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[Merged by Bors] - feat(pfun/recursion): unbounded recursion #3778

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feat(pfun/recursion): unbounded recursion
cipher1024 May 27, 2019
remove unused declarations
cipher1024 Aug 14, 2020
rename Sup and complete_partial_order and apply lint
cipher1024 Aug 15, 2020
generalize sets to complete lattice
cipher1024 Aug 15, 2020
move fix.lean
cipher1024 Aug 15, 2020
bundle continuous homomorphism
cipher1024 Aug 15, 2020
update `fix`
cipher1024 Aug 20, 2020
Merge branch 'master' of…
cipher1024 Aug 20, 2020
Use bundled morphisms, improve definition of `omega_complete_partial_…
cipher1024 Aug 22, 2020
apply `#lint` suggestions
cipher1024 Aug 22, 2020
reverse changes in `data/stream/basic.lean`
cipher1024 Aug 22, 2020
fix namespace issue
cipher1024 Aug 23, 2020
apply lint advice; rename `` to ``
cipher1024 Aug 23, 2020
address comments from reviewers
cipher1024 Aug 23, 2020
add documentation
cipher1024 Aug 25, 2020
squeeze simp
cipher1024 Aug 25, 2020
use `extends` in type class definition
cipher1024 Aug 25, 2020
remove `main_declaration` annotations
cipher1024 Aug 25, 2020
Merge branch 'master' into unbounded-recursion-basic
cipher1024 Aug 26, 2020
documentation and renaming
cipher1024 Aug 27, 2020
Apply suggestions from code review
cipher1024 Aug 31, 2020
rename file, add comment
cipher1024 Aug 31, 2020
add simon as author to data.pfun
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
move nat.up to nat.upto
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
Update omega_complete_partial_order.lean
cipher1024 Sep 1, 2020
remove `ite`, add comment
cipher1024 Sep 1, 2020
more docs
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
more docs
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unbounded-recursion-basic' into …
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
tweak docs
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
split fix and lawful_fix
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
more tweaks
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
fix import
digama0 Sep 1, 2020
Merge branch 'master' of…
cipher1024 Sep 2, 2020
bypass omege-cpo instance when looking for preorder instance roption
cipher1024 Sep 2, 2020
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336 changes: 336 additions & 0 deletions src/control/fix.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Simon Hudon

import data.nat.up
import order.omega_complete_partial_order

# Fixed point

This module defines a generic `fix` operator for defining recursive
computations that are not necessarily well-founded or productive.
An instance is defined for `roption`. The proof of its laws relies
on omega complete partial orders (ωCPO).

## Main definition

* class `has_fix`
* class `lawful_fix`
* `roption.fix`

universes u v

open_locale classical
variables {α : Type*} {β : α → Type*}

/-- `has_fix α` gives us a way to calculate the fixed point
of function of type `α → α`. -/
class has_fix (α : Type*) :=
(fix : (α → α) → α)

open omega_complete_partial_order

section prio

set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority]

/-- Laws for fixed point operator -/
class lawful_fix (α : Type*) [omega_complete_partial_order α] extends has_fix α :=
(fix_eq : ∀ {f : α →ₘ α}, continuous f → has_fix.fix f = f (has_fix.fix f))

lemma lawful_fix.fix_eq' {α} [omega_complete_partial_order α] [lawful_fix α]
{f : α → α} (hf : continuous' f) :
has_fix.fix f = f (has_fix.fix f) :=
lawful_fix.fix_eq (continuous.to_bundled _ hf)

end prio

namespace roption

open roption nat nat.up

section basic

variables (f : (Π a, roption $ β a) → (Π a, roption $ β a))

/-- series of successive, finite approximation of the fixed point of `f` -/
def fix.approx : stream $ Π a, roption $ β a
| 0 := ⊥
| (nat.succ i) := f (fix.approx i)

/-- loop body for finding the fixed point of `f` -/
def fix_aux {p : ℕ → Prop} (i : nat.up p) (g : Π j : nat.up p, i < j → Π a, roption $ β a) : Π a, roption $ β a :=
f $ λ x : α,
assert (¬p (i.val)) $ λ h : ¬ p (i.val),
g (i.succ h) (nat.lt_succ_self _) x

/-- The least fixed point of `f`.

