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feat: port CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject (#4020)
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Co-authored-by: int-y1 <>
Co-authored-by: Jujian Zhang <>
Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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4 people committed Jun 13, 2023
1 parent 9b2617a commit 0f286b0
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Showing 2 changed files with 329 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -799,6 +799,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.UnbundledHom
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Conj
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.ConnectedComponents
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Core
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.DiscreteCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Elements
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Elementwise
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328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/DifferentialObject.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.differential_object
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 6876fa15e3158ff3e4a4e2af1fb6e1945c6e8803
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Data.Int.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Shift.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.Basic

# Differential objects in a category.
A differential object in a category with zero morphisms and a shift is
an object `X` equipped with
a morphism `d : obj ⟶ obj⟦1⟧`, such that `d^2 = 0`.
We build the category of differential objects, and some basic constructions
such as the forgetful functor, zero morphisms and zero objects, and the shift functor
on differential objects.

open CategoryTheory.Limits

universe v u

namespace CategoryTheory

variable (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C]

-- TODO: generalize to `HasShift C A` for an arbitrary `[AddMonoid A]` `[One A]`.
variable [HasZeroMorphisms C] [HasShift C ℤ]

/-- A differential object in a category with zero morphisms and a shift is
an object `obj` equipped with
a morphism `d : obj ⟶ obj⟦1⟧`, such that `d^2 = 0`. -/
-- Porting note: Removed `@[nolint has_nonempty_instance]`
structure DifferentialObject where
/-- The underlying object of a differential object. -/
obj : C
/-- The differential of a differential object. -/
d : obj ⟶ obj⟦(1 : ℤ)⟧
/-- The differential `d` satisfies that `d² = 0`. -/
d_squared : d ≫ d⟦(1 : ℤ)⟧' = 0 := by aesop_cat
#align category_theory.differential_object CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject

attribute [simp] DifferentialObject.d_squared

variable {C}

namespace DifferentialObject

/-- A morphism of differential objects is a morphism commuting with the differentials. -/
@[ext] -- Porting note: Removed `nolint has_nonempty_instance`
structure Hom (X Y : DifferentialObject C) where
/-- The morphism between underlying objects of the two differentiable objects. -/
f : X.obj ⟶ Y.obj
comm : X.d ≫ f⟦1⟧' = f ≫ Y.d := by aesop_cat
#align category_theory.differential_object.hom CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.Hom

attribute [reassoc (attr := simp)] Hom.comm

namespace Hom

/-- The identity morphism of a differential object. -/
def id (X : DifferentialObject C) : Hom X X where
f := 𝟙 X.obj

/-- The composition of morphisms of differential objects. -/
def comp {X Y Z : DifferentialObject C} (f : Hom X Y) (g : Hom Y Z) : Hom X Z where
f := f.f ≫ g.f
#align category_theory.differential_object.hom.comp CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.Hom.comp

end Hom

instance categoryOfDifferentialObjects : Category (DifferentialObject C) where
Hom := Hom
id :=
comp f g := Hom.comp f g
#align category_theory.differential_object.category_of_differential_objects CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.categoryOfDifferentialObjects

-- Porting note: added
theorem ext {A B : DifferentialObject C} {f g : A ⟶ B} (w : f.f = g.f := by aesop_cat) : f = g :=
Hom.ext _ _ w

theorem id_f (X : DifferentialObject C) : (𝟙 X : X ⟶ X).f = 𝟙 X.obj := rfl
#align category_theory.differential_object.id_f CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.id_f

theorem comp_f {X Y Z : DifferentialObject C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) : (f ≫ g).f = f.f ≫ g.f := rfl
#align category_theory.differential_object.comp_f CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.comp_f

theorem eqToHom_f {X Y : DifferentialObject C} (h : X = Y) :
Hom.f (eqToHom h) = eqToHom (congr_arg _ h) := by
subst h
rw [eqToHom_refl, eqToHom_refl]
#align category_theory.differential_object.eq_to_hom_f CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.eqToHom_f

variable (C)

