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feat(measure_theory/measure/haar_lebesgue): Lebesgue measure coming f…
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…rom an alternating map (#17583)

To an `n`-alternating form `ω` on an `n`-dimensional space, we associate a Lebesgue measure `ω.measure`. We show that it satisfies `ω.measure (parallelepiped v) = |ω v|` when `v` is a family of `n` vectors, where `parallelepiped v` is the parallelepiped spanned by these vectors.

In the special case of inner product spaces, this gives a canonical measure when one takes for the alternating form the canonical one associated to some orientation. Therefore, we register a `measure_space` instance on finite-dimensional inner product spaces. As the real line is a special case of inner product space, we need to redefine the Lebesgue measure there to avoid having two competing `measure_space` instances.
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sgouezel committed Dec 13, 2022
1 parent ec4bdab commit f721cdc
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Showing 10 changed files with 384 additions and 68 deletions.
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion src/analysis/inner_product_space/pi_L2.lean
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Expand Up @@ -656,13 +656,25 @@ let ⟨w, hw, hw', hw''⟩ := (orthonormal_empty 𝕜 E).exists_orthonormal_basi
⟨w, hw, hw''⟩

/-- A finite-dimensional `inner_product_space` has an orthonormal basis. -/
def std_orthonormal_basis : orthonormal_basis (fin (finrank 𝕜 E)) 𝕜 E :=
@[irreducible] def std_orthonormal_basis : orthonormal_basis (fin (finrank 𝕜 E)) 𝕜 E :=
let b := classical.some (classical.some_spec $ exists_orthonormal_basis 𝕜 E),
rw [finrank_eq_card_basis b.to_basis],
exact b.reindex (fintype.equiv_fin_of_card_eq rfl),

/-- An orthonormal basis of `ℝ` is made either of the vector `1`, or of the vector `-1`. -/
lemma orthonormal_basis_one_dim (b : orthonormal_basis ι ℝ ℝ) :
⇑b = (λ _, (1 : ℝ)) ∨ ⇑b = (λ _, (-1 : ℝ)) :=
haveI : unique ι, from b.to_basis.unique,
have : b default = 1 ∨ b default = - 1,
{ have : ‖b default‖ = 1, from b.orthonormal.1 _,
rwa [real.norm_eq_abs, abs_eq (zero_le_one : (0 : ℝ) ≤ 1)] at this },
rw eq_const_of_unique b,
refine this.imp _ _; simp,

variables {𝕜 E}

section subordinate_orthonormal_basis
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/normed/group/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1199,9 +1199,14 @@ lemma le_norm_self (r : ℝ) : r ≤ ‖r‖ := le_abs_self r

lemma nnnorm_of_nonneg (hr : 0 ≤ r) : ‖r‖₊ = ⟨r, hr⟩ := nnreal.eq $ norm_of_nonneg hr

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_abs (r : ℝ) : ‖(|r|)‖₊ = ‖r‖₊ := by simp [nnnorm]

lemma ennnorm_eq_of_real (hr : 0 ≤ r) : (‖r‖₊ : ℝ≥0∞) = ennreal.of_real r :=
by { rw [← of_real_norm_eq_coe_nnnorm, norm_of_nonneg hr] }

lemma ennnorm_eq_of_real_abs (r : ℝ) : (‖r‖₊ : ℝ≥0∞) = ennreal.of_real (|r|) :=
by rw [← real.nnnorm_abs r, real.ennnorm_eq_of_real (abs_nonneg _)]

lemma to_nnreal_eq_nnnorm_of_nonneg (hr : 0 ≤ r) : r.to_nnreal = ‖r‖₊ :=
rw real.to_nnreal_of_nonneg hr,
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/determinant.lean
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Expand Up @@ -208,6 +208,10 @@ by simp [← to_matrix_eq_to_matrix']
linear_map.det (matrix.to_lin b b f) = f.det :=
by rw [← linear_map.det_to_matrix b, linear_map.to_matrix_to_lin]

