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feat: port NumberTheory.SumTwoSquares (#5487)
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Parcly-Taxel committed Jun 26, 2023
1 parent 3aedc70 commit 0b5fe72
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2373,6 +2373,7 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Primorial
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.PythagoreanTriples
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.RamificationInertia
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.SumFourSquares
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.SumTwoSquares
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.VonMangoldt
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.WellApproximable
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Wilson
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245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/SumTwoSquares.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Hughes, Michael Stoll
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module number_theory.sum_two_squares
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 5b2fe80501ff327b9109fb09b7cc8c325cd0d7d9
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.QuadraticReciprocity
import Mathlib.Tactic.LinearCombination

# Sums of two squares
Fermat's theorem on the sum of two squares. Every prime `p` congruent to 1 mod 4 is the
sum of two squares; see `Nat.Prime.sq_add_sq` (which has the weaker assumption `p % 4 ≠ 3`).
We also give the result that characterizes the (positive) natural numbers that are sums
of two squares as those numbers `n` such that for every prime `q` congruent to 3 mod 4, the
exponent of the largest power of `q` dividing `n` is even; see `Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff`.
There is an alternative characterization as the numbers of the form `a^2 * b`, where `b` is a
natural number such that `-1` is a square modulo `b`; see `Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff_eq_sq_mul`.

section Fermat

open GaussianInt

/-- **Fermat's theorem on the sum of two squares**. Every prime not congruent to 3 mod 4 is the sum
of two squares. Also known as **Fermat's Christmas theorem**. -/
theorem Nat.Prime.sq_add_sq {p : ℕ} [Fact p.Prime] (hp : p % 43) :
∃ a b : ℕ, a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 = p := by
apply sq_add_sq_of_nat_prime_of_not_irreducible p
rwa [PrincipalIdealRing.irreducible_iff_prime, prime_iff_mod_four_eq_three_of_nat_prime p]
#align Nat.Prime.sq_add_sq

end Fermat

### Generalities on sums of two squares

section General

/-- The set of sums of two squares is closed under multiplication in any commutative ring.
See also `sq_add_sq_mul_sq_add_sq`. -/
theorem sq_add_sq_mul {R} [CommRing R] {a b x y u v : R} (ha : a = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
(hb : b = u ^ 2 + v ^ 2) : ∃ r s : R, a * b = r ^ 2 + s ^ 2 :=
⟨x * u - y * v, x * v + y * u, by rw [ha, hb]; ring⟩
#align sq_add_sq_mul sq_add_sq_mul

/-- The set of natural numbers that are sums of two squares is closed under multiplication. -/
theorem Nat.sq_add_sq_mul {a b x y u v : ℕ} (ha : a = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) (hb : b = u ^ 2 + v ^ 2) :
∃ r s : ℕ, a * b = r ^ 2 + s ^ 2 := by
zify at ha hb ⊢
obtain ⟨r, s, h⟩ := _root_.sq_add_sq_mul ha hb
refine' ⟨r.natAbs, s.natAbs, _⟩
simpa only [Int.coe_natAbs, sq_abs]
#align nat.sq_add_sq_mul Nat.sq_add_sq_mul

end General

### Results on when -1 is a square modulo a natural number

section NegOneSquare

-- This could be formulated for a general integer `a` in place of `-1`,
-- but it would not directly specialize to `-1`,
-- because `((-1 : ℤ) : ZMod n)` is not the same as `(-1 : ZMod n)`.
/-- If `-1` is a square modulo `n` and `m` divides `n`, then `-1` is also a square modulo `m`. -/
theorem ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_dvd {m n : ℕ} (hd : m ∣ n) (hs : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod n)) :
IsSquare (-1 : ZMod m) := by
let f : ZMod n →+* ZMod m := ZMod.castHom hd _
rw [← RingHom.map_one f, ← RingHom.map_neg]
exact f
#align zmod.is_square_neg_one_of_dvd ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_dvd

/-- If `-1` is a square modulo coprime natural numbers `m` and `n`, then `-1` is also
a square modulo `m*n`. -/
theorem ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_mul {m n : ℕ} (hc : m.coprime n) (hm : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod m))
(hn : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod n)) : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod (m * n)) := by
have : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod m × ZMod n) := by
rw [show (-1 : ZMod m × ZMod n) = ((-1 : ZMod m), (-1 : ZMod n)) from rfl]
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := hm
obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := hn
rw [hx, hy]
exact ⟨(x, y), rfl⟩
simpa only [RingEquiv.map_neg_one] using (ZMod.chineseRemainder hc).symm
#align zmod.is_square_neg_one_mul ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_mul

