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feat(algebra/algebra/spectrum): define spectrum and prove basic prope…
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Define the resolvent set and the spectrum of an element of an algebra as
a set of elements in the scalar ring. We prove a few basic facts
including that additive cosets of the spectrum commute with the
spectrum, that is, r + σ a = σ (r ⬝ 1 + a). Similarly, multiplicative
cosets of the spectrum also commute when the element r is a unit of
the scalar ring R. Finally, we also show that the units of R in
σ (a*b) coincide with those of σ (b*a).
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j-loreaux committed Nov 23, 2021
1 parent e59e03f commit f684f61
Showing 1 changed file with 183 additions and 0 deletions.
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/algebra/spectrum.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Jireh Loreaux. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jireh Loreaux
import algebra.algebra.basic
import tactic.noncomm_ring
# Spectrum of an element in an algebra
This file develops the basic theory of the spectrum of an element of an algebra.
This theory will serve as the foundation for spectral theory in Banach algebras.
## Main definitions
* `resolvent a : set R`: the resolvent set of an element `a : A` where
`A` is an `R`-algebra.
* `spectrum a : set R`: the spectrum of an element `a : A` where
`A` is an `R`-algebra.
## Main statements
* `smul_eq_smul`: units in the scalar ring commute (multiplication) with the spectrum.
* `left_add_coset_eq`: elements of the scalar ring commute (addition) with the spectrum.
* `units_mem_mul_iff_mem_swap_mul` and `preimage_units_mul_eq_swap_mul`: the units
(of `R`) in `σ (a*b)` coincide with those in `σ (b*a)`.
## Notations
* `σ a` : `spectrum R a` of `a : A`
* Prove the *spectral mapping theorem* for the polynomial functional calculus

universes u v

section defs

variables (R : Type u) {A : Type v}
variables [comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A]

-- definition and basic properties

/-- Given a commutative ring `R` and an `R`-algebra `A`, the *resolvent* of `a : A`
is the `set R` consisting of those `r : R` for which `r•1 - a` is a unit of the
algebra `A`. -/
def resolvent (a : A) : set R :=
{ r : R | is_unit (algebra_map R A r - a) }

/-- Given a commutative ring `R` and an `R`-algebra `A`, the *spectrum* of `a : A`
is the `set R` consisting of those `r : R` for which `r•1 - a` is not a unit of the
algebra `A`.
The spectrum is simply the complement of the resolvent. -/
def spectrum (a : A) : set R :=
(resolvent R a)ᶜ

end defs

variables {R : Type u} {A : Type v}
variables [comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A]

-- products of scalar units and algebra units

lemma is_unit.smul_iff {G : Type u} [group G] [mul_action G A]
[smul_comm_class G A A] [is_scalar_tower G A A] {r : G} {a : A} :
is_unit (r • a) ↔ is_unit a :=
split, swap,
{ exact λ h, (r•h.unit).is_unit, },
{ intro h, let a' : units A :=
by rw [mul_smul_comm, ←smul_mul_assoc, is_unit.mul_coe_inv],
by rw [smul_mul_assoc,←mul_smul_comm, is_unit.coe_inv_mul],⟩,
exact ⟨a',rfl⟩, },

lemma is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul {r : units R} {a : A} :
is_unit (r • 1 - a) ↔ is_unit (1 - r⁻¹ • a) :=
have a_eq : a = r•r⁻¹•a, by simp,
nth_rewrite 0 a_eq,
rw [←smul_sub,is_unit.smul_iff],

namespace spectrum

local notation ` := spectrum R
local notation `↑ₐ` := algebra_map R A

lemma mem_iff {r : R} {a : A} :
r ∈ σ a ↔ ¬ is_unit (↑ₐr - a) :=

lemma not_mem_iff {r : R} {a : A} :
r ∉ σ a ↔ is_unit (↑ₐr - a) :=
by { apply, simp [set.not_not_mem, mem_iff] }