@[simp] lemma det_to_lin' (f : matrix ι ι R) :
linear_map.det (f.to_lin') = f.det :=
by simp only [← to_lin_eq_to_lin', det_to_lin]

/-- To show `P f.det` it suffices to consider `P (to_matrix _ _ f).det` and `P 1`. -/
lemma det_cases [decidable_eq M] {P : A → Prop} (f : M →ₗ[A] M)
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/finite_dimensional.lean
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Expand Up @@ -209,6 +209,15 @@ begin
rw [cardinal.mk_fintype, finrank_eq_card_basis h]

/-- Given a basis of a division ring over itself indexed by a type `ι`, then `ι` is `unique`. -/
noncomputable def basis.unique {ι : Type*} (b : basis ι K K) : unique ι :=
have A : ι = ↑(finite_dimensional.finrank K K) :=
(finite_dimensional.finrank_eq_card_basis' b).symm,
simp only [cardinal.eq_one_iff_unique, finite_dimensional.finrank_self, algebra_map.coe_one] at A,
exact nonempty.some ((unique_iff_subsingleton_and_nonempty _).2 A),

variables (K V)

/-- A finite dimensional vector space has a basis indexed by `fin (finrank K V)`. -/
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22 changes: 17 additions & 5 deletions src/measure_theory/group/measure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ We also give analogues of all these notions in the additive world.

noncomputable theory

open_locale ennreal pointwise big_operators topological_space
open_locale nnreal ennreal pointwise big_operators topological_space
open has_inv set function measure_theory.measure filter

variables {𝕜 G H : Type*} [measurable_space G] [measurable_space H]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,14 +70,26 @@ is_mul_left_invariant.map_mul_left_eq_self g
lemma map_mul_right_eq_self (μ : measure G) [is_mul_right_invariant μ] (g : G) : map (* g) μ = μ :=
is_mul_right_invariant.map_mul_right_eq_self g

instance [is_mul_left_invariant μ] (c : ℝ≥0∞) : is_mul_left_invariant (c • μ) :=
@[to_additive measure_theory.is_add_left_invariant_smul]
instance is_mul_left_invariant_smul [is_mul_left_invariant μ] (c : ℝ≥0∞) :
is_mul_left_invariant (c • μ) :=
⟨λ g, by rw [measure.map_smul, map_mul_left_eq_self]⟩

instance [is_mul_right_invariant μ] (c : ℝ≥0∞) : is_mul_right_invariant (c • μ) :=
@[to_additive measure_theory.is_add_right_invariant_smul]
instance is_mul_right_invariant_smul [is_mul_right_invariant μ] (c : ℝ≥0∞) :
is_mul_right_invariant (c • μ) :=
⟨λ g, by rw [measure.map_smul, map_mul_right_eq_self]⟩

@[to_additive measure_theory.is_add_left_invariant_smul_nnreal]
instance is_mul_left_invariant_smul_nnreal [is_mul_left_invariant μ] (c : ℝ≥0) :
is_mul_left_invariant (c • μ) :=
measure_theory.is_mul_left_invariant_smul (c : ℝ≥0∞)

@[to_additive measure_theory.is_add_right_invariant_smul_nnreal]
instance is_mul_right_invariant_smul_nnreal [is_mul_right_invariant μ] (c : ℝ≥0) :
is_mul_right_invariant (c • μ) :=
measure_theory.is_mul_right_invariant_smul (c : ℝ≥0∞)

