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feat: port Algebra.Module.GradedModule (#4228)
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- In `Algebra.DirectSum.Decomposition`, a simps was commented because it was causing a recurrence loop. However, one of the lemma that it generates is needed in this file, so I put the simps back (and fixed the loop)
- At the end of the file, the local instance `GradedModule.isModule` was causing a lot of troubles. (It was in fact marked as a dangerous instance in Mathlib3). I removed it and declared it directly in the only result using it, see [this](!4.234228.20cannot.20find.20synthesization.20order.20for.20instance/near/360591542) Zulip thread
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xroblot committed May 25, 2023
1 parent acca960 commit 037038d
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Showing 3 changed files with 260 additions and 2 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.BigOperators
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Bimodule
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Equiv
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.GradedModule
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Hom
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Injective
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.LinearMap
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11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/DirectSum/Decomposition.lean
Expand Up @@ -129,12 +129,19 @@ theorem decompose_of_mem_ne {x : M} {i j : ΞΉ} (hx : x ∈ β„³ i) (hij : i β‰  j

/-- If `M` is graded by `ΞΉ` with degree `i` component `β„³ i`, then it is isomorphic as
an additive monoid to a direct sum of components. -/
-- Porting note : this causes a maximum recursion depth
-- @[simps (config := { fullyApplied := false })]
-- Porting note: deleted [simps] and added the corresponding lemmas by hand
def decomposeAddEquiv : M ≃+ ⨁ i, β„³ i :=
AddEquiv.symm { (decompose β„³).symm with map_add' := map_add (DirectSum.coeAddMonoidHom β„³) }
#align direct_sum.decompose_add_equiv DirectSum.decomposeAddEquiv

lemma decomposeAddEquiv_apply (a : M) :
decomposeAddEquiv β„³ a = decompose β„³ a := rfl

lemma decomposeAddEquiv_symm_apply (a : ⨁ i, β„³ i) :
(decomposeAddEquiv β„³).symm a = (decompose β„³).symm a := rfl

theorem decompose_zero : decompose β„³ (0 : M) = 0 :=
map_zero (decomposeAddEquiv β„³)
Expand Down
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Module/GradedModule.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module algebra.module.graded_module
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 59cdeb0da2480abbc235b7e611ccd9a7e5603d7c
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.RingTheory.GradedAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.GradedMulAction
import Mathlib.Algebra.DirectSum.Decomposition
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.BigOperators

# Graded Module
Given an `R`-algebra `A` graded by `𝓐`, a graded `A`-module `M` is expressed as
`DirectSum.Decomposition π“œ` and `SetLike.GradedSmul 𝓐 π“œ`.
Then `⨁ i, π“œ i` is an `A`-module and is isomorphic to `M`.
## Tags
graded module


open DirectSum

variable {ΞΉ : Type _} (A : ΞΉ β†’ Type _) (M : ΞΉ β†’ Type _)

namespace DirectSum

open GradedMonoid

/-- A graded version of `DistribMulAction`. -/
class GdistribMulAction [AddMonoid ΞΉ] [GMonoid A] [βˆ€ i, AddMonoid (M i)] extends
GMulAction A M where
smul_add {i j} (a : A i) (b c : M j) : smul a (b + c) = smul a b + smul a c
smul_zero {i j} (a : A i) : smul a (0 : M j) = 0
#align direct_sum.gdistrib_mul_action DirectSum.GdistribMulAction

/-- A graded version of `Module`. -/
class Gmodule [AddMonoid ΞΉ] [βˆ€ i, AddMonoid (A i)] [βˆ€ i, AddMonoid (M i)] [GMonoid A] extends
GdistribMulAction A M where
add_smul {i j} (a a' : A i) (b : M j) : smul (a + a') b = smul a b + smul a' b
zero_smul {i j} (b : M j) : smul (0 : A i) b = 0
#align direct_sum.gmodule DirectSum.Gmodule

