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refactor(algebra/free_monoid): add to_list/of_list (#16926)
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* add `free_monoid.to_list` and `free_monoid.of_list`;
* update API to explicitly use these functions;
* fix `control.fold`.
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urkud committed Oct 13, 2022
1 parent 74cf64c commit fc2e3b0
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Showing 2 changed files with 146 additions and 96 deletions.
128 changes: 99 additions & 29 deletions src/algebra/free_monoid/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -25,47 +25,106 @@ def free_monoid (α) := list α

namespace free_monoid

/-- The identity equivalence between `free_monoid α` and `list α`. -/
@[to_additive "The identity equivalence between `free_add_monoid α` and `list α`."]
def to_list : free_monoid α ≃ list α := equiv.refl _

/-- The identity equivalence between `list α` and `free_monoid α`. -/
@[to_additive "The identity equivalence between `list α` and `free_add_monoid α`."]
def of_list : list α ≃ free_monoid α := equiv.refl _

@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_list_symm : (@to_list α).symm = of_list := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_list_symm : (@of_list α).symm = to_list := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_list_of_list (l : list α) : to_list (of_list l) = l := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_list_to_list (xs : free_monoid α) : of_list (to_list xs) = xs := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_list_comp_of_list : @to_list α ∘ of_list = id := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_list_comp_to_list : @of_list α ∘ to_list = id := rfl

instance : monoid (free_monoid α) :=
{ one := [],
mul := λ x y, (x ++ y : list α),
mul_one := by intros; apply list.append_nil,
one_mul := by intros; refl,
mul_assoc := by intros; apply list.append_assoc }
instance : cancel_monoid (free_monoid α) :=
{ one := of_list [],
mul := λ x y, of_list (x.to_list ++ y.to_list),
mul_one := list.append_nil,
one_mul := list.nil_append,
mul_assoc := list.append_assoc,
mul_left_cancel := λ _ _ _, list.append_left_cancel,
mul_right_cancel := λ _ _ _, list.append_right_cancel }

instance : inhabited (free_monoid α) := ⟨1

lemma one_def : (1 : free_monoid α) = [] := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_list_one : (1 : free_monoid α).to_list = [] := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_list_nil : of_list ([] : list α) = 1 := rfl

lemma mul_def (xs ys : list α) : (xs * ys : free_monoid α) = (xs ++ ys : list α) :=
@[simp, to_additive]
lemma to_list_mul (xs ys : free_monoid α) : (xs * ys).to_list = xs.to_list ++ ys.to_list := rfl

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma of_list_append (xs ys : list α) :
of_list (xs ++ ys) = of_list xs * of_list ys :=

lemma prod_eq_join (xs : list (free_monoid α)) : = xs.join :=
by induction xs; simp [*, mul_def, list.join, one_def]
@[simp, to_additive]
lemma to_list_prod (xs : list (free_monoid α)) : to_list = ( to_list).join :=
by induction xs; simp [*, list.join]

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma of_list_join (xs : list (list α)) : of_list xs.join = ( of_list).prod :=
to_list.injective $ by simp

/-- Embeds an element of `α` into `free_monoid α` as a singleton list. -/
@[to_additive "Embeds an element of `α` into `free_add_monoid α` as a singleton list." ]
def of (x : α) : free_monoid α := [x]
def of (x : α) : free_monoid α := of_list [x]

lemma of_def (x : α) : of x = [x] := rfl
@[simp, to_additive] lemma to_list_of (x : α) : to_list (of x) = [x] := rfl
@[to_additive] lemma of_list_singleton (x : α) : of_list [x] = of x := rfl

lemma of_injective : function.injective (@of α) :=
λ a b, list.head_eq_of_cons_eq
@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_list_cons (x : α) (xs : list α) :
of_list (x :: xs) = of x * of_list xs :=

@[to_additive] lemma to_list_of_mul (x : α) (xs : free_monoid α) :
to_list (of x * xs) = x :: xs.to_list :=

@[to_additive] lemma of_mul_eq_cons (x : α) (l : free_monoid α) : of x * l = x :: l := rfl
@[to_additive] lemma of_injective : function.injective (@of α) := list.singleton_injective

/-- Recursor for `free_monoid` using `1` and `of x * xs` instead of `[]` and `x :: xs`. -/
/-- Recursor for `free_monoid` using `1` and `free_monoid.of x * xs` instead of `[]` and
`x :: xs`. -/
@[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive
"Recursor for `free_add_monoid` using `0` and `of x + xs` instead of `[]` and `x :: xs`."]
"Recursor for `free_add_monoid` using `0` and `free_add_monoid.of x + xs` instead of `[]` and
`x :: xs`."]
def rec_on {C : free_monoid α → Sort*} (xs : free_monoid α) (h0 : C 1)
(ih : Π x xs, C xs → C (of x * xs)) : C xs := list.rec_on xs h0 ih

@[simp, to_additive] lemma rec_on_one {C : free_monoid α → Sort*} (h0 : C 1)
(ih : Π x xs, C xs → C (of x * xs)) :
@rec_on α C 1 h0 ih = h0 :=

