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[Merged by Bors] - split(analysis/convex/combination): split off analysis.convex.basic #9115

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291 changes: 0 additions & 291 deletions src/analysis/convex/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -1176,192 +1176,6 @@ by simpa only [add_comm] using hf.translate_right

end functions

/-! ### Center of mass -/

section center_mass

/-- Center of mass of a finite collection of points with prescribed weights.
Note that we require neither `0 ≤ w i` nor `∑ w = 1`. -/
noncomputable def finset.center_mass (t : finset ι) (w : ι → ℝ) (z : ι → E) : E :=
(∑ i in t, w i)⁻¹ • (∑ i in t, w i • z i)

variables (i j : ι) (c : ℝ) (t : finset ι) (w : ι → ℝ) (z : ι → E)

open finset

lemma finset.center_mass_empty : (∅ : finset ι).center_mass w z = 0 :=
by simp only [center_mass, sum_empty, smul_zero]

lemma finset.center_mass_pair (hne : i ≠ j) :
({i, j} : finset ι).center_mass w z = (w i / (w i + w j)) • z i + (w j / (w i + w j)) • z j :=
by simp only [center_mass, sum_pair hne, smul_add, (mul_smul _ _ _).symm, div_eq_inv_mul]

variable {w}

lemma finset.center_mass_insert (ha : i ∉ t) (hw : ∑ j in t, w j ≠ 0) :
(insert i t).center_mass w z = (w i / (w i + ∑ j in t, w j)) • z i +
((∑ j in t, w j) / (w i + ∑ j in t, w j)) • t.center_mass w z :=
simp only [center_mass, sum_insert ha, smul_add, (mul_smul _ _ _).symm, ← div_eq_inv_mul],
congr' 2,
rw [div_mul_eq_mul_div, mul_inv_cancel hw, one_div]

lemma finset.center_mass_singleton (hw : w i ≠ 0) : ({i} : finset ι).center_mass w z = z i :=
by rw [center_mass, sum_singleton, sum_singleton, ← mul_smul, inv_mul_cancel hw, one_smul]

lemma finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 (hw : ∑ i in t, w i = 1) :
t.center_mass w z = ∑ i in t, w i • z i :=
by simp only [finset.center_mass, hw, inv_one, one_smul]

lemma finset.center_mass_smul : t.center_mass w (λ i, c • z i) = c • t.center_mass w z :=
by simp only [finset.center_mass, finset.smul_sum, (mul_smul _ _ _).symm, mul_comm c, mul_assoc]

/-- A convex combination of two centers of mass is a center of mass as well. This version
deals with two different index types. -/
lemma finset.center_mass_segment'
(s : finset ι) (t : finset ι') (ws : ι → ℝ) (zs : ι → E) (wt : ι' → ℝ) (zt : ι' → E)
(hws : ∑ i in s, ws i = 1) (hwt : ∑ i in t, wt i = 1) (a b : ℝ) (hab : a + b = 1) :
a • s.center_mass ws zs + b • t.center_mass wt zt =
( function.embedding.inl ∪ function.embedding.inr).center_mass
(sum.elim (λ i, a * ws i) (λ j, b * wt j))
(sum.elim zs zt) :=
rw [s.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 _ hws, t.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 _ hwt,
smul_sum, smul_sum, ← finset.sum_sum_elim, finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1],
{ congr' with ⟨⟩; simp only [sum.elim_inl, sum.elim_inr, mul_smul] },
{ rw [sum_sum_elim, ← mul_sum, ← mul_sum, hws, hwt, mul_one, mul_one, hab] }