/-- If a prime `p` divides `n` such that `-1` is a square modulo `n`, then `p % 4 ≠ 3`. -/
theorem Nat.Prime.mod_four_ne_three_of_dvd_isSquare_neg_one {p n : ℕ} (hpp : p.Prime) (hp : p ∣ n)
(hs : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod n)) : p % 43 := by
obtain ⟨y, h⟩ := ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_dvd hp hs
rw [← sq, eq_comm, show (-1 : ZMod p) = -1 ^ 2 by ring] at h
haveI : Fact p.Prime := ⟨hpp⟩
exact ZMod.mod_four_ne_three_of_sq_eq_neg_sq' one_ne_zero h
#align Nat.Prime.mod_four_ne_three_of_dvd_isSquare_neg_one

/-- If `n` is a squarefree natural number, then `-1` is a square modulo `n` if and only if
`n` is not divisible by a prime `q` such that `q % 4 = 3`. -/
theorem ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_iff {n : ℕ} (hn : Squarefree n) :
IsSquare (-1 : ZMod n) ↔ ∀ {q : ℕ}, q.Prime → q ∣ n → q % 43 := by
refine' ⟨fun H q hqp hqd => hqp.mod_four_ne_three_of_dvd_isSquare_neg_one hqd H, fun H => _⟩
induction' n using induction_on_primes with p n hpp ih
· exact False.elim (hn.ne_zero rfl)
· exact ⟨0, by simp only [Fin.zero_mul, neg_eq_zero, Fin.one_eq_zero_iff]⟩
· haveI : Fact p.Prime := ⟨hpp⟩
have hcp : p.coprime n := by
by_contra hc
exact hpp.not_unit (hn p <| mul_dvd_mul_left p <| hpp.dvd_iff_not_coprime.mpr hc)
have hp₁ := ZMod.exists_sq_eq_neg_one_iff.mpr (H hpp (dvd_mul_right p n))
exact ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_mul hcp hp₁
(ih hn.of_mul_right fun hqp hqd => H hqp <| dvd_mul_of_dvd_right hqd _)
#align zmod.is_square_neg_one_iff ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_iff

/-- If `n` is a squarefree natural number, then `-1` is a square modulo `n` if and only if
`n` has no divisor `q` that is `≡ 3 mod 4`. -/
theorem ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_iff' {n : ℕ} (hn : Squarefree n) :
IsSquare (-1 : ZMod n) ↔ ∀ {q : ℕ}, q ∣ n → q % 43 := by
have help : ∀ a b : ZMod 4, a ≠ 3 → b ≠ 3 → a * b ≠ 3 := by decide
rw [ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_iff hn]
refine' ⟨_, fun H q _ => H⟩
intro H
refine' @induction_on_primes _ _ _ (fun p q hp hq hpq => _)
· exact fun _ => by norm_num
· exact fun _ => by norm_num
· replace hp := H hp (dvd_of_mul_right_dvd hpq)
replace hq := hq (dvd_of_mul_left_dvd hpq)
rw [show 3 = 3 % 4 by norm_num, Ne.def, ← ZMod.nat_cast_eq_nat_cast_iff'] at hp hq ⊢
rw [Nat.cast_mul]
exact help p q hp hq
#align zmod.is_square_neg_one_iff' ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_iff'

### Relation to sums of two squares

/-- If `-1` is a square modulo the natural number `n`, then `n` is a sum of two squares. -/
theorem Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_of_isSquare_mod_neg_one {n : ℕ} (h : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod n)) :
∃ x y : ℕ, n = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 := by
induction' n using induction_on_primes with p n hpp ih
· exact ⟨0, 0, rfl⟩
· exact ⟨0, 1, rfl⟩
· haveI : Fact p.Prime := ⟨hpp⟩
have hp : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod p) := ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_dvd ⟨n, rfl⟩ h
obtain ⟨u, v, huv⟩ := Nat.Prime.sq_add_sq ( hp)
obtain ⟨x, y, hxy⟩ := ih (ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_dvd ⟨p, mul_comm _ _⟩ h)
exact Nat.sq_add_sq_mul huv.symm hxy
#align nat.eq_sq_add_sq_of_is_square_mod_neg_one Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_of_isSquare_mod_neg_one

/-- If the integer `n` is a sum of two squares of coprime integers,
then `-1` is a square modulo `n`. -/
theorem ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_eq_sq_add_sq_of_isCoprime {n x y : ℤ} (h : n = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
(hc : IsCoprime x y) : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod n.natAbs) := by
obtain ⟨u, v, huv⟩ : IsCoprime x n := by
have hc2 : IsCoprime (x ^ 2) (y ^ 2) := hc.pow
rw [show y ^ 2 = n + -1 * x ^ 2 by rw [h]; ring] at hc2
exact (IsCoprime.pow_left_iff zero_lt_two).mp hc2.of_add_mul_right_right
have H : u * y * (u * y) - -1 = n * (-v ^ 2 * n + u ^ 2 + 2 * v) := by
linear_combination -u ^ 2 * h + (n * v - u * x - 1) * huv
refine' ⟨u * y, _⟩
conv_rhs => tactic => norm_cast
rw [(by norm_cast : (-1 : ZMod n.natAbs) = (-1 : ℤ))]
exact (ZMod.int_cast_eq_int_cast_iff_dvd_sub _ _ _).mpr (Int.natAbs_dvd.mpr ⟨_, H⟩)
#align zmod.is_square_neg_one_of_eq_sq_add_sq_of_is_coprime ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_eq_sq_add_sq_of_isCoprime

