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feat: port Analysis.Convex.StrictConvexSpace (#4120)
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Parcly-Taxel committed May 20, 2023
1 parent 6de3b49 commit 0500ff5
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Showing 2 changed files with 309 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Slope
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Star
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.StoneSeparation
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Strict
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.StrictConvexSpace
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Topology
import Mathlib.Analysis.Hofer
import Mathlib.Analysis.LocallyConvex.BalancedCoreHull
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308 changes: 308 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Convex/StrictConvexSpace.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies, Yury Kudryashov
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module analysis.convex.strict_convex_space
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit a63928c34ec358b5edcda2bf7513c50052a5230f
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Normed
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Strict
import Mathlib.Analysis.Normed.Order.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.AddTorsor
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Pointwise
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.AffineIsometry

# Strictly convex spaces
This file defines strictly convex spaces. A normed space is strictly convex if all closed balls are
strictly convex. This does **not** mean that the norm is strictly convex (in fact, it never is).
## Main definitions
`StrictConvexSpace`: a typeclass saying that a given normed space over a normed linear ordered
field (e.g., `ℝ` or `ℚ`) is strictly convex. The definition requires strict convexity of a closed
ball of positive radius with center at the origin; strict convexity of any other closed ball follows
from this assumption.
## Main results
In a strictly convex space, we prove
- `strictConvex_closedBall`: a closed ball is strictly convex.
- `combo_mem_ball_of_ne`, `openSegment_subset_ball_of_ne`, `norm_combo_lt_of_ne`:
a nontrivial convex combination of two points in a closed ball belong to the corresponding open
- `norm_add_lt_of_not_sameRay`, `sameRay_iff_norm_add`, `dist_add_dist_eq_iff`:
the triangle inequality `dist x y + dist y z ≤ dist x z` is a strict inequality unless `y` belongs
to the segment `[x -[ℝ] z]`.
- `Isometry.affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace`: an isometry of `NormedAddTorsor`s for real
normed spaces, strictly convex in the case of the codomain, is an affine isometry.
We also provide several lemmas that can be used as alternative constructors for `StrictConvex ℝ E`:
- `StrictConvexSpace.ofStrictConvexClosedUnitBall`: if `closed_ball (0 : E) 1` is strictly
convex, then `E` is a strictly convex space;
- `StrictConvexSpace.ofNormAdd`: if `‖x + y‖ = ‖x‖ + ‖y‖` implies `SameRay ℝ x y` for all
nonzero `x y : E`, then `E` is a strictly convex space.
## Implementation notes
While the definition is formulated for any normed linear ordered field, most of the lemmas are
formulated only for the case `𝕜 = ℝ`.
## Tags
convex, strictly convex

open Set Metric

open Convex Pointwise

/-- A *strictly convex space* is a normed space where the closed balls are strictly convex. We only
require balls of positive radius with center at the origin to be strictly convex in the definition,
then prove that any closed ball is strictly convex in `strictConvex_closedBall` below.
See also `StrictConvexSpace.ofStrictConvexClosedUnitBall`. -/
class StrictConvexSpace (𝕜 E : Type _) [NormedLinearOrderedField 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 E] : Prop where
strictConvex_closedBall : ∀ r : ℝ, 0 < r → StrictConvex 𝕜 (closedBall (0 : E) r)
#align strict_convex_space StrictConvexSpace

variable (𝕜 : Type _) {E : Type _} [NormedLinearOrderedField 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 E]

/-- A closed ball in a strictly convex space is strictly convex. -/
theorem strictConvex_closedBall [StrictConvexSpace 𝕜 E] (x : E) (r : ℝ) :
StrictConvex 𝕜 (closedBall x r) := by
cases' le_or_lt r 0 with hr hr
· exact (subsingleton_closedBall x hr).strictConvex
rw [← vadd_closedBall_zero]
exact (StrictConvexSpace.strictConvex_closedBall r hr).vadd _
#align strict_convex_closed_ball strictConvex_closedBall

variable [NormedSpace ℝ E]