section has_measurable_mul

variables [has_measurable_mul G]
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82 changes: 59 additions & 23 deletions src/measure_theory/measure/haar_lebesgue.lean
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ We deduce basic properties of any Haar measure on a finite dimensional real vect
* `add_haar_closed_ball`: the measure of `closed_ball x r` is `r ^ dim * μ (ball 0 1)`.
* `add_haar_sphere`: spheres have zero measure.
This makes it possible to associate a Lebesgue measure to an `n`-alternating map in dimension `n`.
This measure is called `alternating_map.measure`. Its main property is
`ω.measure_parallelepiped v`, stating that the associated measure of the parallelepiped spanned
by vectors `v₁, ..., vₙ` is given by `|ω v|`.
We also show that a Lebesgue density point `x` of a set `s` (with respect to closed balls) has
density one for the rescaled copies `{x} + r • t` of a given set `t` with positive measure, in
`tendsto_add_haar_inter_smul_one_of_density_one`. In particular, `s` intersects `{x} + r • t` for
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,9 +72,6 @@ open measure topological_space.positive_compacts finite_dimensional
lemma add_haar_measure_eq_volume : add_haar_measure Icc01 = volume :=
by { convert (add_haar_measure_unique volume Icc01).symm, simp [Icc01] }

instance : is_add_haar_measure (volume : measure ℝ) :=
by { rw ← add_haar_measure_eq_volume, apply_instance }

/-- The Haar measure equals the Lebesgue measure on `ℝ^ι`. -/
lemma add_haar_measure_eq_volume_pi (ι : Type*) [fintype ι] :
add_haar_measure (pi_Icc01 ι) = volume :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,9 +203,11 @@ begin
real.map_linear_map_volume_pi_eq_smul_volume_pi hf, smul_comm],

variables {E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E]
[borel_space E] [finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
{F : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group F] [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]

lemma map_linear_map_add_haar_eq_smul_add_haar
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
{f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E} (hf : f.det ≠ 0) : f μ = ennreal.of_real (abs (f.det)⁻¹) • μ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +241,6 @@ end
/-- The preimage of a set `s` under a linear map `f` with nonzero determinant has measure
equal to `μ s` times the absolute value of the inverse of the determinant of `f`. -/
@[simp] lemma add_haar_preimage_linear_map
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
{f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E} (hf : f.det ≠ 0) (s : set E) :
μ (f ⁻¹' s) = ennreal.of_real (abs (f.det)⁻¹) * μ s :=
calc μ (f ⁻¹' s) = f μ s :
Expand All @@ -250,17 +252,13 @@ calc μ (f ⁻¹' s) = f μ s :
/-- The preimage of a set `s` under a continuous linear map `f` with nonzero determinant has measure
equal to `μ s` times the absolute value of the inverse of the determinant of `f`. -/
@[simp] lemma add_haar_preimage_continuous_linear_map
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
{f : E →L[ℝ] E} (hf : linear_map.det (f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E) ≠ 0) (s : set E) :
μ (f ⁻¹' s) = ennreal.of_real (abs (linear_map.det (f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E))⁻¹) * μ s :=
add_haar_preimage_linear_map μ hf s

/-- The preimage of a set `s` under a linear equiv `f` has measure
equal to `μ s` times the absolute value of the inverse of the determinant of `f`. -/
@[simp] lemma add_haar_preimage_linear_equiv
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
(f : E ≃ₗ[ℝ] E) (s : set E) :
μ (f ⁻¹' s) = ennreal.of_real (abs (f.symm : E →ₗ[ℝ] E).det) * μ s :=
Expand All @@ -272,17 +270,13 @@ end
/-- The preimage of a set `s` under a continuous linear equiv `f` has measure
equal to `μ s` times the absolute value of the inverse of the determinant of `f`. -/
@[simp] lemma add_haar_preimage_continuous_linear_equiv
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
(f : E ≃L[ℝ] E) (s : set E) :
μ (f ⁻¹' s) = ennreal.of_real (abs (f.symm : E →ₗ[ℝ] E).det) * μ s :=
add_haar_preimage_linear_equiv μ _ s

/-- The image of a set `s` under a linear map `f` has measure
equal to `μ s` times the absolute value of the determinant of `f`. -/
@[simp] lemma add_haar_image_linear_map
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
(f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E) (s : set E) :
μ (f '' s) = ennreal.of_real (abs f.det) * μ s :=
Expand All @@ -303,17 +297,13 @@ end
/-- The image of a set `s` under a continuous linear map `f` has measure
equal to `μ s` times the absolute value of the determinant of `f`. -/
@[simp] lemma add_haar_image_continuous_linear_map
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
(f : E →L[ℝ] E) (s : set E) :
μ (f '' s) = ennreal.of_real (abs (f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E).det) * μ s :=
add_haar_image_linear_map μ _ s

