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[Merged by Bors] - feat(computability/tm_to_partrec): prove finiteness #6955

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332 changes: 327 additions & 5 deletions src/computability/tm_to_partrec.lean
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Authors: Mario Carneiro
import computability.halting
import computability.turing_machine
import data.num.lemmas
import tactic.derive_fintype

# Modelling partial recursive functions using Turing machines
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ namespace to_partrec

/-- The type of codes for primitive recursive functions. Unlike `nat.partrec.code`, this uses a set
of operations on `list ℕ`. See `code.eval` for a description of the behavior of the primitives. -/
@[derive inhabited]
@[derive [decidable_eq, inhabited]]
inductive code
| zero'
| succ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,7 +343,13 @@ def cont.eval : cont → list ℕ →. list ℕ
| (cont.comp f k) := λ v, code.eval f v >>= cont.eval k
| (cont.fix f k) := λ v, if v.head = 0 then k.eval v.tail else f.fix.eval v.tail >>= k.eval

/-- The semantics of a continuation. -/
/-- The set of configurations of the machine:

* `halt v`: The machine is about to stop and `v : list ℕ` is the result.
* `ret k v`: The machine is about to pass `v : list ℕ` to continuation `k : cont`.

We don't have a state corresponding to normal evaluation because these are evaluated immediately
to a `ret` "in zero steps" using the `step_normal` function. -/
@[derive inhabited]
inductive cfg
| halt : list ℕ → cfg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,7 +730,7 @@ open to_partrec
/-- The alphabet for the stacks in the program. `bit0` and `bit1` are used to represent `ℕ` values
as lists of binary digits, `cons` is used to separate `list ℕ` values, and `Cons` is used to
separate `list (list ℕ)` values. See the section documentation. -/
@[derive [decidable_eq, inhabited]]
@[derive [decidable_eq, inhabited, fintype]]
inductive Γ' | Cons | cons | bit0 | bit1

/-- The four stacks used by the program. `main` is used to store the input value in `tr_normal`
Expand All @@ -738,7 +745,7 @@ open K'
the set of all continuations in the program to be finite (so that it can ultimately be encoded into
the finite state machine of a Turing machine), but a continuation can handle a potentially infinite
number of data values during execution. -/
@[derive inhabited]
@[derive [decidable_eq, inhabited]]
inductive cont'
| halt
| cons₁ : code → cont' → cont'
Expand All @@ -763,6 +770,12 @@ inductive Λ'

instance : inhabited Λ' := ⟨Λ'.ret cont'.halt⟩

instance : decidable_eq Λ' :=
λ a b, begin
induction a generalizing b; cases b; try { apply decidable.is_false, rintro ⟨⟨⟩⟩, done },
all_goals { exactI decidable_of_iff' _ (by simp [function.funext_iff]) },
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/-- The type of TM2 statements used by this machine. -/
@[derive inhabited]
def stmt' := TM2.stmt (λ _:K', Γ') Λ' (option Γ')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1252,7 +1265,7 @@ theorem tr_ret_respects (k v s) : ∃ b₂, tr_cfg (step_ret k v) b₂ ∧
⟨some (Λ'.ret (tr_cont k)), s, K'.elim (tr_list v) [] [] (tr_cont_stack k)⟩ b₂ :=
induction k generalizing v s,
case halt : { exact ⟨_, rfl, trans_gen.single rfl⟩ },
case halt { exact ⟨_, rfl, trans_gen.single rfl⟩ },
case cons₁ : fs as k IH {
obtain ⟨s', h₁, h₂⟩ := tr_normal_respects fs (cont.cons₂ v k) as none,
refine ⟨s', h₁, trans_gen.head rfl _⟩, simp,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1318,6 +1331,315 @@ begin
exact h }

