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feat(topology/vector_bundle): use trivialization.symm to simplify the…
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… product of vector bundles (#14361)
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fpvandoorn committed May 25, 2022
1 parent 660918b commit f8d5c64
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 81 deletions.
111 changes: 30 additions & 81 deletions src/topology/vector_bundle.lean
Expand Up @@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ by rw [e.mk_symm hb, e.apply_symm_apply (e.mk_mem_target.mpr hb)]

/-- A pretrivialization for a topological vector bundle defines linear equivalences between the
fibers and the model space. -/
def linear_equiv_at (e : pretrivialization R F E) (b : B)
(hb : b ∈ e.base_set) : E b ≃ₗ[R] F :=
{ to_fun := λ y, (e ⟨b, y⟩).2,
@[simps] def linear_equiv_at (e : pretrivialization R F E) (b : B) (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) :
E b ≃ₗ[R] F :=
{ to_fun := λ y, (e (total_space_mk E b y)).2,
inv_fun := e.symm b,
left_inv := e.symm_apply_apply_mk hb,
right_inv := λ v, by simp_rw [e.apply_mk_symm hb v],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,9 +393,9 @@ namespace trivialization

/-- In a topological vector bundle, a trivialization in the fiber (which is a priori only linear)
is in fact a continuous linear equiv between the fibers and the model fiber. -/
def continuous_linear_equiv_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
@[simps apply symm_apply] def continuous_linear_equiv_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
(hb : b ∈ e.base_set) : E b ≃L[R] F :=
{ to_fun := λ y, (e ⟨b, y⟩).2,
{ to_fun := λ y, (e (total_space_mk E b y)).2,
inv_fun := e.symm b,
continuous_to_fun := continuous_snd.comp (e.to_local_homeomorph.continuous_on.comp_continuous
(total_space_mk_inducing R F E b).continuous (λ x, e.mem_source.mpr hb)),
Expand All @@ -406,9 +406,6 @@ def continuous_linear_equiv_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
.. e.to_pretrivialization.linear_equiv_at b hb }

@[simp] lemma continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
(hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (y : E b) : e.continuous_linear_equiv_at b hb y = (e ⟨b, y⟩).2 := rfl

@[simp] lemma continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply' (e : trivialization R F E)
(x : total_space E) (hx : x ∈ e.source) :
e.continuous_linear_equiv_at (proj E x) (e.mem_source.1 hx) x.2 = (e x).2 := by { cases x, refl }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -902,18 +899,18 @@ variables (E₁ : B → Type*) (E₂ : B → Type*)
variables [topological_space (total_space E₁)] [topological_space (total_space E₂)]

/-- Equip the total space of the fibrewise product of two topological vector bundles `E₁`, `E₂` with
the induced topology from the diagonal embedding into `(total_space E₁) × (total_space E₂)`. -/
the induced topology from the diagonal embedding into `total_space E₁ × total_space E₂`. -/
instance prod.topological_space :
topological_space (total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂)) :=
(λ p, ((⟨p.1, p.2.1⟩ : total_space E₁), (⟨p.1, p.2.2⟩ : total_space E₂)))
(by apply_instance : topological_space ((total_space E₁) × (total_space E₂)))
(by apply_instance : topological_space (total_space E₁ × total_space E₂))

/-- The diagonal map from the total space of the fibrewise product of two topological vector bundles
`E₁`, `E₂` into `(total_space E₁) × (total_space E₂)` is `inducing`. -/
`E₁`, `E₂` into `total_space E₁ × total_space E₂` is `inducing`. -/
lemma prod.inducing_diag : inducing
(λ p, (⟨p.1, p.2.1⟩, ⟨p.1, p.2.2⟩) :
total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) → (total_space E₁) × (total_space E₂)) :=
total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) → total_space E₁ × total_space E₂) :=

end defs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -965,95 +962,50 @@ end

variables (e₁ e₂)

variables [Π x : B, topological_space (E₁ x)] [Π x : B, topological_space (E₂ x)]
[topological_vector_bundle R F₁ E₁] [topological_vector_bundle R F₂ E₂]

