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[Merged by Bors] - refactor(ring_theory/graded_algebra): use add_submonoid_class to generalize to graded rings #14583

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/direct_sum/internal.lean
Expand Up @@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ def direct_sum.coe_ring_hom [add_monoid ι] [semiring R] [set_like σ R]
direct_sum.to_semiring (λ i, add_submonoid_class.subtype (A i)) rfl (λ _ _ _ _, rfl)

/-- The canonical ring isomorphism between `⨁ i, A i` and `R`-/
@[simp] lemma direct_sum.coe_ring_hom_of [add_monoid ι] [semiring R]
(A : ι → add_submonoid R) [set_like.graded_monoid A] (i : ι) (x : A i) :
@[simp] lemma direct_sum.coe_ring_hom_of [add_monoid ι] [semiring R] [set_like σ R]
[add_submonoid_class σ R] (A : ι → σ) [set_like.graded_monoid A] (i : ι) (x : A i) :
direct_sum.coe_ring_hom A (direct_sum.of (λ i, A i) i x) = x :=
direct_sum.to_semiring_of _ _ _ _ _

Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/linear_algebra/clifford_algebra/grading.lean
Expand Up @@ -123,16 +123,15 @@ graded_algebra.of_alg_hom (even_odd Q)

lemma supr_ι_range_eq_top : (⨆ i : ℕ, (ι Q).range ^ i) = ⊤ :=
rw [← (graded_algebra.is_internal $ λ i, even_odd Q i).submodule_supr_eq_top, eq_comm],
dunfold even_odd,
rw [← (direct_sum.decomposition.is_internal (even_odd Q)).submodule_supr_eq_top, eq_comm],
calc (⨆ (i : zmod 2) (j : {n // ↑n = i}), (ι Q).range ^ ↑j)
= (⨆ (i : Σ i : zmod 2, {n : ℕ // ↑n = i}), (ι Q).range ^ (i.2 : ℕ)) : by rw supr_sigma
... = (⨆ (i : ℕ), (ι Q).range ^ i)
: function.surjective.supr_congr (λ i, i.2) (λ i, ⟨⟨_, i, rfl⟩, rfl⟩) (λ _, rfl),

lemma even_odd_is_compl : is_compl (even_odd Q 0) (even_odd Q 1) :=
(graded_algebra.is_internal (even_odd Q)).is_compl zero_ne_one $ begin
(direct_sum.decomposition.is_internal (even_odd Q)).is_compl zero_ne_one $ begin
have : (finset.univ : finset (zmod 2)) = {0, 1} := rfl,
simpa using congr_arg (coe : finset (zmod 2) → set (zmod 2)) this,
Expand Down
127 changes: 90 additions & 37 deletions src/ring_theory/graded_algebra/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -10,16 +10,19 @@ import algebra.direct_sum.ring
import group_theory.subgroup.basic

# Internally-graded algebras
# Internally-graded rings and algebras

This file defines the typeclass `graded_algebra 𝒜`, for working with an algebra `A` that is
internally graded by a collection of submodules `𝒜 : ι → submodule R A`.
See the docstring of that typeclass for more information.

## Main definitions

* `graded_algebra 𝒜`: the typeclass, which is a combination of `set_like.graded_monoid`, and
* `graded_ring 𝒜`: the typeclass, which is a combination of `set_like.graded_monoid`, and
`direct_sum.decomposition 𝒜`.
* `graded_algebra 𝒜`: A convenience alias for `graded_ring` when `𝒜` is a family of submodules.
* `direct_sum.decompose_ring_equiv 𝒜 : A ≃ₐ[R] ⨁ i, 𝒜 i`, a more bundled version of
`direct_sum.decompose 𝒜`.
* `direct_sum.decompose_alg_equiv 𝒜 : A ≃ₐ[R] ⨁ i, 𝒜 i`, a more bundled version of
`direct_sum.decompose 𝒜`.
* `graded_algebra.proj 𝒜 i` is the linear map from `A` to its degree `i : ι` component, such that
Expand All @@ -38,11 +41,14 @@ graded algebra, graded ring, graded semiring, decomposition

open_locale direct_sum big_operators

section graded_algebra

variables {ι R A : Type*}
variables {ι R A σ : Type*}
section graded_ring
variables [decidable_eq ι] [add_monoid ι] [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [algebra R A]
variables (𝒜 : ι → submodule R A)
variables [set_like σ A] [add_submonoid_class σ A] (𝒜 : ι → σ)

include A

open direct_sum

/-- An internally-graded `R`-algebra `A` is one that can be decomposed into a collection
of `submodule R A`s indexed by `ι` such that the canonical map `A → ⨁ i, 𝒜 i` is bijective and
Expand All @@ -53,11 +59,58 @@ Note that the fact that `A` is internally-graded, `graded_algebra 𝒜`, implies
algebra structure `direct_sum.galgebra R (λ i, ↥(𝒜 i))`, which in turn makes available an
`algebra R (⨁ i, 𝒜 i)` instance.
class graded_ring (𝒜 : ι → σ) extends set_like.graded_monoid 𝒜, direct_sum.decomposition 𝒜.

