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refactor(*): define list.replicate and migrate to it (#18127)
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This definition differs from `list.repeat` by the order of arguments. The new order is in sync with the Lean 4 version.
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urkud committed Jan 15, 2023
1 parent 88b76e4 commit f694c7d
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Showing 66 changed files with 502 additions and 521 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions archive/100-theorems-list/30_ballot_problem.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,18 +68,18 @@ def counted_sequence (p q : ℕ) : set (list ℤ) :=

/-- An alternative definition of `counted_sequence` that uses `list.perm`. -/
lemma mem_counted_sequence_iff_perm {p q l} :
l ∈ counted_sequence p q ↔ l ~ list.repeat (1 : ℤ) p ++ list.repeat (-1) q :=
l ∈ counted_sequence p q ↔ l ~ list.replicate p (1 : ℤ) ++ list.replicate q (-1) :=
rw [list.perm_repeat_append_repeat],
rw [list.perm_replicate_append_replicate],
{ simp only [counted_sequence, list.subset_def, mem_set_of_eq, list.mem_cons_iff,
list.mem_singleton] },
{ norm_num1 }

@[simp] lemma counted_right_zero (p : ℕ) : counted_sequence p 0 = {list.repeat 1 p} :=
@[simp] lemma counted_right_zero (p : ℕ) : counted_sequence p 0 = {list.replicate p 1} :=
by { ext l, simp [mem_counted_sequence_iff_perm] }

@[simp] lemma counted_left_zero (q : ℕ) : counted_sequence 0 q = {list.repeat (-1) q} :=
@[simp] lemma counted_left_zero (q : ℕ) : counted_sequence 0 q = {list.replicate q (-1)} :=
by { ext l, simp [mem_counted_sequence_iff_perm] }

lemma mem_of_mem_counted_sequence {p q} {l} (hl : l ∈ counted_sequence p q) {x : ℤ} (hx : x ∈ l) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ begin
rw mem_singleton_iff at hl,
subst hl,
refine λ l hl₁ hl₂, list.sum_pos _ (λ x hx, _) hl₁,
rw list.eq_of_mem_repeat (list.mem_of_mem_suffix hx hl₂),
rw list.eq_of_mem_replicate (list.mem_of_mem_suffix hx hl₂),
norm_num },

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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions archive/100-theorems-list/45_partition.lean
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Expand Up @@ -335,29 +335,29 @@ begin
{ rwa [nat.nsmul_eq_mul, nat.nsmul_eq_mul, mul_left_inj' i.succ_ne_zero] at h } },
{ simp only [mem_filter, mem_cut, mem_univ, exists_prop, true_and, and_assoc],
rintros f ⟨hf₁, hf₂, hf₃⟩,
refine ⟨⟨∑ i in s, multiset.repeat i (f i / i), _, _⟩, _, _, _⟩,
refine ⟨⟨∑ i in s, multiset.replicate (f i / i) i, _, _⟩, _, _, _⟩,
{ intros i hi,
simp only [exists_prop, mem_sum, mem_map, function.embedding.coe_fn_mk] at hi,
rcases hi with ⟨t, ht, z⟩,
apply hs,
rwa multiset.eq_of_mem_repeat z },
{ simp_rw [multiset.sum_sum, multiset.sum_repeat, nat.nsmul_eq_mul, ←hf₁],
rwa multiset.eq_of_mem_replicate z },
{ simp_rw [multiset.sum_sum, multiset.sum_replicate, nat.nsmul_eq_mul, ←hf₁],
refine sum_congr rfl (λ i hi, nat.div_mul_cancel _),
rcases hf₃ i hi with ⟨w, hw, hw₂⟩,
rw ← hw₂,
exact dvd_mul_left _ _ },
{ intro i,
simp_rw [multiset.count_sum', multiset.count_repeat, sum_ite_eq],
simp_rw [multiset.count_sum', multiset.count_replicate, sum_ite_eq],
split_ifs with h h,
{ rcases hf₃ i h with ⟨w, hw₁, hw₂⟩,
rwa [← hw₂, nat.mul_div_cancel _ (hs i h)] },
{ exact hc _ h } },
{ intros i hi,
rw mem_sum at hi,
rcases hi with ⟨j, hj₁, hj₂⟩,
rwa multiset.eq_of_mem_repeat hj₂ },
rwa multiset.eq_of_mem_replicate hj₂ },
{ ext i,
simp_rw [multiset.count_sum', multiset.count_repeat, sum_ite_eq],
simp_rw [multiset.count_sum', multiset.count_replicate, sum_ite_eq],
{ apply nat.div_mul_cancel,
rcases hf₃ i h with ⟨w, hw, hw₂⟩,
Expand Down
99 changes: 52 additions & 47 deletions archive/miu_language/decision_suf.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ open miu_atom list nat
We start by showing that an `miustr` `M::w` can be derived, where `w` consists only of `I`s and
where `count I w` is a power of 2.
private lemma der_cons_repeat (n : ℕ) : derivable (M::(repeat I (2^n))) :=
private lemma der_cons_replicate (n : ℕ) : derivable (M::(replicate (2^n) I)) :=
induction n with k hk,
{ constructor, }, -- base case
{ rw [succ_eq_add_one, pow_add, pow_one 2, mul_two,repeat_add], -- inductive step
{ rw [succ_eq_add_one, pow_add, pow_one 2, mul_two,replicate_add], -- inductive step
exact derivable.r2 hk, },