/-- The forgetful functor taking a differential object to its underlying object. -/
def forget : DifferentialObject C ⥤ C where
obj X := X.obj
map f := f.f
#align category_theory.differential_object.forget CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.forget

instance forget_faithful : Faithful (forget C) where
#align category_theory.differential_object.forget_faithful CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.forget_faithful

instance {X Y : DifferentialObject C} : Zero (X ⟶ Y) := ⟨{f := 0}⟩

variable {C}

theorem zero_f (P Q : DifferentialObject C) : (0 : P ⟶ Q).f = 0 := rfl
#align category_theory.differential_object.zero_f CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.zero_f

instance hasZeroMorphisms : HasZeroMorphisms (DifferentialObject C) where
#align category_theory.differential_object.has_zero_morphisms CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.hasZeroMorphisms

/-- An isomorphism of differential objects gives an isomorphism of the underlying objects. -/
def isoApp {X Y : DifferentialObject C} (f : X ≅ Y) : X.obj ≅ Y.obj where
hom := f.hom.f
inv := f.inv.f
hom_inv_id := by dsimp; rw [← comp_f, Iso.hom_inv_id, id_f]
inv_hom_id := by dsimp; rw [← comp_f, Iso.inv_hom_id, id_f]
#align category_theory.differential_object.iso_app CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.isoApp

theorem isoApp_refl (X : DifferentialObject C) : isoApp (Iso.refl X) = Iso.refl X.obj := rfl
#align category_theory.differential_object.iso_app_refl CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.isoApp_refl

theorem isoApp_symm {X Y : DifferentialObject C} (f : X ≅ Y) : isoApp f.symm = (isoApp f).symm :=
#align category_theory.differential_object.iso_app_symm CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.isoApp_symm

theorem isoApp_trans {X Y Z : DifferentialObject C} (f : X ≅ Y) (g : Y ≅ Z) :
isoApp (f ≪≫ g) = isoApp f ≪≫ isoApp g := rfl
#align category_theory.differential_object.iso_app_trans CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.isoApp_trans

/-- An isomorphism of differential objects can be constructed
from an isomorphism of the underlying objects that commutes with the differentials. -/
def mkIso {X Y : DifferentialObject C} (f : X.obj ≅ Y.obj) (hf : X.d ≫ f.hom⟦1⟧' = f.hom ≫ Y.d) :
X ≅ Y where
hom := ⟨f.hom, hf⟩
inv := ⟨f.inv, by
rw [← Functor.mapIso_inv, Iso.comp_inv_eq, Category.assoc, Iso.eq_inv_comp, Functor.mapIso_hom,
hom_inv_id := by ext1; dsimp; exact f.hom_inv_id
inv_hom_id := by ext1; dsimp; exact f.inv_hom_id
#align category_theory.differential_object.mk_iso CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.mkIso

end DifferentialObject

namespace Functor

universe v' u'

variable (D : Type u') [Category.{v'} D]

variable [HasZeroMorphisms D] [HasShift D ℤ]

/-- A functor `F : C ⥤ D` which commutes with shift functors on `C` and `D` and preserves zero
morphisms can be lifted to a functor `DifferentialObject C ⥤ DifferentialObject D`. -/
def mapDifferentialObject (F : C ⥤ D)
(η : (shiftFunctor C (1 : ℤ)).comp F ⟶ F.comp (shiftFunctor D (1 : ℤ)))
(hF : ∀ c c', (0 : c ⟶ c') = 0) : DifferentialObject C ⥤ DifferentialObject D where
obj X :=
{ obj := F.obj X.obj
d := X.d ≫ η.app X.obj
d_squared := by
rw [Functor.map_comp, ← Functor.comp_map F (shiftFunctor D (1 : ℤ))]
slice_lhs 2 3 => rw [← η.naturality X.d]
rw [Functor.comp_map]
slice_lhs 1 2 => rw [← F.map_comp, X.d_squared, hF]
rw [zero_comp, zero_comp] }
map f :=
{ f := f.f
comm := by
slice_lhs 2 3 => rw [← Functor.comp_map F (shiftFunctor D (1 : ℤ)), ← η.naturality f.f]
slice_lhs 1 2 => rw [Functor.comp_map, ← F.map_comp, f.comm, F.map_comp]
rw [Category.assoc] }
map_id := by intros; ext; simp
map_comp := by intros; ext; simp
#align category_theory.functor.map_differential_object CategoryTheory.Functor.mapDifferentialObject

end Functor

end CategoryTheory

namespace CategoryTheory

namespace DifferentialObject

variable (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C]

variable [HasZeroObject C] [HasZeroMorphisms C] [HasShift C ℤ]

