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[Merged by Bors] - feat(group_theory/perm/*): facts about the cardinality of the support of a permutation #6951

wants to merge 12 commits into from
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/undergrad.yaml
Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Group Theory:
Permutation group:
permutation group of a type: 'equiv.perm'
decomposition into transpositions: ''
decomposition into cycles with disjoint support: 'equiv.perm.cycle_factors'
decomposition into cycles with disjoint support: 'equiv.perm.trunc_cycle_factors'
signature: 'equiv.perm.sign'
alternating group: ''
Classical automorphism groups:
Expand Down
67 changes: 46 additions & 21 deletions src/group_theory/perm/cycles.lean
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ variables [fintype α]
application of the permutation. -/
def is_cycle (f : perm β) : Prop := ∃ x, f x ≠ x ∧ ∀ y, f y ≠ y → ∃ i : ℤ, (f ^ i) x = y

lemma is_cycle.ne_one {f : perm β} (h : is_cycle f) : f ≠ 1 :=
λ hf, by simpa [hf, is_cycle] using h

lemma is_cycle.two_le_card_support {f : perm α} (h : is_cycle f) :
2 ≤ :=
two_le_card_support_of_ne_one h.ne_one

lemma is_cycle.swap {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] {x y : α} (hxy : x ≠ y) : is_cycle (swap x y) :=
⟨y, by rwa swap_apply_right,
λ a (ha : ite (a = x) y (ite (a = y) x a) ≠ a),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,15 +214,16 @@ lemma is_cycle.same_cycle {f : perm β} (hf : is_cycle f) {x y : β}
(hx : f x ≠ x) (hy : f y ≠ y) : same_cycle f x y :=
hf.exists_gpow_eq hx hy

noncomputable instance [fintype α] (f : perm α) : decidable_rel (same_cycle f) :=
λ x y, decidable_of_iff (∃ n ∈ list.range (order_of f), (f ^ n) x = y)
instance [fintype α] (f : perm α) : decidable_rel (same_cycle f) :=
λ x y, decidable_of_iff (∃ n ∈ list.range (fintype.card (perm α)), (f ^ n) x = y)
⟨λ ⟨n, _, hn⟩, ⟨n, hn⟩, λ ⟨i, hi⟩, ⟨(i % order_of f).nat_abs, list.mem_range.2
(int.coe_nat_lt.1 $
by { rw int.nat_abs_of_nonneg (int.mod_nonneg _
(int.coe_nat_ne_zero_iff_pos.2 (order_of_pos _))),
calc _ < _ : int.mod_lt _ (int.coe_nat_ne_zero_iff_pos.2 (order_of_pos _))
... = _ : by simp,
exact fintype_perm, }),
{ apply lt_of_lt_of_le (int.mod_lt _ (int.coe_nat_ne_zero_iff_pos.2 (order_of_pos _))),
{ simp [order_of_le_card_univ] },
exact fintype_perm },
exact fintype_perm, }),
by { rw [← gpow_coe_nat, int.nat_abs_of_nonneg (int.mod_nonneg _
(int.coe_nat_ne_zero_iff_pos.2 (order_of_pos _))), ← gpow_eq_mod_order_of, hi],
exact fintype_perm }⟩⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +252,7 @@ by rw [← same_cycle_inv, same_cycle_apply, same_cycle_inv]

/-- `f.cycle_of x` is the cycle of the permutation `f` to which `x` belongs. -/
noncomputable def cycle_of [fintype α] (f : perm α) (x : α) : perm α :=
def cycle_of [fintype α] (f : perm α) (x : α) : perm α :=
of_subtype (@subtype_perm _ f (same_cycle f x) (λ _, same_cycle_apply.symm))

lemma cycle_of_apply [fintype α] (f : perm α) (x y : α) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,7 +311,7 @@ have cycle_of f x x ≠ x, by rwa [(same_cycle.refl _ _).cycle_of_apply],

/-- Given a list `l : list α` and a permutation `f : perm α` whose nonfixed points are all in `l`,
recursively factors `f` into cycles. -/
noncomputable def cycle_factors_aux [fintype α] : Π (l : list α) (f : perm α),
def cycle_factors_aux [fintype α] : Π (l : list α) (f : perm α),
(∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l) →
{l : list (perm α) // = f ∧ (∀ g ∈ l, is_cycle g) ∧ l.pairwise disjoint}
| [] f h := ⟨[], by { simp only [imp_false, list.pairwise.nil, list.not_mem_nil, forall_const,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,34 +345,51 @@ else let ⟨m, hm₁, hm₂, hm₃⟩ := cycle_factors_aux l ((cycle_of f x)⁻

