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[Merged by Bors] - feat(field_theory/splitting_field): generalize some results from field to domain #10726

wants to merge 14 commits into from
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion src/data/multiset/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2151,10 +2151,14 @@ begin
simp only [h, if_false, zero_min],

theorem count_map {α β : Type*} (f : α → β) (s : multiset α) [decidable_eq β] (b : β) :
count b (map f s) = (s.filter (λ a, b = f a)).card :=
countp_map _ _ _

/-- ` f` preserves `count` if `f` is injective on the set of elements contained in
the multiset -/
theorem count_map_eq_count [decidable_eq β] (f : α → β) (s : multiset α)
(hf : set.inj_on f {x : α | x ∈ s}) (x ∈ s) : ( f).count (f x) = s.count x :=
(hf : set.inj_on f {x : α | x ∈ s}) (x ∈ s) : ( f).count (f x) = s.count x :=
suffices : (filter (λ (a : α), f x = f a) s).count x = card (filter (λ (a : α), f x = f a) s),
{ rw [count, countp_map, ← this],
Expand All @@ -2163,6 +2167,18 @@ begin
simp only [count_repeat, eq_self_iff_true, if_true, card_repeat]},

/-- ` f` preserves `count` if `f` is injective -/
theorem count_map_eq_count' [decidable_eq β] (f : α → β) (s : multiset α)
(hf : function.injective f) (x : α) : ( f).count (f x) = s.count x :=
by_cases H : x ∈ s,
{ exact count_map_eq_count f _ (set.inj_on_of_injective hf _) _ H, },
{ simp [H, not_exists, count_eq_zero, count_eq_zero_of_not_mem H, hf],
intros y hy hh,
apply H,
rwa [← hf hh], }

lemma filter_eq' (s : multiset α) (b : α) : s.filter (= b) = repeat b (count b s) :=
ext a,
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57 changes: 28 additions & 29 deletions src/data/polynomial/field_division.lean
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Expand Up @@ -59,19 +59,8 @@ by simp only [polynomial.coe_norm_unit, normalize_apply, hp.leading_coeff, norm_

end is_domain

section field
variables [field R] {p q : polynomial R}

lemma is_unit_iff_degree_eq_zero : is_unit p ↔ degree p = 0 :=
λ h, have degree p ≤ 0, by simp [*, le_refl],
have hc : coeff p 0 ≠ 0, from λ hc,
by rw [eq_C_of_degree_le_zero this, hc] at h;
simpa using h,
is_unit_iff_dvd_one.2 ⟨C (coeff p 0)⁻¹, begin
conv in p { rw eq_C_of_degree_le_zero this },
rw [← C_mul, _root_.mul_inv_cancel hc, C_1]
section division_ring
variables [division_ring R] {p q : polynomial R}

lemma degree_pos_of_ne_zero_of_nonunit (hp0 : p ≠ 0) (hp : ¬is_unit p) :
0 < degree p :=
Expand All @@ -92,6 +81,22 @@ have h₁ : (leading_coeff q)⁻¹ ≠ 0 :=
inv_ne_zero (mt leading_coeff_eq_zero.1 h),
by rw [degree_mul, degree_C h₁, add_zero]

end division_ring

section field
variables [field R] {p q : polynomial R}

lemma is_unit_iff_degree_eq_zero : is_unit p ↔ degree p = 0 :=
λ h, have degree p ≤ 0, by simp [*, le_refl],
have hc : coeff p 0 ≠ 0, from λ hc,
by rw [eq_C_of_degree_le_zero this, hc] at h;
simpa using h,
is_unit_iff_dvd_one.2 ⟨C (coeff p 0)⁻¹, begin
conv in p { rw eq_C_of_degree_le_zero this },
rw [← C_mul, _root_.mul_inv_cancel hc, C_1]