If `f` is a continuous function (according to complete partial orders),
it satisfies the equations:

(0) fix f = f (fix f) (is a fixed point)
(1) ∀ X, f X ≤ X → fix f ≤ X (least fixed point)

(proof below) -/
protected def fix (x : α) : roption $ β x :=
roption.assert (∃ i, (fix.approx f i x).dom) $ λ h,
well_founded.fix.{1} ( h) (fix_aux f) x

protected lemma fix_def {x : α} (h' : ∃ i, (fix.approx f i x).dom) :
roption.fix f x = fix.approx f (nat.succ $ nat.find h') x :=
let p := λ (i : ℕ), (fix.approx f i x).dom,
have : p (nat.find h') := nat.find_spec h',
generalize hk : nat.find h' = k,
replace hk : nat.find h' = k + ( p).val := hk,
rw hk at this,
revert hk,
dsimp [roption.fix], rw assert_pos h', revert this,
generalize : = z, intros,
suffices : ∀ x', well_founded.fix (fix._proof_1 f x h') (fix_aux f) z x' = fix.approx f (succ k) x',
from this _,
induction k generalizing z; intro,
{ rw [fix.approx,well_founded.fix_eq,fix_aux],
congr, ext : 1, rw assert_neg, refl,
rw nat.zero_add at this,
simpa only [not_not, subtype.val_eq_coe] },
{ rw [fix.approx,well_founded.fix_eq,fix_aux],
congr, ext : 1,
have hh : ¬(fix.approx f (z.val) x).dom,
{ apply nat.find_min h',
rw [hk,nat.succ_add,← nat.add_succ],
apply nat.lt_of_succ_le,
apply nat.le_add_left },
rw succ_add_eq_succ_add at this hk,
rw [assert_pos hh, k_ih (up.succ z hh) this hk] }

lemma fix_def' {x : α} (h' : ¬ ∃ i, (fix.approx f i x).dom) :
roption.fix f x = none :=
by dsimp [roption.fix]; rw assert_neg h'

end basic

namespace fix

variables (f : (Π a, roption $ β a) →ₘ (Π a, roption $ β a))

lemma approx_mono' {i : ℕ} : fix.approx f i ≤ fix.approx f (succ i) :=
induction i, dsimp [approx], apply @bot_le _ _ (f ⊥),
intro, apply f.monotone, apply i_ih

lemma approx_mono ⦃i j : ℕ⦄ (hij : i ≤ j) : approx f i ≤ approx f j :=
induction j, cases hij, refine @le_refl _ _ _,
cases hij, apply @le_refl _ _ _,
apply @le_trans _ _ _ (approx f j_n) _ (j_ih hij_a),
apply approx_mono' f

lemma mem_iff (a : α) (b : β a) : b ∈ roption.fix f a ↔ ∃ i, b ∈ approx f i a :=
by_cases h₀ : ∃ (i : ℕ), (approx f i a).dom,
{ simp only [roption.fix_def f h₀],
split; intro hh, exact ⟨_,hh⟩,
have h₁ := nat.find_spec h₀,
rw [dom_iff_mem] at h₁,
cases h₁ with y h₁,
replace h₁ := approx_mono' f _ _ h₁,
suffices : y = b, subst this, exact h₁,
cases hh with i hh,
revert h₁, generalize : (succ (nat.find h₀)) = j, intro,
wlog : i ≤ j := le_total i j using [i j b y,j i y b],
replace hh := approx_mono f case _ _ hh,
apply roption.mem_unique h₁ hh },
{ simp only [fix_def' ⇑f h₀, not_exists, false_iff, not_mem_none],
simp only [dom_iff_mem, not_exists] at h₀,
intro, apply h₀ }

lemma approx_le_fix (i : ℕ) : approx f i ≤ roption.fix f :=
assume a b hh,
by { rw [mem_iff f], exact ⟨_,hh⟩ }

lemma exists_fix_le_approx (x : α) : ∃ i, roption.fix f x ≤ approx f i x :=
by_cases hh : ∃ i b, b ∈ approx f i x,
{ rcases hh with ⟨i,b,hb⟩, existsi i,
intros b' h',
have hb' := approx_le_fix f i _ _ hb,
have hh := roption.mem_unique h' hb',
subst hh, exact hb },
{ simp only [not_exists] at hh, existsi 0,
intros b' h',
simp only [mem_iff f] at h',
cases h' with i h',
cases hh _ _ h' }