/-- Factors a permutation `f` into a list of disjoint cyclic permutations that multiply to `f`. -/
noncomputable def cycle_factors [fintype α] [linear_order α] (f : perm α) :
def cycle_factors [fintype α] [linear_order α] (f : perm α) :
{l : list (perm α) // = f ∧ (∀ g ∈ l, is_cycle g) ∧ l.pairwise disjoint} :=
cycle_factors_aux (univ.sort (≤)) f (λ _ _, (mem_sort _).2 (mem_univ _))

eric-wieser marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
/-- Factors a permutation `f` into a list of disjoint cyclic permutations that multiply to `f`,
without a linear order. -/
def trunc_cycle_factors [fintype α] (f : perm α) :
trunc {l : list (perm α) // = f ∧ (∀ g ∈ l, is_cycle g) ∧ l.pairwise disjoint} :=
quotient.rec_on_subsingleton (@univ α _).1
(λ l h, (cycle_factors_aux l f h))
(show ∀ x, f x ≠ x → x ∈ (@univ α _).1, from λ _ _, mem_univ _)

awainverse marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
@[elab_as_eliminator] lemma cycle_induction_on [fintype β] {P : perm β → Prop} (σ : perm β)
(base_one : P 1) (base_cycles : ∀ σ : perm β, σ.is_cycle → P σ)
(induction_disjoint : ∀ σ τ : perm β, disjoint σ τ → P σ → P τ → P (σ * τ)) :
P σ :=
suffices :
∀ l : list (perm β), (∀ τ : perm β, τ ∈ l → τ.is_cycle) → l.pairwise disjoint → P,
{ let x := σ.trunc_cycle_factors.out,
awainverse marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
exact (congr_arg P x.2.1).mp (this x.1 x.2.2.1 x.2.2.2) },
intro l,
induction l with σ l ih,
{ exact λ _ _, base_one },
{ intros h1 h2,
rw list.prod_cons,
exact induction_disjoint σ
(disjoint_prod_list_of_disjoint ( h2).1)
(base_cycles σ (h1 σ (l.mem_cons_self σ)))
(ih (λ τ hτ, h1 τ (list.mem_cons_of_mem σ hτ)) (list.pairwise_of_pairwise_cons h2)) },

section fixed_points

### Fixed points

lemma one_lt_nonfixed_point_card_of_ne_one [fintype α] {σ : perm α} (h : σ ≠ 1) :
1 < (filter (λ x, σ x ≠ x) univ).card :=
rw one_lt_card_iff,
contrapose! h,
ext x,
have := h (σ x) x,
contrapose! this,

lemma fixed_point_card_lt_of_ne_one [fintype α] {σ : perm α} (h : σ ≠ 1) :
(filter (λ x, σ x = x) univ).card < fintype.card α - 1 :=
rw [nat.lt_sub_left_iff_add_lt, ← nat.lt_sub_right_iff_add_lt, ← finset.card_compl,
exact one_lt_nonfixed_point_card_of_ne_one h
exact one_lt_card_support_of_ne_one h

end fixed_points
Expand Down
159 changes: 153 additions & 6 deletions src/group_theory/perm/sign.lean
Expand Up @@ -207,16 +207,56 @@ lemma gpow_apply_eq_of_apply_apply_eq_self {f : perm α} {x : α} (hffx : f (f x

variable [decidable_eq α]

section fintype
variable [fintype α]

/-- The `finset` of nonfixed points of a permutation. -/
def support [fintype α] (f : perm α) : finset α := univ.filter (λ x, f x ≠ x)
def support (f : perm α) : finset α := univ.filter (λ x, f x ≠ x)

@[simp] lemma mem_support {f : perm α} {x : α} : x ∈ ↔ f x ≠ x :=
by rw [support, mem_filter, and_iff_right (mem_univ x)]