theorem irreducible_of_monic {p : polynomial R} (hp1 : p.monic) (hp2 : p ≠ 1) :
irreducible p ↔ (∀ f g : polynomial R, f.monic → g.monic → f * g = p → f = 1 ∨ g = 1) :=
⟨λ hp3 f g hf hg hfg, or.cases_on (hp3.is_unit_or_is_unit hfg.symm)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,18 +432,16 @@ begin
rw [← C_inj, this, C_0],

lemma prod_multiset_root_eq_finset_root {p : polynomial R} (hzero : p ≠ 0) :
lemma prod_multiset_root_eq_finset_root {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] [is_domain R] {p : polynomial R} :
( (λ (a : R), X - C a) p.roots).prod =
∏ a in (multiset.to_finset p.roots), (λ (a : R), (X - C a) ^ (root_multiplicity a p)) a :=
by simp only [count_roots hzero, finset.prod_multiset_map_count]
by simp only [count_roots, finset.prod_multiset_map_count]

/-- The product `∏ (X - a)` for `a` inside the multiset `p.roots` divides `p`. -/
lemma prod_multiset_X_sub_C_dvd (p : polynomial R) :
( (λ (a : R), X - C a) p.roots).prod ∣ p :=
by_cases hp0 : p = 0,
{ simp only [hp0, roots_zero, is_unit_one, multiset.prod_zero, multiset.map_zero, is_unit.dvd] },
rw prod_multiset_root_eq_finset_root hp0,
rw prod_multiset_root_eq_finset_root,
have hcoprime : pairwise (is_coprime on λ (a : R), polynomial.X - C (id a)) :=
pairwise_coprime_X_sub function.injective_id,
have H : pairwise (is_coprime on λ (a : R), (polynomial.X - C (id a)) ^ (root_multiplicity a p)),
Expand All @@ -449,29 +452,25 @@ begin
exact pow_root_multiplicity_dvd p a

lemma roots_C_mul (p : polynomial R) {a : R} (hzero : a ≠ 0) : (C a * p).roots = p.roots :=
lemma roots_C_mul {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] [is_domain R] (p : polynomial R) {a : R}
(hzero : a ≠ 0) : (C a * p).roots = p.roots :=
by_cases hpzero : p = 0,
{ simp only [hpzero, mul_zero] },
rw multiset.ext,
intro b,
have prodzero : C a * p ≠ 0,
{ simp only [hpzero, or_false, ne.def, mul_eq_zero, C_eq_zero, hzero, not_false_iff] },
rw [count_roots hpzero, count_roots prodzero, root_multiplicity_mul prodzero],
rw [count_roots, count_roots, root_multiplicity_mul prodzero],
have mulzero : root_multiplicity b (C a) = 0,
{ simp only [hzero, root_multiplicity_eq_zero, eval_C, is_root.def, not_false_iff] },
simp only [mulzero, zero_add]

lemma roots_normalize : (normalize p).roots = p.roots :=
by_cases hzero : p = 0,
{ rw [hzero, normalize_zero], },
{ have hcoeff : p.leading_coeff ≠ 0,
{ intro h, exact hzero (leading_coeff_eq_zero.1 h) },
rw [normalize_apply, mul_comm, coe_norm_unit_of_ne_zero hzero,
roots_C_mul _ (inv_ne_zero hcoeff)], },
lemma roots_normalize {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] [is_domain R] [normalization_monoid R]
{p : polynomial R} : (normalize p).roots = p.roots :=
by rw [normalize_apply, mul_comm, coe_norm_unit,
roots_C_mul _ (norm_unit (leading_coeff p)).ne_zero]

end field
end polynomial
62 changes: 54 additions & 8 deletions src/data/polynomial/ring_division.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,11 +329,16 @@ lemma card_roots_sub_C' {p : polynomial R} {a : R} (hp0 : 0 < degree p) :
with_bot.coe_le_coe.1 (le_trans (card_roots_sub_C hp0) (le_of_eq $ degree_eq_nat_degree
(λ h, by simp [*, lt_irrefl] at *)))