Expand All @@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ an even number of `U`s and `z` is any `miustr`.
Any number of successive occurrences of `"UU"` can be removed from the end of a `derivable` `miustr`
to produce another `derivable` `miustr`.
lemma der_of_der_append_repeat_U_even {z : miustr} {m : ℕ} (h : derivable (z ++ repeat U (m*2)))
: derivable z :=
lemma der_of_der_append_replicate_U_even {z : miustr} {m : ℕ}
(h : derivable (z ++ replicate (m*2) U)) : derivable z :=
induction m with k hk,
{ revert h,
simp only [list.repeat, zero_mul, append_nil, imp_self], },
simp only [list.replicate, zero_mul, append_nil, imp_self], },
{ apply hk,
simp only [succ_mul, repeat_add] at h,
change repeat U 2 with [U,U] at h,
rw ←(append_nil (z ++ repeat U (k*2) )),
simp only [succ_mul, replicate_add] at h,
change replicate 2 U with [U,U] at h,
rw ←(append_nil (z ++ replicate (k*2) U)),
apply derivable.r4,
simp only [append_nil, append_assoc,h], },
Expand All @@ -106,24 +106,24 @@ In fine-tuning my application of `simp`, I issued the following commend to deter
We may replace several consecutive occurrences of `"III"` with the same number of `"U"`s.
In application of the following lemma, `xs` will either be `[]` or `[U]`.
lemma der_cons_repeat_I_repeat_U_append_of_der_cons_repeat_I_append (c k : ℕ)
(hc : c % 3 = 1 ∨ c % 3 = 2) (xs : miustr) (hder : derivable (M ::(repeat I (c+3*k)) ++ xs)) :
derivable (M::(repeat I c ++ repeat U k) ++ xs) :=
lemma der_cons_replicate_I_replicate_U_append_of_der_cons_replicate_I_append (c k : ℕ)
(hc : c % 3 = 1 ∨ c % 3 = 2) (xs : miustr) (hder : derivable (M ::(replicate (c+3*k) I) ++ xs)) :
derivable (M::(replicate c I ++ replicate k U) ++ xs) :=
revert xs,
induction k with a ha,
{ simp only [list.repeat, mul_zero, add_zero, append_nil, forall_true_iff, imp_self],},
{ simp only [list.replicate, mul_zero, add_zero, append_nil, forall_true_iff, imp_self],},
{ intro xs,
specialize ha (U::xs),
intro h₂,
simp only [succ_eq_add_one, repeat_add], -- We massage the goal
simp only [succ_eq_add_one, replicate_add], -- We massage the goal
rw [←append_assoc, ←cons_append], -- into a form amenable
change repeat U 1 with [U], -- to the application of
change replicate 1 U with [U], -- to the application of
rw [append_assoc, singleton_append], -- ha.
apply ha,
apply derivable.r3,
change [I,I,I] with repeat I 3,
simp only [cons_append, ←repeat_add],
change [I,I,I] with replicate 3 I,
simp only [cons_append, ←replicate_add],
convert h₂, },

