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[Merged by Bors] - feat(data/list): accessing list with fallback #15138

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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/computability/primrec.lean
Expand Up @@ -941,8 +941,17 @@ this.to₂.of_eq $ λ l n, begin
{ apply IH }

theorem list_nthd (d : α) : primrec₂ (list.nthd d) :=
suffices : list.nthd d = λ l n, (list.nth l n).get_or_else d,
{ rw this,
exact option_get_or_else.comp₂ list_nth (const _) },
exact list.nthd_eq_get_or_else_nth _ _ _

theorem list_inth [inhabited α] : primrec₂ (@list.inth α _) :=
option_iget.comp₂ list_nth
list_nthd _

theorem list_append : primrec₂ ((++) : list α → list α → list α) :=
(list_foldr fst snd $ to₂ $ comp (@list_cons α _) snd).to₂.of_eq $
Expand Down
50 changes: 25 additions & 25 deletions src/computability/turing_machine.lean
Expand Up @@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ theorem list_blank.exists_cons {Γ} [inhabited Γ] (l : list_blank Γ) :
def list_blank.nth {Γ} [inhabited Γ] (l : list_blank Γ) (n : ℕ) : Γ :=
l.lift_on (λ l, list.inth l n) begin
rintro l _ ⟨i, rfl⟩,
simp only [list.inth],
cases lt_or_le _ _ with h h, {rw list.nth_append h},
rw list.nth_len_le h,
cases le_or_lt _ _ with h₂ h₂, {rw list.nth_len_le h₂},
rw [list.nth_le_nth h₂, list.nth_le_append_right h, list.nth_le_repeat]
simp only,
cases lt_or_le _ _ with h h, {rw list.inth_append _ _ _ h},
rw list.inth_eq_default _ h,
cases le_or_lt _ _ with h₂ h₂, {rw list.inth_eq_default _ h₂},
rw [list.inth_eq_nth_le _ h₂, list.nth_le_append_right h, list.nth_le_repeat]

@[simp] theorem list_blank.nth_mk {Γ} [inhabited Γ] (l : list Γ) (n : ℕ) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,12 +270,12 @@ begin
refine quotient.sound' (or.inl ⟨l₂.length - l₁.length, _⟩),
refine list.ext_le _ (λ i h h₂, eq.symm _),
{ simp only [add_tsub_cancel_of_le h, list.length_append, list.length_repeat] },
simp at H,
simp only [list_blank.nth_mk] at H,
cases lt_or_le i l₁.length with h' h',
{ simpa only [list.nth_le_append _ h',
list.nth_le_nth h, list.nth_le_nth h', option.iget] using H i },
{ simpa only [list.nth_le_append_right h', list.nth_le_repeat,
list.nth_le_nth h, list.nth_len_le h', option.iget] using H i },
{ simp only [list.nth_le_append _ h', list.nth_le_nth h, list.nth_le_nth h',
list.inth_eq_nth_le _ h, list.inth_eq_nth_le _ h', H] },
{ simp only [list.nth_le_append_right h', list.nth_le_repeat, list.nth_le_nth h,
list.nth_len_le h', ←list.inth_eq_default _ h', H, list.inth_eq_nth_le _ h] }