include f

/-- series of approximations of `fix f` as a `chain` -/
def approx_chain : chain (Π a, roption $ β a) :=
⟨ approx f, approx_mono f ⟩

lemma le_f_of_mem_approx {x} (hx : x ∈ approx_chain f) : x ≤ f x :=
revert hx, simp [(∈)],
intros i hx, subst x,
apply approx_mono'

lemma approx_mem_approx_chain {i} : approx f i ∈ approx_chain f :=
stream.mem_of_nth_eq rfl

end fix

open fix

variables {α}
variables (f : (Π a, roption $ β a) →ₘ (Π a, roption $ β a))

open omega_complete_partial_order

open roption (hiding ωSup) nat
open nat.up omega_complete_partial_order

lemma fix_eq_ωSup : roption.fix f = ωSup (approx_chain f) :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ intro x, cases exists_fix_le_approx f x with i hx,
transitivity' approx f i.succ x,
{ transitivity', apply hx, apply approx_mono' f },
apply' le_ωSup_of_le i.succ,
dsimp [approx], refl', },
{ apply ωSup_le _ _ _,
simp only [fix.approx_chain, preorder_hom.coe_fun_mk],
intros y x, apply approx_le_fix f },

lemma fix_le {X : Π a, roption $ β a} (hX : f X ≤ X) : roption.fix f ≤ X :=
rw fix_eq_ωSup f,
apply ωSup_le _ _ _,
simp only [fix.approx_chain, preorder_hom.coe_fun_mk],
intros i,
induction i, dsimp [fix.approx], apply' bot_le,
transitivity' f X, apply f.monotone i_ih,
apply hX

variables {f} (hc : continuous f)
include hc

lemma fix_eq : roption.fix f = f (roption.fix f) :=
rw [fix_eq_ωSup f,hc],
apply le_antisymm,
{ apply ωSup_le_ωSup_of_le _,
intros i, existsi [i], intro x, -- intros x y hx,
apply le_f_of_mem_approx _ ⟨i, rfl⟩, },
{ apply ωSup_le_ωSup_of_le _,
intros i, existsi i.succ, refl', }

end roption

namespace roption

/-- Convert a function from and to `α` to a function from and to `unit → α`. Useful because
the fixed point machinery for `roption` assumes functions with one argument -/
def to_unit (f : α → α) (x : unit → α) (u : unit) : α := f (x u)

instance : has_fix (roption α) :=
⟨ λ f, roption.fix (to_unit f) () ⟩

/-- `to_unit` as a monotone function -/
def to_unit_mono (f : roption α →ₘ roption α) : (unit → roption α) →ₘ (unit → roption α) :=
{ to_fun := to_unit f,
monotone := λ x y, assume h : x ≤ y,
show to_unit f x ≤ to_unit f y,
from λ u, f.monotone $ h u }

lemma fold_to_unit_mono (f : roption α →ₘ roption α) : to_unit f = to_unit_mono f := rfl

lemma to_unit_cont (f : roption α →ₘ roption α) : Π hc : continuous f, continuous (to_unit_mono f)
| hc := by { intro c, ext ⟨⟩ : 1, dsimp [to_unit,omega_complete_partial_order.ωSup], erw [hc,chain.map_comp], refl }

noncomputable instance : lawful_fix (roption α) :=
⟨ λ f hc, by { dsimp [has_fix.fix],
conv { to_lhs, rw [fold_to_unit_mono,roption.fix_eq (to_unit_cont f hc)] }, refl } ⟩

end roption

open sigma

namespace pi

instance roption.has_fix {β} : has_fix (α → roption β) :=
⟨ roption.fix ⟩

noncomputable instance {β} : lawful_fix (α → roption β) :=
⟨ λ f hc, by { dsimp [has_fix.fix], conv { to_lhs, rw [roption.fix_eq hc], } } ⟩

variables {γ : Π a : α, β a → Type*}

section monotone

variables (α β γ)