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,62 +178,67 @@ end

end arithmetic

lemma repeat_pow_minus_append {m : ℕ} : M :: repeat I (2^m - 1) ++ [I] = M::(repeat I (2^m)) :=
lemma replicate_pow_minus_append {m : ℕ} :
M :: replicate (2^m - 1) I ++ [I] = M::(replicate (2^m) I) :=
change [I] with repeat I 1,
rw [cons_append, ←repeat_add, tsub_add_cancel_of_le (one_le_pow' m 1)],
change [I] with replicate 1 I,
rw [cons_append, ←replicate_add, tsub_add_cancel_of_le (one_le_pow' m 1)],

`der_repeat_I_of_mod3` states that `M::y` is `derivable` if `y` is any `miustr` consisiting just of
`I`s, where `count I y` is 1 or 2 modulo 3.
`der_replicate_I_of_mod3` states that `M::y` is `derivable` if `y` is any `miustr` consisiting just
of `I`s, where `count I y` is 1 or 2 modulo 3.
lemma der_repeat_I_of_mod3 (c : ℕ) (h : c % 3 = 1 ∨ c % 3 = 2):
derivable (M::(repeat I c)) :=
lemma der_replicate_I_of_mod3 (c : ℕ) (h : c % 3 = 1 ∨ c % 3 = 2):
derivable (M::(replicate c I)) :=
-- From `der_cons_repeat`, we can derive the `miustr` `M::w` described in the introduction.
-- From `der_cons_replicate`, we can derive the `miustr` `M::w` described in the introduction.
cases (le_pow2_and_pow2_eq_mod3 c h) with m hm, -- `2^m` will be the number of `I`s in `M::w`
have hw₂ : derivable (M::(repeat I (2^m)) ++ repeat U ((2^m -c)/3 % 2)),
have hw₂ : derivable (M::(replicate (2^m) I) ++ replicate ((2^m -c)/3 % 2) U),
{ cases mod_two_eq_zero_or_one ((2^m -c)/3) with h_zero h_one,
{ simp only [der_cons_repeat m, append_nil,list.repeat, h_zero], }, -- `(2^m - c)/3 ≡ 0 [MOD 2]`
{ rw [h_one, ←repeat_pow_minus_append, append_assoc], -- case `(2^m - c)/3 ≡ 1 [MOD 2]`
{ -- `(2^m - c)/3 ≡ 0 [MOD 2]`
simp only [der_cons_replicate m, append_nil,list.replicate, h_zero], },
{ rw [h_one, ←replicate_pow_minus_append, append_assoc], -- case `(2^m - c)/3 ≡ 1 [MOD 2]`
apply derivable.r1,
rw repeat_pow_minus_append,
exact (der_cons_repeat m), }, },
have hw₃ : derivable (M::(repeat I c) ++ repeat U ((2^m-c)/3) ++ repeat U ((2^m-c)/3 % 2)),
{ apply der_cons_repeat_I_repeat_U_append_of_der_cons_repeat_I_append c ((2^m-c)/3) h,
rw replicate_pow_minus_append,
exact (der_cons_replicate m), }, },
have hw₃ :
derivable (M::(replicate c I) ++ replicate ((2^m-c)/3) U ++ replicate ((2^m-c)/3 % 2) U),
{ apply der_cons_replicate_I_replicate_U_append_of_der_cons_replicate_I_append c ((2^m-c)/3) h,
convert hw₂, -- now we must show `c + 3 * ((2 ^ m - c) / 3) = 2 ^ m`
rw nat.mul_div_cancel',
{ exact add_tsub_cancel_of_le hm.1 },
{ exact (modeq_iff_dvd' hm.1).mp hm.2.symm } },
rw [append_assoc, ←repeat_add _ _] at hw₃,
rw [append_assoc, ←replicate_add _ _] at hw₃,
cases add_mod2 ((2^m-c)/3) with t ht,
rw ht at hw₃,
exact der_of_der_append_repeat_U_even hw₃,
exact der_of_der_append_replicate_U_even hw₃,