@[simp] lemma count_roots (hp : p ≠ 0) : p.roots.count a = root_multiplicity a p :=
by { rw [roots, dif_neg hp], exact (classical.some_spec (exists_multiset_roots hp)).2 a }
@[simp] lemma count_roots : p.roots.count a = root_multiplicity a p :=
unfold roots,
split_ifs with hp,
{ simp [hp], },
exact (classical.some_spec (exists_multiset_roots hp)).2 a,

@[simp] lemma mem_roots (hp : p ≠ 0) : a ∈ p.roots ↔ is_root p a :=
by rw [← count_pos, count_roots hp, root_multiplicity_pos hp]
by rw [← count_pos, count_roots, root_multiplicity_pos hp]

lemma eq_zero_of_infinite_is_root
(p : polynomial R) (h : set.infinite {x | is_root p x}) : p = 0 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,8 +368,8 @@ end

lemma roots_mul {p q : polynomial R} (hpq : p * q ≠ 0) : (p * q).roots = p.roots + q.roots :=
multiset.ext.mpr $ λ r,
by rw [count_add, count_roots hpq, count_roots (left_ne_zero_of_mul hpq),
count_roots (right_ne_zero_of_mul hpq), root_multiplicity_mul hpq]
by rw [count_add, count_roots, count_roots,
count_roots, root_multiplicity_mul hpq]

@[simp] lemma mem_roots_sub_C {p : polynomial R} {a x : R} (hp0 : 0 < degree p) :
x ∈ (p - C a).roots ↔ p.eval x = a :=
Expand All @@ -375,17 +380,16 @@ multiset.ext.mpr $ λ r,
@[simp] lemma roots_X_sub_C (r : R) : roots (X - C r) = {r} :=
ext s,
rw [count_roots (X_sub_C_ne_zero r), root_multiplicity_X_sub_C],
rw [count_roots, root_multiplicity_X_sub_C],
split_ifs with h,
{ rw [h, count_singleton_self] },
{ rw [singleton_eq_cons, count_cons_of_ne h, count_zero] }

@[simp] lemma roots_C (x : R) : (C x).roots = 0 :=
if H : x = 0 then by rw [H, C_0, roots_zero] else multiset.ext.mpr $ λ r,
have h : C x ≠ 0, from λ h, H $ C_inj.1 $ h.symm ▸ C_0.symm,
have not_root : ¬ is_root (C x) r := mt (λ (h : eval r (C x) = 0), trans eval_C.symm h) H,
by rw [count_roots h, count_zero, root_multiplicity_eq_zero not_root]
by rw [count_roots, count_zero, root_multiplicity_eq_zero not_root]

@[simp] lemma roots_one : (1 : polynomial R).roots = ∅ :=
roots_C 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,6 +426,48 @@ calc ((roots ((X : polynomial R) ^ n - C a)).card : with_bot ℕ)
≤ degree ((X : polynomial R) ^ n - C a) : card_roots (X_pow_sub_C_ne_zero hn a)
... = n : degree_X_pow_sub_C hn a

lemma le_root_multiplicity_map {K L : Type*} [comm_ring K] [is_domain K]
[comm_ring L] [is_domain L] {p : polynomial K} {f : K →+* L} (hf : function.injective f)
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I different version might assume map f p ≠ 0 instead of function.injective f.

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Shall we add a ' version then (or of map_ne_zero)?

(hroots : p.roots.card = p.nat_degree) (a : K) :
root_multiplicity a p ≤ root_multiplicity (f a) (map f p) :=
by_cases hp0 : p = 0, { simp only [hp0, root_multiplicity_zero, map_zero], },
have hmap : map f p ≠ 0, { simpa only [map_zero] using (map_injective f hf).ne hp0, },
rw [root_multiplicity, root_multiplicity, dif_neg hp0, dif_neg hmap],
simp only [not_not, nat.lt_find_iff, nat.le_find_iff],
intros m hm,
have := ring_hom.map_dvd (map_ring_hom f) (hm m le_rfl),
simpa only [coe_map_ring_hom, map_pow, map_sub, map_X, map_C],