variables [graded_ring 𝒜]
namespace direct_sum

class graded_algebra extends set_like.graded_monoid 𝒜, direct_sum.decomposition 𝒜.
/-- If `A` is graded by `ι` with degree `i` component `𝒜 i`, then it is isomorphic as
a ring to a direct sum of components. -/
def decompose_ring_equiv : A ≃+* ⨁ i, 𝒜 i := ring_equiv.symm
{ map_mul' := (coe_ring_hom 𝒜).map_mul,
map_add' := (coe_ring_hom 𝒜).map_add,
..(decompose_add_equiv 𝒜).symm }

protected lemma graded_algebra.is_internal [graded_algebra 𝒜] : direct_sum.is_internal 𝒜 :=
direct_sum.decomposition.is_internal _
@[simp] lemma decompose_one : decompose 𝒜 (1 : A) = 1 := map_one (decompose_ring_equiv 𝒜)
@[simp] lemma decompose_symm_one : (decompose 𝒜).symm 1 = (1 : A) :=
map_one (decompose_ring_equiv 𝒜).symm

@[simp] lemma decompose_mul (x y : A) : decompose 𝒜 (x * y) = decompose 𝒜 x * decompose 𝒜 y :=
map_mul (decompose_ring_equiv 𝒜) x y
@[simp] lemma decompose_symm_mul (x y : ⨁ i, 𝒜 i) :
(decompose 𝒜).symm (x * y) = (decompose 𝒜).symm x * (decompose 𝒜).symm y :=
map_mul (decompose_ring_equiv 𝒜).symm x y

end direct_sum

/-- The projection maps of a graded ring -/
def graded_ring.proj (i : ι) : A →+ A :=
(add_submonoid_class.subtype (𝒜 i)).comp $
(dfinsupp.eval_add_monoid_hom i).comp $
ring_hom.to_add_monoid_hom $ ring_equiv.to_ring_hom $ direct_sum.decompose_ring_equiv 𝒜

@[simp] lemma graded_ring.proj_apply (i : ι) (r : A) :
graded_ring.proj 𝒜 i r = (decompose 𝒜 r : ⨁ i, 𝒜 i) i := rfl

lemma graded_ring.proj_recompose (a : ⨁ i, 𝒜 i) (i : ι) :
graded_ring.proj 𝒜 i ((decompose 𝒜).symm a) =
(decompose 𝒜).symm (direct_sum.of _ i (a i)) :=
by rw [graded_ring.proj_apply, decompose_symm_of, equiv.apply_symm_apply]

lemma graded_ring.mem_support_iff [Π i (x : 𝒜 i), decidable (x ≠ 0)] (r : A) (i : ι) :
i ∈ (decompose 𝒜 r).support ↔ graded_ring.proj 𝒜 i r ≠ 0 :=
dfinsupp.mem_support_iff.trans add_submonoid_class.coe_eq_zero.not.symm

end graded_ring

section graded_algebra
variables [decidable_eq ι] [add_monoid ι] [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [algebra R A]
variables (𝒜 : ι → submodule R A)

/-- A special case of `graded_ring` with `σ = submodule R A`. This is useful both because it
can avoid typeclass search, and because it provides a more concise name. -/
def graded_algebra := graded_ring 𝒜

/-- A helper to construct a `graded_algebra` when the `set_like.graded_monoid` structure is already
available. This makes the `left_inv` condition easier to prove, and phrases the `right_inv`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,16 +144,6 @@ def decompose_alg_equiv : A ≃ₐ[R] ⨁ i, 𝒜 i := alg_equiv.symm
commutes' := (coe_alg_hom 𝒜).commutes,
..(decompose_add_equiv 𝒜).symm }

@[simp] lemma decompose_one : decompose 𝒜 (1 : A) = 1 := map_one (decompose_alg_equiv 𝒜)
@[simp] lemma decompose_symm_one : (decompose 𝒜).symm 1 = (1 : A) :=
map_one (decompose_alg_equiv 𝒜).symm

