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lint(category_theory/whiskering): add doc-strings (#4417)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Oct 5, 2020
1 parent d2140ef commit f9e3779
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 4 deletions.
48 changes: 44 additions & 4 deletions src/category_theory/whiskering.lean
Expand Up @@ -14,16 +14,30 @@ variables {C : Type u₁} [category.{v₁} C]
{D : Type u₂} [category.{v₂} D]
{E : Type u₃} [category.{v₃} E]

If `α : G ⟶ H` then
`whisker_left F α : (F ⋙ G) ⟶ (F ⋙ H)` has components `α.app (F.obj X)`.
@[simps] def whisker_left (F : C ⥤ D) {G H : D ⥤ E} (α : G ⟶ H) : (F ⋙ G) ⟶ (F ⋙ H) :=
{ app := λ c, α.app (F.obj c),
{ app := λ X, α.app (F.obj X),
naturality' := λ X Y f, by rw [functor.comp_map, functor.comp_map, α.naturality] }

If `α : G ⟶ H` then
`whisker_right α F : (G ⋙ F) ⟶ (G ⋙ F)` has components ` (α.app X)`.
@[simps] def whisker_right {G H : C ⥤ D} (α : G ⟶ H) (F : D ⥤ E) : (G ⋙ F) ⟶ (H ⋙ F) :=
{ app := λ c, (α.app c),
{ app := λ X, (α.app X),
naturality' := λ X Y f, by rw [functor.comp_map, functor.comp_map, ←F.map_comp, ←F.map_comp, α.naturality] }

variables (C D E)

Left-composition gives a functor `(C ⥤ D) ⥤ ((D ⥤ E) ⥤ (C ⥤ E))`.
`(whiskering_lift.obj F).obj G` is `F ⋙ G`, and
`(whiskering_lift.obj F).map α` is `whisker_left F α`.
@[simps] def whiskering_left : (C ⥤ D) ⥤ ((D ⥤ E) ⥤ (C ⥤ E)) :=
{ obj := λ F,
{ obj := λ G, F ⋙ G,
Expand All @@ -34,6 +48,12 @@ variables (C D E)
naturality' := λ X Y f, begin dsimp, rw [←H.map_comp, ←H.map_comp, ←τ.naturality] end },
naturality' := λ X Y f, begin ext, dsimp, rw [f.naturality] end } }

Right-composition gives a functor `(D ⥤ E) ⥤ ((C ⥤ D) ⥤ (C ⥤ E))`.
`(whiskering_right.obj H).obj F` is `F ⋙ H`, and
`(whiskering_right.obj H).map α` is `whisker_right α H`.
@[simps] def whiskering_right : (D ⥤ E) ⥤ ((C ⥤ D) ⥤ (C ⥤ E)) :=
{ obj := λ H,
{ obj := λ F, F ⋙ H,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +88,10 @@ rfl
whisker_right (α ≫ β) F = (whisker_right α F) ≫ (whisker_right β F) :=
((whiskering_right C D E).obj F).map_comp α β

If `α : G ≅ H` is a natural isomorphism then
`iso_whisker_left F α : (F ⋙ G) ≅ (F ⋙ H)` has components `α.app (F.obj X)`.
def iso_whisker_left (F : C ⥤ D) {G H : D ⥤ E} (α : G ≅ H) : (F ⋙ G) ≅ (F ⋙ H) :=
((whiskering_left C D E).obj F).map_iso α
@[simp] lemma iso_whisker_left_hom (F : C ⥤ D) {G H : D ⥤ E} (α : G ≅ H) :
Expand All @@ -77,6 +101,10 @@ rfl
(iso_whisker_left F α).inv = whisker_left F α.inv :=

If `α : G ≅ H` then
`iso_whisker_right α F : (G ⋙ F) ≅ (G ⋙ F)` has components `F.map_iso (α.app X)`.
def iso_whisker_right {G H : C ⥤ D} (α : G ≅ H) (F : D ⥤ E) : (G ⋙ F) ≅ (H ⋙ F) :=
((whiskering_right C D E).obj F).map_iso α
@[simp] lemma iso_whisker_right_hom {G H : C ⥤ D} (α : G ≅ H) (F : D ⥤ E) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,17 +143,29 @@ universes u₅ v₅
variables {A : Type u₁} [category.{v₁} A]
variables {B : Type u₂} [category.{v₂} B]

@[simps] def left_unitor (F : A ⥤ B) : ((𝟭 _) ⋙ F) ≅ F :=
The left unitor, a natural isomorphism `((𝟭 _) ⋙ F) ≅ F`.
@[simps] def left_unitor (F : A ⥤ B) : ((𝟭 A) ⋙ F) ≅ F :=
{ hom := { app := λ X, 𝟙 (F.obj X) },
inv := { app := λ X, 𝟙 (F.obj X) } }

@[simps] def right_unitor (F : A ⥤ B) : (F ⋙ (𝟭 _)) ≅ F :=
The right unitor, a natural isomorphism `(F ⋙ (𝟭 B)) ≅ F`.
@[simps] def right_unitor (F : A ⥤ B) : (F ⋙ (𝟭 B)) ≅ F :=
{ hom := { app := λ X, 𝟙 (F.obj X) },
inv := { app := λ X, 𝟙 (F.obj X) } }

variables {C : Type u₃} [category.{v₃} C]
variables {D : Type u₄} [category.{v₄} D]

The associator for functors, a natural isomorphism `((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H) ≅ (F ⋙ (G ⋙ H))`.
(In fact, `iso.refl _` will work here, but it tends to make Lean slow later,
and it's usually best to insert explicit associators.)
@[simps] def associator (F : A ⥤ B) (G : B ⥤ C) (H : C ⥤ D) : ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H) ≅ (F ⋙ (G ⋙ H)) :=
{ hom := { app := λ _, 𝟙 _ },
inv := { app := λ _, 𝟙 _ } }
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