@[simp] lemma mem_support [fintype α] {f : perm α} {x : α} : x ∈ ↔ f x ≠ x :=
by simp only [support, true_and, mem_filter, mem_univ]
@[simp] lemma support_eq_empty_iff {σ : perm α} : σ.support = ∅ ↔ σ = 1 :=
by simp_rw [finset.ext_iff, mem_support, finset.not_mem_empty, iff_false, not_not,
equiv.perm.ext_iff, one_apply]

@[simp] lemma support_one : (1 : perm α).support = ∅ :=
by rw support_eq_empty_iff

lemma support_mul_le (f g : perm α) :
(f * g).support ≤ ∪ :=
awainverse marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
λ x, begin
rw [mem_union, mem_support, mem_support, mem_support, mul_apply, ←not_and_distrib, not_imp_not],
rintro ⟨hf, hg⟩,
rw [hg, hf]

lemma support_pow_le [fintype α] (σ : perm α) (n : ℤ) :
lemma exists_mem_support_of_mem_support_prod {l : list (perm α)} {x : α}
(hx : x ∈ :
∃ f : perm α, f ∈ l ∧ x ∈ :=
contrapose! hx,
simp_rw [mem_support, not_not] at hx ⊢,
induction l with f l ih generalizing hx,
{ refl },
{ rw [list.prod_cons, mul_apply, ih (λ g hg, hx g (or.inr hg)), hx f (or.inl rfl)] },

lemma support_pow_le (σ : perm α) (n : ℤ) :
(σ ^ n).support ≤ σ.support :=
λ x h1, mem_support.mpr (λ h2, h1 (gpow_apply_eq_self_of_apply_eq_self h2 n))

@[simp] lemma support_inv (σ : perm α) : support (σ⁻¹) = σ.support :=
by simp_rw [finset.ext_iff, mem_support, not_iff_not,
(inv_eq_iff_eq).trans eq_comm, iff_self, imp_true_iff]

lemma apply_mem_support {f : perm α} {x : α} :
f x ∈ ↔ x ∈ :=
by rw [mem_support, mem_support, ne.def, ne.def, not_iff_not, apply_eq_iff_eq]

end fintype

/-- `f.is_swap` indicates that the permutation `f` is a transposition of two elements. -/
def is_swap (f : perm α) : Prop := ∃ x y, x ≠ y ∧ f = swap x y

Expand All @@ -240,7 +280,10 @@ begin
{ split_ifs at hy; cc }

lemma support_swap_mul_eq [fintype α] {f : perm α} {x : α}
section fintype
variables [fintype α]

lemma support_swap_mul_eq {f : perm α} {x : α}
(hffx : f (f x) ≠ x) : (swap x (f x) * f).support = x :=
have hfx : f x ≠ x, from λ hfx, by simpa [hfx] using hffx,
finset.ext $ λ y,
Expand All @@ -252,12 +295,44 @@ finset.ext $ λ y,
λ hy, by simp only [mem_erase, mem_support, swap_apply_def, mul_apply] at *;
intro; split_ifs at *; simp only [*, eq_self_iff_true, not_true, ne.def] at *⟩

lemma card_support_swap_mul [fintype α] {f : perm α} {x : α}
lemma card_support_eq_zero {f : perm α} : = 0 ↔ f = 1 :=
by rw [finset.card_eq_zero, support_eq_empty_iff]

lemma one_lt_card_support_of_ne_one {f : perm α} (h : f ≠ 1) :
1 < :=
simp_rw [one_lt_card_iff, mem_support, ←not_or_distrib],
contrapose! h,
ext a,
specialize h (f a) a,
rwa [apply_eq_iff_eq, or_self, or_self] at h,

lemma card_support_ne_one (f : perm α) : ≠ 1 :=
by_cases h : f = 1,
{ exact ne_of_eq_of_ne (card_support_eq_zero.mpr h) zero_ne_one },
{ exact ne_of_gt (one_lt_card_support_of_ne_one h) },