lemma count_map_roots {K L : Type*} [comm_ring K] [is_domain K]
[comm_ring L] [is_domain L] {p : polynomial K} {f : K →+* L} (hf : function.injective f)
(hroots : p.roots.card = p.nat_degree) (a : L) :
count a ( f p.roots) ≤ root_multiplicity a (map f p) :=
by_cases h : ∃ t, f t = a,
{ rcases h with ⟨h_w, rfl⟩,
rw [multiset.count_map_eq_count' f _ hf, count_roots],
exact le_root_multiplicity_map hf hroots h_w },
{ suffices : multiset.count a ( f p.roots) = 0,
{ rw this, exact zero_le _, },
rw [multiset.count_map, multiset.card_eq_zero, multiset.filter_eq_nil],
rintro k hk rfl,
exact h ⟨k, rfl⟩, },

lemma roots_map_of_injective_card_eq_total_degree {K L : Type*} [comm_ring K] [is_domain K]
[comm_ring L] [is_domain L] {p : polynomial K} {f : K →+* L} (hf : function.injective f)
(hroots : p.roots.card = p.nat_degree) : f p.roots = (map f p).roots :=
by_cases hp0 : p = 0, { simp only [hp0, roots_zero, multiset.map_zero, map_zero], },
have hmap : map f p ≠ 0, { simpa only [map_zero] using (map_injective f hf).ne hp0, },
apply multiset.eq_of_le_of_card_le,
{ simpa only [multiset.le_iff_count, count_roots] using count_map_roots hf hroots },
{ simpa only [multiset.card_map, hroots] using (card_roots' hmap).trans (nat_degree_map_le f p) },

section nth_roots

/-- `nth_roots n a` noncomputably returns the solutions to `x ^ n = a`-/
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/field_theory/separable.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ lemma count_roots_le_one {p : polynomial R} (hsep : separable p) (x : R) :
rcases eq_or_ne p 0 with rfl | hp,
{ simp },
rw count_roots hp,
rw count_roots,
exact root_multiplicity_le_one_of_separable hp hsep x

Expand Down
67 changes: 61 additions & 6 deletions src/field_theory/splitting_field.lean
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if it is the smallest field extension of `K` such that `f` splits.
`L`, then `algebra.adjoin F S` embeds into `L`.
* `polynomial.is_splitting_field.lift`: An embedding of a splitting field of the polynomial `f` into
another field such that `f` splits.
* `polynomial.is_splitting_field.alg_equiv`: Every splitting field of a polynomial `f` is isomorpic
* `polynomial.is_splitting_field.alg_equiv`: Every splitting field of a polynomial `f` is isomorphic
to `splitting_field f` and thus, being a splitting field is unique up to isomorphism.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,12 +373,12 @@ end

/-- A monic polynomial `p` that has as many roots as its degree
can be written `p = ∏(X - a)`, for `a` in `p.roots`. -/
lemma prod_multiset_X_sub_C_of_monic_of_roots_card_eq {p : polynomial K}
lemma prod_multiset_X_sub_C_of_monic_of_roots_card_eq_of_field {p : polynomial K}
(hmonic : p.monic) (hroots : p.roots.card = p.nat_degree) :
( (λ (a : K), X - C a) p.roots).prod = p :=
have hprodmonic : ( (λ (a : K), X - C a) p.roots).prod.monic,
{ simp only [prod_multiset_root_eq_finset_root (ne_zero_of_monic hmonic),
{ simp only [prod_multiset_root_eq_finset_root,
monic_prod_of_monic, monic_X_sub_C, monic_pow, forall_true_iff] },
have hdegree : ( (λ (a : K), X - C a) p.roots).prod.nat_degree = p.nat_degree,
{ rw [← hroots, nat_degree_multiset_prod _ (zero_nmem_multiset_map_X_sub_C _ (λ a : K, a))],
Expand All @@ -400,11 +400,33 @@ begin
exact eq_of_monic_of_associated hprodmonic hmonic hassoc