/-- The set of machine states reachable via downward label jumps, discounting jumps via `ret`. -/
def tr_stmts₁ : Λ' → finset Λ'
| Q@(Λ'.move p k₁ k₂ q) := insert Q $ tr_stmts₁ q
| Q@(Λ'.push k f q) := insert Q $ tr_stmts₁ q
| Q@(Λ'.read q) := insert Q $ finset.univ.bUnion $ λ s, tr_stmts₁ (q s)
| Q@(Λ'.clear p k q) := insert Q $ tr_stmts₁ q
| Q@(Λ'.copy q) := insert Q $ tr_stmts₁ q
| Q@(Λ'.succ q) := insert Q $ insert (unrev q) $ tr_stmts₁ q
| Q@(Λ'.pred q₁ q₂) := insert Q $ tr_stmts₁ q₁ ∪ insert (unrev q₂) (tr_stmts₁ q₂)
| Q@(Λ'.ret k) := {Q}

theorem tr_stmts₁_trans {q q'} : q' ∈ tr_stmts₁ q → tr_stmts₁ q' ⊆ tr_stmts₁ q :=
induction q;
simp only [tr_stmts₁, finset.mem_insert, finset.mem_union, or_imp_distrib,
finset.mem_singleton, finset.subset.refl, imp_true_iff, true_and] {contextual := tt},
iterate 4 { exact λ h, finset.subset.trans (q_ih h) (finset.subset_insert _ _) },
{ simp, intros s h x h', simp, exact or.inr ⟨_, q_ih s h h'⟩ },
{ split,
{ rintro rfl, apply finset.subset_insert },
{ intros h x h', simp, exact or.inr (or.inr $ q_ih h h') } },
{ refine ⟨λ h x h', _, λ h x h', _, λ h x h', _⟩; simp,
{ exact or.inr (or.inr $ or.inl $ q_ih_q₁ h h') },
{ cases finset.mem_insert.1 h' with h' h'; simp [h', unrev] },
{ exact or.inr (or.inr $ or.inr $ q_ih_q₂ h h') } },

theorem tr_stmts₁_self (q) : q ∈ tr_stmts₁ q :=
by induction q; { apply finset.mem_singleton_self <|> apply finset.mem_insert_self }

/-- The (finite!) set of machine states visited during the course of evaluation of `c`,
including the state `ret k` but not any states after that (that is, the states visited while
evaluating `k`). -/
def code_supp' : code → cont' → finset Λ'
|' k := tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k)
| c@code.succ k := tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k)
| c@code.tail k := tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k)
| c@(code.cons f fs) k :=
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k) ∪ (code_supp' f (cont'.cons₁ fs k) ∪
(tr_stmts₁ (
move₂ (λ _, ff) main aux $
move₂ (λ s, s = Γ'.Cons) stack main $
move₂ (λ _, ff) aux stack $
tr_normal fs (cont'.cons₂ k)) ∪ (code_supp' fs (cont'.cons₂ k) ∪
tr_stmts₁ (head stack $ Λ'.ret k))))
| c@(code.comp f g) k :=
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k) ∪ (code_supp' g (cont'.comp f k) ∪
(tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal f k) ∪ code_supp' f k))
| c@( f g) k := tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k) ∪ (code_supp' f k ∪ code_supp' g k)
| c@(code.fix f) k :=
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k) ∪ (code_supp' f (cont'.fix f k) ∪
(tr_stmts₁ (Λ'.clear nat_end main $ tr_normal f (cont'.fix f k)) ∪ {Λ'.ret k}))

@[simp] theorem code_supp'_self (c k) : tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k) ⊆ code_supp' c k :=
by cases c; refl <|> exact finset.subset_union_left _ _

/-- The (finite!) set of machine states visited during the course of evaluation of a continuation
`k`, not including the initial state `ret k`. -/
def cont_supp : cont' → finset Λ'
| (cont'.cons₁ fs k) :=
tr_stmts₁ (
move₂ (λ _, ff) main aux $
move₂ (λ s, s = Γ'.Cons) stack main $
move₂ (λ _, ff) aux stack $
tr_normal fs (cont'.cons₂ k)) ∪ (code_supp' fs (cont'.cons₂ k) ∪
(tr_stmts₁ (head stack $ Λ'.ret k) ∪ cont_supp k))
| (cont'.cons₂ k) := tr_stmts₁ (head stack $ Λ'.ret k) ∪ cont_supp k
| (cont'.comp f k) := code_supp' f k ∪ cont_supp k
| (cont'.fix f k) := code_supp' (code.fix f) k ∪ cont_supp k
| cont'.halt := ∅