example (c : ℕ) (h : c % 3 = 1 ∨ c % 3 = 2):
derivable (M::(repeat I c)) :=
derivable (M::(replicate c I)) :=
-- From `der_cons_repeat`, we can derive the `miustr` `M::w` described in the introduction.
-- From `der_cons_replicate`, we can derive the `miustr` `M::w` described in the introduction.
cases (le_pow2_and_pow2_eq_mod3 c h) with m hm, -- `2^m` will be the number of `I`s in `M::w`
have hw₂ : derivable (M::(repeat I (2^m)) ++ repeat U ((2^m -c)/3 % 2)),
have hw₂ : derivable (M::(replicate (2^m) I) ++ replicate ((2^m -c)/3 % 2) U),
{ cases mod_two_eq_zero_or_one ((2^m -c)/3) with h_zero h_one,
{ simp only [der_cons_repeat m, append_nil, list.repeat,h_zero], }, -- `(2^m - c)/3 ≡ 0 [MOD 2]`
{ rw [h_one, ←repeat_pow_minus_append, append_assoc], -- case `(2^m - c)/3 ≡ 1 [MOD 2]`
{ -- `(2^m - c)/3 ≡ 0 [MOD 2]`
simp only [der_cons_replicate m, append_nil, list.replicate, h_zero] },
{ rw [h_one, ←replicate_pow_minus_append, append_assoc], -- case `(2^m - c)/3 ≡ 1 [MOD 2]`
apply derivable.r1,
rw repeat_pow_minus_append,
exact (der_cons_repeat m), }, },
have hw₃ : derivable (M::(repeat I c) ++ repeat U ((2^m-c)/3) ++ repeat U ((2^m-c)/3 % 2)),
{ apply der_cons_repeat_I_repeat_U_append_of_der_cons_repeat_I_append c ((2^m-c)/3) h,
rw replicate_pow_minus_append,
exact (der_cons_replicate m), }, },
have hw₃ :
derivable (M::(replicate c I) ++ replicate ((2^m-c)/3) U ++ replicate ((2^m-c)/3 % 2) U),
{ apply der_cons_replicate_I_replicate_U_append_of_der_cons_replicate_I_append c ((2^m-c)/3) h,
convert hw₂, -- now we must show `c + 3 * ((2 ^ m - c) / 3) = 2 ^ m`
rw nat.mul_div_cancel',
{ exact add_tsub_cancel_of_le hm.1 },
{ exact (modeq_iff_dvd' hm.1).mp hm.2.symm } },
rw [append_assoc, ←repeat_add _ _] at hw₃,
rw [append_assoc, ←replicate_add _ _] at hw₃,
cases add_mod2 ((2^m-c)/3) with t ht,
rw ht at hw₃,
exact der_of_der_append_repeat_U_even hw₃,
exact der_of_der_append_replicate_U_even hw₃,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,12 +283,12 @@ begin
rcases (exists_cons_of_ne_nil this) with ⟨y,ys,rfl⟩,
rw head at mhead,
rw mhead at *,
rsuffices ⟨c, rfl, hc⟩ : ∃ c, repeat I c = ys ∧ (c % 3 = 1 ∨ c % 3 = 2),
{ exact der_repeat_I_of_mod3 c hc, },
rsuffices ⟨c, rfl, hc⟩ : ∃ c, replicate c I = ys ∧ (c % 3 = 1 ∨ c % 3 = 2),
{ exact der_replicate_I_of_mod3 c hc, },
{ simp only [count] at *,
use (count I ys),
refine and.intro _ hi,
apply repeat_count_eq_of_count_eq_length,
apply replicate_count_eq_of_count_eq_length,
exact count_I_eq_length_of_count_U_zero_and_neg_mem hu nmtail, },

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/algebra/big_operators/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ by rw [prod_insert (not_mem_singleton.2 h), prod_singleton]