/-- A graded version of `Semiring.toModule`. -/
instance GSemiring.toGmodule [AddMonoid ΞΉ] [βˆ€ i : ΞΉ, AddCommMonoid (A i)]
[h : GSemiring A] : Gmodule A A :=
{ GMonoid.toGMulAction A with
smul_add := fun _ _ _ => h.mul_add _ _ _
smul_zero := fun _ => h.mul_zero _
add_smul := fun _ _ => h.add_mul _ _
zero_smul := fun _ => h.zero_mul _ }
#align direct_sum.gsemiring.to_gmodule DirectSum.GSemiring.toGmodule

variable [AddMonoid ΞΉ] [βˆ€ i : ΞΉ, AddCommMonoid (A i)] [βˆ€ i, AddCommMonoid (M i)]

/-- The piecewise multiplication from the `Mul` instance, as a bundled homomorphism. -/
def gsmulHom [GMonoid A] [Gmodule A M] {i j} : A i β†’+ M j β†’+ M (i + j) where
toFun a :=
{ toFun := fun b => GSmul.smul a b
map_zero' := GdistribMulAction.smul_zero _
map_add' := GdistribMulAction.smul_add _ }
map_zero' := AddMonoidHom.ext fun a => Gmodule.zero_smul a
map_add' _a₁ _aβ‚‚ := AddMonoidHom.ext fun _b => Gmodule.add_smul _ _ _
#align direct_sum.gsmul_hom DirectSum.gsmulHom

namespace Gmodule

/-- For graded monoid `A` and a graded module `M` over `A`. `gmodule.smul_add_monoid_hom` is the
`⨁ᡒ Aᡒ`-scalar multiplication on `⨁ᡒ Mᡒ` induced by `gsmul_hom`. -/
def smulAddMonoidHom [DecidableEq ΞΉ] [GMonoid A] [Gmodule A M] :
(⨁ i, A i) β†’+ (⨁ i, M i) β†’+ ⨁ i, M i :=
toAddMonoid fun _i =>
AddMonoidHom.flip <|
toAddMonoid fun _j => AddMonoidHom.flip <| (of M _).compHom.comp <| gsmulHom A M
#align direct_sum.gmodule.smul_add_monoid_hom DirectSum.Gmodule.smulAddMonoidHom


open GradedMonoid DirectSum Gmodule

instance [DecidableEq ι] [GMonoid A] [Gmodule A M] : SMul (⨁ i, A i) (⨁ i, M i)
where smul x y := smulAddMonoidHom A M x y

theorem smul_def [DecidableEq ι] [GMonoid A] [Gmodule A M] (x : ⨁ i, A i) (y : ⨁ i, M i) :
x β€’ y = smulAddMonoidHom _ _ x y := rfl
#align direct_sum.gmodule.smul_def DirectSum.Gmodule.smul_def

theorem smulAddMonoidHom_apply_of_of [DecidableEq ΞΉ] [GMonoid A] [Gmodule A M] {i j} (x : A i)
(y : M j) :
smulAddMonoidHom A M (DirectSum.of A i x) (of M j y) = of M (i + j) (GSmul.smul x y) := by
simp [smulAddMonoidHom]
#align direct_sum.gmodule.smul_add_monoid_hom_apply_of_of DirectSum.Gmodule.smulAddMonoidHom_apply_of_of

-- @[simp] -- Porting note: simpNF lint
theorem of_smul_of [DecidableEq ΞΉ] [GMonoid A] [Gmodule A M] {i j} (x : A i) (y : M j) :
DirectSum.of A i x β€’ of M j y = of M (i + j) (GSmul.smul x y) :=
smulAddMonoidHom_apply_of_of _ _ _ _
#align direct_sum.gmodule.of_smul_of DirectSum.Gmodule.of_smul_of

open AddMonoidHom

-- Porting note: renamed to one_smul' since DirectSum.Gmodule.one_smul already exists
-- Almost identical to the proof of `direct_sum.one_mul`
private theorem one_smul' [DecidableEq ι] [GMonoid A] [Gmodule A M] (x : ⨁ i, M i) :
(1 : ⨁ i, A i) β€’ x = x := by
suffices smulAddMonoidHom A M 1 = (⨁ i, M i) from FunLike.congr_fun this x
apply DirectSum.addHom_ext; intro i xi
rw [show (1 : DirectSum ΞΉ fun i => A i) = (of A 0) by rfl]
rw [smulAddMonoidHom_apply_of_of]
exact DirectSum.of_eq_of_gradedMonoid_eq (one_smul (GradedMonoid A) <| i xi)

