp [and_iff_not_or_not]

lemma all_semantically_equivalent_not_ex_not (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) :
T.semantically_equivalent φ.all φ.not.ex.not :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp
λ M v xs, by simp

lemma ex_semantically_equivalent_not_all_not (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) :
T.semantically_equivalent φ.ex φ.not.all.not :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp
λ M v xs, by simp

lemma semantically_equivalent_all_lift_at :
T.semantically_equivalent φ (φ.lift_at 1 n).all :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by { resetI, rw [realize_iff, realize_all_lift_at_one_self] }
λ M v xs, by { resetI, rw [realize_iff, realize_all_lift_at_one_self] }

end bounded_formula

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,10 +267,7 @@ h.induction_on_sup_not hf ha (λ φ₁ φ₂ h1 h2,

lemma semantically_equivalent_to_prenex (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) :
(∅ : L.Theory).semantically_equivalent φ φ.to_prenex :=
λ M nM str v xs hM, begin
λ M v xs, by rw [realize_iff, realize_to_prenex]

lemma induction_on_all_ex {P : Π {m}, L.bounded_formula α m → Prop} (φ : L.bounded_formula α n)
(hqf : ∀ {m} {ψ : L.bounded_formula α m}, is_qf ψ → P ψ)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/model_theory/semantics.lean
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Expand Up @@ -483,6 +483,8 @@ end

variables {M} {T}

instance model_empty : M ⊨ (∅ : L.Theory) := ⟨λ φ hφ, (set.not_mem_empty φ hφ).elim⟩

lemma Theory.model.mono {T' : L.Theory} (h : M ⊨ T') (hs : T ⊆ T') :
M ⊨ T :=
⟨λ φ hφ, T'.realize_sentence_of_mem (hs hφ)⟩
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/model_theory/ultraproducts.lean
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Expand Up @@ -140,6 +140,12 @@ begin
exact congr rfl (subsingleton.elim _ _),

instance : nonempty ((u : filter α).product M) :=
letI : Π a, inhabited (M a) := λ _, classical.inhabited_of_nonempty',
exact nonempty_of_inhabited,

end ultraproduct

end language
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