@[simp] lemma decompose_mul (x y : A) : decompose 𝒜 (x * y) = decompose 𝒜 x * decompose 𝒜 y :=
map_mul (decompose_alg_equiv 𝒜) x y
@[simp] lemma decompose_symm_mul (x y : ⨁ i, 𝒜 i) :
(decompose 𝒜).symm (x * y) = (decompose 𝒜).symm x * (decompose 𝒜).symm y :=
map_mul (decompose_alg_equiv 𝒜).symm x y

end direct_sum

open direct_sum
Expand All @@ -127,30 +170,39 @@ end graded_algebra

section canonical_order

open graded_algebra set_like.graded_monoid direct_sum
open graded_ring set_like.graded_monoid direct_sum

variables {ι R A : Type*}
variables [comm_semiring R] [semiring A]
variables [algebra R A] [decidable_eq ι]
variables [semiring A] [decidable_eq ι]
variables [canonically_ordered_add_monoid ι]
variables (𝒜 : ι → submodule R A) [graded_algebra 𝒜]
variables [set_like σ A] [add_submonoid_class σ A] (𝒜 : ι → σ) [graded_ring 𝒜]

If `A` is graded by a canonically ordered add monoid, then the projection map `x ↦ x₀` is a ring
def graded_algebra.proj_zero_ring_hom : A →+* A :=
def graded_ring.proj_zero_ring_hom : A →+* A :=
{ to_fun := λ a, decompose 𝒜 a 0,
map_one' := decompose_of_mem_same 𝒜 one_mem,
map_zero' := by simp only [subtype.ext_iff_val, decompose_zero, zero_apply, submodule.coe_zero],
map_add' := λ _ _, by simp [subtype.ext_iff_val, decompose_add, add_apply, submodule.coe_add],
map_mul' := λ x y,
have m : ∀ x, x ∈ supr 𝒜,
from λ x, (graded_algebra.is_internal 𝒜).submodule_supr_eq_top.symm ▸ submodule.mem_top,
refine submodule.supr_induction 𝒜 (m x) (λ i c hc, _) _ _,
{ refine submodule.supr_induction 𝒜 (m y) (λ j c' hc', _) _ _,
map_zero' := by simp,
map_add' := λ _ _, by simp,
map_mul' := λ x y, begin
-- Convert the abstract add_submonoid into a concrete one. This is necessary as there is no
-- lattice structure on the abstract ones.
let 𝒜' : ι → add_submonoid A :=
λ i, (⟨𝒜 i, λ _ _, add_mem_class.add_mem, zero_mem_class.zero_mem _⟩ : add_submonoid A),
Vierkantor marked this conversation as resolved.
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letI : graded_ring 𝒜' :=
{ decompose' := (direct_sum.decompose 𝒜 : A → ⨁ i, 𝒜 i),
left_inv := direct_sum.decomposition.left_inv,
right_inv := direct_sum.decomposition.right_inv,
..(by apply_instance : set_like.graded_monoid 𝒜), },
have m : ∀ x, x ∈ supr 𝒜',
{ intro x,
rw direct_sum.is_internal.add_submonoid_supr_eq_top 𝒜'
(direct_sum.decomposition.is_internal 𝒜'),
exact add_submonoid.mem_top x },
refine add_submonoid.supr_induction 𝒜' (m x) (λ i c hc, _) _ _,
{ refine add_submonoid.supr_induction 𝒜' (m y) (λ j c' hc', _) _ _,
{ by_cases h : i + j = 0,
{ rw [decompose_of_mem_same 𝒜 (show c * c' ∈ 𝒜 0, from h ▸ mul_mem hc hc'),
decompose_of_mem_same 𝒜 (show c ∈ 𝒜 0, from ( h).1 ▸ hc),
Expand All @@ -159,11 +211,12 @@ def graded_algebra.proj_zero_ring_hom : A →+* A :=
cases (show i ≠ 0 ∨ j ≠ 0, by rwa [add_eq_zero_iff, not_and_distrib] at h) with h' h',
{ simp only [decompose_of_mem_ne 𝒜 hc h', zero_mul] },
{ simp only [decompose_of_mem_ne 𝒜 hc' h', mul_zero] } } },
{ simp only [decompose_zero, zero_apply, submodule.coe_zero, mul_zero] },
{ simp only [decompose_zero, zero_apply, add_submonoid_class.coe_zero, mul_zero], },
{ intros _ _ hd he,
simp only [mul_add, decompose_add, add_apply, submodule.coe_add, hd, he] } },
{ simp only [decompose_zero, zero_apply, submodule.coe_zero, zero_mul] },
{ rintros _ _ ha hb, simp only [add_mul, decompose_add, add_apply, submodule.coe_add, ha, hb] },
simp only [mul_add, decompose_add, add_apply, add_mem_class.coe_add, hd, he] } },
{ simp only [decompose_zero, zero_apply, add_submonoid_class.coe_zero, zero_mul] },
{ rintros _ _ ha hb,
simp only [add_mul, decompose_add, add_apply, add_mem_class.coe_add, ha, hb] },
end }

end canonical_order