/-- A convex combination of two centers of mass is a center of mass as well. This version
works if two centers of mass share the set of original points. -/
lemma finset.center_mass_segment
(s : finset ι) (w₁ w₂ : ι → ℝ) (z : ι → E)
(hw₁ : ∑ i in s, w₁ i = 1) (hw₂ : ∑ i in s, w₂ i = 1) (a b : ℝ) (hab : a + b = 1) :
a • s.center_mass w₁ z + b • s.center_mass w₂ z =
s.center_mass (λ i, a * w₁ i + b * w₂ i) z :=
have hw : ∑ i in s, (a * w₁ i + b * w₂ i) = 1,
by simp only [mul_sum.symm, sum_add_distrib, mul_one, *],
by simp only [finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1, smul_sum, sum_add_distrib, add_smul, mul_smul, *]

lemma finset.center_mass_ite_eq (hi : i ∈ t) :
t.center_mass (λ j, if (i = j) then 1 else 0) z = z i :=
rw [finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1],
transitivity ∑ j in t, if (i = j) then z i else 0,
{ congr' with i, split_ifs, exacts [h ▸ one_smul _ _, zero_smul _ _] },
{ rw [sum_ite_eq, if_pos hi] },
{ rw [sum_ite_eq, if_pos hi] }

variables {t w}

lemma finset.center_mass_subset {t' : finset ι} (ht : t ⊆ t')
(h : ∀ i ∈ t', i ∉ t → w i = 0) :
t.center_mass w z = t'.center_mass w z :=
rw [center_mass, sum_subset ht h, smul_sum, center_mass, smul_sum],
apply sum_subset ht,
assume i hit' hit,
rw [h i hit' hit, zero_smul, smul_zero]

lemma finset.center_mass_filter_ne_zero :
(t.filter (λ i, w i ≠ 0)).center_mass w z = t.center_mass w z :=
finset.center_mass_subset z (filter_subset _ _) $ λ i hit hit',
by simpa only [hit, mem_filter, true_and, ne.def, not_not] using hit'

variable {z}

/-- The center of mass of a finite subset of a convex set belongs to the set
provided that all weights are non-negative, and the total weight is positive. -/
lemma convex.center_mass_mem (hs : convex s) :
(∀ i ∈ t, 0 ≤ w i) → (0 < ∑ i in t, w i) → (∀ i ∈ t, z i ∈ s) → t.center_mass w z ∈ s :=
induction t using finset.induction with i t hi ht, { simp [lt_irrefl] },
intros h₀ hpos hmem,
have zi : z i ∈ s, from hmem _ (mem_insert_self _ _),
have hs₀ : ∀ j ∈ t, 0 ≤ w j, from λ j hj, h₀ j $ mem_insert_of_mem hj,
rw [sum_insert hi] at hpos,
by_cases hsum_t : ∑ j in t, w j = 0,
{ have ws : ∀ j ∈ t, w j = 0, from (sum_eq_zero_iff_of_nonneg hs₀).1 hsum_t,
have wz : ∑ j in t, w j • z j = 0, from sum_eq_zero (λ i hi, by simp [ws i hi]),
simp only [center_mass, sum_insert hi, wz, hsum_t, add_zero],
simp only [hsum_t, add_zero] at hpos,
rw [← mul_smul, inv_mul_cancel (ne_of_gt hpos), one_smul],
exact zi },
{ rw [finset.center_mass_insert _ _ _ hi hsum_t],
refine convex_iff_div.1 hs zi (ht hs₀ _ _) _ (sum_nonneg hs₀) hpos,
{ exact lt_of_le_of_ne (sum_nonneg hs₀) (ne.symm hsum_t) },
{ intros j hj, exact hmem j (mem_insert_of_mem hj) },
{ exact h₀ _ (mem_insert_self _ _) } }

lemma convex.sum_mem (hs : convex s) (h₀ : ∀ i ∈ t, 0 ≤ w i) (h₁ : ∑ i in t, w i = 1)
(hz : ∀ i ∈ t, z i ∈ s) :
∑ i in t, w i • z i ∈ s :=
by simpa only [h₁, center_mass, inv_one, one_smul] using
hs.center_mass_mem h₀ (h₁.symm ▸ zero_lt_one) hz

