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[Merged by Bors] - feat(probability/strong_law): Lp version of the strong law of large numbers #15392

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38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/probability/ident_distrib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel
import probability.variance
import measure_theory.function.uniform_integrable

# Identically distributed random variables
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,4 +283,41 @@ end

end ident_distrib

section uniform_integrable

variables {E : Type*} [measurable_space E] [normed_group E] [borel_space E]
{μ : measure α} [is_finite_measure μ]

lemma integrable.uniform_integrable_of_ident_distrib {ι : Type*} {f : ι → α → E}
{j : ι} (hj : integrable (f j) μ) (hfmeas : ∀ i, strongly_measurable (f i))
(hf : ∀ i, ident_distrib (f i) (f j) μ μ) :
uniform_integrable f 1 μ :=
refine uniform_integrable_of le_rfl ennreal.one_ne_top hfmeas (λ ε hε, _),
by_cases hι : nonempty ι,
swap, { exact ⟨0, λ i, false.elim (hι $ nonempty.intro i)⟩ },
obtain ⟨C, hC₁, hC₂⟩ :=
(mem_ℒp_one_iff_integrable.2 hj).snorm_indicator_norm_ge_pos_le μ (hfmeas _) hε,
have hmeas : ∀ i, measurable_set {x | (⟨C, hC₁.le⟩ : ℝ≥0) ≤ ∥f i x∥₊} :=
λ i, measurable_set_le measurable_const (hfmeas _).measurable.nnnorm,
refine ⟨⟨C, hC₁.le⟩, λ i, le_trans (le_of_eq _) hC₂⟩,
have hid : ident_distrib (λ x, ∥f i x∥₊) (λ x, ∥f j x∥₊) μ μ := (hf i).comp measurable_nnnorm,
have hpre : ∀ i, {x | (⟨C, hC₁.le⟩ : ℝ≥0) ≤ ∥f i x∥₊} =
(λ x, ∥f i x∥₊) ⁻¹' set.Ici (⟨C, hC₁.le⟩ : ℝ≥0),
{ intro i,
ext x,
simp },
rw [snorm_one_eq_lintegral_nnnorm, snorm_one_eq_lintegral_nnnorm],
simp_rw [nnnorm_indicator_eq_indicator_nnnorm, ennreal.coe_indicator],
rw [lintegral_indicator _ (hmeas _), hpre i,
← set_lintegral_map measurable_set_Ici measurable_coe_nnreal_ennreal
(hfmeas _).nnnorm.measurable, hid.map_eq,
set_lintegral_map measurable_set_Ici measurable_coe_nnreal_ennreal
(hfmeas _).nnnorm.measurable, ← hpre j],
simp_rw [← @nnreal.coe_le_coe ⟨C, hC₁.le⟩, subtype.coe_mk, coe_nnnorm],
rw [lintegral_indicator _ (measurable_set_le measurable_const (hfmeas _).norm.measurable)],

end uniform_integrable

end probability_theory
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions src/probability/strong_law.lean
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Expand Up @@ -728,4 +728,90 @@ end

end strong_law_ae

section strong_law_L1

variables {Ω : Type*} [measure_space Ω]

