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feat(ci): switch from mergify to bors (#2322)
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This PR (joint work with @gebner) changes the automation that merges our PRs from mergify to a service called [bors]( Currently, the "time-to-master" of an approved PR grows linearly with the number of currently queued PRs, since mergify builds PRs against master one at a time. bors batches approved PRs together before building them against master so that most PRs should merge within 2*(current build time).

As far as day-to-day use goes, the main difference is that maintainers will approve PRs by commenting with the magic words "`bors r+`" instead of "approving" on Github and adding the "ready-to-merge" label. Contributors should be aware that pushing additional commits to an approved PR will now require a new approval.

Some longer notes on bors and mathlib can be found [here](

Co-authored-by: Gabriel Ebner <>
  • Loading branch information
bryangingechen and gebner committed Apr 10, 2020
1 parent 495deb9 commit f723f37
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Showing 12 changed files with 269 additions and 89 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .github/
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@

Please include a summary of the changes made in this PR above "TO CONTRIBUTORS:", as
that text will become the commit message. You are also encouraged to append the following
[co-authorship template](
if you'd like to acknowledge suggestions / commits made by other users:

Co-authored-by: name <>

Make sure you have:

* [ ] reviewed and applied the coding style: [coding](, [naming](
Expand All @@ -13,3 +20,7 @@ Make sure you have:
If this PR is related to a discussion on Zulip, please include a link in the discussion.

For reviewers: [code review check list](

If you're confused by comments on your PR like `bors r+` or `bors d+`, please see our
[notes on bors](
for information on our merging workflow.
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/add_label.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
name: Add "ready-to-merge" label

types: [created]

name: Add label
if: (toJSON(github.event.issue.pull_request) != 'null') && (startsWith(github.event.comment.body, 'bors r+') || contains(toJSON(github.event.comment.body), '\r\nbors r+') || startsWith(github.event.comment.body, 'bors merge') || contains(toJSON(github.event.comment.body), '\r\nbors merge'))
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: octokit/request-action@v2.x
name: Get PR head
id: get_pr_head
route: GET /repos/:repository/pulls/:pull_number
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
pull_number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}

# Parse, since it is a string
- id: parse_pr_head
name: Parse PR head
uses: gr2m/get-json-paths-action@v1.x
json: ${{ }}
head_user: 'head.user.login'

# we skip the rest if this PR is from a fork,
# since the GITHUB_TOKEN doesn't have write perms
- if: steps.parse_pr_head.head_user == 'leanprover-community'
uses: octokit/request-action@v2.x
name: Get comment author
id: get_user
route: GET /repos/:repository/collaborators/:username/permission
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
username: ${{ github.event.comment.user.login }}

# Parse, since it is a string
- if: steps.parse_pr_head.head_user == 'leanprover-community'
id: parse_user
name: Parse comment author permission
uses: gr2m/get-json-paths-action@v1.x
json: ${{ }}
permission: 'permission'

- if: (steps.parse_pr_head.head_user == 'leanprover-community') && (steps.parse_user.outputs.permission == 'admin')
uses: octokit/request-action@v2.x
id: add_label
name: Add label
route: POST /repos/:repository/issues/:issue_number/labels
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
issue_number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
labels: '["ready-to-merge"]'
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions .github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
name: continuous integration

on: [push]
# ignore tmp branches used by bors
- 'staging.tmp*'
- 'trying.tmp*'

name: Build mathlib
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# number of commits to check for olean cache
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
Expand All @@ -22,12 +27,6 @@ jobs:
echo "::add-path::$HOME/.elan/bin"
echo "::set-env name=short_lean_version::$(~/.elan/bin/lean --run scripts/lean_version.lean)"
- name: compute lean file hash
run: |
lean_file_hash="$(echo `find src | grep '[.]lean$' | sort | xargs shasum` `shasum leanpkg.toml` "lean --version:" `lean --version` | shasum | head -c 40; echo)"
echo "lean file hash: $lean_file_hash"
echo "::set-env name=lean_file_hash::$lean_file_hash"
- name: install azcopy
run: |
cd /usr/local/bin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ jobs:
archive_name="$(git rev-parse HEAD).tar.gz"
tar czf "$archive_name" src
azcopy copy "$archive_name" "${{ secrets.AZURE_SAS_TOKEN }}" --block-size-mb 99 --overwrite false
python scripts/ "$lean_file_hash" "${{ github.sha }}" "${{ secrets.AZURE_TABLE_WRITE_TOKEN }}"
- name: push release to mathlib-nightly
if: github.repository == 'leanprover-community/mathlib' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,6 +103,7 @@ jobs:
DEPLOY_NIGHTLY_GITHUB_USER: leanprover-community-bot