/-- Given trivializations `e₁`, `e₂` for vector bundles `E₁`, `E₂` over a base `B`, the inverse
function for the construction ``, the induced
trivialization for the direct sum of `E₁` and `E₂`. -/
def prod.inv_fun' (p : B × (F₁ × F₂)) : total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) :=
obtain ⟨x, w₁, w₂⟩ := p,
refine ⟨x, _, _⟩,
{ by_cases h : x ∈ e₁.base_set,
{ exact (e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x h).symm w₁ },
{ exact 0 } },
{ by_cases h : x ∈ e₂.base_set,
{ exact (e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x h).symm w₂ },
{ exact 0 } },
⟨p.1, e₁.symm p.1 p.2.1, e₂.symm p.1 p.2.2

variables {e₁ e₂}

lemma prod.inv_fun'_apply {x : B} (hx₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set) (hx₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_set)
(w₁ : F₁) (w₂ : F₂) :
prod.inv_fun' e₁ e₂ ⟨x, w₁, w₂⟩
= ⟨x, ((e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₁).symm w₁,
(e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₂).symm w₂)⟩ :=
dsimp [prod.inv_fun'],
rw [dif_pos, dif_pos],

lemma prod.left_inv {x : total_space (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂)}
(h : x ∈ proj (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) ⁻¹' (e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set)) :
prod.inv_fun' e₁ e₂ (prod.to_fun' e₁ e₂ x) = x :=
obtain ⟨x, v₁, v₂⟩ := x,
simp only [prod.to_fun', prod.inv_fun',, true_and, eq_self_iff_true,, heq_iff_eq],
{ rw [dif_pos, ← e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply x h.1,
continuous_linear_equiv.symm_apply_apply] },
{ rw [dif_pos, ← e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply x h.2,
continuous_linear_equiv.symm_apply_apply] },
obtain ⟨h₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set, h₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_set⟩ := h,
simp only [prod.to_fun', prod.inv_fun', symm_apply_apply_mk, h₁, h₂]

lemma prod.right_inv {x : B × F₁ × F₂}
(h : x ∈ (e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set) ×ˢ (univ : set (F₁ × F₂))) :
prod.to_fun' e₁ e₂ (prod.inv_fun' e₁ e₂ x) = x :=
obtain ⟨x, w₁, w₂⟩ := x,
obtain ⟨h, -⟩ := h,
dsimp only [prod.to_fun', prod.inv_fun'],
simp only [, eq_self_iff_true, true_and],
{ rw [dif_pos, ← e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply x h.1,
continuous_linear_equiv.apply_symm_apply] },
{ rw [dif_pos, ← e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply x h.2,
continuous_linear_equiv.apply_symm_apply] },
obtain ⟨⟨h₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set, h₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_set⟩, -⟩ := h,
simp only [prod.to_fun', prod.inv_fun', apply_mk_symm, h₁, h₂]

lemma prod.continuous_inv_fun :
continuous_on (prod.inv_fun' e₁ e₂) ((e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set) ×ˢ (univ : set (F₁ × F₂))) :=
rw (prod.inducing_diag E₁ E₂).continuous_on_iff,
suffices : continuous_on (λ p : B × F₁ × F₂,
(e₁.to_local_homeomorph.symm ⟨p.1, p.2.1⟩, e₂.to_local_homeomorph.symm ⟨p.1, p.2.2⟩))
((e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set) ×ˢ (univ : set (F₁ × F₂))),
{ refine this.congr _,
rintros ⟨b, v₁, v₂⟩ ⟨⟨h₁, h₂⟩, _⟩,
dsimp at ⊢ h₁ h₂,
rw [prod.inv_fun'_apply h₁ h₂, e₁.symm_apply_eq_mk_continuous_linear_equiv_at_symm b h₁,
e₂.symm_apply_eq_mk_continuous_linear_equiv_at_symm b h₂] },
have H₁ : continuous (λ p : B × F₁ × F₂, ((p.1, p.2.1), (p.1, p.2.2))) :=
(continuous_id.prod_map continuous_fst).prod_mk (continuous_id.prod_map continuous_snd),
have H₂ := e₁.to_local_homeomorph.symm.continuous_on.prod_map
refine H₂.comp H₁.continuous_on (λ x h, ⟨_, _⟩),
{ dsimp,
rw e₁.target_eq,
exact ⟨h.1.1, mem_univ _⟩ },
{ dsimp,
rw e₂.target_eq,
exact ⟨h.1.2, mem_univ _⟩ }
refine (e₁.continuous_on_symm.prod_map e₂.continuous_on_symm).comp H₁.continuous_on _,
exact λ x h, ⟨⟨h.1.1, mem_univ _⟩, ⟨h.1.2, mem_univ _⟩⟩

variables (e₁ e₂)
variables [Π x : B, topological_space (E₁ x)] [Π x : B, topological_space (E₂ x)]
[topological_vector_bundle R F₁ E₁] [topological_vector_bundle R F₂ E₂]