/-- `sigma.curry` as a monotone function -/
def monotone_curry [∀ x y, preorder $ γ x y] : (Π x : Σ a, β a, γ x.1 x.2) →ₘ (Π a (b : β a), γ a b) :=
{ to_fun := curry,
monotone := λ x y h a b, h ⟨a,b⟩ }

/-- `sigma.uncurry` as a monotone function -/
def monotone_uncurry [∀ x y, preorder $ γ x y] : (Π a (b : β a), γ a b) →ₘ (Π x : Σ a, β a, γ x.1 x.2) :=
{ to_fun := uncurry,
monotone := λ x y h a, h a.1 a.2 }

variables [∀ x y, omega_complete_partial_order $ γ x y]

open omega_complete_partial_order.chain

lemma continuous_curry : continuous $ monotone_curry α β γ :=
λ c, by { ext x y, dsimp [curry,ωSup], rw [map_comp,map_comp], refl }

lemma continuous_uncurry : continuous $ monotone_uncurry α β γ :=
λ c, by { ext x y, dsimp [uncurry,ωSup], rw [map_comp,map_comp], refl }

end monotone

open has_fix

instance [has_fix $ Π x : sigma β, γ x.1 x.2] : has_fix (Π x (y : β x), γ x y) :=
⟨ λ f, curry (fix $ uncurry ∘ f ∘ curry) ⟩

variables [∀ x y, omega_complete_partial_order $ γ x y]

section curry

variables {f : (Π x (y : β x), γ x y) →ₘ (Π x (y : β x), γ x y)}
variables (hc : continuous f)

lemma uncurry_curry_continuous : continuous $ (monotone_uncurry α β γ).comp $ f.comp $ monotone_curry α β γ :=
continuous_comp _ _
(continuous_comp _ _ (continuous_curry _ _ _) hc)
(continuous_uncurry _ _ _)

end curry

instance pi.lawful_fix' [lawful_fix $ Π x : sigma β, γ x.1 x.2] : lawful_fix (Π x y, γ x y) :=
{ fix_eq := λ f hc,
by { dsimp [fix], conv { to_lhs, erw [lawful_fix.fix_eq (uncurry_curry_continuous hc)] }, refl, } }

end pi
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions src/data/nat/up.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Simon Hudon
import data.nat.basic

# `nat.up`

`nat.up p`, with `p` a predicate on `ℕ`, is a subtype of `ℕ` that contains value
`n` if no value below `n` (excluding `n`) satisfies `p`.

This allows us to prove `>` is well-founded when `∃ i, p i`. This helps implement
searches on `ℕ`, starting at `0` and with an unknown upper-bound.
cipher1024 marked this conversation as resolved.
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It is similar to the well founded relation constructed to define `nat.find` with
the difference that, in `nat.up p`, `p` does not need to be decidable. In fact,
`nat.find` could be slightly altered to factor decidability out of its
well founded relation and would then fulfill the same purpose as this file.

namespace nat

/-- subtype of natural numbers characterized by a predicate `p` so
that `>` is well founded -/
def up (p : ℕ → Prop) : Type := { i : ℕ // (∀ j < i, ¬ p j) }

namespace up

variable {p : ℕ → Prop}

/-- "greater than" relation -/
protected def gt (p) : up p → up p → Prop := λ x y, x.1 > y.1

instance : has_lt (up p) :=
{ lt := λ x y, x.1 < y.1 }

protected lemma wf : Exists p → well_founded ( p)
| ⟨x,h⟩ :=
have h : (>) = measure (λ y : nat.up p, x - y.val),
by { ext, dsimp [measure,inv_image],
rw nat.sub_lt_sub_left_iff, refl,
by_contradiction h', revert h,
apply _ (lt_of_not_ge h'), },
cast (congr_arg _ h.symm) (measure_wf _)

/-- Zero is always a member of `nat.up p` because it has no predecessors. -/
def zero : nat.up p := ⟨ 0, λ j h, false.elim (nat.not_lt_zero _ h) ⟩

/-- `n+1` is a value `nat.up p` provided that `n` doesn't satisfy `p` -/
def succ (x : nat.up p) (h : ¬ p x.val) : nat.up p :=
⟨x.val.succ, by { intros j h', rw nat.lt_succ_iff_lt_or_eq at h',
cases h', apply _ h', subst j, apply h } ⟩

end up
end nat