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feat(geometry/euclidean/oriented_angle): angles equal to 0 or π (#16229)
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Add lemmas about various conditions for oriented angles between two
vectors to equal 0 or π.
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jsm28 committed Aug 24, 2022
1 parent a51c2fd commit f1f166b
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 0 deletions.
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions src/geometry/euclidean/oriented_angle.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2022 Joseph Myers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joseph Myers
import analysis.complex.arg
import analysis.inner_product_space.orientation
import analysis.inner_product_space.pi_L2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,6 +275,76 @@ begin
simp [h]

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is zero if and only if the angle with the vectors
swapped is zero. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_iff_oangle_rev_eq_zero {x y : V} : hb.oangle x y = 0 ↔ hb.oangle y x = 0 :=
by rw [oangle_rev, neg_eq_zero]

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is zero if and only if they are on the same ray. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_iff_same_ray {x y : V} : hb.oangle x y = 0 ↔ same_ray ℝ x y :=
by rw [oangle, complex.arg_coe_angle_eq_iff_eq_to_real, real.angle.to_real_zero,
←complex.same_ray_iff_arg_div_eq_zero, ←linear_isometry_equiv.coe_to_linear_equiv,
same_ray_map_iff, same_ray_comm]

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is `π` if and only if the angle with the vectors
swapped is `π`. -/
lemma oangle_eq_pi_iff_oangle_rev_eq_pi {x y : V} : hb.oangle x y = π ↔ hb.oangle y x = π :=
by rw [oangle_rev, neg_eq_iff_neg_eq, eq_comm, real.angle.neg_coe_pi]

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is `π` if and only they are nonzero and the first is
on the same ray as the negation of the second. -/
lemma oangle_eq_pi_iff_same_ray_neg {x y : V} :
hb.oangle x y = π ↔ x ≠ 0 ∧ y ≠ 0 ∧ same_ray ℝ x (-y) :=
rw [←hb.oangle_eq_zero_iff_same_ray],
{ intro h,
by_cases hx : x = 0, { simpa [hx, real.angle.pi_ne_zero.symm] using h },
by_cases hy : y = 0, { simpa [hy, real.angle.pi_ne_zero.symm] using h },
refine ⟨hx, hy, _⟩,
rw [hb.oangle_neg_right hx hy, h, real.angle.coe_pi_add_coe_pi] },
{ rintro ⟨hx, hy, h⟩,
rwa [hb.oangle_neg_right hx hy, ←real.angle.sub_coe_pi_eq_add_coe_pi, sub_eq_zero] at h }

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is zero or `π` if and only if those two vectors are
not linearly independent. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_or_eq_pi_iff_not_linear_independent {x y : V} :
(hb.oangle x y = 0 ∨ hb.oangle x y = π) ↔ ¬ _root_.linear_independent ℝ ![x, y] :=
by rw [oangle_eq_zero_iff_same_ray, oangle_eq_pi_iff_same_ray_neg,

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is zero or `π` if and only if the first vector is zero
or the second is a multiple of the first. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_or_eq_pi_iff_right_eq_smul {x y : V} :
(hb.oangle x y = 0 ∨ hb.oangle x y = π) ↔ (x = 0 ∨ ∃ r : ℝ, y = r • x) :=
rw [oangle_eq_zero_iff_same_ray, oangle_eq_pi_iff_same_ray_neg],
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, _⟩,
{ rcases h with h|⟨-, -, h⟩,
{ by_cases hx : x = 0, { simp [hx] },
obtain ⟨r, -, rfl⟩ := h.exists_nonneg_left hx,
exact or.inr ⟨r, rfl⟩ },
{ by_cases hx : x = 0, { simp [hx] },
obtain ⟨r, -, hy⟩ := h.exists_nonneg_left hx,
refine or.inr ⟨-r, _⟩,
simp [hy] } },
{ rcases h with rfl|⟨r, rfl⟩, { simp },
by_cases hx : x = 0, { simp [hx] },
rcases lt_trichotomy r 0 with hr|hr|hr,
{ rw ←neg_smul,
exact or.inr ⟨hx, smul_ne_zero.2 ⟨, hx⟩,
same_ray_pos_smul_right x (left.neg_pos_iff.2 hr)⟩ },
{ simp [hr] },
{ exact or.inl (same_ray_pos_smul_right x hr) } }

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is not zero or `π` if and only if those two vectors
are linearly independent. -/
lemma oangle_ne_zero_and_ne_pi_iff_linear_independent {x y : V} :
(hb.oangle x y ≠ 0 ∧ hb.oangle x y ≠ π) ↔ _root_.linear_independent ℝ ![x, y] :=
by rw [←not_or_distrib, ←not_iff_not, not_not, oangle_eq_zero_or_eq_pi_iff_not_linear_independent]

/-- Two vectors are equal if and only if they have equal norms and zero angle between them. -/
lemma eq_iff_norm_eq_and_oangle_eq_zero (x y : V) : x = y ↔ ∥x∥ = ∥y∥ ∧ hb.oangle x y = 0 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1105,6 +1176,44 @@ angle. -/
(2 : ℤ) • o.oangle (r₁ • x) (r₂ • x) = 0 :=
(ob).two_zsmul_oangle_smul_smul_self x

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is zero if and only if the angle with the vectors
swapped is zero. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_iff_oangle_rev_eq_zero {x y : V} : o.oangle x y = 0 ↔ o.oangle y x = 0 :=

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is zero if and only if they are on the same ray. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_iff_same_ray {x y : V} : o.oangle x y = 0 ↔ same_ray ℝ x y :=

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is `π` if and only if the angle with the vectors
swapped is `π`. -/
lemma oangle_eq_pi_iff_oangle_rev_eq_pi {x y : V} : o.oangle x y = π ↔ o.oangle y x = π :=

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is `π` if and only they are nonzero and the first is
on the same ray as the negation of the second. -/
lemma oangle_eq_pi_iff_same_ray_neg {x y : V} :
o.oangle x y = π ↔ x ≠ 0 ∧ y ≠ 0 ∧ same_ray ℝ x (-y) :=

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is zero or `π` if and only if those two vectors are
not linearly independent. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_or_eq_pi_iff_not_linear_independent {x y : V} :
(o.oangle x y = 0 ∨ o.oangle x y = π) ↔ ¬ linear_independent ℝ ![x, y] :=

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is zero or `π` if and only if the first vector is zero
or the second is a multiple of the first. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_or_eq_pi_iff_right_eq_smul {x y : V} :
(o.oangle x y = 0 ∨ o.oangle x y = π) ↔ (x = 0 ∨ ∃ r : ℝ, y = r • x) :=

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is not zero or `π` if and only if those two vectors
are linearly independent. -/
lemma oangle_ne_zero_and_ne_pi_iff_linear_independent {x y : V} :
(o.oangle x y ≠ 0 ∧ o.oangle x y ≠ π) ↔ linear_independent ℝ ![x, y] :=

/-- Two vectors are equal if and only if they have equal norms and zero angle between them. -/
lemma eq_iff_norm_eq_and_oangle_eq_zero (x y : V) : x = y ↔ ∥x∥ = ∥y∥ ∧ o.oangle x y = 0 :=
(ob).eq_iff_norm_eq_and_oangle_eq_zero x y
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