/-- A real normed vector space is strictly convex provided that the unit ball is strictly convex. -/
theorem StrictConvexSpace.ofStrictConvexClosedUnitBall [LinearMap.CompatibleSMul E E 𝕜 ℝ]
(h : StrictConvex 𝕜 (closedBall (0 : E) 1)) : StrictConvexSpace 𝕜 E :=
fun r hr => by simpa only [smul_closedUnitBall_of_nonneg hr.le] using h.smul r⟩
#align strict_convex_space.of_strict_convex_closed_unit_ball StrictConvexSpace.ofStrictConvexClosedUnitBall

/-- Strict convexity is equivalent to `‖a • x + b • y‖ < 1` for all `x` and `y` of norm at most `1`
and all strictly positive `a` and `b` such that `a + b = 1`. This lemma shows that it suffices to
check this for points of norm one and some `a`, `b` such that `a + b = 1`. -/
theorem StrictConvexSpace.ofNormComboLtOne
(h : ∀ x y : E, ‖x‖ = 1 → ‖y‖ = 1 → x ≠ y → ∃ a b : ℝ, a + b = 1 ∧ ‖a • x + b • y‖ < 1) :
StrictConvexSpace ℝ E := by
StrictConvexSpace.ofStrictConvexClosedUnitBall ℝ
((convex_closedBall _ _).strictConvex' fun x hx y hy hne => _)
rw [interior_closedBall (0 : E) one_ne_zero, closedBall_diff_ball,
mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm] at hx hy
rcases h x y hx hy hne with ⟨a, b, hab, hlt⟩
use b
rwa [AffineMap.lineMap_apply_module, interior_closedBall (0 : E) one_ne_zero, mem_ball_zero_iff,
sub_eq_iff_eq_add.2 hab.symm]
#align strict_convex_space.of_norm_combo_lt_one StrictConvexSpace.ofNormComboLtOne

theorem StrictConvexSpace.ofNormComboNeOne
(h :
∀ x y : E,
‖x‖ = 1 → ‖y‖ = 1 → x ≠ y → ∃ a b : ℝ, 0 ≤ a ∧ 0 ≤ b ∧ a + b = 1 ∧ ‖a • x + b • y‖ ≠ 1) :
StrictConvexSpace ℝ E := by
refine' StrictConvexSpace.ofStrictConvexClosedUnitBall ℝ ((convex_closedBall _ _).strictConvex _)
simp only [interior_closedBall _ one_ne_zero, closedBall_diff_ball, Set.Pairwise,
frontier_closedBall _ one_ne_zero, mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm]
intro x hx y hy hne
rcases h x y hx hy hne with ⟨a, b, ha, hb, hab, hne'⟩
exact ⟨_, ⟨a, b, ha, hb, hab, rfl⟩, mt mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm.1 hne'⟩
#align strict_convex_space.of_norm_combo_ne_one StrictConvexSpace.ofNormComboNeOne

theorem StrictConvexSpace.ofNormAddNeTwo
(h : ∀ ⦃x y : E⦄, ‖x‖ = 1 → ‖y‖ = 1 → x ≠ y → ‖x + y‖ ≠ 2) : StrictConvexSpace ℝ E := by
StrictConvexSpace.ofNormComboNeOne fun x y hx hy hne =>
1 / 2, 1 / 2, one_half_pos.le, one_half_pos.le, add_halves _, _⟩
rw [← smul_add, norm_smul, Real.norm_of_nonneg one_half_pos.le, one_div, ← div_eq_inv_mul, Ne.def,
div_eq_one_iff_eq (two_ne_zero' ℝ)]
exact h hx hy hne
#align strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_ne_two StrictConvexSpace.ofNormAddNeTwo

theorem StrictConvexSpace.ofPairwiseSphereNormNeTwo
(h : (sphere (0 : E) 1).Pairwise fun x y => ‖x + y‖ ≠ 2) : StrictConvexSpace ℝ E :=
StrictConvexSpace.ofNormAddNeTwo fun _ _ hx hy =>
h (mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm.2 hx) (mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm.2 hy)
#align strict_convex_space.of_pairwise_sphere_norm_ne_two StrictConvexSpace.ofPairwiseSphereNormNeTwo

