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feat: 'lake exe pole' computes the longest pole (#8361)
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Co-authored-by: Bolton Bailey <>
Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>
Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
  • Loading branch information
4 people committed Apr 28, 2024
1 parent e9a5e8d commit 0e05cbe
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Showing 4 changed files with 241 additions and 1 deletion.
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions LongestPole/Main.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import ImportGraph
import Mathlib.Data.String.Defs
import Std.Lean.Util.Path
import Cli
import LongestPole.SpeedCenterJson

# `lake exe pole`
Longest pole analysis for Mathlib build times.

open Cli
open Lean Meta

/-- Runs a terminal command and retrieves its output -/
def runCmd (cmd : String) (args : Array String) (throwFailure := true) : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output { cmd := cmd, args := args }
if out.exitCode != 0 && throwFailure then throw $ IO.userError out.stderr
else return out.stdout

def runCurl (args : Array String) (throwFailure := true) : IO String := do
runCmd "curl" args throwFailure

def mathlib4RepoId : String := "e7b27246-a3e6-496a-b552-ff4b45c7236e"

namespace SpeedCenterAPI

def runJson (hash : String) (repoId : String := mathlib4RepoId) : IO String :=
runCurl #[s!"{repoId}?hash={hash}"]

def getRunResponse (hash : String) : IO RunResponse := do
let r ← runJson hash
match Json.parse r with
| .error e => throw <| IO.userError s!"Could not parse speed center JSON: {e}\n{r}"
| .ok j => match fromJson? j with
| .ok v => pure v
| .error e => match fromJson? j with
| .ok (v : ErrorMessage) =>
IO.eprintln s!" says: {v.message}"
IO.eprintln s!"Try moving to an older commit?"
IO.Process.exit 1
| .error _ => throw <| IO.userError s!"Could not parse speed center JSON: {e}\n{j}"

def RunResponse.instructions (response : RunResponse) :
NameMap Float := do
let mut r : NameMap Float := ∅
for m in do
let n := m.dimension.benchmark
if n.startsWith "~" then
r := r.insert (n.drop 1).toName m.value
return r

def instructions (run : String) : IO (NameMap Float) :=
return (← getRunResponse run).instructions

end SpeedCenterAPI

def headSha : IO String := return (← runCmd "git" #["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).trim

/-- Given `NameMap`s indicating how many instructions are in each file and which files are imported
by which others, returns a new `NameMap` of the cumulative instructions taken in the longest pole
of imports including that file. -/
partial def cumulativeInstructions (instructions : NameMap Float) (graph : NameMap (Array Name)) :
NameMap Float :=
graph.fold (init := ∅) fun m n _ => go n m
-- Helper which adds the entry for `n` to `m` if it's not already there.
go (n : Name) (m : NameMap Float) : NameMap Float :=
if m.contains n then
let parents := graph.find! n
-- Add all parents to the map first
let m := parents.foldr (init := m) fun parent m => go parent m
-- Determine the maximum cumulative instruction count among the parents
let t := ( fun parent => (m.find! parent)).foldr max 0
m.insert n (instructions.findD n 0 + t)

/-- Given `NameMap`s indicating how many instructions are in each file and which files are imported
by which others, returns a new `NameMap` indicating the last of the parents of each file that would
be built in a totally parallel setting. -/
def slowestParents (cumulative : NameMap Float) (graph : NameMap (Array Name)) :
NameMap Name :=
graph.fold (init := ∅) fun m n parents =>
match parents.toList with
-- If there are no parents, return the file itself
| [] => m
| h :: t => do
let mut slowestParent := h
for parent in t do
if cumulative.find! parent > cumulative.find! slowestParent then
slowestParent := parent
return m.insert n slowestParent

/-- Given `NameMap`s indicating how many instructions are in each file and which files are imported
by which others, returns a new `NameMap` indicating the total instructions taken to compile the
file, including all instructions in transitively imported files.
def totalInstructions (instructions : NameMap Float) (graph : NameMap (Array Name)) :
NameMap Float :=
let transitive := graph.transitiveClosure
fun n s => some <| s.fold (init := instructions.findD n 0)
fun t n' => t + (instructions.findD n' 0)

/-- Convert a float to a string with a fixed number of decimal places. -/
def Float.toStringDecimals (r : Float) (digits : Nat) : String :=
match r.toString.split (· = '.') with
| [a, b] => a ++ "." ++ b.take digits
| _ => r.toString

