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feat(category_theory/preadditive/*): algebra over endofunctor preaddi…
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…tive and forget additive functor (#15100)

This PR shows that the category of algebras over an endofunctor is preadditive and that forgetful functors from algebras over endofunctors and (co)algebras over (co)monads are additive.
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Julian-Kuelshammer committed Jul 25, 2022
1 parent 62a1f82 commit f5138d1
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Showing 3 changed files with 133 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/preadditive/additive_functor.lean
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ lemma map_neg {X Y : C} {f : X ⟶ Y} : (-f) = - f :=
lemma map_sub {X Y : C} {f g : X ⟶ Y} : (f - g) = f - g :=
(F.map_add_hom : (X ⟶ Y) →+ (F.obj X ⟶ F.obj Y)).map_sub _ _

lemma map_nsmul {X Y : C} {f : X ⟶ Y} {n : ℕ} : (n • f) = n • f :=
(F.map_add_hom : (X ⟶ Y) →+ (F.obj X ⟶ F.obj Y)).map_nsmul _ _

-- You can alternatively just use `functor.map_smul` here, with an explicit `(r : ℤ)` argument.
lemma map_zsmul {X Y : C} {f : X ⟶ Y} {r : ℤ} : (r • f) = r • f :=
(F.map_add_hom : (X ⟶ Y) →+ (F.obj X ⟶ F.obj Y)).map_zsmul _ _
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28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/preadditive/eilenberg_moore.lean
Expand Up @@ -34,21 +34,35 @@ instance monad.algebra_preadditive : preadditive (monad.algebra T) :=
zero :=
{ f := 0,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_zero, zero_comp, comp_zero] },
nsmul := λ n α,
{ f := n • α.f,
h' := by rw [functor.map_nsmul, nsmul_comp, monad.algebra.hom.h, comp_nsmul] },
neg := λ α,
{ f := -α.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_neg, neg_comp, monad.algebra.hom.h, comp_neg] },
sub := λ α β,
{ f := α.f - β.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_sub, sub_comp, monad.algebra.hom.h, comp_sub] },
zsmul := λ r α,
{ f := r • α.f,
h' := by rw [functor.map_zsmul, zsmul_comp, monad.algebra.hom.h, comp_zsmul] },
add_assoc := by { intros, ext, apply add_assoc },
zero_add := by { intros, ext, apply zero_add },
add_zero := by { intros, ext, apply add_zero },
nsmul_zero' := by { intros, ext, apply zero_smul },
nsmul_succ' := by { intros, ext, apply succ_nsmul },
sub_eq_add_neg := by { intros, ext, apply sub_eq_add_neg },
zsmul_zero' := by { intros, ext, apply zero_smul },
zsmul_succ' := by { intros, ext, dsimp, simp only [coe_nat_zsmul, succ_nsmul], refl, },
zsmul_neg' := by { intros, ext, simp only [zsmul_neg_succ_of_nat, neg_inj,
nsmul_eq_smul_cast ℤ] },
add_left_neg := by { intros, ext, apply add_left_neg },
add_comm := by { intros, ext, apply add_comm } },
add_comp' := by { intros, ext, apply add_comp },
comp_add' := by { intros, ext, apply comp_add } }

instance monad.forget_additive : (monad.forget T).additive := {}

variables (U : comonad C) [functor.additive (U : C ⥤ C)]

/-- The category of coalgebras over an additive comonad on a preadditive category is preadditive. -/
Expand All @@ -61,19 +75,33 @@ instance comonad.coalgebra_preadditive : preadditive (comonad.coalgebra U) :=
zero :=
{ f := 0,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_zero, comp_zero, zero_comp] },
nsmul := λ n α,
{ f := n • α.f,
h' := by rw [functor.map_nsmul, comp_nsmul, comonad.coalgebra.hom.h, nsmul_comp] },
neg := λ α,
{ f := -α.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_neg, comp_neg, comonad.coalgebra.hom.h, neg_comp] },
sub := λ α β,
{ f := α.f - β.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_sub, comp_sub, comonad.coalgebra.hom.h, sub_comp] },
zsmul := λ r α,
{ f := r • α.f,
h' := by rw [functor.map_zsmul, comp_zsmul, comonad.coalgebra.hom.h, zsmul_comp] },
add_assoc := by { intros, ext, apply add_assoc },
zero_add := by { intros, ext, apply zero_add },
add_zero := by { intros, ext, apply add_zero },
nsmul_zero' := by { intros, ext, apply zero_smul },
nsmul_succ' := by { intros, ext, apply succ_nsmul },
sub_eq_add_neg := by { intros, ext, apply sub_eq_add_neg },
zsmul_zero' := by { intros, ext, apply zero_smul },
zsmul_succ' := by { intros, ext, dsimp, simp only [coe_nat_zsmul, succ_nsmul], refl, },
zsmul_neg' := by { intros, ext, simp only [zsmul_neg_succ_of_nat, neg_inj,
nsmul_eq_smul_cast ℤ] },
add_left_neg := by { intros, ext, apply add_left_neg },
add_comm := by { intros, ext, apply add_comm } },
add_comp' := by { intros, ext, apply add_comp },
comp_add' := by { intros, ext, apply comp_add } }

instance comonad.forget_additive : (comonad.forget U).additive := {}

end category_theory
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/preadditive/endo_functor.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Julian Kuelshammer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Julian Kuelshammer

import category_theory.preadditive.default
import category_theory.endofunctor.algebra
import category_theory.preadditive.additive_functor