/-- If `‖x + y‖ = ‖x‖ + ‖y‖` implies that `x y : E` are in the same ray, then `E` is a strictly
convex space. See also a more -/
theorem StrictConvexSpace.ofNormAdd
(h : ∀ x y : E, ‖x‖ = 1 → ‖y‖ = 1 → ‖x + y‖ = 2 → SameRay ℝ x y) : StrictConvexSpace ℝ E := by
refine' StrictConvexSpace.ofPairwiseSphereNormNeTwo fun x hx y hy => mt fun h₂ => _
rw [mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm] at hx hy
exact (sameRay_iff_of_norm_eq (hx.trans hy.symm)).1 (h x y hx hy h₂)
#align strict_convex_space.of_norm_add StrictConvexSpace.ofNormAdd

variable [StrictConvexSpace ℝ E] {x y z : E} {a b r : ℝ}

/-- If `x ≠ y` belong to the same closed ball, then a convex combination of `x` and `y` with
positive coefficients belongs to the corresponding open ball. -/
theorem combo_mem_ball_of_ne (hx : x ∈ closedBall z r) (hy : y ∈ closedBall z r) (hne : x ≠ y)
(ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b) (hab : a + b = 1) : a • x + b • y ∈ ball z r := by
rcases eq_or_ne r 0 with (rfl | hr)
· rw [closedBall_zero, mem_singleton_iff] at hx hy
exact (hne (hx.trans hy.symm)).elim
· simp only [← interior_closedBall _ hr] at hx hy⊢
exact strictConvex_closedBall ℝ z r hx hy hne ha hb hab
#align combo_mem_ball_of_ne combo_mem_ball_of_ne

/-- If `x ≠ y` belong to the same closed ball, then the open segment with endpoints `x` and `y` is
included in the corresponding open ball. -/
theorem openSegment_subset_ball_of_ne (hx : x ∈ closedBall z r) (hy : y ∈ closedBall z r)
(hne : x ≠ y) : openSegment ℝ x y ⊆ ball z r :=
(openSegment_subset_iff _).2 fun _ _ => combo_mem_ball_of_ne hx hy hne
#align open_segment_subset_ball_of_ne openSegment_subset_ball_of_ne

/-- If `x` and `y` are two distinct vectors of norm at most `r`, then a convex combination of `x`
and `y` with positive coefficients has norm strictly less than `r`. -/
theorem norm_combo_lt_of_ne (hx : ‖x‖ ≤ r) (hy : ‖y‖ ≤ r) (hne : x ≠ y) (ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b)
(hab : a + b = 1) : ‖a • x + b • y‖ < r := by
simp only [← mem_ball_zero_iff, ← mem_closedBall_zero_iff] at hx hy⊢
exact combo_mem_ball_of_ne hx hy hne ha hb hab
#align norm_combo_lt_of_ne norm_combo_lt_of_ne

/-- In a strictly convex space, if `x` and `y` are not in the same ray, then `‖x + y‖ < ‖x‖ +
‖y‖`. -/
theorem norm_add_lt_of_not_sameRay (h : ¬SameRay ℝ x y) : ‖x + y‖ < ‖x‖ + ‖y‖ := by
simp only [sameRay_iff_inv_norm_smul_eq, not_or, ← Ne.def] at h
rcases h with ⟨hx, hy, hne⟩
rw [← norm_pos_iff] at hx hy
have hxy : 0 < ‖x‖ + ‖y‖ := add_pos hx hy
have :=
combo_mem_ball_of_ne (inv_norm_smul_mem_closed_unit_ball x)
(inv_norm_smul_mem_closed_unit_ball y) hne (div_pos hx hxy) (div_pos hy hxy)
(by rw [← add_div, div_self'])
rwa [mem_ball_zero_iff, div_eq_inv_mul, div_eq_inv_mul, mul_smul, mul_smul, smul_inv_smul₀',
smul_inv_smul₀', ← smul_add, norm_smul, Real.norm_of_nonneg (inv_pos.2 hxy).le, ←
div_eq_inv_mul, div_lt_one hxy] at this
#align norm_add_lt_of_not_same_ray norm_add_lt_of_not_sameRay