open scoped ZeroObject

instance hasZeroObject : HasZeroObject (DifferentialObject C) := by
-- Porting note( added `aesop_cat`
-- Porting note: added `simp only [eq_iff_true_of_subsingleton]`
refine' ⟨⟨⟨0, 0, by aesop_cat⟩, fun X => ⟨⟨⟨⟨0, by aesop_cat⟩⟩, fun f => _⟩⟩,
fun X => ⟨⟨⟨⟨0, by aesop_cat⟩⟩, fun f => _⟩⟩⟩⟩ <;> ext <;>
simp only [eq_iff_true_of_subsingleton]
#align category_theory.differential_object.has_zero_object CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.hasZeroObject

end DifferentialObject

namespace DifferentialObject

variable (C : Type (u + 1)) [LargeCategory C] [ConcreteCategory C] [HasZeroMorphisms C]
[HasShift C ℤ]

instance concreteCategoryOfDifferentialObjects : ConcreteCategory (DifferentialObject C) where
forget := forget C ⋙ CategoryTheory.forget C
#align category_theory.differential_object.concrete_category_of_differential_objects CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.concreteCategoryOfDifferentialObjects

instance : HasForget₂ (DifferentialObject C) C where
forget₂ := forget C

end DifferentialObject

/-! The category of differential objects itself has a shift functor. -/

namespace DifferentialObject

variable (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C]

variable [HasZeroMorphisms C] [HasShift C ℤ]

noncomputable section

/-- The shift functor on `DifferentialObject C`. -/
def shiftFunctor (n : ℤ) : DifferentialObject C ⥤ DifferentialObject C where
obj X :=
{ obj := X.obj⟦n⟧
d := X.d⟦n⟧' ≫ (shiftComm _ _ _).hom
d_squared := by
rw [Functor.map_comp, Category.assoc, shiftComm_hom_comp_assoc, ← Functor.map_comp_assoc,
X.d_squared, Functor.map_zero, zero_comp] }
map f :=
{ f := f.f⟦n⟧'
comm := by
erw [Category.assoc, shiftComm_hom_comp, ← Functor.map_comp_assoc, f.comm,
rfl }
map_id X := by ext1; dsimp; rw [Functor.map_id]
map_comp f g := by ext1; dsimp; rw [Functor.map_comp]
#align category_theory.differential_object.shift_functor CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.shiftFunctor

/-- The shift functor on `DifferentialObject C` is additive. -/
nonrec def shiftFunctorAdd (m n : ℤ) :
shiftFunctor C (m + n) ≅ shiftFunctor C m ⋙ shiftFunctor C n := by
refine' NatIso.ofComponents (fun X => mkIso (shiftAdd X.obj _ _) _) (fun f => _)
· dsimp
rw [← cancel_epi ((shiftFunctorAdd C m n) X.obj)]
simp only [Category.assoc, Iso.inv_hom_id_app_assoc]
erw [← NatTrans.naturality_assoc]
simp only [Functor.map_comp, Category.assoc,
shiftFunctorComm_hom_app_comp_shift_shiftFunctorAdd_hom_app 1 m n X.obj,
· ext; dsimp; exact NatTrans.naturality _ _
#align category_theory.differential_object.shift_functor_add CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.shiftFunctorAdd


/-- The shift by zero is naturally isomorphic to the identity. -/
def shiftZero : shiftFunctor C 0 ≅ 𝟭 (DifferentialObject C) := by
refine' NatIso.ofComponents (fun X => mkIso ((shiftFunctorZero C ℤ).app X.obj) _) (fun f => _)
· erw [← NatTrans.naturality]
simp only [shiftFunctorZero_hom_app_shift, Category.assoc]
· aesop_cat
#align category_theory.differential_object.shift_zero CategoryTheory.DifferentialObject.shiftZero


instance : HasShift (DifferentialObject C) ℤ :=
hasShiftMk _ _
{ F := shiftFunctor C
zero := shiftZero C
add := shiftFunctorAdd C
assoc_hom_app := fun m₁ m₂ m₃ X => by
convert shiftFunctorAdd_assoc_hom_app m₁ m₂ m₃ X.obj
dsimp [shiftFunctorAdd']
zero_add_hom_app := fun n X => by
convert shiftFunctorAdd_zero_add_hom_app n X.obj
add_zero_hom_app := fun n X => by
convert shiftFunctorAdd_add_zero_hom_app n X.obj
simp }


end DifferentialObject

end CategoryTheory

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