-- Porting note: renamed to mul_smul' since DirectSum.Gmodule.mul_smul already exists
-- Almost identical to the proof of `direct_sum.mul_assoc`
private theorem mul_smul' [DecidableEq ι] [GSemiring A] [Gmodule A M] (a b : ⨁ i, A i)
(c : ⨁ i, M i) : (a * b) β€’ c = a β€’ b β€’ c := by
(-- `Ξ» a b c, (a * b) β€’ c` as a bundled hom
A M).compHom.comp
(DirectSum.mulHom A) =
(AddMonoidHom.compHom AddMonoidHom.flipHom <|
(smulAddMonoidHom A M).flip.compHom.comp <| smulAddMonoidHom A M).flip
from-- `Ξ» a b c, a β€’ (b β€’ c)` as a bundled hom
FunLike.congr_fun (FunLike.congr_fun (FunLike.congr_fun this a) b) c
ext (ai ax bi bx ci cx) : 6
dsimp only [coe_comp, Function.comp_apply, compHom_apply_apply, flip_apply, flipHom_apply]
rw [smulAddMonoidHom_apply_of_of, smulAddMonoidHom_apply_of_of, DirectSum.mulHom_of_of,
(mul_smul ( ai ax) ( bi bx) ( ci cx))

/-- The `Module` derived from `gmodule A M`. -/
instance module [DecidableEq ι] [GSemiring A] [Gmodule A M] : Module (⨁ i, A i) (⨁ i, M i) where
smul := (Β· β€’ Β·)
one_smul := one_smul' _ _
mul_smul := mul_smul' _ _
smul_add r := (smulAddMonoidHom A M r).map_add
smul_zero r := (smulAddMonoidHom A M r).map_zero
add_smul r s x := by simp only [smul_def, map_add, AddMonoidHom.add_apply]
zero_smul x := by simp only [smul_def, map_zero, AddMonoidHom.zero_apply]
#align direct_sum.gmodule.module DirectSum.Gmodule.module


end Gmodule

end DirectSum


open DirectSum BigOperators

variable {ΞΉ R A M Οƒ Οƒ' : Type _}

variable [AddMonoid ΞΉ] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] [Algebra R A]

variable (𝓐 : ΞΉ β†’ Οƒ') [SetLike Οƒ' A]

variable (π“œ : ΞΉ β†’ Οƒ)

namespace SetLike

instance gmulAction [AddMonoid M] [DistribMulAction A M] [SetLike Οƒ M] [SetLike.GradedMonoid 𝓐]
[SetLike.GradedSmul 𝓐 π“œ] : GradedMonoid.GMulAction (fun i => 𝓐 i) fun i => π“œ i :=
{ SetLike.toGSmul 𝓐
π“œ with
one_smul := fun ⟨_i, _m⟩ => Sigma.subtype_ext (zero_add _) (one_smul _ _)
mul_smul := fun ⟨_i, _a⟩ ⟨_j, _a'⟩ ⟨_k, _b⟩ =>
Sigma.subtype_ext (add_assoc _ _ _) (mul_smul _ _ _) }
#align set_like.gmul_action SetLike.gmulAction

instance gdistribMulAction [AddMonoid M] [DistribMulAction A M] [SetLike Οƒ M]
[AddSubmonoidClass Οƒ M] [SetLike.GradedMonoid 𝓐] [SetLike.GradedSmul 𝓐 π“œ] :
DirectSum.GdistribMulAction (fun i => 𝓐 i) fun i => π“œ i :=
{ SetLike.gmulAction 𝓐
π“œ with
smul_add := fun _a _b _c => Subtype.ext <| smul_add _ _ _
smul_zero := fun _a => Subtype.ext <| smul_zero _ }
#align set_like.gdistrib_mul_action SetLike.gdistribMulAction

variable [AddCommMonoid M] [Module A M] [SetLike Οƒ M] [AddSubmonoidClass Οƒ' A]
[AddSubmonoidClass Οƒ M] [SetLike.GradedMonoid 𝓐] [SetLike.GradedSmul 𝓐 π“œ]