/-- The (finite!) set of machine states visited during the course of evaluation of `c` in
continuation `k`. This is actually closed under forward simulation (see `tr_supports`), and the
existence of this set means that the machine constructed in this section is in fact a proper
Turing machine, with a finite set of states. -/
def code_supp (c : code) (k : cont') : finset Λ' := code_supp' c k ∪ cont_supp k

@[simp] theorem code_supp_self (c k) : tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal c k) ⊆ code_supp c k :=
finset.subset.trans (code_supp'_self _ _) (finset.subset_union_left _ _)

@[simp] theorem code_supp_zero (k) : code_supp' k =
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal' k) ∪ cont_supp k := rfl

@[simp] theorem code_supp_succ (k) : code_supp code.succ k =
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal code.succ k) ∪ cont_supp k := rfl

@[simp] theorem code_supp_tail (k) : code_supp code.tail k =
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal code.tail k) ∪ cont_supp k := rfl

@[simp] theorem code_supp_cons (f fs k) : code_supp (code.cons f fs) k =
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal (code.cons f fs) k) ∪ code_supp f (cont'.cons₁ fs k) :=
by simp [code_supp, code_supp', cont_supp, finset.union_assoc]

@[simp] theorem code_supp_comp (f g k) : code_supp (code.comp f g) k =
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal (code.comp f g) k) ∪ code_supp g (cont'.comp f k) :=
simp [code_supp, code_supp', cont_supp, finset.union_assoc],
rw [← finset.union_assoc _ _ (cont_supp k),
finset.union_eq_right_iff_subset.2 (code_supp'_self _ _)]

@[simp] theorem code_supp_case (f g k) : code_supp ( f g) k =
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal ( f g) k) ∪ (code_supp f k ∪ code_supp g k) :=
by simp [code_supp, code_supp', cont_supp, finset.union_assoc, finset.union_left_comm]

@[simp] theorem code_supp_fix (f k) : code_supp (code.fix f) k =
tr_stmts₁ (tr_normal (code.fix f) k) ∪ code_supp f (cont'.fix f k) :=
by simp [code_supp, code_supp', cont_supp, finset.union_assoc,
finset.union_left_comm, finset.union_left_idem]

@[simp] theorem cont_supp_cons₁ (fs k) : cont_supp (cont'.cons₁ fs k) =
tr_stmts₁ (move₂ (λ _, ff) main aux $ move₂ (λ s, s = Γ'.Cons) stack main $
move₂ (λ _, ff) aux stack $ tr_normal fs (cont'.cons₂ k)) ∪ code_supp fs (cont'.cons₂ k) :=
by simp [code_supp, code_supp', cont_supp, finset.union_assoc]

@[simp] theorem cont_supp_cons₂ (k) : cont_supp (cont'.cons₂ k) =
tr_stmts₁ (head stack $ Λ'.ret k) ∪ cont_supp k := rfl

@[simp] theorem cont_supp_comp (f k) : cont_supp (cont'.comp f k) = code_supp f k := rfl

theorem cont_supp_fix (f k) : cont_supp (cont'.fix f k) = code_supp f (cont'.fix f k) :=
by simp [code_supp, code_supp', cont_supp, finset.union_assoc,
finset.subset_iff] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] theorem cont_supp_halt : cont_supp cont'.halt = ∅ := rfl