/-- The averaging of a uniformly integrable sequence is also uniformly integrable. -/
lemma uniform_integrable_average (μ : measure Ω)
(X : ℕ → Ω → ℝ) (hX : uniform_integrable X 1 μ) :
uniform_integrable (λ n, (∑ i in range n, X i) / n) 1 μ :=
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obtain ⟨hX₁, hX₂, hX₃⟩ := hX,
refine ⟨λ n, _, λ ε hε, _, _⟩,
{ simp_rw div_eq_mul_inv,
exact (strongly_measurable_sum' _ (λ i _, hX₁ i)).mul
(strongly_measurable_const : strongly_measurable (λ x, (↑n : ℝ)⁻¹)) },
{ obtain ⟨δ, hδ₁, hδ₂⟩ := hX₂ hε,
refine ⟨δ, hδ₁, λ n s hs hle, _⟩,
simp_rw [div_eq_mul_inv, sum_mul, set.indicator_finset_sum],
refine le_trans (snorm_sum_le (λ i hi,
(((hX₁ i).mul_const (↑n)⁻¹).indicator hs).ae_strongly_measurable) le_rfl) _,
have : ∀ i, s.indicator (X i * (↑n)⁻¹) = (↑n : ℝ)⁻¹ • s.indicator (X i),
{ intro i,
rw [mul_comm, (_ : (↑n)⁻¹ * X i = λ ω, (↑n : ℝ)⁻¹ • X i ω)],
{ rw set.indicator_const_smul s (↑n)⁻¹ (X i),
refl },
{ refl } },
simp_rw [this, snorm_const_smul, ← mul_sum, nnnorm_inv, real.nnnorm_coe_nat],
by_cases hn : (↑(↑n : ℝ≥0)⁻¹ : ℝ≥0∞) = 0,
{ simp only [hn, zero_mul, zero_le] },
refine le_trans _ (_ : ↑(↑n : ℝ≥0)⁻¹ * (n • ennreal.of_real ε) ≤ ennreal.of_real ε),
{ refine (ennreal.mul_le_mul_left hn ennreal.coe_ne_top).2 _,
conv_rhs { rw ← card_range n },
exact sum_le_card_nsmul _ _ _ (λ i hi, hδ₂ _ _ hs hle) },
{ simp only [ennreal.coe_eq_zero, inv_eq_zero, nat.cast_eq_zero] at hn,
rw [nsmul_eq_mul, ← mul_assoc, ennreal.coe_inv, ennreal.coe_nat,
ennreal.inv_mul_cancel _ ennreal.coe_nat_ne_top, one_mul],
{ exact le_rfl },
all_goals { simpa only [ne.def, nat.cast_eq_zero] } } },
{ obtain ⟨C, hC⟩ := hX₃,
simp_rw [div_eq_mul_inv, sum_mul],
refine ⟨C, λ n, (snorm_sum_le (λ i hi,
((hX₁ i).mul_const (↑n)⁻¹).ae_strongly_measurable) le_rfl).trans _⟩,
have : ∀ i, (λ ω, X i ω * (↑n)⁻¹) = (↑n : ℝ)⁻¹ • λ ω, X i ω,
{ intro i,
ext ω,
simp only [mul_comm, pi.smul_apply,] },
simp_rw [this, snorm_const_smul, ← mul_sum, nnnorm_inv, real.nnnorm_coe_nat],
by_cases hn : (↑(↑n : ℝ≥0)⁻¹ : ℝ≥0∞) = 0,
{ simp only [hn, zero_mul, zero_le] },
refine le_trans _ (_ : ↑(↑n : ℝ≥0)⁻¹ * (n • C : ℝ≥0∞) ≤ C),
{ refine (ennreal.mul_le_mul_left hn ennreal.coe_ne_top).2 _,
conv_rhs { rw ← card_range n },
exact sum_le_card_nsmul _ _ _ (λ i hi, hC i) },
{ simp only [ennreal.coe_eq_zero, inv_eq_zero, nat.cast_eq_zero] at hn,
rw [nsmul_eq_mul, ← mul_assoc, ennreal.coe_inv, ennreal.coe_nat,
ennreal.inv_mul_cancel _ ennreal.coe_nat_ne_top, one_mul],
{ exact le_rfl },
all_goals { simpa only [ne.def, nat.cast_eq_zero] } } }

variables [is_probability_measure (ℙ : measure Ω)]

/-- *Strong law of large numbers*, L¹ version: if `X n` is a sequence of independent
identically distributed integrable real-valued random variables, then `∑ i in range n, X i / n`
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converges in L¹ to `𝔼[X 0]`. -/
theorem strong_law_L1
(X : ℕ → Ω → ℝ) (hmeas : ∀ i, strongly_measurable (X i)) (hint : integrable (X 0))
(hindep : pairwise (λ i j, indep_fun (X i) (X j)))
(hident : ∀ i, ident_distrib (X i) (X 0)) :
tendsto (λ n, snorm (λ ω, (∑ i in range n, X i ω) / n - 𝔼[X 0]) 1 ℙ) at_top (𝓝 0) :=
have havg : ∀ n, ae_strongly_measurable (λ ω, (∑ i in range n, X i ω) / n) ℙ,
{ intro n,
refine strongly_measurable.ae_strongly_measurable _,
simp_rw div_eq_mul_inv,
exact strongly_measurable.mul_const (strongly_measurable_sum _ (λ i _, hmeas i)) _ },
refine tendsto_Lp_of_tendsto_in_measure _ le_rfl ennreal.one_ne_top havg (mem_ℒp_const _) _
(tendsto_in_measure_of_tendsto_ae havg (strong_law_ae _ hint hindep hident)),
rw (_ : (λ n ω, (∑ i in range n, X i ω) / ↑n) = λ n, (∑ i in range n, X i) / ↑n),
{ exact (uniform_integrable_average ℙ X $
integrable.uniform_integrable_of_ident_distrib hint hmeas hident).2.1 },
{ ext n ω,
simp only [pi.coe_nat, pi.div_apply, sum_apply] }

end strong_law_L1

end probability_theory