/-- If the natural number `n` is a sum of two squares of coprime natural numbers, then
`-1` is a square modulo `n`. -/
theorem ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_eq_sq_add_sq_of_coprime {n x y : ℕ} (h : n = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)
(hc : x.coprime y) : IsSquare (-1 : ZMod n) := by
zify at h
exact ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_eq_sq_add_sq_of_isCoprime h hc.isCoprime
#align zmod.is_square_neg_one_of_eq_sq_add_sq_of_coprime ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_eq_sq_add_sq_of_coprime

/-- A natural number `n` is a sum of two squares if and only if `n = a^2 * b` with natural
numbers `a` and `b` such that `-1` is a square modulo `b`. -/
theorem Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff_eq_sq_mul {n : ℕ} :
(∃ x y : ℕ, n = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) ↔ ∃ a b : ℕ, n = a ^ 2 * b ∧ IsSquare (-1 : ZMod b) := by
· rintro ⟨x, y, h⟩
by_cases hxy : x = 0 ∧ y = 0
· exact ⟨0, 1, by rw [h, hxy.1, hxy.2, zero_pow zero_lt_two, add_zero, zero_mul],
0, by rw [zero_mul, neg_eq_zero, Fin.one_eq_zero_iff]⟩⟩
· have hg := Nat.pos_of_ne_zero (mt hxy)
obtain ⟨g, x₁, y₁, _, h₂, h₃, h₄⟩ := Nat.exists_coprime' hg
exact ⟨g, x₁ ^ 2 + y₁ ^ 2, by rw [h, h₃, h₄]; ring,
ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_of_eq_sq_add_sq_of_coprime rfl h₂⟩
· rintro ⟨a, b, h₁, h₂⟩
obtain ⟨x', y', h⟩ := Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_of_isSquare_mod_neg_one h₂
exact ⟨a * x', a * y', by rw [h₁, h]; ring⟩
#align nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff_eq_sq_mul Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff_eq_sq_mul

end NegOneSquare

### Characterization in terms of the prime factorization

section Main

/-- A (positive) natural number `n` is a sum of two squares if and only if the exponent of
every prime `q` such that `q % 4 = 3` in the prime factorization of `n` is even.
(The assumption `0 < n` is not present, since for `n = 0`, both sides are satisfied;
the right hand side holds, since `padicValNat q 0 = 0` by definition.) -/
theorem Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff {n : ℕ} :
(∃ x y : ℕ, n = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) ↔ ∀ {q : ℕ}, q.Prime → q % 4 = 3 → Even (padicValNat q n) := by
rcases n.eq_zero_or_pos with (rfl | hn₀)
· exact ⟨fun _ q _ _ => ( q).symm ▸ even_zero, fun _ => ⟨0, 0, rfl⟩⟩
-- now `0 < n`
rw [Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff_eq_sq_mul]
refine' ⟨fun H q hq h => _, fun H => _⟩
· obtain ⟨a, b, h₁, h₂⟩ := H
have hqb := padicValNat.eq_zero_of_not_dvd fun hf =>
(hq.mod_four_ne_three_of_dvd_isSquare_neg_one hf h₂) h
have hab : a ^ 2 * b ≠ 0 := h₁ ▸ hn₀.ne'
have ha₂ := left_ne_zero_of_mul hab
have ha := mt sq_eq_zero_iff.mpr ha₂
have hb := right_ne_zero_of_mul hab
haveI hqi : Fact q.Prime := ⟨hq⟩
simp_rw [h₁, padicValNat.mul ha₂ hb, padicValNat.pow 2 ha, hqb, add_zero]
exact even_two_mul _
· obtain ⟨b, a, hb₀, ha₀, hab, hb⟩ := Nat.sq_mul_squarefree_of_pos hn₀
refine' ⟨a, b, hab.symm, (ZMod.isSquare_neg_one_iff hb).mpr fun {q} hqp hqb hq4 => _⟩
refine' _ (H hqp hq4)
have hqb' : padicValNat q b = 1 :=
b.factorization_def hqp ▸ le_antisymm (Nat.Squarefree.factorization_le_one _ hb)
((hqp.dvd_iff_one_le_factorization hb₀.ne').mp hqb)
haveI hqi : Fact q.Prime := ⟨hqp⟩
simp_rw [← hab, padicValNat.mul (pow_ne_zero 2 ha₀.ne') hb₀.ne', hqb',
padicValNat.pow 2 ha₀.ne']
exact odd_two_mul_add_one _
#align nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff Nat.eq_sq_add_sq_iff

end Main

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