/-- The statement `Λ'.supports S q` means that `cont_supp k ⊆ S` for any `ret k`
reachable from `q`.
(This is a technical condition used in the proof that the machine is supported.) -/
def Λ'.supports (S : finset Λ') : Λ' → Prop
| Q@(Λ'.move p k₁ k₂ q) := Λ'.supports q
| Q@(Λ'.push k f q) := Λ'.supports q
| Q@(Λ'.read q) := ∀ s, Λ'.supports (q s)
| Q@(Λ'.clear p k q) := Λ'.supports q
| Q@(Λ'.copy q) := Λ'.supports q
| Q@(Λ'.succ q) := Λ'.supports q
| Q@(Λ'.pred q₁ q₂) := Λ'.supports q₁ ∧ Λ'.supports q₂
| Q@(Λ'.ret k) := cont_supp k ⊆ S

/-- A shorthand for the predicate that we are proving in the main theorems `tr_stmts₁_supports`,
`code_supp'_supports`, `cont_supp_supports`, `code_supp_supports`. The set `S` is fixed throughout
the proof, and denotes the full set of states in the machine, while `K` is a subset that we are
currently proving a property about. The predicate asserts that every state in `K` is closed in `S`
under forward simulation, i.e. stepping forward through evaluation starting from any state in `K`
stays entirely within `S`. -/
def supports (K S : finset Λ') := ∀ q ∈ K, TM2.supports_stmt S (tr q)

theorem supports_insert {K S q} :
supports (insert q K) S ↔ TM2.supports_stmt S (tr q) ∧ supports K S :=
by simp [supports]

theorem supports_singleton {S q} : supports {q} S ↔ TM2.supports_stmt S (tr q) :=
by simp [supports]

theorem supports_union {K₁ K₂ S} :
supports (K₁ ∪ K₂) S ↔ supports K₁ S ∧ supports K₂ S :=
by simp [supports, or_imp_distrib, forall_and_distrib]

theorem supports_bUnion {K:option Γ' → finset Λ'} {S} :
supports (finset.univ.bUnion K) S ↔ ∀ a, supports (K a) S :=
by simp [supports]; apply forall_swap

theorem head_supports {S k q} (H : (q:Λ').supports S) : (head k q).supports S :=
λ _, by dsimp only; split_ifs; exact H

theorem ret_supports {S k} (H₁: cont_supp k ⊆ S) : TM2.supports_stmt S (tr (Λ'.ret k)) :=
have W := λ {q}, tr_stmts₁_self q,
cases k,
case halt { trivial },
case cons₁ { rw [cont_supp_cons₁, finset.union_subset_iff] at H₁, exact λ _, H₁.1 W },
case cons₂ { rw [cont_supp_cons₂, finset.union_subset_iff] at H₁, exact λ _, H₁.1 W },
case comp { rw [cont_supp_comp] at H₁, exact λ _, H₁ (code_supp_self _ _ W) },
case fix {
rw [cont_supp_fix] at H₁,
have L := @finset.mem_union_left, have R := @finset.mem_union_right,
intro s, dsimp only, cases nat_end s.iget,
{ refine H₁ (R _ $ L _ $ R _ $ R _ $ L _ W) },
{ exact H₁ (R _ $ L _ $ R _ $ R _ $ R _ $ finset.mem_singleton_self _) } }

theorem tr_stmts₁_supports {S q}
(H₁ : (q:Λ').supports S) (HS₁ : tr_stmts₁ q ⊆ S) : supports (tr_stmts₁ q) S :=
have W := λ {q}, tr_stmts₁_self q,
induction q; simp [tr_stmts₁] at HS₁ ⊢,
any_goals {
cases finset.insert_subset.1 HS₁ with h₁ h₂,
id { have h₃ := h₂ W } <|> try { simp [finset.subset_iff] at h₂ } },
{ exact supports_insert.2 ⟨⟨λ _, h₃, λ _, h₁⟩, q_ih H₁ h₂⟩ }, -- move
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Should any_goals maybe preserve tags?

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Perhaps, but I'm not planning on doing anything about that in this PR.