/-- Apply a function to a value stored at the nth position of the list. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ end
@[simp] theorem list_blank.nth_map {Γ Γ'} [inhabited Γ] [inhabited Γ']
(f : pointed_map Γ Γ') (l : list_blank Γ) (n : ℕ) : ( f).nth n = f (l.nth n) :=
l.induction_on begin
intro l, simp only [list.nth_map, list_blank.map_mk, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth],
intro l, simp only [list.nth_map, list_blank.map_mk, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth_eq_iget_nth],
cases l.nth n, {exact f.2.symm}, {refl}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2002,7 +2002,7 @@ theorem stk_nth_val {K : Type*} {Γ : K → Type*} {L : list_blank (∀ k, optio
(hL : (proj k) L = ( some S).reverse) :
L.nth n k = S.reverse.nth n :=
rw [← proj_map_nth, hL, ← list.map_reverse, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth, list.nth_map],
rw [←proj_map_nth, hL, ←list.map_reverse, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth_eq_iget_nth, list.nth_map],
cases S.reverse.nth n; refl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2207,15 +2207,15 @@ begin
rw [list_blank.nth_map, list_blank.nth_modify_nth, proj, pointed_map.mk_val],
by_cases h' : k' = k,
{ subst k', split_ifs; simp only [list.reverse_cons,
function.update_same, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth,],
{ rw [list.nth_le_nth, list.nth_le_append_right];
function.update_same, list_blank.nth_mk,],
{ rw [list.inth_eq_nth_le, list.nth_le_append_right];
simp only [h, list.nth_le_singleton, list.length_map, list.length_reverse, nat.succ_pos',
list.length_append, lt_add_iff_pos_right, list.length] },
rw [← proj_map_nth, hL, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth],
rw [← proj_map_nth, hL, list_blank.nth_mk],
cases lt_or_gt_of_ne h with h h,
{ rw list.nth_append, simpa only [list.length_map, list.length_reverse] using h },
{ rw list.inth_append, simpa only [list.length_map, list.length_reverse] using h },
{ rw gt_iff_lt at h,
rw [list.nth_len_le, list.nth_len_le];
rw [list.inth_eq_default, list.inth_eq_default];
simp only [nat.add_one_le_iff, h, list.length, le_of_lt,
list.length_reverse, list.length_append, list.length_map] } },
{ split_ifs; rw [function.update_noteq h', ← proj_map_nth, hL],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2245,12 +2245,12 @@ begin
rw [list_blank.nth_map, list_blank.nth_modify_nth, proj, pointed_map.mk_val],
by_cases h' : k' = k,
{ subst k', split_ifs; simp only [
function.update_same, list_blank.nth_mk, list.tail, list.inth],
{ rw [list.nth_len_le], {refl}, rw [h, list.length_reverse, list.length_map] },
rw [← proj_map_nth, hL, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth, e,, list.reverse_cons],
function.update_same, list_blank.nth_mk, list.tail],
{ rw [list.inth_eq_default], {refl}, rw [h, list.length_reverse, list.length_map] },
rw [← proj_map_nth, hL, list_blank.nth_mk, e,, list.reverse_cons],
cases lt_or_gt_of_ne h with h h,
{ rw list.nth_append, simpa only [list.length_map, list.length_reverse] using h },
{ rw gt_iff_lt at h, rw [list.nth_len_le, list.nth_len_le];
{ rw list.inth_append, simpa only [list.length_map, list.length_reverse] using h },
{ rw gt_iff_lt at h, rw [list.inth_eq_default, list.inth_eq_default];
simp only [nat.add_one_le_iff, h, list.length, le_of_lt,
list.length_reverse, list.length_append, list.length_map] } },
{ split_ifs; rw [function.update_noteq h', ← proj_map_nth, hL],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2353,13 +2353,13 @@ begin
rw (_ : TM1.init _ = _),
{ refine ⟨ ( $ λ a, update default k (some a)), λ k', _⟩,
refine list_blank.ext (λ i, _),
rw [list_blank.map_mk, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth, list.map_map, (∘),
rw [list_blank.map_mk, list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth_eq_iget_nth, list.map_map, (∘),
list.nth_map, proj, pointed_map.mk_val],
by_cases k' = k,
{ subst k', simp only [function.update_same],
rw [list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth, ← list.map_reverse, list.nth_map] },
rw [list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth_eq_iget_nth, ← list.map_reverse, list.nth_map] },
{ simp only [function.update_noteq h],
rw [list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth,, list.reverse_nil, list.nth],
rw [list_blank.nth_mk, list.inth_eq_iget_nth,, list.reverse_nil, list.nth],
cases L.reverse.nth i; refl } },
{ rw [tr_init, TM1.init], dsimp only, congr; cases L.reverse; try {refl},
simp only [list.map_map, list.tail_cons,], refl }
Expand Down
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions src/data/list/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -3849,4 +3849,105 @@ begin
apply lt_of_succ_lt_succ hi, } },

/-! ### nthd and inth -/

section nthd

variables (l : list α) (x : α) (xs : list α) (d : α) (n : ℕ)

@[simp] lemma nthd_nil : nthd d [] n = d := rfl

@[simp] lemma nthd_cons_zero : nthd d (x::xs) 0 = x := rfl

@[simp] lemma nthd_cons_succ : nthd d (x::xs) (n + 1) = nthd d xs n := rfl

lemma nthd_eq_nth_le {n : ℕ} (hn : n < l.length) : l.nthd d n = l.nth_le n hn :=
induction l with hd tl IH generalizing n,
{ exact absurd hn (not_lt_of_ge (nat.zero_le _)) },
{ cases n,
{ exact nthd_cons_zero _ _ _ },
{ exact IH _ } }

lemma nthd_eq_default {n : ℕ} (hn : l.length ≤ n) : l.nthd d n = d :=
induction l with hd tl IH generalizing n,
{ exact nthd_nil _ _ },
{ cases n,
{ refine absurd (nat.zero_lt_succ _) (not_lt_of_ge hn) },
{ exact IH (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ hn) } }

/-- An empty list can always be decidably checked for the presence of an element.
Not an instance because it would clash with `decidable_eq α`. -/
def decidable_nthd_nil_ne {α} (a : α) : decidable_pred
(λ (i : ℕ), nthd a ([] : list α) i ≠ a) := λ i, is_false $ λ H, H (nthd_nil _ _)