/-- Implementation of the longest pole command line program. -/
def longestPoleCLI (args : Cli.Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let to ← match args.flag? "to" with
| some to => pure <|! ModuleName
| none => ImportGraph.getCurrentModule -- autodetect the main module from the `lakefile.lean`
searchPathRef.set compile_time_search_path%
unsafe withImportModules #[{module := to}] {} (trustLevel := 1024) fun env => do
let graph := env.importGraph
let sha ← headSha
IO.eprintln s!"Analyzing {to} at {sha}"
let instructions ← SpeedCenterAPI.instructions (sha)
let cumulative := cumulativeInstructions instructions graph
let total := totalInstructions instructions graph
let slowest := slowestParents cumulative graph
let mut table := #[]
let mut n := some to
while hn : n.isSome do
let n' := n.get hn
let i := instructions.findD n' 0
let c := cumulative.find! n'
let t := total.find! n'
let r := (t / c).toStringDecimals 2
table := table.push (n', i/10^6 |>.toUInt64, c/10^6 |>.toUInt64, r)
n := slowest.find? n'
let widest := (·.1.toString.length) |>.toList.maximum?.getD 0
IO.println s!"{"file".rightpad widest} | instructions | (cumulative) | parallelism"
IO.println s!"{"".rightpad widest '-'} | ------------ | ------------ | -----------"
for (name, inst, cumu, speedup) in table do
IO.println s!"{name.toString.rightpad widest} | {(toString inst).leftpad 12} | {(toString cumu).leftpad 12} | x{speedup}"
return 0

/-- Setting up command line options and help text for `lake exe pole`. -/
def pole : Cmd := `[Cli|
pole VIA longestPoleCLI; ["0.0.1"]
"Calculate the longest pole for building Mathlib (or downstream projects).\n" ++
"Use as `lake exe pole` or `lake exe pole --to MyProject.MyFile`.\n\n" ++
"Prints a sequence of imports starting at the target.\n" ++
"For each file, prints the cumulative instructions (in billions)\n" ++
"assuming infinite parallelism, and the speed-up factor over sequential processing."

to : ModuleName; "Calculate the longest pole to the specified module."

/-- `lake exe pole` -/
def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 :=
pole.validate args
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions LongestPole/SpeedCenterJson.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import Lean.Data.Json
open Lean

# `structure`s for the API

namespace SpeedCenterAPI

structure CommitSource where
repo_id : String
hash : String
deriving ToJson, FromJson

structure Source where
source : CommitSource
deriving ToJson, FromJson

structure Dimension where
benchmark : String
metric : String
unit : String
deriving ToJson, FromJson

structure Measurement where
dimension : Dimension
value : Float
deriving ToJson, FromJson

structure Result where
measurements : List Measurement
deriving ToJson, FromJson

structure Run where
id : String
source : Source
result : Result
deriving ToJson, FromJson

/-- The top-level API response for `{repo}/api/run/{guid}?hash={sha}`. -/
structure RunResponse where
run : Run
deriving ToJson, FromJson

/-- The error response-/
structure ErrorMessage where
repo_id : String
message : String
commit_hash : String
deriving ToJson, FromJson

end SpeedCenterAPI
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Data/String/Defs.lean
Expand Up @@ -24,13 +24,21 @@ namespace String

/-- Pad `s : String` with repeated occurrences of `c : Char` until it's of length `n`.
If `s` is initially larger than `n`, just return `s`. -/
def leftpad (n : Nat) (c : Char) (s : String) : String :=
def leftpad (n : Nat) (c : Char := ' ') (s : String) : String :=
⟨List.leftpad n c⟩

/-- Construct the string consisting of `n` copies of the character `c`. -/
def replicate (n : Nat) (c : Char) : String :=
⟨List.replicate n c⟩

-- TODO bring this definition in line with the above, either by:
-- adding `List.rightpad` to Std and changing the definition of `rightpad` here to match
-- or by changing the definition of `leftpad` above to match this
/-- Pad `s : String` with repeated occurrences of `c : Char` on the right until it's of length `n`.
If `s` is initially larger than `n`, just return `s`. -/
def rightpad (n : Nat) (c : Char := ' ') (s : String) : String :=
s ++ String.replicate (n - s.length) c

/-- `s.IsPrefix t` checks if the string `s` is a prefix of the string `t`. -/
def IsPrefix : String → String → Prop
| ⟨d1⟩, ⟨d2⟩ => List.IsPrefix d1 d2
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lakefile.lean
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ require importGraph from git "
lean_lib Mathlib

lean_lib Cache
lean_lib LongestPole
lean_lib MathlibExtras
lean_lib Archive
lean_lib Counterexamples
Expand All @@ -66,6 +67,15 @@ lean_exe shake where
root := `Shake.Main
supportInterpreter := true

`lake exe pole` queries the Mathlib speedcenter for build times for the current commit,
and then calculates the longest pole
(i.e. the sequence of files you would be waiting for during a infinite parallelism build).
lean_exe pole where
root := `LongestPole.Main
supportInterpreter := true

## Other configuration
Expand Down

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