/-- The image of a set `s` under a continuous linear equiv `f` has measure
equal to `μ s` times the absolute value of the determinant of `f`. -/
@[simp] lemma add_haar_image_continuous_linear_equiv
{E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
(f : E ≃L[ℝ] E) (s : set E) :
μ (f '' s) = ennreal.of_real (abs (f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E).det) * μ s :=
μ.add_haar_image_linear_map (f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E) s
Expand All @@ -322,10 +312,6 @@ equal to `μ s` times the absolute value of the determinant of `f`. -/
### Basic properties of Haar measures on real vector spaces

variables {E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [measurable_space E] [normed_space ℝ E]
[finite_dimensional ℝ E] [borel_space E] (μ : measure E) [is_add_haar_measure μ]
{F : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group F] [normed_space ℝ F] [complete_space F]

lemma map_add_haar_smul {r : ℝ} (hr : r ≠ 0) : ((•) r) μ = ennreal.of_real (abs (r ^ (finrank ℝ E))⁻¹) • μ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -566,6 +552,56 @@ begin
simp only [real.to_nnreal_bit0, real.to_nnreal_one, le_refl],


### The Lebesgue measure associated to an alternating map

variables {ι G : Type*} [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι]
[normed_add_comm_group G] [normed_space ℝ G] [measurable_space G] [borel_space G]

lemma add_haar_parallelepiped (b : basis ι ℝ G) (v : ι → G) :
b.add_haar (parallelepiped v) = ennreal.of_real (|b.det v|) :=
haveI : finite_dimensional ℝ G, from finite_dimensional.of_fintype_basis b,
have A : parallelepiped v = (b.constr ℕ v) '' (parallelepiped b),
{ rw image_parallelepiped,
congr' 1 with i,
exact (b.constr_basis ℕ v i).symm },
rw [A, add_haar_image_linear_map, basis.add_haar_self, mul_one,
← linear_map.det_to_matrix b, ← basis.to_matrix_eq_to_matrix_constr],

variables [finite_dimensional ℝ G] {n : ℕ} [_i : fact (finrank ℝ G = n)]
include _i

/-- The Lebesgue measure associated to an alternating map. It gives measure `|ω v|` to the
parallelepiped spanned by the vectors `v₁, ..., vₙ`. Note that it is not always a Haar measure,
as it can be zero, but it is always locally finite and translation invariant. -/
@[irreducible] noncomputable def _root_.alternating_map.measure
(ω : alternating_map ℝ G ℝ (fin n)) : measure G :=
‖ω (fin_basis_of_finrank_eq ℝ G _i.out)‖₊ • (fin_basis_of_finrank_eq ℝ G _i.out).add_haar

lemma _root_.alternating_map.measure_parallelepiped
(ω : alternating_map ℝ G ℝ (fin n)) (v : fin n → G) :
ω.measure (parallelepiped v) = ennreal.of_real (|ω v|) :=
conv_rhs { rw ω.eq_smul_basis_det (fin_basis_of_finrank_eq ℝ G _i.out) },
simp only [add_haar_parallelepiped, alternating_map.measure, coe_nnreal_smul_apply,
alternating_map.smul_apply,, abs_mul,
ennreal.of_real_mul (abs_nonneg _), real.ennnorm_eq_of_real_abs]

instance (ω : alternating_map ℝ G ℝ (fin n)) : is_add_left_invariant ω.measure :=
by { rw [alternating_map.measure], apply_instance }

instance (ω : alternating_map ℝ G ℝ (fin n)) : is_locally_finite_measure ω.measure :=
by { rw [alternating_map.measure], apply_instance }


### Density points
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