lemma mem_resolvent_of_left_right_inverse {r : R} {a b c : A}
(h₁ : (↑ₐr - a) * b = 1) (h₂ : c * (↑ₐr - a) = 1) :
r ∈ resolvent R a :=
units.is_unit ⟨↑ₐr - a, b, h₁, by rwa ←left_inv_eq_right_inv h₂ h₁⟩

lemma mem_resolvent_iff {r : R} {a : A} :
r ∈ resolvent R a ↔ is_unit (↑ₐr - a) :=

lemma add_mem_iff {a : A} {r s : R} :
r ∈ σ a ↔ r + s ∈ σ (↑ₐs + a) :=
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_iff],
have h_eq : ↑ₐ(r+s) - (↑ₐs + a) = ↑ₐr - a,
{ simp, noncomm_ring },
rw h_eq,

lemma smul_mem_smul_iff {a : A} {s : R} {r : units R} :
r • s ∈ σ (r • a) ↔ s ∈ σ a :=
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
have h_eq : (r•s)•(1 : A) = r•s•1, by simp,
rw [h_eq,←smul_sub,is_unit.smul_iff],

open_locale pointwise

theorem smul_eq_smul (a : A) (r : units R) :
σ (r • a) = r • σ a :=
have x_eq : x = r•r⁻¹•x, by simp,
nth_rewrite 0 x_eq,
rw smul_mem_smul_iff,
{ exact λ h, ⟨r⁻¹•x,⟨h,by simp⟩⟩},
{ rintros ⟨_,_,x'_eq⟩, simpa [←x'_eq],}

theorem left_add_coset_eq (a : A) (r : R) :
left_add_coset r (σ a) = σ (↑ₐr + a) :=
by { ext, rw [mem_left_add_coset_iff, neg_add_eq_sub, add_mem_iff],
nth_rewrite 1 ←sub_add_cancel x r, }

-- `r ∈ σ(a*b) ↔ r ∈ σ(b*a)` for any `r : units R`
theorem unit_mem_mul_iff_mem_swap_mul {a b : A} {r : units R} :
↑r ∈ σ (a * b) ↔ ↑r ∈ σ (b * a) :=
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
have coe_smul_eq : ↑r•1 = r•(1 : A), from rfl,
rw coe_smul_eq,
simp only [is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul],
have right_inv_of_swap : ∀ {x y z : A} (h : (1 - x*y)*z = 1),
(1 - y*x)*(1 + y*z*x) = 1, from λ x y z h,
calc (1 - y*x)*(1 + y*z*x) = 1 - y*x + y*((1 - x*y)*z)*x : by noncomm_ring
... = 1 : by simp [h],
have left_inv_of_swap : ∀ {x y z : A} (h : z*(1 - x*y) = 1),
(1 + y*z*x)*(1 - y*x) = 1, from λ x y z h,
calc (1 + y*z*x)*(1 - y*x) = 1 - y*x + y*(z*(1 - x*y))*x : by noncomm_ring
... = 1 : by simp [h],
have is_unit_one_sub_mul_of_swap : ∀ {x y : A} (h : is_unit (1 - x*y)),
is_unit (1 - y*x), from λ x y h, by
{ let h₁ := right_inv_of_swap h.unit.val_inv,
let h₂ := left_inv_of_swap h.unit.inv_val,
exact ⟨⟨1-y*x,1+y*h.unit.inv*x,h₁,h₂⟩,rfl⟩, },
have is_unit_one_sub_mul_iff_swap : ∀ {x y : A},
is_unit (1 - x*y) ↔ is_unit (1 - y*x), by
{ intros, split, repeat {apply is_unit_one_sub_mul_of_swap}, },
rw [←smul_mul_assoc, ←mul_smul_comm r⁻¹ b a, is_unit_one_sub_mul_iff_swap],

theorem preimage_units_mul_eq_swap_mul {a b : A} :
(coe : units R → R) ⁻¹' σ (a * b) = coe ⁻¹' σ (b * a) :=
by { ext, exact unit_mem_mul_iff_mem_swap_mul, }

end spectrum

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