/-- Given trivializations `e₁`, `e₂` for vector bundles `E₁`, `E₂` over a base `B`, the induced
trivialization for the direct sum of `E₁` and `E₂`, whose base set is `e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set`.
@[nolint unused_arguments]
def prod : trivialization R (F₁ × F₂) (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) :=
{ to_fun := prod.to_fun' e₁ e₂,
inv_fun := prod.inv_fun' e₁ e₂,
Expand All @@ -1066,7 +1018,7 @@ def prod : trivialization R (F₁ × F₂) (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) :=
open_source := begin
refine (e₁.open_base_set.inter e₂.open_base_set).preimage _,
have : continuous (proj E₁) := continuous_proj R B F₁,
exact this.comp (continuous_fst.comp (prod.inducing_diag E₁ E₂).continuous),
exact this.comp (prod.inducing_diag E₁ E₂).continuous.fst,
open_target := (e₁.open_base_set.inter e₂.open_base_set).prod is_open_univ,
continuous_to_fun := prod.continuous_to_fun,
Expand All @@ -1093,11 +1045,9 @@ lemma prod_apply {x : B} (hx₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set) (hx₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_
= ⟨x, e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₁ v₁, e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₂ v₂⟩ :=

lemma prod_symm_apply {x : B} (hx₁ : x ∈ e₁.base_set) (hx₂ : x ∈ e₂.base_set) (w₁ : F₁) (w₂ : F₂) :
(prod e₁ e₂).to_local_equiv.symm (x, (w₁, w₂))
= ⟨x, ((e₁.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₁).symm w₁,
(e₂.continuous_linear_equiv_at x hx₂).symm w₂)⟩ :=
prod.inv_fun'_apply hx₁ hx₂ w₁ w₂
lemma prod_symm_apply (x : B) (w₁ : F₁) (w₂ : F₂) : (prod e₁ e₂).to_local_equiv.symm (x, w₁, w₂)
= ⟨x, e₁.symm x w₁, e₂.symm x w₂⟩ :=

end trivialization

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1128,7 +1078,7 @@ instance :
let ε := coord_change he₁ he'₁,
let η := coord_change he₂ he'₂,
have fact : (s ∩ t) ×ˢ (univ : set $ F₁ × F₂) =
(e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set ∩ (e'₁.base_set ∩ e'₂.base_set)) ×ˢ (univ : set $ F₁ × F₂),
(e₁.base_set ∩ e₂.base_set ∩ (e'₁.base_set ∩ e'₂.base_set)) ×ˢ (univ : set $ F₁ × F₂),
by mfld_set_tac,
refine ⟨s ∩ t, _, _, λ b, (ε b).prod (η b), _, _⟩,
{ rw fact,
Expand All @@ -1139,14 +1089,13 @@ instance :
have hη := (continuous_on_coord_change he₂ he'₂).mono (inter_subset_right s t),
exact hε.prod_map_equivL R hη },
{ rintros b ⟨hbs, hbt⟩ ⟨u, v⟩,
have h : (e₁.prod e₂).to_local_homeomorph.symm _ = _ := prod_symm_apply hbs.1 hbt.1 u v,
simp only [ε, η, h, prod_apply hbs.2 hbt.2,
← comp_continuous_linear_equiv_at_eq_coord_change he₁ he'₁ hbs,
have h : (e₁.prod e₂).to_local_homeomorph.symm _ = _ := prod_symm_apply b u v,
simp_rw [ε, local_equiv.coe_trans, local_homeomorph.coe_coe_symm, local_homeomorph.coe_coe,
function.comp_app, h, η, topological_vector_bundle.trivialization.coe_coe,
prod_apply hbs.2 hbt.2, ← comp_continuous_linear_equiv_at_eq_coord_change he₁ he'₁ hbs,
← comp_continuous_linear_equiv_at_eq_coord_change he₂ he'₂ hbt,
eq_self_iff_true, function.comp_app, local_equiv.coe_trans, local_homeomorph.coe_coe,
topological_vector_bundle.trivialization.coe_coe, true_and,
continuous_linear_equiv.prod_apply, continuous_linear_equiv.trans_apply] },
continuous_linear_equiv.prod_apply, continuous_linear_equiv.trans_apply,
continuous_linear_equiv_at_symm_apply] },
end }

variables {R F₁ E₁ F₂ E₂}
Expand Down

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