@[simp, priority 1100, to_additive]
lemma prod_const_one : (∏ x in s, (1 : β)) = 1 :=
by simp only [, multiset.map_const, multiset.prod_repeat, one_pow]
by simp only [, multiset.map_const, multiset.prod_replicate, one_pow]

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma prod_image [decidable_eq α] {s : finset γ} {g : γ → α} :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ begin

@[simp, to_additive] lemma prod_const (b : β) : (∏ x in s, b) = b ^ s.card :=
(congr_arg _ $ s.val.map_const b).trans $ multiset.prod_repeat b s.card
(congr_arg _ $ s.val.map_const b).trans $ multiset.prod_replicate b s.card

lemma pow_eq_prod_const (b : β) : ∀ n, b ^ n = ∏ k in range n, b := by simp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ begin
apply finset.induction_on' S, { simp },
intros a T haS _ haT IH,
repeat {rw finset.prod_insert haT},
repeat { rw finset.prod_insert haT },
exact mul_dvd_mul (h a haS) IH,

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/algebra/big_operators/multiset/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ lemma prod_nsmul (m : multiset α) : ∀ (n : ℕ), (n • m).prod = ^ n
| (n + 1) :=
by rw [add_nsmul, one_nsmul, pow_add, pow_one, prod_add, prod_nsmul n]

@[simp, to_additive] lemma prod_repeat (a : α) (n : ℕ) : (repeat a n).prod = a ^ n :=
by simp [repeat, list.prod_repeat]
@[simp, to_additive] lemma prod_replicate (a : α) (n : ℕ) : (replicate n a).prod = a ^ n :=
by simp [replicate, list.prod_replicate]

lemma prod_map_eq_pow_single [decidable_eq ι] (i : ι) (hf : ∀ i' ≠ i, i' ∈ m → f i' = 1) :
Expand All @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ end

lemma pow_count [decidable_eq α] (a : α) : a ^ s.count a = (s.filter (eq a)).prod :=
by rw [filter_eq, prod_repeat]
by rw [filter_eq, prod_replicate]

lemma prod_hom [comm_monoid β] (s : multiset α) {F : Type*} [monoid_hom_class F α β] (f : F) :
Expand All @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ quotient.induction_on s $ λ l,
by simp only [l.prod_hom_rel h₁ h₂, quot_mk_to_coe, coe_map, coe_prod]

lemma prod_map_one : prod ( (λ i, (1 : α))) = 1 := by rw [map_const, prod_repeat, one_pow]
lemma prod_map_one : prod ( (λ i, (1 : α))) = 1 := by rw [map_const, prod_replicate, one_pow]

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma prod_map_mul : ( $ λ i, f i * g i).prod = ( f).prod * ( g).prod :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ lemma prod_le_prod_map (f : α → α) (h : ∀ x, x ∈ s → x ≤ f x) :

@[to_additive card_nsmul_le_sum]
lemma pow_card_le_prod (h : ∀ x ∈ s, a ≤ x) : a ^ s.card ≤ :=
by { rw [←multiset.prod_repeat, ←multiset.map_const], exact prod_map_le_prod _ h }
by { rw [←multiset.prod_replicate, ←multiset.map_const], exact prod_map_le_prod _ h }

end ordered_comm_monoid

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/gcd_monoid/multiset.lean
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Expand Up @@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ lemma extract_gcd (s : multiset α) (hs : s ≠ 0) :
by_cases h : ∀ x ∈ s, x = (0 : α),
{ use repeat 1 s.card,
rw [map_repeat, eq_repeat, mul_one, s.gcd_eq_zero_iff.2 h, ←nsmul_singleton, ←gcd_dedup],
{ use replicate s.card 1,
rw [map_replicate, eq_replicate, mul_one, s.gcd_eq_zero_iff.2 h, ←nsmul_singleton, ←gcd_dedup],
rw [dedup_nsmul (card_pos.2 hs).ne', dedup_singleton, gcd_singleton],
exact ⟨⟨rfl, h⟩, normalize_one⟩ },
{ choose f hf using @gcd_dvd _ _ _ s,
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/algebra/hom/freiman.lean
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Expand Up @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ ext $ λ x, rfl
def const (A : set α) (n : ℕ) (b : β) : A →*[n] β :=
{ to_fun := λ _, b,
map_prod_eq_map_prod' := λ s t _ _ hs ht _,
by rw [multiset.map_const, multiset.map_const, prod_repeat, prod_repeat, hs, ht] }
by rw [multiset.map_const, multiset.map_const, prod_replicate, prod_replicate, hs, ht] }

