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starting a new proof #9993

merged 12 commits into from Oct 29, 2021
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/combinatorics/simple_graph/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ structure simple_graph (V : Type u) :=
(loopless : irreflexive adj . obviously)

Construct the simple graph induced by the given relation. It
Construct the simple graph induced by the given relation. It
symmetrizes the relation and makes it irreflexive.
def simple_graph.from_rel {V : Type u} (r : V → V → Prop) : simple_graph V :=
Expand Down
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity.lean
Expand Up @@ -1325,4 +1325,114 @@ begin
cases hp; simpa only [hrv, hrw] using hp,

open fintype

def next_edge (G : simple_graph V) : ∀ (v w : V) (h : v ≠ w) (p : G.walk v w), G.incidence_set v
| v w h walk.nil := (h rfl).elim
| v w h (@walk.cons _ _ _ u _ hvw _) := ⟨⟦(v, u)⟧, hvw, sym2.mk_has_mem _ _⟩

lemma nonempty_path_not_loop {v : V} {e : sym2 V} (p : G.path v v)
(h : e ∈ walk.edges (p : G.walk v v)) : false :=
cases p with p hp,
cases p,
{ exact h, },
{ cases hp,
simpa using hp_support_nodup, },

lemma eq_next_edge_if_mem_path {u v w : V}
(hne : u ≠ v) (hinc : ⟦(u, w)⟧ ∈ G.incidence_set u)
(p : G.path u v) (h : ⟦(u, w)⟧ ∈ (p : G.walk u v).edges) :
G.next_edge u v hne p = ⟨⟦(u, w)⟧, hinc⟩ :=
cases p with p hp,
cases p,
{ exact (hne rfl).elim },
{ cases hp,
simp at hp_support_nodup,
simp only [next_edge, subtype.mk_eq_mk, subtype.coe_mk],
simp only [list.mem_cons_iff, subtype.coe_mk, simple_graph.walk.cons_edges, sym2.eq_iff] at h,
cases h,
{ obtain (⟨_,rfl⟩|⟨rfl,rfl⟩) := h; refl, },
{ have h := walk.mem_support_of_mem_edges _ h,
exact (hp_support_nodup.1 h).elim, }, },

lemma next_edge_mem_edges (G : simple_graph V) (v w : V) (h : v ≠ w) (p : G.walk v w) :
(G.next_edge v w h p : sym2 V) ∈ p.edges :=
cases p with p hp,
{ exact (h rfl).elim },
{ simp only [next_edge, list.mem_cons_iff, walk.cons_edges, subtype.coe_mk],

lemma is_tree.card_edges_eq_card_vertices_sub_one
[fintype G.edge_set] [fintype V] [nonempty V] (h : G.is_tree) :
card G.edge_set = card V - 1 :=
have root := classical.arbitrary V,
rw ←set.card_ne_eq root,
let f : {v | v ≠ root} → G.edge_set := λ v,
⟨G.next_edge v root (G.tree_path h v root),
G.incidence_set_subset _ (subtype.mem _)⟩,
have finj : function.injective f,
{ rintros ⟨u₁, h₁⟩ ⟨u₂, h₂⟩,
by_cases hne : u₁ = u₂,
{ subst u₂,
simp, },
simp only [subtype.mk_eq_mk, subtype.coe_mk],
generalize he₁ : G.next_edge _ _ _ _ = e₁,
generalize he₂ : G.next_edge _ _ _ _ = e₂,
cases e₁ with e₁ heu₁,
cases e₂ with e₂ heu₂,
simp only [subtype.coe_mk],
rintro rfl,
cases heu₁ with heu₁_edge heu₁_adj,
cases heu₂ with heu₂_edge heu₂_adj,
simp only [subtype.coe_mk] at heu₁_adj heu₂_adj,
have e_is : e₁ = ⟦(u₁, u₂)⟧,
{ induction e₁ using quotient.ind,
cases e₁ with v₁ w₁,
simp only [sym2.mem_iff] at heu₁_adj heu₂_adj,
obtain (rfl|rfl) := heu₁_adj;
obtain (rfl|rfl) := heu₂_adj;
try { exact (hne rfl).elim };
simp [sym2.eq_swap], },
subst e₁,
apply is_rootward_antisymm h root,
{ split,
exact heu₂_edge,
convert G.next_edge_mem_edges _ _ h₁ _,
erw he₁, refl, },
{ split,
exact G.symm heu₂_edge,
convert G.next_edge_mem_edges _ _ h₂ _,
erw he₂, simp [sym2.eq_swap], }, },
have fsurj : function.surjective f,
{ intro e,
cases e with e he,
induction e using quotient.ind,
cases e with u₁ u₂,
cases is_rootward_or_reverse h root he with hr hr,
{ use u₁,
rintro rfl,
dsimp only [is_rootward] at hr,
exact nonempty_path_not_loop _ hr.2,
cases hr,
simp only [f],
erw eq_next_edge_if_mem_path _ ⟨he, _⟩ _ hr_right; simp [he]},
{ use u₂,
rintro rfl,
dsimp only [is_rootward] at hr,
exact nonempty_path_not_loop _ hr.2,
cases hr,
simp only [f],
erw eq_next_edge_if_mem_path _ ⟨_ , _⟩ _ hr_right; simp [he, sym2.eq_swap], }, },
exact (card_of_bijective ⟨finj, fsurj⟩).symm,

end simple_graph
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/eulerian.lean
Expand Up @@ -138,18 +138,14 @@ begin
{ have : ∀ n, 0 = n + 1 ↔ false,
{ intro n,
simp only [forall_const, (nat.succ_ne_zero n).symm], },
simp! only [
nat.succ_eq_add_one, this, set.mem_Union, nat.nat_zero_eq_zero, finset.coe_bUnion,
simp! only [nat.succ_eq_add_one, this, set.mem_Union, nat.nat_zero_eq_zero, finset.coe_bUnion,
finset.mem_univ, set.Union_true, list.nodup_nil, set.mem_set_of_eq, exists_imp_distrib,
iff_false, finset.mem_coe, false_and
iff_false, finset.mem_coe, false_and],
intro w, split_ifs,
simp! only [and_imp, exists_prop, finset.mem_bUnion, forall_true_left, exists_imp_distrib],
intro q, split_ifs, simp, simp, simp, },
{ simp! only [
set.mem_Union, finset.coe_bUnion, finset.mem_univ, set.Union_true,
list.nodup_cons, set.mem_set_of_eq, finset.mem_coe
{ simp! only [set.mem_Union, finset.coe_bUnion, finset.mem_univ, set.Union_true,
list.nodup_cons, set.mem_set_of_eq, finset.mem_coe],
{ rintro ⟨w, -, hh⟩,
split_ifs at hh,
Expand Down