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feat(group_theory/torsion): define torsion subgroups and show they're…
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… torsion (#12769)

Also tidy up some linter errors and docstring for the module.
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Julian committed Apr 4, 2022
1 parent 2108284 commit fe21f5d
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Showing 2 changed files with 101 additions and 22 deletions.
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions scripts/nolints.txt
Expand Up @@ -515,11 +515,6 @@ apply_nolint monoid_hom.eq_on_mclosure to_additive_doc
-- group_theory/sylow.lean
apply_nolint sylow.fixed_points_mul_left_cosets_equiv_quotient doc_blame

-- group_theory/torsion.lean
apply_nolint exponent_exists.is_torsion to_additive_doc
apply_nolint is_torsion.exponent_exists to_additive_doc
apply_nolint is_torsion_of_fintype to_additive_doc

-- linear_algebra/affine_space/affine_subspace.lean
apply_nolint affine_span.nonempty fails_quickly
apply_nolint affine_subspace.to_add_torsor fails_quickly
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118 changes: 101 additions & 17 deletions src/group_theory/torsion.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Authors: Julian Berman
import group_theory.exponent
import group_theory.order_of_element
import group_theory.quotient_group
import group_theory.submonoid.operations

# Torsion groups
Expand All @@ -15,27 +16,34 @@ This file defines torsion groups, i.e. groups where all elements have finite ord
## Main definitions
* `monoid.is_torsion` is a predicate asserting a monoid `G` is a torsion monoid, i.e. that all
elements are of finite order. Torsion groups are also known as periodic groups.
* `monoid.is_torsion` a predicate asserting `G` is torsion, i.e. that all
elements are of finite order.
* `add_monoid.is_torsion` the additive version of `monoid.is_torsion`.
* `comm_group.torsion G`, the torsion subgroup of an abelian group `G`
* `comm_monoid.torsion G`, the above stated for commutative monoids
## Implementation
All torsion monoids are really groups (which is proven here as ``), but since
the definition can be stated on monoids it is implemented on `monoid` to match other declarations in
the group theory library.
## Tags
periodic group, torsion subgroup, torsion abelian group
## Future work
* Define `tor G` for the torsion subgroup of a group
* torsion-free groups

universe u

variable {G : Type u}

open_locale classical
variable {G : Type*}

namespace monoid

variables (G) [monoid G]

/--A predicate on a monoid saying that all elements are of finite order.-/
/-- A predicate on a monoid saying that all elements are of finite order. -/
@[to_additive "A predicate on an additive monoid saying that all elements are of finite order."]
def is_torsion := ∀ g : G, is_of_fin_order g

Expand All @@ -54,35 +62,111 @@ noncomputable def [monoid G] (tG : is_torsion G) : group G :=
..‹monoid G› }

section group

variables [group G] {N : subgroup G}

/--Subgroups of torsion groups are torsion groups. -/
/-- Subgroups of torsion groups are torsion groups. -/
@[to_additive "Subgroups of additive torsion groups are additive torsion groups."]
lemma is_torsion.subgroup (tG : is_torsion G) (H : subgroup G) : is_torsion H :=
λ h, (is_of_fin_order_iff_coe _ h).mpr $ tG h

/--Quotient groups of torsion groups are torsion groups. -/
/-- Quotient groups of torsion groups are torsion groups. -/
@[to_additive "Quotient groups of additive torsion groups are additive torsion groups."]
lemma is_torsion.quotient_group [nN : N.normal] (tG : is_torsion G) : is_torsion (G ⧸ N) :=
λ h, quotient_group.induction_on' h $ λ g, (tG g).quotient N g

/--If a group exponent exists, the group is torsion. -/
@[to_additive exponent_exists.is_add_torsion]
/-- If a group exponent exists, the group is torsion. -/
@[to_additive exponent_exists.is_add_torsion
"If a group exponent exists, the group is additively torsion."]
lemma exponent_exists.is_torsion (h : exponent_exists G) : is_torsion G := begin
obtain ⟨n, npos, hn⟩ := h,
intro g,
exact (is_of_fin_order_iff_pow_eq_one g).mpr ⟨n, npos, hn g⟩,