@[simp, to_additive] lemma const_apply (n : ℕ) (b : β) (x : α) : const A n b x = b := rfl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,20 +341,20 @@ begin
rw [hs, ht] },
rw [←hs, card_pos_iff_exists_mem] at hm,
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := hm,
suffices : ((s + repeat a (n - m)).map f).prod = ((t + repeat a (n - m)).map f).prod,
suffices : ((s + replicate (n - m) a).map f).prod = ((t + replicate (n - m) a).map f).prod,
{ simp_rw [multiset.map_add, prod_add] at this,
exact mul_right_cancel this },
replace ha := hsA _ ha,
refine map_prod_eq_map_prod f (λ x hx, _) (λ x hx, _) _ _ _,
rotate 2, assumption, -- Can't infer `A` and `n` from the context, so do it manually.
{ rw mem_add at hx,
refine hx.elim (hsA _) (λ h, _),
rwa eq_of_mem_repeat h },
rwa eq_of_mem_replicate h },
{ rw mem_add at hx,
refine hx.elim (htA _) (λ h, _),
rwa eq_of_mem_repeat h },
{ rw [card_add, hs, card_repeat, add_tsub_cancel_of_le h] },
{ rw [card_add, ht, card_repeat, add_tsub_cancel_of_le h] },
rwa eq_of_mem_replicate h },
{ rw [card_add, hs, card_replicate, add_tsub_cancel_of_le h] },
{ rw [card_add, ht, card_replicate, add_tsub_cancel_of_le h] },
{ rw [prod_add, prod_add, hst] }

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/module/dedekind_domain.lean
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Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ begin
{ suffices : (normalized_factors _).count p = 0,
{ rw [this, zero_min, pow_zero, ideal.one_eq_top] },
{ rw [multiset.count_eq_zero, normalized_factors_of_irreducible_pow
(prime_of_mem q hq).irreducible, multiset.mem_repeat],
(prime_of_mem q hq).irreducible, multiset.mem_replicate],
exact λ H, pq $ H.2.trans $ normalize_eq q } },
{ rw ← ideal.zero_eq_bot, apply pow_ne_zero, exact (prime_of_mem q hq).ne_zero },
{ exact (prime_of_mem p hp).irreducible } }
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/monoid_algebra/degree.lean
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Expand Up @@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ lemma sup_support_pow_le (degb0 : degb 0 ≤ 0) (degbm : ∀ a b, degb (a + b)
(n : ℕ) (f : add_monoid_algebra R A) :
(f ^ n).support.sup degb ≤ n • ( degb) :=
rw [← list.prod_repeat, ←list.sum_repeat],
rw [← list.prod_replicate, ←list.sum_replicate],
refine (sup_support_list_prod_le degb0 degbm _).trans_eq _,
rw list.map_repeat,
rw list.map_replicate,

lemma le_inf_support_pow (degt0 : 0 ≤ degt 0) (degtm : ∀ a b, degt a + degt b ≤ degt (a + b))
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/polynomial/big_operators.lean
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Expand Up @@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ begin
nontriviality R,
apply nat_degree_multiset_prod',
suffices : ( (λ f, leading_coeff f)).prod = 1, { rw this, simp },
convert prod_repeat (1 : R) t.card,
{ simp only [eq_repeat, multiset.card_map, eq_self_iff_true, true_and],
convert prod_replicate (1 : R) t.card,
{ simp only [eq_replicate, multiset.card_map, eq_self_iff_true, true_and],
rintros i hi,
obtain ⟨i, hi, rfl⟩ := hi,
apply h, assumption },
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