lemma convex_iff_sum_mem :
convex s ↔
(∀ (t : finset E) (w : E → ℝ),
(∀ i ∈ t, 0 ≤ w i) → ∑ i in t, w i = 1 → (∀ x ∈ t, x ∈ s) → ∑ x in t, w x • x ∈ s ) :=
refine ⟨λ hs t w hw₀ hw₁ hts, hs.sum_mem hw₀ hw₁ hts, _⟩,
intros h x y hx hy a b ha hb hab,
by_cases h_cases: x = y,
{ rw [h_cases, ←add_smul, hab, one_smul], exact hy },
{ convert h {x, y} (λ z, if z = y then b else a) _ _ _,
{ simp only [sum_pair h_cases, if_neg h_cases, if_pos rfl] },
{ simp_intros i hi,
cases hi; subst i; simp [ha, hb, if_neg h_cases] },
{ simp only [sum_pair h_cases, if_neg h_cases, if_pos rfl, hab] },
{ simp_intros i hi,
cases hi; subst i; simp [hx, hy, if_neg h_cases] } }

/-- Jensen's inequality, `finset.center_mass` version. -/
lemma convex_on.map_center_mass_le {f : E → ℝ} (hf : convex_on s f)
(h₀ : ∀ i ∈ t, 0 ≤ w i) (hpos : 0 < ∑ i in t, w i)
(hmem : ∀ i ∈ t, z i ∈ s) : f (t.center_mass w z) ≤ t.center_mass w (f ∘ z) :=
have hmem' : ∀ i ∈ t, (z i, (f ∘ z) i) ∈ {p : E × ℝ | p.1 ∈ s ∧ f p.1 ≤ p.2},
from λ i hi, ⟨hmem i hi, le_refl _⟩,
convert (hf.convex_epigraph.center_mass_mem h₀ hpos hmem').2;
simp only [center_mass, function.comp, prod.smul_fst, prod.fst_sum, prod.smul_snd, prod.snd_sum]

/-- Jensen's inequality, `finset.sum` version. -/
lemma convex_on.map_sum_le {f : E → ℝ} (hf : convex_on s f)
(h₀ : ∀ i ∈ t, 0 ≤ w i) (h₁ : ∑ i in t, w i = 1)
(hmem : ∀ i ∈ t, z i ∈ s) : f (∑ i in t, w i • z i) ≤ ∑ i in t, w i * (f (z i)) :=
by simpa only [center_mass, h₁, inv_one, one_smul]
using hf.map_center_mass_le h₀ (h₁.symm ▸ zero_lt_one) hmem

/-- If a function `f` is convex on `s` takes value `y` at the center of mass of some points
`z i ∈ s`, then for some `i` we have `y ≤ f (z i)`. -/
lemma convex_on.exists_ge_of_center_mass {f : E → ℝ} (h : convex_on s f)
(hw₀ : ∀ i ∈ t, 0 ≤ w i) (hws : 0 < ∑ i in t, w i) (hz : ∀ i ∈ t, z i ∈ s) :
∃ i ∈ t, f (t.center_mass w z) ≤ f (z i) :=
set y := t.center_mass w z,
have : f y ≤ t.center_mass w (f ∘ z) := h.map_center_mass_le hw₀ hws hz,
rw ← sum_filter_ne_zero at hws,
rw [← finset.center_mass_filter_ne_zero (f ∘ z), center_mass, smul_eq_mul,
← div_eq_inv_mul, le_div_iff hws, mul_sum] at this,
replace : ∃ i ∈ t.filter (λ i, w i ≠ 0), f y * w i ≤ w i • (f ∘ z) i :=
exists_le_of_sum_le (nonempty_of_sum_ne_zero (ne_of_gt hws)) this,
rcases this with ⟨i, hi, H⟩,
rw [mem_filter] at hi,
use [i, hi.1],
simp only [smul_eq_mul, mul_comm (w i)] at H,
refine (mul_le_mul_right _).1 H,
exact lt_of_le_of_ne (hw₀ i hi.1) hi.2.symm

end center_mass

/-! ### Convex hull -/

section convex_hull
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1459,98 +1273,6 @@ lemma is_linear_map.image_convex_hull {f : E → F} (hf : is_linear_map ℝ f) :
f '' (convex_hull s) = convex_hull (f '' s) :=
(' f).image_convex_hull

lemma finset.center_mass_mem_convex_hull (t : finset ι) {w : ι → ℝ} (hw₀ : ∀ i ∈ t, 0 ≤ w i)
(hws : 0 < ∑ i in t, w i) {z : ι → E} (hz : ∀ i ∈ t, z i ∈ s) :
t.center_mass w z ∈ convex_hull s :=
(convex_convex_hull s).center_mass_mem hw₀ hws (λ i hi, subset_convex_hull s $ hz i hi)