theorem lt_norm_sub_of_not_sameRay (h : ¬SameRay ℝ x y) : ‖x‖ - ‖y‖ < ‖x - y‖ := by
nth_rw 1 [← sub_add_cancel x y] at h⊢
exact sub_lt_iff_lt_add.2 (norm_add_lt_of_not_sameRay fun H' => h <| H'.add_left SameRay.rfl)
#align lt_norm_sub_of_not_same_ray lt_norm_sub_of_not_sameRay

theorem abs_lt_norm_sub_of_not_sameRay (h : ¬SameRay ℝ x y) : |‖x‖ - ‖y‖| < ‖x - y‖ := by
refine' abs_sub_lt_iff.2 ⟨lt_norm_sub_of_not_sameRay h, _⟩
rw [norm_sub_rev]
exact lt_norm_sub_of_not_sameRay (mt SameRay.symm h)
#align abs_lt_norm_sub_of_not_same_ray abs_lt_norm_sub_of_not_sameRay

/-- In a strictly convex space, two vectors `x`, `y` are in the same ray if and only if the triangle
inequality for `x` and `y` becomes an equality. -/
theorem sameRay_iff_norm_add : SameRay ℝ x y ↔ ‖x + y‖ = ‖x‖ + ‖y‖ :=
⟨SameRay.norm_add, fun h => Classical.not_not.1 fun h' => (norm_add_lt_of_not_sameRay h').ne h⟩
#align same_ray_iff_norm_add sameRay_iff_norm_add

/-- If `x` and `y` are two vectors in a strictly convex space have the same norm and the norm of
their sum is equal to the sum of their norms, then they are equal. -/
theorem eq_of_norm_eq_of_norm_add_eq (h₁ : ‖x‖ = ‖y‖) (h₂ : ‖x + y‖ = ‖x‖ + ‖y‖) : x = y :=
(sameRay_iff_norm_add.mpr h₂).eq_of_norm_eq h₁
#align eq_of_norm_eq_of_norm_add_eq eq_of_norm_eq_of_norm_add_eq

/-- In a strictly convex space, two vectors `x`, `y` are not in the same ray if and only if the
triangle inequality for `x` and `y` is strict. -/
theorem not_sameRay_iff_norm_add_lt : ¬SameRay ℝ x y ↔ ‖x + y‖ < ‖x‖ + ‖y‖ :=
sameRay_iff_norm_add.not.trans (norm_add_le _ _).lt_iff_ne.symm
#align not_same_ray_iff_norm_add_lt not_sameRay_iff_norm_add_lt

theorem sameRay_iff_norm_sub : SameRay ℝ x y ↔ ‖x - y‖ = |‖x‖ - ‖y‖| :=
⟨SameRay.norm_sub (F := E), fun h =>
Classical.not_not.1 fun h' => (abs_lt_norm_sub_of_not_sameRay h').ne' h⟩
#align same_ray_iff_norm_sub sameRay_iff_norm_sub

theorem not_sameRay_iff_abs_lt_norm_sub : ¬SameRay ℝ x y ↔ |‖x‖ - ‖y‖| < ‖x - y‖ :=
sameRay_iff_norm_sub.not.trans <| ne_comm.trans (abs_norm_sub_norm_le _ _).lt_iff_ne.symm
#align not_same_ray_iff_abs_lt_norm_sub not_sameRay_iff_abs_lt_norm_sub

/-- In a strictly convex space, the triangle inequality turns into an equality if and only if the
middle point belongs to the segment joining two other points. -/
theorem dist_add_dist_eq_iff : dist x y + dist y z = dist x z ↔ y ∈ [x -[ℝ] z] := by
simp only [mem_segment_iff_sameRay, sameRay_iff_norm_add, dist_eq_norm', sub_add_sub_cancel',
#align dist_add_dist_eq_iff dist_add_dist_eq_iff