/--The group exponent exists for any bounded torsion group. -/
@[to_additive is_add_torsion.exponent_exists]
/-- The group exponent exists for any bounded torsion group. -/
@[to_additive is_add_torsion.exponent_exists
"The group exponent exists for any bounded additive torsion group."]
lemma is_torsion.exponent_exists
(tG : is_torsion G) (bounded : (set.range (λ g : G, order_of g)).finite) :
exponent_exists G :=
exponent_exists_iff_ne_zero.mpr $
(exponent_ne_zero_iff_range_order_of_finite (λ g, order_of_pos' (tG g))).mpr bounded

/--Finite groups are torsion groups.-/
@[to_additive is_add_torsion_of_fintype]
/-- Finite groups are torsion groups. -/
@[to_additive is_add_torsion_of_fintype "Finite additive groups are additive torsion groups."]
lemma is_torsion_of_fintype [fintype G] : is_torsion G :=
exponent_exists.is_torsion $ exponent_exists_iff_ne_zero.mpr exponent_ne_zero_of_fintype

end group

section comm_monoid

variables (G) [comm_monoid G]

namespace comm_monoid

The torsion submonoid of a commutative monoid.
(Note that by `` torsion monoids are truthfully groups.)
@[to_additive add_torsion "The torsion submonoid of an additive commutative monoid."]
def torsion : submonoid G :=
{ carrier := {x | is_of_fin_order x},
one_mem' := is_of_fin_order_one,
mul_mem' := λ _ _ hx hy, hx.mul hy }

variable {G}

/-- Torsion submonoids are torsion. -/
@[to_additive "Additive torsion submonoids are additively torsion."]
lemma torsion.is_torsion : is_torsion $ torsion G :=
λ ⟨_, n, npos, hn⟩,
⟨n, npos, subtype.ext $
by rw [mul_left_iterate, _root_.mul_one, submonoid.coe_pow,
subtype.coe_mk, submonoid.coe_one, (is_periodic_pt_mul_iff_pow_eq_one _).mp hn]⟩

end comm_monoid

open comm_monoid (torsion)

namespace monoid.is_torsion

variable {G}

/-- The torsion submonoid of a torsion monoid is `⊤`. -/
@[simp, to_additive "The additive torsion submonoid of an additive torsion monoid is `⊤`."]
lemma torsion_eq_top (tG : is_torsion G) : torsion G = ⊤ := by ext; tauto

/-- A torsion monoid is isomorphic to its torsion submonoid. -/
@[to_additive "An additive torsion monoid is isomorphic to its torsion submonoid.", simps]
def torsion_mul_equiv (tG : is_torsion G) : torsion G ≃* G :=
(mul_equiv.submonoid_congr tG.torsion_eq_top).trans submonoid.top_equiv

end monoid.is_torsion

/-- Torsion submonoids of a torsion submonoid are isomorphic to the submonoid. -/
@[simp, to_additive add_comm_monoid.torsion.of_torsion
"Additive torsion submonoids of an additive torsion submonoid are isomorphic to the submonoid."]
def torsion.of_torsion : (torsion (torsion G)) ≃* (torsion G) :=
monoid.is_torsion.torsion_mul_equiv comm_monoid.torsion.is_torsion

end comm_monoid

section comm_group

variables (G) [comm_group G]

/-- The torsion subgroup of an abelian group. -/
@[to_additive add_torsion "The torsion subgroup of an additive abelian group."]
def torsion : subgroup G := { comm_monoid.torsion G with inv_mem' := λ x, is_of_fin_order.inv }

/-- The torsion submonoid of an abelian group equals the torsion subgroup as a submonoid. -/
@[to_additive add_torsion_eq_add_torsion_submonoid
"The additive torsion submonoid of an abelian group equals the torsion subgroup as a submonoid."]
lemma torsion_eq_torsion_submonoid : comm_monoid.torsion G = (torsion G).to_submonoid := rfl

end comm_group

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