# Preadditive structure on algebras over a monad
If `C` is a preadditive categories and `F` is an additive endofunctor on `C` then `algebra F` is
also preadditive. Dually, the category `coalgebra F` is also preadditive.

universes v₁ u₁ -- morphism levels before object levels. See note [category_theory universes].

namespace category_theory
variables (C : Type u₁) [category.{v₁} C] [preadditive C] (F : C ⥤ C)
[functor.additive (F : C ⥤ C)]

open category_theory.limits preadditive

/-- The category of algebras over an additive endofunctor on a preadditive category is preadditive.
instance endofunctor.algebra_preadditive : preadditive (endofunctor.algebra F) :=
{ hom_group := λ A₁ A₂, { add := λ α β,
{ f := α.f + β.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_add, add_comp, endofunctor.algebra.hom.h, comp_add] },
zero :=
{ f := 0,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_zero, zero_comp, comp_zero] },
nsmul := λ n α,
{ f := n • α.f,
h' := by rw [comp_nsmul, functor.map_nsmul, nsmul_comp, endofunctor.algebra.hom.h] },
neg := λ α,
{ f := -α.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_neg, neg_comp, endofunctor.algebra.hom.h, comp_neg] },
sub := λ α β,
{ f := α.f - β.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_sub, sub_comp, endofunctor.algebra.hom.h, comp_sub] },
zsmul := λ r α,
{ f := r • α.f,
h' := by rw [comp_zsmul, functor.map_zsmul, zsmul_comp, endofunctor.algebra.hom.h] },
add_assoc := by { intros, ext, apply add_assoc },
zero_add := by { intros, ext, apply zero_add },
add_zero := by { intros, ext, apply add_zero },
nsmul_zero' := by { intros, ext, apply zero_smul },
nsmul_succ' := by { intros, ext, apply succ_nsmul },
sub_eq_add_neg := by { intros, ext, apply sub_eq_add_neg },
zsmul_zero' := by { intros, ext, apply zero_smul },
zsmul_succ' := by { intros, ext, dsimp, simp only [coe_nat_zsmul, succ_nsmul], refl, },
zsmul_neg' := by { intros, ext, simp only [zsmul_neg_succ_of_nat, neg_inj,
nsmul_eq_smul_cast ℤ] },
add_left_neg := by { intros, ext, apply add_left_neg },
add_comm := by { intros, ext, apply add_comm } },
add_comp' := by { intros, ext, apply add_comp },
comp_add' := by { intros, ext, apply comp_add } }

instance algebra.forget_additive : (endofunctor.algebra.forget F).additive := {}

instance endofunctor.coalgebra_preadditive : preadditive (endofunctor.coalgebra F) :=
{ hom_group := λ A₁ A₂, { add := λ α β,
{ f := α.f + β.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_add, comp_add, endofunctor.coalgebra.hom.h, add_comp] },
zero :=
{ f := 0,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_zero, zero_comp, comp_zero] },
nsmul := λ n α,
{ f := n • α.f,
h' := by rw [functor.map_nsmul, comp_nsmul, endofunctor.coalgebra.hom.h, nsmul_comp] },
neg := λ α,
{ f := -α.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_neg, comp_neg, endofunctor.coalgebra.hom.h, neg_comp] },
sub := λ α β,
{ f := α.f - β.f,
h' := by simp only [functor.map_sub, comp_sub, endofunctor.coalgebra.hom.h, sub_comp] },
zsmul := λ r α,
{ f := r • α.f,
h' := by rw [functor.map_zsmul, comp_zsmul, endofunctor.coalgebra.hom.h, zsmul_comp] },
add_assoc := by { intros, ext, apply add_assoc },
zero_add := by { intros, ext, apply zero_add },
add_zero := by { intros, ext, apply add_zero },
nsmul_zero' := by { intros, ext, apply zero_smul },
nsmul_succ' := by { intros, ext, apply succ_nsmul },
sub_eq_add_neg := by { intros, ext, apply sub_eq_add_neg },
zsmul_zero' := by { intros, ext, apply zero_smul },
zsmul_succ' := by { intros, ext, dsimp, simp only [coe_nat_zsmul, succ_nsmul], refl, },
zsmul_neg' := by { intros, ext, simp only [zsmul_neg_succ_of_nat, neg_inj,
nsmul_eq_smul_cast ℤ] },
add_left_neg := by { intros, ext, apply add_left_neg },
add_comm := by { intros, ext, apply add_comm } },
add_comp' := by { intros, ext, apply add_comp },
comp_add' := by { intros, ext, apply comp_add } }

instance coalgebra.forget_additive : (endofunctor.coalgebra.forget F).additive := {}

end category_theory

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