theorem norm_midpoint_lt_iff (h : ‖x‖ = ‖y‖) : ‖(1 / 2 : ℝ) • (x + y)‖ < ‖x‖ ↔ x ≠ y := by
rw [norm_smul, Real.norm_of_nonneg (one_div_nonneg.2 zero_le_two), ← inv_eq_one_div, ←
div_eq_inv_mul, div_lt_iff (zero_lt_two' ℝ), mul_two, ← not_sameRay_iff_of_norm_eq h,
not_sameRay_iff_norm_add_lt, h]
#align norm_midpoint_lt_iff norm_midpoint_lt_iff

variable {F : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace ℝ F]

variable {PF : Type u} {PE : Type _} [MetricSpace PF] [MetricSpace PE]

variable [NormedAddTorsor F PF] [NormedAddTorsor E PE]

theorem eq_lineMap_of_dist_eq_mul_of_dist_eq_mul {x y z : PE} (hxy : dist x y = r * dist x z)
(hyz : dist y z = (1 - r) * dist x z) : y = AffineMap.lineMap x z r := by
have : y -ᵥ x ∈ [(0 : E) -[ℝ] z -ᵥ x] := by
rw [← dist_add_dist_eq_iff, dist_zero_left, dist_vsub_cancel_right, ← dist_eq_norm_vsub', ←
dist_eq_norm_vsub', hxy, hyz, ← add_mul, add_sub_cancel'_right, one_mul]
rcases eq_or_ne x z with (rfl | hne)
· obtain rfl : y = x := by simpa
simp; rfl
· rw [← dist_ne_zero] at hne
rcases this with ⟨a, b, _, hb, _, H⟩
rw [smul_zero, zero_add] at H
have H' := congr_arg norm H
rw [norm_smul, Real.norm_of_nonneg hb, ← dist_eq_norm_vsub', ← dist_eq_norm_vsub', hxy,
mul_left_inj' hne] at H'
rw [AffineMap.lineMap_apply, ← H', H, vsub_vadd]
#align eq_line_map_of_dist_eq_mul_of_dist_eq_mul eq_lineMap_of_dist_eq_mul_of_dist_eq_mul

theorem eq_midpoint_of_dist_eq_half {x y z : PE} (hx : dist x y = dist x z / 2)
(hy : dist y z = dist x z / 2) : y = midpoint ℝ x z := by
apply eq_lineMap_of_dist_eq_mul_of_dist_eq_mul
· rwa [invOf_eq_inv, ← div_eq_inv_mul]
· rwa [invOf_eq_inv, ← one_div, sub_half, one_div, ← div_eq_inv_mul]
#align eq_midpoint_of_dist_eq_half eq_midpoint_of_dist_eq_half

namespace Isometry

/-- An isometry of `NormedAddTorsor`s for real normed spaces, strictly convex in the case of
the codomain, is an affine isometry. Unlike Mazur-Ulam, this does not require the isometry to
be surjective. -/
noncomputable def affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace {f : PF → PE} (hi : Isometry f) :
PF →ᵃⁱ[ℝ] PE :=
{ AffineMap.ofMapMidpoint f
(fun x y => by
apply eq_midpoint_of_dist_eq_half
· rw [hi.dist_eq, hi.dist_eq]
simp only [dist_left_midpoint, Real.norm_of_nonneg zero_le_two, div_eq_inv_mul]
· rw [hi.dist_eq, hi.dist_eq]
simp only [dist_midpoint_right, Real.norm_of_nonneg zero_le_two, div_eq_inv_mul])
hi.continuous with
norm_map := fun x => by simp [AffineMap.ofMapMidpoint, ← dist_eq_norm_vsub E, hi.dist_eq] }
#align isometry.affine_isometry_of_strict_convex_space Isometry.affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace

theorem coe_affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace {f : PF → PE} (hi : Isometry f) :
⇑hi.affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace = f :=
#align isometry.coe_affine_isometry_of_strict_convex_space Isometry.coe_affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace

theorem affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace_apply {f : PF → PE} (hi : Isometry f) (p : PF) :
hi.affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace p = f p :=
#align isometry.affine_isometry_of_strict_convex_space_apply Isometry.affineIsometryOfStrictConvexSpace_apply

end Isometry

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