{ exact supports_insert.2 ⟨⟨λ _, h₃, λ _, h₁⟩, q_ih H₁ h₂⟩ }, -- clear
{ exact supports_insert.2 ⟨⟨λ _, h₁, λ _, h₃⟩, q_ih H₁ h₂⟩ }, -- copy
{ exact supports_insert.2 ⟨⟨λ _, h₃, λ _, h₃⟩, q_ih H₁ h₂⟩ }, -- push
-- read
{ refine supports_insert.2 ⟨λ _, h₂ _ W, _⟩,
exact supports_bUnion.2 (λ _, q_ih _ (H₁ _) (λ _ h, h₂ _ h)) },
-- succ
{ refine supports_insert.2 ⟨⟨λ _, h₁, λ _, h₂.1, λ _, h₂.1⟩, _⟩,
exact supports_insert.2 ⟨⟨λ _, h₂.2 _ W, λ _, h₂.1⟩, q_ih H₁ h₂.2⟩ },
-- pred
{ refine supports_insert.2 ⟨⟨λ _, h₁, λ _, h₂.2 _ (or.inl W), λ _, h₂.1, λ _, h₂.1⟩, _⟩,
refine supports_insert.2 ⟨⟨λ _, h₂.2 _ (or.inr W), λ _, h₂.1⟩, _⟩,
refine supports_union.2 ⟨_, _⟩,
{ exact q_ih_q₁ H₁.1 (λ _ h, h₂.2 _ (or.inl h)) },
{ exact q_ih_q₂ H₁.2 (λ _ h, h₂.2 _ (or.inr h)) } },
-- ret
{ exact supports_singleton.2 (ret_supports H₁) },

theorem tr_stmts₁_supports' {S q K} (H₁ : (q:Λ').supports S) (H₂ : tr_stmts₁ q ∪ K ⊆ S)
(H₃ : K ⊆ S → supports K S) : supports (tr_stmts₁ q ∪ K) S :=
simp [finset.union_subset_iff] at H₂,
exact supports_union.2 ⟨tr_stmts₁_supports H₁ H₂.1, H₃ H₂.2⟩,

theorem tr_normal_supports {S c k} (Hk : code_supp c k ⊆ S) : (tr_normal c k).supports S :=
induction c generalizing k; simp [Λ'.supports, head],
case zero' { exact finset.union_subset_right Hk },
case succ { intro, split_ifs; exact finset.union_subset_right Hk },
case tail { exact finset.union_subset_right Hk },
case cons : f fs IHf IHfs {
apply IHf, rw code_supp_cons at Hk, exact finset.union_subset_right Hk },
case comp : f g IHf IHg {
apply IHg, rw code_supp_comp at Hk, exact finset.union_subset_right Hk },
case case : f g IHf IHg {
simp only [code_supp_case, finset.union_subset_iff] at Hk,
exact ⟨IHf Hk.2.1, IHg Hk.2.2⟩ },
case fix : f IHf { apply IHf, rw code_supp_fix at Hk, exact finset.union_subset_right Hk },