- name: tests
if: success() || == 'built'
Expand Down
21 changes: 0 additions & 21 deletions .mergify.yml

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
# Lean mathlib

[![Mergify Status][mergify-status]][mergify]
[![Bors enabled](](


[Mathlib]( is a user maintained library for the [Lean theorem prover](
It contains both programming infrastructure and mathematics, as well as tactics that use the former and allow to develop the later.
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions bors.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
status = ["Build mathlib"]
use_squash_merge = true
timeout_sec = 21600
block_labels = ["not-ready-to-merge", "WIP", "changes-requested", "blocked-by-other-PR"]
delete_merged_branches = true
cut_body_after = "TO CONTRIBUTORS:"
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions docs/contribute/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# bors for mathlib!

[![Bors enabled](](

In early April 2020, we had a stretch where the mergify queue was constantly 4-5 PRs deep, which
meant that the time between setting a PR as "ready-to-merge" and its landing in `master` was 12+
hours. With mergify, the amount of time it takes to finish merging `N` "ready-to-merge" PRs is
`O(N)`, since every PR is tested against the current master in a serial fashion. This will only get
worse as both build times and the rate of contributions increase.

To address this, we decided to switch from our previous mergify-based workflow to one using
[bors-ng]( `bors` is a free service that is able to batch multiple PRs together
in a "`staging`" branch, run the CI scripts on that branch, and then fast-forward `master` if CI

For PRs with no CI failures, the time from approval to merging should be at most 2*`T`, where `T` is
the amount of time to run CI on a commit. One `T` is for the `staging` build already in progress
when the PR is approved (if any), and one `T` is needed for the batch that the PR is added to.

If CI on `staging` fails (e.g. due to a merge conflict), bors will split the batch in two and try to
merge each of those separately, so that the time to merge is `O(E log N)` where `E` is the error
rate. (See [here]( for a few
more details.)

## What has changed?

*[See also bors-ng "Getting Started"]( and

- Using bors is very similar to the previous mergify-based workflow, except that instead of
approving and adding the "ready-to-merge" label, maintainers just need to remove any "blocked
labels" ("WIP", "changes-requested", "not-ready-to-merge", "blocked-by-other-PR") and then add a
comment to the PR containing "`bors r+`" (or "`bors merge`") on its own line. This will add the PR
to the last batch in the bors queue. This can be cancelled by commenting with "`bors r-`" /
"`bors merge-`".

- We have a Github Actions workflow which will try to label approved PRs with
"ready-to-merge" so that we can see at a glance which open PRs are in the queue. It's not perfect,
so if you notice a PR that's approved but missing the label, feel free to add the label manually.

- Usually the queue will consist of at most two batches, the batch whose build is in progress and
one batch that is "Waiting to run", but if errors have occurred, the queue may get longer.
(Compare this to the mergify queue, whose length is equal to the number of approved PRs.)

- One significant change is that pushing new commits to a PR branch after it's marked "`bors r+`"
will cancel it (remove it from its queue), and a maintainer will have to write "`bors r+`" again.

- Maintainers can also write "`bors d+`" (short for "`bors delegate+`") to allow the PR author to
add "`bors r+`". This can be customized with a list of users, see the bors-ng Reference.

- While we still get a nice linear git history like we're used to (see below), PRs squashed and
merged by bors will no longer display as "Merged" on Github with the purple icon. Instead, bors
will Close the PR (red icon) and prepend "**[Merged By Bors] -**" to the title. This is a Github
API limitation, [see the discussion in this thread](

- Pushing commits directly to `master` will cause any currently running bors batch to fail and get
(automatically) retried (see [the notes here]( We've
changed leanprover-community-bot so that it will create its own "update nolints.txt" PRs and also
add `bors r+` to them.