@[simp, to_additive] lemma rec_on_of_mul {C : free_monoid α → Sort*} (x : α) (xs : free_monoid α)
(h0 : C 1) (ih : Π x xs, C xs → C (of x * xs)) :
@rec_on α C (of x * xs) h0 ih = ih x xs (rec_on xs h0 ih) :=

/-- A version of `list.cases_on` for `free_monoid` using `1` and `free_monoid.of x * xs` instead of
`[]` and `x :: xs`. -/
@[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive
"A version of `list.cases_on` for `free_add_monoid` using `0` and `free_add_monoid.of x + xs`
instead of `[]` and `x :: xs`."]
def cases_on {C : free_monoid α → Sort*} (xs : free_monoid α) (h0 : C 1)
(ih : Π x xs, C (of x * xs)) : C xs := list.cases_on xs h0 ih

@[simp, to_additive] lemma cases_on_one {C : free_monoid α → Sort*} (h0 : C 1)
(ih : Π x xs, C (of x * xs)) :
@cases_on α C 1 h0 ih = h0 :=

@[simp, to_additive] lemma cases_on_of_mul {C : free_monoid α → Sort*} (x : α) (xs : free_monoid α)
(h0 : C 1) (ih : Π x xs, C (of x * xs)) :
@cases_on α C (of x * xs) h0 ih = ih x xs :=

@[ext, to_additive]
lemma hom_eq ⦃f g : free_monoid α →* M⦄ (h : ∀ x, f (of x) = g (of x)) :
f = g :=
Expand All @@ -76,8 +135,8 @@ monoid_hom.ext $ λ l, rec_on l (f.map_one.trans g.map_one.symm) $
@[to_additive "Equivalence between maps `α → A` and additive monoid homomorphisms
`free_add_monoid α →+ A`."]
def lift : (α → M) ≃ (free_monoid α →* M) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, ⟨λ l, ( f).prod, rfl,
λ l₁ l₂, by simp only [mul_def, list.map_append, list.prod_append]⟩,
{ to_fun := λ f, ⟨λ l, ( f).prod, rfl,
λ l₁ l₂, by simp only [to_list_mul, list.map_append, list.prod_append]⟩,
inv_fun := λ f x, f (of x),
left_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, one_mul (f x),
right_inv := λ f, hom_eq $ λ x, one_mul (f (of x)) }
Expand All @@ -86,10 +145,9 @@ def lift : (α → M) ≃ (free_monoid α →* M) :=
lemma lift_symm_apply (f : free_monoid α →* M) : lift.symm f = f ∘ of := rfl

lemma lift_apply (f : α → M) (l : free_monoid α) : lift f l = ( f).prod := rfl
lemma lift_apply (f : α → M) (l : free_monoid α) : lift f l = ( f).prod := rfl

lemma lift_comp_of (f : α → M) : (lift f) ∘ of = f := lift.symm_apply_apply f
@[to_additive] lemma lift_comp_of (f : α → M) : lift f ∘ of = f := lift.symm_apply_apply f

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma lift_eval_of (f : α → M) (x : α) : lift f (of x) = f x :=
Expand All @@ -110,10 +168,14 @@ monoid_hom.ext_iff.1 (comp_lift g f) x
/-- Define a multiplicative action of `free_monoid α` on `β`. -/
@[to_additive "Define an additive action of `free_add_monoid α` on `β`."]
def mk_mul_action (f : α → β → β) : mul_action (free_monoid α) β :=
{ smul := λ l b, list.foldr f b l,
{ smul := λ l b, l.to_list.foldr f b,
one_smul := λ x, rfl,
mul_smul := λ xs ys b, list.foldr_append _ _ _ _ }

@[to_additive] lemma smul_def (f : α → β → β) (l : free_monoid α) (b : β) :
(by haveI := mk_mul_action f; exact l • b = l.to_list.foldr f b) :=

@[simp, to_additive] lemma of_smul (f : α → β → β) (x : α) (y : β) :
(by haveI := mk_mul_action f; exact of x • y) = f x y :=
Expand All @@ -123,12 +185,20 @@ each `of x` to `of (f x)`. -/
@[to_additive "The unique additive monoid homomorphism `free_add_monoid α →+ free_add_monoid β`
that sends each `of x` to `of (f x)`."]
def map (f : α → β) : free_monoid α →* free_monoid β :=
{ to_fun := f,
{ to_fun := λ l, of_list $ f,
map_one' := rfl,
map_mul' := λ l₁ l₂, list.map_append _ _ _ }

@[simp, to_additive] lemma map_of (f : α → β) (x : α) : map f (of x) = of (f x) := rfl

@[to_additive] lemma to_list_map (f : α → β) (xs : free_monoid α) :
(map f xs).to_list = f :=

@[to_additive] lemma of_list_map (f : α → β) (xs : list α) :
of_list ( f) = map f (of_list xs) :=

lemma lift_of_comp_eq_map (f : α → β) :
lift (λ x, of (f x)) = map f :=
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