theorem code_supp'_supports {S c k}
(H : code_supp c k ⊆ S) : supports (code_supp' c k) S :=
induction c generalizing k,
iterate 3 {
exact tr_stmts₁_supports (tr_normal_supports H)
(finset.subset.trans (code_supp_self _ _) H) },
case cons : f fs IHf IHfs {
have H' := H, simp only [code_supp_cons, finset.union_subset_iff] at H',
refine tr_stmts₁_supports' (tr_normal_supports H) (finset.union_subset_left H) (λ h, _),
refine supports_union.2 ⟨IHf H'.2, _⟩,
refine tr_stmts₁_supports' (tr_normal_supports _) (finset.union_subset_right h) (λ h, _),
{ simp only [code_supp, finset.union_subset_iff, cont_supp] at h H ⊢,
exact ⟨h.2.2.1, h.2.2.2, H.2⟩ },
refine supports_union.2 ⟨IHfs _, _⟩,
{ rw [code_supp, cont_supp_cons₁] at H',
exact finset.union_subset_right (finset.union_subset_right H'.2) },
exact tr_stmts₁_supports (head_supports $ finset.union_subset_right H)
(finset.union_subset_right h) },
case comp : f g IHf IHg {
have H' := H, rw [code_supp_comp] at H', have H' := finset.union_subset_right H',
refine tr_stmts₁_supports' (tr_normal_supports H) (finset.union_subset_left H) (λ h, _),
refine supports_union.2 ⟨IHg H', _⟩,
refine tr_stmts₁_supports' (tr_normal_supports _) (finset.union_subset_right h) (λ h, _),
{ simp only [code_supp', code_supp, finset.union_subset_iff, cont_supp] at h H ⊢,
exact ⟨h.2.2, H.2⟩ },
exact IHf (finset.union_subset_right H') },
case case : f g IHf IHg {
have H' := H, simp only [code_supp_case, finset.union_subset_iff] at H',
refine tr_stmts₁_supports' (tr_normal_supports H) (finset.union_subset_left H) (λ h, _),
exact supports_union.2 ⟨IHf H'.2.1, IHg H'.2.2⟩ },
case fix : f IHf {
have H' := H, simp only [code_supp_fix, finset.union_subset_iff] at H',
refine tr_stmts₁_supports' (tr_normal_supports H) (finset.union_subset_left H) (λ h, _),
refine supports_union.2 ⟨IHf H'.2, _⟩,
refine tr_stmts₁_supports' (tr_normal_supports _) (finset.union_subset_right h) (λ h, _),
{ simp only [code_supp', code_supp, finset.union_subset_iff, cont_supp,
tr_stmts₁, finset.insert_subset] at h H ⊢,
exact ⟨h.1, ⟨H.1.1, h⟩, H.2⟩ },
exact supports_singleton.2 (ret_supports $ finset.union_subset_right H) },

theorem cont_supp_supports {S k}
(H : cont_supp k ⊆ S) : supports (cont_supp k) S :=
induction k,
{ simp [cont_supp_halt, supports] },
case cons₁ : f k IH {
have H₁ := H, rw [cont_supp_cons₁] at H₁, have H₂ := finset.union_subset_right H₁,
refine tr_stmts₁_supports' (tr_normal_supports H₂) H₁ (λ h, _),
refine supports_union.2 ⟨code_supp'_supports H₂, _⟩,
simp only [code_supp, cont_supp_cons₂, finset.union_subset_iff] at H₂,
exact tr_stmts₁_supports' (head_supports H₂.2.2) (finset.union_subset_right h) IH },
case cons₂ : k IH {
have H' := H, rw [cont_supp_cons₂] at H',
exact tr_stmts₁_supports' (head_supports $ finset.union_subset_right H') H' IH },
case comp : f k IH {
have H' := H, rw [cont_supp_comp] at H', have H₂ := finset.union_subset_right H',
exact supports_union.2 ⟨code_supp'_supports H', IH H₂⟩ },
case fix : f k IH {
rw cont_supp at H,
exact supports_union.2 ⟨code_supp'_supports H, IH (finset.union_subset_right H)⟩ }

theorem code_supp_supports {S c k}
(H : code_supp c k ⊆ S) : supports (code_supp c k) S :=
supports_union.2 ⟨code_supp'_supports H, cont_supp_supports (finset.union_subset_right H)⟩

/-- The set `code_supp c k` is a finite set that witnesses the effective finiteness of the `tr`
Turing machine. Starting from the initial state `tr_normal c k`, forward simulation uses only
states in `code_supp c k`, so this is a finite state machine. Even though the underlying type of
state labels `Λ'` is infinite, for a given partial recursive function `c` and continuation `k`,
only finitely many states are accessed, corresponding roughly to subterms of `c`. -/
theorem tr_supports (c k) : @TM2.supports _ _ _ _ _ ⟨tr_normal c k⟩ tr (code_supp c k) :=
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The non-standard inhabited instance is a bit ugly here.

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The TM2 functions assume that there is a single initial state given by the default on the type. For this proof we need a family of TMs with different starting points, so we have to override the inhabited instance in the statement.

⟨code_supp_self _ _ (tr_stmts₁_self _),
λ l', code_supp_supports (finset.subset.refl _) _⟩


end partrec_to_TM2
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