-- TODO : Do we need other versions of the next lemma?

/-- Convex hull of `s` is equal to the set of all centers of masses of `finset`s `t`, `z '' t ⊆ s`.
This version allows finsets in any type in any universe. -/
lemma convex_hull_eq (s : set E) :
convex_hull s = {x : E | ∃ (ι : Type u') (t : finset ι) (w : ι → ℝ) (z : ι → E)
(hw₀ : ∀ i ∈ t, 0 ≤ w i) (hw₁ : ∑ i in t, w i = 1) (hz : ∀ i ∈ t, z i ∈ s),
t.center_mass w z = x} :=
refine subset.antisymm (convex_hull_min _ _) _,
{ intros x hx,
use [punit, {}, λ _, 1, λ _, x, λ _ _, zero_le_one,
finset.sum_singleton, λ _ _, hx],
simp only [finset.center_mass, finset.sum_singleton, inv_one, one_smul] },
{ rintros x y ⟨ι, sx, wx, zx, hwx₀, hwx₁, hzx, rfl⟩ ⟨ι', sy, wy, zy, hwy₀, hwy₁, hzy, rfl⟩
a b ha hb hab,
rw [finset.center_mass_segment' _ _ _ _ _ _ hwx₁ hwy₁ _ _ hab],
refine ⟨_, _, _, _, _, _, _, rfl⟩,
{ rintros i hi,
rw [finset.mem_union, finset.mem_map, finset.mem_map] at hi,
rcases hi with ⟨j, hj, rfl⟩|⟨j, hj, rfl⟩;
simp only [sum.elim_inl, sum.elim_inr];
apply_rules [mul_nonneg, hwx₀, hwy₀] },
{ simp [finset.sum_sum_elim, finset.mul_sum.symm, *] },
{ intros i hi,
rw [finset.mem_union, finset.mem_map, finset.mem_map] at hi,
rcases hi with ⟨j, hj, rfl⟩|⟨j, hj, rfl⟩; apply_rules [hzx, hzy] } },
{ rintros _ ⟨ι, t, w, z, hw₀, hw₁, hz, rfl⟩,
exact t.center_mass_mem_convex_hull hw₀ (hw₁.symm ▸ zero_lt_one) hz }

/-- Maximum principle for convex functions. If a function `f` is convex on the convex hull of `s`,
then `f` can't have a maximum on `convex_hull s` outside of `s`. -/
lemma convex_on.exists_ge_of_mem_convex_hull {f : E → ℝ} (hf : convex_on (convex_hull s) f)
{x} (hx : x ∈ convex_hull s) : ∃ y ∈ s, f x ≤ f y :=
rw convex_hull_eq at hx,
rcases hx with ⟨α, t, w, z, hw₀, hw₁, hz, rfl⟩,
rcases hf.exists_ge_of_center_mass hw₀ (hw₁.symm ▸ zero_lt_one)
(λ i hi, subset_convex_hull s (hz i hi)) with ⟨i, hit, Hi⟩,
exact ⟨z i, hz i hit, Hi⟩