lemma prod_multiset_X_sub_C_of_monic_of_roots_card_eq {K : Type*} [comm_ring K] [is_domain K]
{p : polynomial K} (hmonic : p.monic) (hroots : p.roots.card = p.nat_degree) :
( (λ (a : K), X - C a) p.roots).prod = p :=
apply map_injective _ (is_fraction_ring.injective K (fraction_ring K)),
rw map_multiset_prod,
simp only [map_C, function.comp_app, map_X, multiset.map_map, map_sub],
have : (algebra_map K (fraction_ring K)) =
(map (algebra_map K (fraction_ring K)) p).roots :=
(is_fraction_ring.injective K (fraction_ring K)) hroots,
rw ← prod_multiset_X_sub_C_of_monic_of_roots_card_eq_of_field
(monic_map (algebra_map K (fraction_ring K)) hmonic),
{ simp only [map_C, function.comp_app, map_X, map_sub],
congr' 1,
rw ← this,
simp, },
{ rw [nat_degree_map' (is_fraction_ring.injective K (fraction_ring K)), ← this],
simp only [←hroots, multiset.card_map], },

/-- A polynomial `p` that has as many roots as its degree
can be written `p = p.leading_coeff * ∏(X - a)`, for `a` in `p.roots`. -/
lemma C_leading_coeff_mul_prod_multiset_X_sub_C {p : polynomial K}
can be written `p = p.leading_coeff * ∏(X - a)`, for `a` in `p.roots`.
Used to prove the more general `C_leading_coeff_mul_prod_multiset_X_sub_C` below. -/
lemma C_leading_coeff_mul_prod_multiset_X_sub_C_of_field {p : polynomial K}
(hroots : p.roots.card = p.nat_degree) :
(C p.leading_coeff) * ( (λ (a : K), X - C a) p.roots).prod = p :=
C p.leading_coeff * ( (λ (a : K), X - C a) p.roots).prod = p :=
by_cases hzero : p = 0,
{ rw [hzero, leading_coeff_zero, ring_hom.map_zero, zero_mul], },
Expand All @@ -423,6 +445,39 @@ begin
... = p : by simp only [mul_one, ring_hom.map_one], },

/-- A polynomial `p` that has as many roots as its degree
can be written `p = p.leading_coeff * ∏(X - a)`, for `a` in `p.roots`. -/
lemma C_leading_coeff_mul_prod_multiset_X_sub_C {K : Type*} [comm_ring K] [is_domain K]
{p : polynomial K} (hroots : p.roots.card = p.nat_degree) :
C p.leading_coeff * ( (λ (a : K), X - C a) p.roots).prod = p :=
by_cases hzero : p = 0,
{ rw [hzero, leading_coeff_zero, ring_hom.map_zero, zero_mul], },
have hcoeff : p.leading_coeff ≠ 0,
{ intro h, exact hzero (leading_coeff_eq_zero.1 h) },
apply map_injective _ (is_fraction_ring.injective K (fraction_ring K)),
rw [map_mul, map_multiset_prod],
simp only [map_C, function.comp_app, map_X, multiset.map_map, map_sub],
have h : (algebra_map K (fraction_ring K)) =
(map (algebra_map K (fraction_ring K)) p).roots :=
(is_fraction_ring.injective K (fraction_ring K)) hroots,
have : multiset.card (map (algebra_map K (fraction_ring K)) p).roots =
(map (algebra_map K (fraction_ring K)) p).nat_degree,
{ rw [nat_degree_map' (is_fraction_ring.injective K (fraction_ring K)), ← h],
simp only [←hroots, multiset.card_map], },
rw [← C_leading_coeff_mul_prod_multiset_X_sub_C_of_field this],
simp only [map_C, function.comp_app, map_X, map_sub],
congr' 2,
{ rw leading_coeff_map_of_leading_coeff_ne_zero,
intro hn,
apply hcoeff,
apply is_fraction_ring.injective K (fraction_ring K),
simp [hn], },
rw ← h,

/-- A polynomial splits if and only if it has as many roots as its degree. -/
lemma splits_iff_card_roots {p : polynomial K} :
splits ( K) p ↔ p.roots.card = p.nat_degree :=
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