/-- `[SetLike.GradedMonoid 𝓐] [SetLike.GradedSmul 𝓐 π“œ]` is the internal version of graded
module, the internal version can be translated into the external version `gmodule`. -/
instance gmodule : DirectSum.Gmodule (fun i => 𝓐 i) fun i => π“œ i :=
{ SetLike.gdistribMulAction 𝓐
π“œ with
smul := fun x y => ⟨(x : A) β€’ (y : M), SetLike.GradedSmul.smul_mem x.2 y.2⟩
add_smul := fun _a _a' _b => Subtype.ext <| add_smul _ _ _
zero_smul := fun _b => Subtype.ext <| zero_smul _ _ }
#align set_like.gmodule SetLike.gmodule

end SetLike

namespace GradedModule

variable [AddCommMonoid M] [Module A M] [SetLike Οƒ M] [AddSubmonoidClass Οƒ' A]
[AddSubmonoidClass Οƒ M] [SetLike.GradedMonoid 𝓐] [SetLike.GradedSmul 𝓐 π“œ]

set_option maxHeartbeats 300000 in -- Porting note: needs more Hearbeats to elaborate
/-- The smul multiplication of `A` on `⨁ i, π“œ i` from `(⨁ i, 𝓐 i) β†’+ (⨁ i, π“œ i) β†’+ ⨁ i, π“œ i`
turns `⨁ i, π“œ i` into an `A`-module
def isModule [DecidableEq ΞΉ] [GradedRing 𝓐] : Module A (⨁ i, π“œ i) :=
{ Module.compHom _ (DirectSum.decomposeRingEquiv 𝓐 : A ≃+* ⨁ i, 𝓐 i).toRingHom with
smul := fun a b => DirectSum.decompose 𝓐 a β€’ b }
#align graded_module.is_module GradedModule.isModule

/-- `⨁ i, π“œ i` and `M` are isomorphic as `A`-modules.
"The internal version" and "the external version" are isomorphism as `A`-modules.
def linearEquiv [DecidableEq ΞΉ] [GradedRing 𝓐] [DirectSum.Decomposition π“œ] :
@LinearEquiv A A _ _ ( A) ( A) _ _ M (⨁ i, π“œ i) _
_ _ (by letI := isModule 𝓐 π“œ ; infer_instance) := by
letI h := isModule 𝓐 π“œ
refine ⟨⟨(DirectSum.decomposeAddEquiv π“œ).toAddHom, ?_⟩,
(DirectSum.decomposeAddEquiv π“œ).symm.toFun, (DirectSum.decomposeAddEquiv π“œ).left_inv,
(DirectSum.decomposeAddEquiv π“œ).right_inv⟩
intro x y
rw [AddHom.toFun_eq_coe, ← DirectSum.sum_support_decompose 𝓐 x, map_sum, Finset.sum_smul,
AddEquiv.coe_toAddHom, map_sum, Finset.sum_smul]
refine Finset.sum_congr rfl (fun i _hi => ?_)
rw [RingHom.id_apply, ← DirectSum.sum_support_decompose π“œ y, map_sum, Finset.smul_sum, map_sum,
refine Finset.sum_congr rfl (fun j _hj => ?_)
rw [show (decompose 𝓐 x i : A) β€’ (decomposeAddEquiv π“œ ↑(decompose π“œ y j) : (⨁ i, π“œ i)) =
DirectSum.Gmodule.smulAddMonoidHom _ _ (decompose 𝓐 ↑(decompose 𝓐 x i))
(decomposeAddEquiv π“œ ↑(decompose π“œ y j)) from DirectSum.Gmodule.smul_def _ _ _ _]
simp only [decomposeAddEquiv_apply, Equiv.invFun_as_coe, Equiv.symm_symm, decompose_coe,
convert DirectSum.decompose_coe π“œ _
#align graded_module.linear_equiv GradedModule.linearEquiv

end GradedModule

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