@[simp] lemma nthd_singleton_default_eq (n : ℕ) : [d].nthd d n = d :=
by { cases n; simp }

@[simp] lemma nthd_repeat_default_eq (r n : ℕ) : (repeat d r).nthd d n = d :=
induction r with r IH generalizing n,
{ simp },
{ cases n;
simp [IH] }

lemma nthd_append (l l' : list α) (d : α) (n : ℕ) (h : n < l.length)
(h' : n < (l ++ l').length := h.trans_le ((length_append l l').symm ▸ le_self_add)) :
(l ++ l').nthd d n = l.nthd d n :=
by rw [nthd_eq_nth_le _ _ h', nth_le_append h' h, nthd_eq_nth_le]

lemma nthd_append_right (l l' : list α) (d : α) (n : ℕ) (h : l.length ≤ n) :
(l ++ l').nthd d n = l'.nthd d (n - l.length) :=
cases lt_or_le _ _ with h' h',
{ rw [nthd_eq_nth_le _ _ h', nth_le_append_right h h', nthd_eq_nth_le] },
{ rw [nthd_eq_default _ _ h', nthd_eq_default],
rwa [le_tsub_iff_left h, ←length_append] }

lemma nthd_eq_get_or_else_nth (n : ℕ) :
l.nthd d n = (l.nth n).get_or_else d :=
cases lt_or_le _ _ with h h,
{ rw [nthd_eq_nth_le _ _ h, nth_le_nth h, option.get_or_else_some] },
{ rw [nthd_eq_default _ _ h, nth_eq_none_iff.mpr h, option.get_or_else_none] }

end nthd

section inth

variables [inhabited α] (l : list α) (x : α) (xs : list α) (n : ℕ)

@[simp] lemma inth_nil : inth ([] : list α) n = default := rfl

@[simp] lemma inth_cons_zero : inth (x::xs) 0 = x := rfl

@[simp] lemma inth_cons_succ : inth (x::xs) (n + 1) = inth xs n := rfl

lemma inth_eq_nth_le {n : ℕ} (hn : n < l.length) : l.inth n = l.nth_le n hn := nthd_eq_nth_le _ _ _

lemma inth_eq_default {n : ℕ} (hn : l.length ≤ n) : l.inth n = default := nthd_eq_default _ _ hn

lemma nthd_default_eq_inth : l.nthd default = l.inth := rfl

lemma inth_append (l l' : list α) (n : ℕ) (h : n < l.length)
(h' : n < (l ++ l').length := h.trans_le ((length_append l l').symm ▸ le_self_add)) :
(l ++ l').inth n = l.inth n :=
nthd_append _ _ _ _ h h'

lemma inth_append_right (l l' : list α) (n : ℕ) (h : l.length ≤ n) :
(l ++ l').inth n = l'.inth (n - l.length) :=
nthd_append_right _ _ _ _ h

lemma inth_eq_iget_nth (n : ℕ) :
l.inth n = (l.nth n).iget :=
by rw [←nthd_default_eq_inth, nthd_eq_get_or_else_nth, option.get_or_else_default_eq_iget]

end inth

end list
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/data/list/defs.lean
Expand Up @@ -68,9 +68,16 @@ it returns `none` otherwise -/
def to_array (l : list α) : array l.length α :=
{data := λ v, l.nth_le v.1 v.2}

/-- "default" `nth` function: returns `d` instead of `none` in the case
that the index is out of bounds. -/
def nthd (d : α) : Π (l : list α) (n : ℕ), α
| [] _ := d
| (x::xs) 0 := x
| (x::xs) (n + 1) := nthd xs n

/-- "inhabited" `nth` function: returns `default` instead of `none` in the case
that the index is out of bounds. -/
@[simp] def inth [h : inhabited α] (l : list α) (n : nat) : α := (nth l n).iget
def inth [h : inhabited α] (l : list α) (n : nat) : α := nthd default l n

/-- Apply a function to the nth tail of `l`. Returns the input without
using `f` if the index is larger than the length of the list.
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/data/option/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -382,6 +382,9 @@ theorem iget_mem [inhabited α] : ∀ {o : option α}, is_some o → o.iget ∈
theorem iget_of_mem [inhabited α] {a : α} : ∀ {o : option α}, a ∈ o → o.iget = a
| _ rfl := rfl

lemma get_or_else_default_eq_iget [inhabited α] (o : option α) : o.get_or_else default = o.iget :=
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Idea for the future: redefine option.iget as o.get_or_else default.

by cases o; refl

@[simp] theorem guard_eq_some {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] {a b : α} :
guard p a = some b ↔ a = b ∧ p a :=
by by_cases p a; simp [option.guard, h]; intro; contradiction
Expand Down