lemma finset.convex_hull_eq (s : finset E) :
convex_hull ↑s = {x : E | ∃ (w : E → ℝ) (hw₀ : ∀ y ∈ s, 0 ≤ w y) (hw₁ : ∑ y in s, w y = 1),
s.center_mass w id = x} :=
refine subset.antisymm (convex_hull_min _ _) _,
{ intros x hx,
rw [finset.mem_coe] at hx,
refine ⟨_, _, _, finset.center_mass_ite_eq _ _ _ hx⟩,
{ intros, split_ifs, exacts [zero_le_one, le_refl 0] },
{ rw [finset.sum_ite_eq, if_pos hx] } },
{ rintros x y ⟨wx, hwx₀, hwx₁, rfl⟩ ⟨wy, hwy₀, hwy₁, rfl⟩
a b ha hb hab,
rw [finset.center_mass_segment _ _ _ _ hwx₁ hwy₁ _ _ hab],
refine ⟨_, _, _, rfl⟩,
{ rintros i hi,
apply_rules [add_nonneg, mul_nonneg, hwx₀, hwy₀], },
{ simp only [finset.sum_add_distrib, finset.mul_sum.symm, mul_one, *] } },
{ rintros _ ⟨w, hw₀, hw₁, rfl⟩,
exact s.center_mass_mem_convex_hull (λ x hx, hw₀ _ hx)
(hw₁.symm ▸ zero_lt_one) (λ x hx, hx) }

lemma set.finite.convex_hull_eq {s : set E} (hs : finite s) :
convex_hull s = {x : E | ∃ (w : E → ℝ) (hw₀ : ∀ y ∈ s, 0 ≤ w y)
(hw₁ : ∑ y in hs.to_finset, w y = 1), hs.to_finset.center_mass w id = x} :=
by simpa only [set.finite.coe_to_finset, set.finite.mem_to_finset, exists_prop]
using hs.to_finset.convex_hull_eq

lemma convex_hull_eq_union_convex_hull_finite_subsets (s : set E) :
convex_hull s = ⋃ (t : finset E) (w : ↑t ⊆ s), convex_hull ↑t :=
refine subset.antisymm _ _,
{ rw [convex_hull_eq.{u}],
rintros x ⟨ι, t, w, z, hw₀, hw₁, hz, rfl⟩,
simp only [mem_Union],
refine ⟨t.image z, _, _⟩,
{ rw [finset.coe_image, image_subset_iff],
exact hz },
{ apply t.center_mass_mem_convex_hull hw₀,
{ simp only [hw₁, zero_lt_one] },
{ exact λ i hi, finset.mem_coe.2 (finset.mem_image_of_mem _ hi) } } },
{ exact Union_subset (λ i, Union_subset convex_hull_mono), },

lemma is_linear_map.convex_hull_image {f : E → F} (hf : is_linear_map ℝ f) (s : set E) :
convex_hull (f '' s) = f '' convex_hull s :=
set.subset.antisymm (convex_hull_min (image_subset _ (subset_convex_hull s)) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1594,19 +1316,6 @@ variable {ι}
lemma ite_eq_mem_std_simplex (i : ι) : (λ j, ite (i = j) (1:ℝ) 0) ∈ std_simplex ι :=
⟨λ j, by simp only; split_ifs; norm_num, by rw [finset.sum_ite_eq, if_pos (finset.mem_univ _)]⟩

/-- `std_simplex ι` is the convex hull of the canonical basis in `ι → ℝ`. -/
lemma convex_hull_basis_eq_std_simplex :
convex_hull (range $ λ(i j:ι), if i = j then (1:ℝ) else 0) = std_simplex ι :=
refine subset.antisymm (convex_hull_min _ (convex_std_simplex ι)) _,
{ rintros _ ⟨i, rfl⟩,
exact ite_eq_mem_std_simplex i },
{ rintros w ⟨hw₀, hw₁⟩,
rw [pi_eq_sum_univ w, ← finset.univ.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 _ hw₁],
exact finset.univ.center_mass_mem_convex_hull (λ i hi, hw₀ i)
(hw₁.symm ▸ zero_lt_one) (λ i hi, mem_range_self i) }

variable {ι}

/-- The convex hull of a finite set is the image of the standard simplex in `s → ℝ`
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/convex/caratheodory.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Scott Morrison
import analysis.convex.basic
import analysis.convex.combination
import linear_algebra.affine_space.independent

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