@[simp] lemma card_support_le_one {f : perm α} : ≤ 1 ↔ f = 1 :=
by rw [le_iff_lt_or_eq, nat.lt_succ_iff, nat.le_zero_iff, card_support_eq_zero,
or_iff_not_imp_right, imp_iff_right f.card_support_ne_one]

lemma two_le_card_support_of_ne_one {f : perm α} (h : f ≠ 1) :
2 ≤ :=
one_lt_card_support_of_ne_one h

lemma card_support_swap_mul {f : perm α} {x : α}
(hx : f x ≠ x) : (swap x (f x) * f).support.card < :=
⟨λ z hz, mem_support.2 (ne_and_ne_of_swap_mul_apply_ne_self (mem_support.1 hz)).1,
λ h, absurd (h (mem_support.2 hx)) (mt mem_support.1 (by simp))⟩

end fintype

/-- Given a list `l : list α` and a permutation `f : perm α` such that the nonfixed points of `f`
are in `l`, recursively factors `f` as a product of transpositions. -/
def swap_factors_aux : Π (l : list α) (f : perm α), (∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l) →
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -666,6 +741,27 @@ lemma card_support_swap {x y : α} (hxy : x ≠ y) : (swap x y).support.card = 2
show (swap x y).support.card = finset.card ⟨x ::ₘ y ::ₘ 0, by simp [hxy]⟩,
from congr_arg card $ by simp [support_swap hxy, *, finset.ext_iff]

lemma card_support_eq_two {f : perm α} : = 2 ↔ is_swap f :=
split; intro h,
{ obtain ⟨x, t, hmem, hins, ht⟩ := card_eq_succ.1 h,
obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ := card_eq_one.1 ht,
rw mem_singleton at hmem,
refine ⟨x, y, hmem, _⟩,
ext a,
have key : ∀ b, f b ≠ b ↔ _ := λ b, by rw [←mem_support, ←hins, mem_insert, mem_singleton],
by_cases ha : f a = a,
{ have ha' := (mt (key a).mpr (not_not.mpr ha)),
rw [ha, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne ha'.1 ha'.2] },
{ have ha' := (key (f a)).mp (mt ha),
obtain rfl | rfl := ((key a).mp ha),
{ rw [or.resolve_left ha' ha, swap_apply_left] },
{ rw [or.resolve_right ha' ha, swap_apply_right] } } },
{ obtain ⟨x, y, hxy, rfl⟩ := h,
exact card_support_swap hxy }

/-- If we apply `prod_extend_right a (σ a)` for all `a : α` in turn,
we get `prod_congr_right σ`. -/
lemma prod_prod_extend_right {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] (σ : α → perm β)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -760,4 +856,55 @@ end congr

end sign

section disjoint
variables [fintype α] {f g : perm α}

lemma disjoint_iff_disjoint_support :
disjoint f g ↔ _root_.disjoint :=
change (∀ x, f x = x ∨ g x = x) ↔ (∀ x, x ∉ ( ∩,
simp_rw [finset.mem_inter, not_and_distrib, mem_support, not_not],

lemma disjoint.disjoint_support (h : disjoint f g) :
_root_.disjoint :=
disjoint_iff_disjoint_support.1 h

lemma disjoint.support_mul (h : disjoint f g) :
(f * g).support = ∪ :=
refine le_antisymm (support_mul_le _ _) (λ a, _),
rw [mem_union, mem_support, mem_support, mem_support, mul_apply, ←not_and_distrib, not_imp_not],
exact (h a).elim (λ hf h, ⟨hf, (h.trans hf.symm)⟩)
(λ hg h, ⟨(congr_arg f hg).symm.trans h, hg⟩),

lemma disjoint.card_support_mul (h : disjoint f g) :
(f * g).support.card = + :=
(congr_arg card h.support_mul).trans (finset.card_disjoint_union h.disjoint_support)

lemma disjoint_prod_list_of_disjoint [fintype β] {f : perm β} {l : list (perm β)}
(h : ∀ g, g ∈ l → disjoint f g) : disjoint f :=
intro x,
by_cases hx : x = x,
{ exact or.inr hx },
{ obtain ⟨f, fl, fx⟩ := exists_mem_support_of_mem_support_prod (mem_support.mpr hx),
exact (h f fl x).imp_right (λ fx', (( fx) fx').elim) }

lemma card_support_prod_list_of_pairwise_disjoint {l : list (perm α)}
(h : l.pairwise disjoint) : = ( (finset.card ∘ support)).sum :=
induction l with a t ih,
{ exact card_support_eq_zero.mpr rfl, },
{ obtain ⟨ha, ht⟩ := list.pairwise_cons.1 h,
rw [list.prod_cons, list.map_cons, list.sum_cons, ←ih ht],
exact (disjoint_prod_list_of_disjoint ha).card_support_mul }

end disjoint

end equiv.perm