- Commit messages are taken from the first post of the PR. This is much nicer than mergify /
Github's default which just combines all commit subject lines into one. We have set things
up so that the text after "TO CONTRIBUTORS" is automatically ignored. Note that
contributions from other users will have to be added explicitly to the first post with
["Co-authored-by:" trailers](;
they aren't automatically added like how mergify and Github previously did.

- Even if the usual "push" build succeeds on a PR branch that is up-to-date with master, `bors r+`
will not instantly merge it into `master` the way mergify used to; instead, bors will run the CI
again on the staging branch. [See related issue](

- `bors r+` on a PR from an external fork will crash if there are any changes to the Github Actions
config; [see here]( PRs that propose such changes
will have to be merged manually or transferred to the community repo.

Note that approving PRs from external forks which *don't* propose changes to Github Actions can
still cause bors to crash if the Github Actions config in `master` is changed before the PR is
merged. Presumably asking the PR author to merge `master` into their branch should work.

- There is a `bors try` option which might be useful for running CI and getting oleans for PRs from
external forks. I don't think we've tested this yet.

- Github Actions has a UI bug which shows pushed commits as being built from the `staging` branch.
However, if we check the actual head refs, the commits are actually pushed to `staging`, then
`master`, then `staging.tmp*` (and we've set things up so only the first two are run).

## Git history

We're using an option `with_squash_merge = true` which makes the git history look the same as it did
with mergify.

Here is a pretty ASCII diagram ([source](

**6. squash and rebase, fast-forward merge**

Rough git command equivalent:

for pr in pr1 pr2 pr3; do
git checkout $pr
git rebase --interactive staging.tmp
git checkout staging.tmp
git merge --ff-only $pr

What it looks like:

--E---F---G PR1
/ H---I---J PR2
/ /
/ |
/ | K---L---M PR3
/ |/
A---B---C---D master
A---B---C---D---[EFG]---[HIJ]---[KLM] master
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions docs/contribute/
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ Principally mathlib uses the fork-and-branch workflow. See
for a good introduction.

Here are some tips and tricks
to make the process of contributing as smooth as possible.
Here are some tips and tricks to make the process of contributing as smooth as possible.

1. Use [Zulip]( to
discuss your contribution before and while you are working on it.
Expand All @@ -17,14 +16,16 @@ to make the process of contributing as smooth as possible.
3. Create a pull request from a feature branch on your personal fork,
as explained in the link above, or from a branch of the main repository if you have commit access (you can ask for access on Zulip).
If you use an external repository, please make sure that repository has GitHub Actions enabled.
4. If you've made a lot of changes/additions, try to make many PRs containing small, self-contained pieces. This helps you get feedback as you go along, and it is much easier to review. This is especially important for new contributors.
4. If you've made a lot of changes/additions, try to make many PRs containing small, self-contained
pieces. This helps you get feedback as you go along, and it is much easier to review. This is
especially important for new contributors.
5. You can use `leanproject get-cache` to fetch `.olean` binaries.
leanproject get-cache
git checkout -b my_new_feature
- See [Caching compilation](#caching-compilation) for commands to automatically call `leanproject get-cache`.

6. We are using [bors]( to merge PRs. See [these notes]( for more details.

## The nursery

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22 changes: 9 additions & 13 deletions scripts/
Expand Up @@ -3,19 +3,15 @@ set -x


if new_git_sha=$(python scripts/ $lean_file_hash); then
echo "equivalent Git sha: $new_git_sha"
# GIT_HISTORY_DEPTH is set in .github/workflows/build.yml
for new_git_sha in $(git log -$GIT_HISTORY_DEPTH --first-parent --pretty=format:%H)
if curl -sfI "$archive_url$new_git_sha.tar.gz" ; then
echo "found ancestor Git sha: $new_git_sha"
# GIT_HISTORY_DEPTH is set in .github/workflows/build.yml
for new_git_sha in $(git log -$GIT_HISTORY_DEPTH --first-parent --pretty=format:%H)
if curl -sfI "$archive_url$new_git_sha.tar.gz" ; then
echo "found ancestor Git sha: $new_git_sha"
# exit if there were no successful requests
[ "$new_git_sha" != "" ] || exit 0

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17 changes: 0 additions & 17 deletions scripts/

This file was deleted.

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